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Moon Beam's eyes followed the white dagger as Steel placed it in front of her. She kept her eyes on the dagger as he talked. She looked at Steel for a quick second as he explained the "void" to her, but looked back at the blade almost instantly. Her eyes narrowed and her head moved forward slightly as she studied the cross on the dagger. When Steel said that he would always protect her, and she smiled. She then put her hoof on the knife and pulled it towards herself. She slid her hoof off and looked at it. It was such a pure white it almost glowed.


After a while of looking at the dagger, she finally picked it up. She slowly stood up and stepped off of the bed. She didn't take her eyes off the dagger. Moon Beam stopped when she was in the middle of the canopy. She turned to Steel, then looked at him and smirked. She began twirling the dagger swiftly in her hoof. "I sort of know how to use one of these." she said, still swirling the knife. "I'm going to go see if I still have the skills I used to have. Want to come with me?" Moon Beam asked as she walked towards the entrance of the canopy. "Oh by the way," she began as she walked over to Steel. "thank you." she said softly, then kissed him on the cheek. "I'll be outside if you want to join me."

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Steel watched her examine the dagger when she said she was going to see I she still had skills to use a dagger he smiled when she kisses him and said she would be outside if he wanted to join her "yea I think will join you since I to have skill with daggers" steel said then followed her outside "we should probably leave soon" then steel seen frost with blood on him he waked over to him " what happened to you"steel asked as he pulled out a jug "wash the blood off yourself you'll attract attention"steel said then walked over to moonbeam "so what can you do with a dagger"steel asked as he pulled his out and spun it with grace and elegance and then tree it into a tree hitting a small bug and pinning it to the tree, he looked like he couldnt careless about moonbeam or anything else-man this sucks but at least I had some time with her by myself and I'm sure we will have more time together- steel thought as he walked over to the tree and pulled out the dagger he watird the bug struggle to fly before he crushed it

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Frost opened his eyes and jolted awake when the jug hit him, he shook his head trying to regain his bearing. He looked up at Steel and rolled his eyes, throwing the jug to the side. "I have my own water, but thanks anyway." he said sarcastically as he stood back on his feet, he had to balance himself for a second. Once he had accomplished that he walked back over to his bags and put them on. He felt something poke him unexpectedly and he reached into his bag to pull out a long almost saber like sword. He looked at his reflection in the blade, it was almost like a mirror he thought. "Ahhhhhh it's you, yah little bastard. I thought Id never see you again." he chuckled as he remembered that what he was holding was the sword his father had givin him when he had achieved the name of "Chain Monk." , but to him it was more of a tool than a gift. His father believed in work and duty over love, and that confused him. His thoughts were cut short when a dagger hit the tree a few inches away from him. He glared at Steel. "Why don't you watch what your doing lover boy." he growled clenching his dagger.


((OOC: If you want them to fight that's fine, or I'd not I really don't care, just trying to converse))

Edited by Frosty V
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((I think they should hav at least one fight sorry it too so long to reply))

Steel cut his eyes to frost "I'm no lover I'm a fighter and a killer and I won't think to kill you"steel said pulling his daggers "so if yo want to fight then bring it on"steel said he had wanted to see how well he fought anyways "but be warned I will not hold back"steel said as he turned and faced frost -I need to be careful and controle my anger so I don't shift if that happens frost will die- thought as he stilled himself and kept his breathing even he spread his wings ad started shifting his weight from side to side he spun his dagger waiting for frost to strike this could be very easy but steel reserved judgement since he hadn't seen frost fight at all only spin his blades -hopefully moonbeam won't get mad at us fighting or what I said about being a fighter and killer, she knows who I am who I really am-steel thought- Maybe if he makes an attempt at being nice I'll at least be civil to him and maybe I'll even let him in and show him who I really am

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Frost rolled his eyes. "Fine if you say so." he said dropping his cloak to reveal the chains that were connected to his daggers spiraled all the way up his legs and connected to a brace strapped on each shoulder. "You should pick your fights more carefully." he chuckled with a smile that instantly turned serious. "I can't let loose all of my knowledge. It could be fatal to all of us." he thought as he took his fighting stance, his eyes, daggers, and chains began to glow a very bright white. "I'm the Chain Monk, Frost Typhoon. Learn it well for it will be the name you will call out to for mercy." he growled. He knew his reputation was high, but not sure how high. He took a moment to look Steel over. "Light, agile, daggers, Pegasus." he went through all the factors in his head. "His fighting style should be easy to predict....once I see it." he thought as he spunhisblades in a sort of taunting motion shifting his weight in a back, forwards motion. "Your move, after all ladies first." he chuckled the last part under his breath.

