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private From the New World: The Roleplay


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"Hello to you all! We are a group of settlers looking to colonize far into the west! There have been stories of a land of riches, a land of vitality, and a land of prosperity far beyond. We have also heard that there may be gold within the firmament! Are you looking for a new adventure? Are you looking for a new life? Then come with us! Say goodbye to your old life, and jump into a world no pony has ever seen! We will be leaving from Canterlot with Princess Celestia's blessing next week, so don't dilly dally!"


The brown sheet of paper that the inky letters were written on were posted through all of Equestria. The paper was slightly worn, but that didn't deter many families from all over Equestria seeking a new life... a new adventure... a new world...


It was dusk. The sun was just beginning to set and the neon lights that penetrated Manehattan's skyline were lit. It was normally one of the most beautiful sights for Erlen Meyer and Chemm Blonde as they looked out the night sky from their apartment. But not this night. As Erlen came home from what would be his last day of work, all he could give to his beloved wife was a defeated sigh and a glum look. Chemm understood completely. He was laid off from his job two months after his pharmaceutical company went bankrupt, and work was hard to find.


Chemm understood his pain. She too was recently laid off from Manehattan's Hospital after working there for 4 years. She had already given birth to a young colt named Bunsen with a light green mane resembling his dad and a rounder face that resembled his mother. It was a difficult time for the young couple. It was becoming harder to make ends meet. Food was becoming more expensive, and they were struggling to pay their rents after being forced to use their savings account. There wasn't much left on it to say the least. What was to be a bright future for the young practitioners was fast becoming dark. Chemm and Erlen gave a unifying sigh before Erlen looked on to Chemm. He loved her. He didn't want to see her suffer. He then spoke grimly,


"Chemm... I'll be out again. I'll see if there's another job opening for me anywhere... I'll be back soon. Love you." Chemm looked on at Erlen's face. It was too much for her to bear. She didn't normally burst in tears, but she had to. They were going to become destitute soon. She didn't want Bunsen to see, but she had to... she ran up to Erlen, giving him a tight hug,


"Oh Erlen... How are we going to keep going? Neither of us have found a job anywhere... And we also have medical school bills to pay!"


"Chemmy... I know... I've had many sleepless nights because of the layoffs... Times are tough here, especially with the downturn of Hoof Street... But we'll find a way Chemm. Even if it seems very bleak. Now I must go. I need to look for a job opening... who knows? There could be one waiting for us tonight..." Erlen replied soothingly. Deep down, it was hard for him to believe what he was saying, but he had to keep faith. Who knows? Erlen kept this in mind as he walked out of his apartment suite's door to Manehattan's streets to look for a job... 

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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Frost looked out his window to see the sun setting rather quickly, or at least, that's how he precived it. He then turned his gaze to his guitar and harmonica, letting out a small, depressed sigh. He had left his home in Ponyville a few months ago to follow his dreams of being a professional musician, but so far, it was not what he had expected it to be. He had pictured his talents would launch him straight to the top, getting him a nice home, lots of money, and a few cute mares to hang around with, but now, he was stuck with little money, a run down apartment, and nowhere to go. He couldn't go live with any friends or relatives. Most of them were busy with families of their own. He couldn't go home and look like a big fool for failing so early on.


"Sweet Celestia what have I gotten myself into?" he said putting his face in his hoofs about to cry. He had left everything. His family, his friends, and his home. He could just try to return and face the music, but he was to proud of a stallion for that. He intended to get to the top, no matter what. Then he thought of his recent failures and frowned on the idea. This went back and forth for about an hour before he decided to think about it in the morning. "I don't have time for this." he muttered under his breath as he climbed in to his bed and pulled the covers over him, shutting off the light. "I'm sorry..." he whispered as the lights cut off and he fell into a deep slumber.

Edited by Frosty V
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Redwave set the advertisement down with a dissatisfied sigh and looked out of the door of the inn. Canterlot had been considerably less profitable that he had hoped, his attempt at a trading business had fallen though - quite literally - in an incident involving a good deal of alcohol and losing the cargo through the very hull of the Dawn Dreamer. This had led to his current problem: repairing a ship wasn't cheap and without Bits or cargo to trade he was left landbound searching for some kind of objective to fulfil his need for adventure, not to mention money.


He had a reputation to uphold, after all.