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Steel watched frost " chain monk thats nice although you'll be the one begging for mercy" steel said then took flight insted of throwing knives like he normally would he changed his off hand to a hatchet and dove at frost before he could even react steel dove left and back up watching frost the whole time to see his reaction -he thinks he can handle me, so I think I'll t

Play for a while and let him think he's going to win then I really show him me power and ability hebneeda to learn after all eveypony should know that im not one to be trifled with-steel thought -he's seen me throw before so he knows my accuracy and probably knows my ability with daggers maybe I should switch weapons completely and use the mini syth that's in my bag he wouldn't be able to predict thy at all-steel was spinning the dagger and hatchet he was a master with Rhodes as well as all small blades weapons so he could switch weapons at any moment and be fine

(diggs are hard to do in the advanced role-plays escpilly if you don't controle anther persons oc))

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Frost watched as the knives came at him, he let out a small chuckle before slowly lpoking at Steel. "Chain Shield." he muttered in an almost mocking tone as magic chains wrapped around his body and causing the knives to either shatter or bounce off on contact. "I don't know if he is used to magic being along side chain style fighting, but givin his hatchet, that must mean he has a vast array of experience with different weapons." he said trying to calculate and understand his opponent to the best of his ability. "He is holding something back, these attacks are coming off as playful....." he thought even harder about why somepony of Steels character would want to hold something back. "Unless he's trying to tire me out, or waiting for me to become cocky. Interesting calculations, interesting outcome, well it looks as if I will have to adjust accordingly to any thing he might throw at me." he muttered under his breath as took a defensive stance, "Taunting could work." he thought, he was not a fan of taunting, but he wasn't going to let this stallion beat him. "Ooohh! Lover boy still a bit soft is he? Well that's a shame, you can do better." he scoffed

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Steel was done playing -if he wants to play hard ball than ill play hard ball- steel thought as he let his anger go, when he did his dagger took on a red aura and his eyes turned solid black ,even the white of the eye changed,and they reflected no light then his wings shifted to a draconic state with bones showing and than his coat changed to solid black with fire starting at his hooves and going up his legs, his mane shifted then to a firery state alnong with his tail "you want to fight well then fight me, I am the spawn an I will kill you and drag you to hell" steel said in a demonic voice with a crule smile. Steel put the hatchet up and pulled out a black dagger with a glowing red pentagram on it,and began to laugh because his new dagger was foraged in hell and could cut anything as well as banish anypony or anything to hell

((from now on if he is in a total shift like now his name is hellspawn or simply spawn note thus is what he wanted to tell moonbeam about fun right now frost will have to fight the devils watchdog))

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Frost kept a straight face when Steel went through his transformation, but mentally he was surprised. "Hmmm, I can't tell if that's his true form or just an opposite soul." he thought, switching his thoughts to his opposite soul Iustus, meaning Soul of the Just. He only showed himself as a last resort, it was not a pick and choose kinda situation. Frost took a step back and gave a bow. "Pleasure to make your aquantince Spawn, oh! And for the record, I prefer not to be dragged to hell, it's a bit muggy for my taste." he said with a chuckle as he came up from the bow. "A demon huh? I've fought a few, but none of his caliber." he thought looking down at his daggers. "You will not do for this battle, I'm sorry. Chain Saber." he muttered as his daggers grew longer and finer in a flash a light. He looked back up at the demon, "So, are you just going to stand there? Or are you going to do something?" he said as he began to spin his sabers by the chains faster and faster. "Fine, Blind Fog." he said as the glowing magic around him burst into a large fog making it hardto see past ones hoof

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Steel followed close behind Moon Beam as she walked out of the canopy. He said that they should leave soon, then she heard him walk off. She didn't bother to see where he was going, but instead kept walking to find a good place to train. She found an open area with a couple small trees. "Good for starters." she said quietly.


Moon Beam started spinning the pure white blade in her hoof. She shifted her weight from side to side as she focused on one of the small trees. Her eyes narrowed, and her wings open and feel to her sides. After a while, she lifted the dagger, spun quickly, then extended her leg and let go of the knife to send it flying into the small tree. It hit the base of one of the branches and cute it off. The dagger kept flying after it broke the branch and got stuck in another tree behind the first one. "Oh.." she said softly to herself. She walked over to the dagger and yanked it out of the tree. It now had sap stuck to the tip of the blade. "Dammit.." she said as she began rubbing the blade. After a little while she got most of the sap off. "Ugh, I'll have to get some water afterwards and try to scrub this off." she muttered as she turned and walked back to the little area she began at. Suddenly, a bunny hoopoes out of the bushes. Moon Beam heard the rustling and her eyes quickly looked to where the animal stood. She narrowed her eyes. "Huh.. Well, I've had bunny before. And this is also good practice." she said, before getting into a fighting stance yet again. Again she lifted the dagger, but this time she hopped into the air as she spun, and as she let go of the dagger she flapped her wings quickly to stay in the air. She heard the sound of the dagger ripping through the bunnies skin, muscles, and bones. She smirked. "Again, good for starters. I haven't used a dagger in a while, but that was pretty good for not practicing for like four years." she chuckled then walked over to where the bunny now lay, dead. She pulled out the dagger and cleaned it off with her hoof. She put the dagger in her mouth and picked up the bunny. "I hope the guys will like rabbit for lunch." she muttered through her clenched teeth tightly holding the dagger.


Moon Beam began walking back to the area that Frost and Steel were in. She stopped suddenly when she saw Steel in his fighting stance and Frost glowing white. They both had out a dagger and looked about ready to kill each other. "No!" she screamed both scared and angry at the two dumb stallions as the dagger dropped to the ground.

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((steel dosnt look like himself he has shifted forms and he talkswith a demonic voice dashie just so you know and when genus in spawn form he's not accually himself he's more like a demon and he's very crule and ruthless in fights and everything he does)) spawn watched a frosts baldes got bigger than a white fog began to spread it wa so badSpawn wasnt able to see anyhthing more than a few inches in fornt of

His face, So he used his wings to blow it away and was about to attcking when he heard moonbeam he looked over at her and laughed as he flew over to her "what can't take a little blood shed and he deserves to go to hell anyways hes just an little worm competed to me "spawn said in his demonic voice and laughed and then flew at frost a crule smile on his face his blades spinning then with one move he blindsided frost and sliced frosts leg open before flying high into the air spinning himself throwing ten throwing stars Beas still playing with frost it was one thing that wasthe same with steel and spawn

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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((ya I started writing that before I saw the other posts lol sorry))


The evil looking pegasus flew over to Moon Beam. As he spoke, she realized that his voice sounded slightly like Steel's, but more demonic. She cringed and stepped back in fear as her ears lied back on her head. When the pegasus flew back to Frost, Moon Beam relaxed slightly, but she was still afraid. She knew that the stallion was Steel, she could feel it. However, he didn't look like Steel, nor was he acting like him. She know he was in there somewhere.


Moon Beam saw Steel attack Frost then fly into the air and fling throwing stars at the stallion still standing on the ground. She was absolutely terrified because of his new attitude. For a while, she was so terrified she couldn't move. She was frozen in fear. Suddenly, she grabbed the dagger that fell from her mouth not too long ago and ran for the canopy. As soon as she was inside, she closed the entrance, hoping she wasn't noticed or that they would come after her.


Moon Beam sat down, breathing heavily. Her eyes were wide, and soon they were tearing up. She only felt safe with Steel, but he was gone. Moon Beam was absolutely terrified, but she was terrified of him. A tear slid down her cheek as she ran for the back of the canopy and quickly made an entrance. She closed it behind her frantically and began running. Her vision was blurred by the tears, but she knew she had to keep going. She soon found the little area she had discovered before and sat down in the middle. She closed her eyes and tried to calm down. Her breathing slowed and she felt okay again. A few minutes later, she opened her eyes and they were glowing red.

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((Oh I knew that I was just finding stuff to fill. He was just wondering wether it was somebody completely different or not.))


Frost barely moved when Spawn sliced him in the leg. He slowly looked up at Spawn when he threw the knifes. All ten punctured his skin causing blood to spill over the already dryer blood on his chest area. He looked at the knifes and then back to Spawn. "Really? I thought you would see past this, but givin your a demon I would expect nothing less. Have at him." the clone said as it burst into smoke. Frost was high in the air behind Spawn. He unraveled his chains not completely and flung them at Spawn, wrapping around his neck. Frost pulled himself forward at great speed and kicked Spawn in the jaw with just enough force as not to shatter it. As Spawn was sent flying towards the earth he pulled back on the chains causing them to unravel from Spawn's neck, the blades cutting him as they were completely seperated. Frost landed and smirked. "And you call yourself a demon? Pathetic." he said straight faced


((I was planning for Frost to kind of pummel Spawn until he was angry, very angry. Then tip him over the edge with a comment about "how could he protect Moon if he is this weak" kinda thing, this causing him to go all out on Frost, then causing Frost to go all out, hopefully leading to a draw, where they somewhat respect eachother afterwards......just a suggestion.))

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Moon Beam sat there, not moving, barely breathing. Her face was blank and emotionless. After a while, she slowly extended her wings. Once they were fully opened, blades appeared at the tips of the feathers of her wings. She got up slowly, and as she stood her wings began to glow a luminescent purple, as did the trees and plants around her. As she walked, the other plants began glowing also. The flowers and plants around her hooves died as her hooves hit the ground, and when her hoof lifted up, the plants would grow yet again.


Moon Beam suddenly stopped walking, and lifted her head towards the sky. She examined the tree branches above her, figuring out a way to et through them. She quickly opened her wings and lifted into the air. She flew high above the clouds, then stopped flapping her wings and let herself fall. She closed her eyes as she fell faster and faster. Her back was facing towards the ground, and before she could get too close to the tree tops, she turned to face the earth and quickly opened her wings. She jolted in the air and lifted up a few feet. Soon, she was hovering above the forest. She turned her head to the left, and saw the clearing where Steel and Frost were fighting. "I did this because of you." she whispered as her eyes and wings glowed even brighter.

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((that would work but is spawn form his anger is what is driving his blades so he is over the edge and spawn himself dosnt care about moonbeam and te draw idea will work if you van mak a way for steel to clam down since amge is what is fueling spawn)) spawn was surprised when the frost he attacked tuned out to be a clone and than as he was attack he felt no pain "I do not call my self a demon"spawn siad as the fire From his hooves traveled up his boast to his wounds and healed them "well that was fun"spawn said as he took flight as he did so a pentagram drew itself under him "now to can fight some real demons" spawn said as the pentagram split the earth open an demons and imps flew out of it and compleatly surrounded frost as this was happening spawn saw moonbeam run away and smiled -good she fears-spawn thought -nooo moonbeam I must fight this for her-steel thought as he was just a passenger in his own body forced to watch what happend unable to do anything

-you can't do anythig you fool I'm in controle now-spawn thought at steel

-I will not let you hurt her-steel though

His body started to shift back "aughhhhhh no you don't steel this is my body"spawn yelled as he shifted back to his full form

((i decide to show why was haapping inte head of steel/spawn))

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Moon Beams eyes went wide when she heard "Steel" yell. Then she narrowed her eyes and her ears lied back on her head. Her neck stretched forward slightly as she strained to see what was happening in the clearing. She saw "Steel" hovering above the huge gap he had created in the ground. She saw his start to change, start to become Steel again. Then in an instant, he went back to the full strange Steel she didn't know not did she want to know. Her heart sank and she sighed. "Oh Steel, I know you're in there somewhere." she said softly to herself in a sweet, caring voice. For a while, she didn't take her eyes off of this evil stallion she once knew as the caring, loving Steel. Her ears stayed flat on her head and her eyes' and wings' glow dulled a bit.


"Come on Moon Beam, snap out of it. He's not Steel anymore, he doesn't care about you.. You did this to protect yourself, right? This wasn't all for nothing." she said to herself, as she closed her eyes and shook her head. Suddenly, she was alert again, her face showed no emotion, and she looked cold hearted. She looked as if she was ready for anything that came her way. She looked back at "Steel" and "Frost. She wasn't about to go over there and get herself killed in the middle of their fight, and she had no where else to go. "I can't just fly here. "Steel" will probably see me and come after me. I dont need that, I'll most likely get killed. Dammit..." she muttered, still staring at the two.

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Frost looked around at the demons who had emerged from the ground. He bowed again. "Nice to meet you all, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to cut our greetings short......literally." he muttered as he threw his blades into the ground. White vain like figures stretched out and spread to the other demons, beginning to wrap around them. "See you in hell." he muttered as he ripped the blades from the ground, causing the figures to do the same, cutting the demons into pieces. He looked back over at Spawn. "This is pointless, I'm here to fight Steel not you. At least HE wouldn't have others do the battling for him. Coward." he said as he wrapped his blades around his arms again and sat on his rump. He just stared Spawn down. "A demon sharing a body with a mortal huh?" he said rubbing his hoof on his chin. "Interesting. It's amazing you can stay in tact, let alone fight, two seperate souls seems like quite a task to keep up with." he said nodding his head keeping eye contact with Spawn. The contrast between the two was great. Darkness and light, almost as if it was out of a movie. While Frost pondered the same white shadow figure was creeping up behind Spawn, Frost was just waiting for it to make contact.

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it took most of steels mental power to shift that little bit he couldn't do it again so he thought about moonbeam as be did so his anger dulled and he started to shift back -no you can't win-spawn thought as he shifted the shift was slow once he shifted back steel flew high into the sky and lanes in a cloud and closed himself in "I need to learn to control spawn he was going to kill them"steel said as he done a half shift he had the eyes voice and the fire on his hooves like spawn be he was still himself he shifted back and forth once he was satisfied he could control the shift he stopped and passed out the shift was fueled by anger and it took a lot to control spawn when He was exreamly angry and he had no more energy left to do anything but sleep

(( I thought it was time that spawn go away for a bit since spawn is pretty overpowered and he can't die unless you kill steel with the holy blade so he's not going to show up often he will mostly do half shifts when he shifts to avoid the op problem because op isn't fun because you can beat anything))

Edited by dashian500

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Moon Beam saw "Frost" kill the demons that "Steel" had created. She watched as he sat down, looking almost bored. "Damn.. Some pony is a bit of a show off." she mumbled. Suddenly, she looked back at "Steel". He started to shift back to himself, then to the evil stallion, then back to himself, then the stallion. She saw him fly up into the clouds, and was soon out of sight. Moon Beam flew forward a short distance, peering up into the clouds attempting to see "Steel", or maybe even Steel. However, she couldn't see anything. She glanced back at "Frost", realizing she was flying dangerously close to him. Moon Beam didn't want to have any contact with "Frost", since she didn't want to possibly have to defend herself against him. So, she stopped mid-flight, and began backing up slowly, keeping her eyes on "Frost", hoping he wouldn't notice her. Suddenly, she flew into a cloud and was soon surrounded in its dense fog. She couldn't see anything, and she couldn't breathe. She felt closed in and trapped. Soon, she was falling to the ground, unconscious.

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Frost sat as his white aura faded away, he looked at his right hoofed dagger, more tallymarks burned into the blade, the same number as the demons he had just previously killed. he looked back up to see Steel and Spawn begin to switch places rapidly. He tilted his head before he remembered that they had been sharing the same body. Steel flew up into the clouds and Frost followed him with his eyes. "Hmmmm, that seems to be a problem for him. Weeelp, guess the battle will have to wait." he said as he began to stand up, spinning in the other direction as he did so. He had just enough time to see Moon Beam dart away into a nearby cloud and shut herself in. Frost let out a said sigh as he trotted under the cloud. "Uhhhh.....Moon Beam?" he yelled out, "Moon Beam we are all good down here it was just a friendly little game." he said in a awkward tone as he sat down once again. "Moon Beam?" he asked, no answer. "Moon-" he was cut off when he saw her fall from the cloud. "Crap!" he hissed as he levitated his blanket from his pouch and held it out to catch her before she hit the ground.

Edited by Frosty V
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Moon Beam was jolted awake. She immediately started looking around, frantic and scared. She saw Frost standing next to the thing she had landed on and started yelling. When she had fainted, her eyes and wings stopped glowing, but now they were again letting off a luminescent light as she desperately tried to get off of the thing she was laying on. Her eyes became even brighter than they were before, and she looked both angry and scared. Moon Beam fell off of what she knew now as a blanket in her frightened attempt to get away from Frost. "Stay away from me! I don't want to fight you, but I sure as hell will if I need to! So back off, Frost! Just, back off!" she yelled once he was on her feet. She snapped her wings quickly to extend the blades so they were more visible now. "Don't.." she gulped, "Don't come near me, Frost." she said softly, but sternly as she straightened up and took a step back. "Just, just don't.. I dont want a fight." Moon Beam kept her eyes on Frost as she flapped her wings and lifted into the air. She narrowed her eyes as she slowly backed away a few feet, then began hovering, still watching him.

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Frost backed away when Moon Beam jolted awake. It had startled him, but when he tried to walk back over to see if she was alright she jumped up and told him to back up and stay away. He fell on his rump from her sudden yelling he slid back a few feet before standing up again. "Hey, hey calm you jets Moon. Why the hell would I want to fight you. If I wanted you dead I would have just let you splat on the ground like an apple." he said with a frown. He held out his fore legs and the chains and daggers formed into jet black tattoo looking patterns on his legs. "Look no weapons, no nothing. I don't want to fight you I just want to see if your alright." he said slowly stepping forward step by step and stopped a few inches away. "Look. I'm not going to hurt you, ok?" he said in a soft tone as he say in front of her. "Sit, let's just take a second to calm down alright. Me and Steel were only seddeling our differences." he said pulling out some water from his bag. "Here." he said as he slid the canister over to her and waiting for her to either drink and calm down, or stab him.

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Frost didn't look like he did when him and "Steel" were fighting, so Moon Beam calmed down a bit. Her eyes and wings stopped glowing, yet her eyes remained a vibrant red. She lighted down and sat in front of the canister of water Frost had slid over to her. She didn't take her eyes off of him as she sat down, then she looked down at the canister and picked it up. She opened it, then looked back at Frost. "Thanks." she said before she began drinking. Once she was done she closed it back up and slid it over to Frost. She inspected the stallion, looking over his mane and tattooed arms. "Looks like regular old Frost." she thought. She slowly stood up and walked over to Frost, then sat about two feet away from him. Her face was blank, and she looked as cold as Steel did when he was around Frost.


Since Moon Beam was closer now, she could get a better look at him. "Yup, just Frost." she thought as she relaxed. "So uuh, what happened to Steel? The last thing I remember is trying to look for him when he flew up there." she said as she pointed to where Steel, or "Steel, flew off to. "And more importantly, what was happening to him?"

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Frost lowered his goods slowly when she sat, he just kept eye contact with Moon Beam as she drank. When she was finished she thanked him and he gave a small bow type gesture to show her it was no problem, but when she got closer to him he became abut concerned, givin the fact that he considered Moon Beam to be unstable after her little "outburst" against him just moments ago. When she got close he kept a straight face and looked her directly in the eye, showing that he was whose had said he was. She looked cold, almost as cold as Steel did around him. "Geez, just because I've got tattoos that turn into weapons, and I'm not afraid to express my feelings good, or bad dosent seem like a perfect resin for everypony to be plotholes all the time." he thought letting out a small "heh".


When she asked about Steel he just shrugged. "It wasn't even Steel I was fighting, it was some other pony, a demon I think, he called himself Deathspawn or Spawn for short." he said leaning back on his fore hoofs while he sat. "Steel started to back control of his body, but Spawn rejected it. This continued for a few seconds and then he just flew. Flew away to his little cloud." he said making a flutter gesture from the ground to Steel's cloud. "Oh and I'm fine, thanks for asking." he said half rolling his eyes.

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Moon Beam looked up when Frost told her that he flew off. She glanced back down in just enough time to see him roll his eyes at her. She sort of snorted at him. "Well it didn't really seem like you were very hurt at all, and you probably would've gotten mad at me for sling if you were okay, so I didnt bother." Moon Beam said as she got up and turned towards the canopy. She stood there for a while, looking at it, deciding if she wants to go in or not. "Nah." she said softly as she turned back to Frost. "I doubt you'd be willing to help me find Steel, since you and him kind of don't like each other I guess. But if you want to stay with in the group, we all have to cooperate and make nice." when she said "make nice", she sort of said it sarcastically and in a taunting tone. "We have to help each other and not but heads and be constantly fighting. I will make sure to talk to Steel about this too, but I want you two to at least settle your differences or something. Got it?" Moon Beam didn't want to sound like a control freak or a jerk or whatever, but she wanted to get her point across. "Now, are you going to help me find Steel, or would you rather stay down here or something?" she asked as she flapped her wings and lifted into the air.

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