"I really do despise dry land..." He muttered under his breath as he reached a decision - he wasn't getting back on the water for a good while and it seemed the best way to avoid the usual rabble if fools that surrounded him. Kingfisher hasn't returned: she was probably sleeping on what was left of the ship. Or just working on patching it up as best as she was able... Red had on occasion wondered if she even needed to sleep. He glanced over the writing again with a grumble as he checked the compass that hung suspended on a cord at his side - it was stubbornly pointing southeast, confirming his suspicions.


"... I shall leave a note if she has not returned come the morning." He muttered, pinning the note down under his cutlass before sitting back to doze the evening away, wishing that something... anything exciting might happen.






The farm was quiet as the sun gradually descended towards the horizon. Solar Harvest, or Sol as he preferred, liked it that way. Quiet meant that nothing was happening that needed his his attention.


He lay back in the field and looked up at the sky, wondering if the clouds had parted just above him or if he had simply chosen a perfect spot to lay as daylight began to dwindle. Still, even at this hour the sun beat down on him: he liked it that way - it was good for the crops. Of course, the crops were coming along splendidly as usual: no matter what weather was planned his farm always seemed to make the most of the sunlight: clouds seemed to shift aside to let the golden rays rain down, even on the most overcast of days.


Plucking up a stalk of the golden crop and chewing in it thoughtfully, he considered his situation as he watched the cracks in the clouds.


"Evrything's perfect here." He narrated aloud to little more than the fields themselves - they were particularly good at listening after all. "Good friends... Good family... Good work."


He continued to chew at the stalk of wheat.


"Got everything I need: could just stay and take over the fields from Da' when he gets a couple more years on him...." He reasoned to himself.


Deep down though, he knew that he couldn't. The family farm wasn't his, it never would be. Perhaps one if his brothers would take it over someday but not Sol. He didn't know where he was heading, but he knew that he couldn't stay there. It didn't feel right.


Something needed to change - he just needed the opportunity.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Seeing as everypony were starting to get up, Storm was already awake. She rarely sleeps, nor does she need it. Storm trotted around the small haystack that she seemed to live in, as it was all she could afford. Her family never did have their own farm or cattle.. all they could eat was hay and apples from the neighbor's yard.


Since then, her family left for the town nearby, about a few miles away for a source of food. Storm was alone in the house. Storm gave a slight sigh as she packed her belongings (Which, really wasn't that much) and set off for Manehattan to check on her parents and even heard about a group of ponies settling for a new patch of land.


"If I have any luck, maybe I'll meet some ponies I can make friends with. I think I might go through with the journey to a new land.. who knows, it might just be fun! Maybe I can drag my parents along if I can. But still, I need SOME freedom! I might as well go by myself." Storm thought to herself as she set off towards Manehattan, the city that will bring her a new life.


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The streets of Manehattan were filled with filth and homelessness. Ponies left and right were begging for bits and food to spare. Erlen looked at them with a sigh; he too would become like those ponies if he and Chemm couldn't find a job soon. He walked briskly past the streets to the wooden employment board where jobs and opportunities were posted. Papers were ripped apart throughout the board as Erlen sighed once again. 


"No jobs open again tonight." Sighed Erlen as he turned and began to walk back towards his apartment. Suddenly, Derpy Hooves, a courier pony, clumsily bumped into Erlen while delivering what looked like brown pieces of poster paper. Erlen and Derpy were dazed after the collision, and some of the papers began to fly by the developing winds. 


"Oh I'm sorry Erlen! I just don't know what went wrong! Here! I'll make it up to you! Here's a poster just for you ok? I'm only supposed to post these on the announcement boards, but I might as well give you one... sorry." Derpy spoke with an apologetic look. Erlen was still recovering from the collision. When he saw Derpy however, he wasn't surprised. He would often hear bumping sounds and the like whenever Derpy came to give the mail to them. However, Erlen looked a lot more forgiving today; after all, he was unemployed for a few months already.


"Thanks Derpy. And it's ok. I'll have a read through this poster then." Afterwards, Derpy clumsily flew away. Erlen read through the poster, and his eyes lit up. It was the job opportunity of a lifetime... a journey through the unknown... to a place filled with wonder... excitement... riches... Erlen was excited. The travelers left next week, and Erlen was suddenly in a mad rush. He remembered saying that he would do anything to start a new life, and this was his opportunity... Not caring about Chemm's feelings or his colt, he instantly rushed back towards his rustic apartment to tell what he thought was the best news in his life...

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Frost woke up to the sound of something hitting his apartment door. It wasn't a package it didn't sound that heavy, but why a letter or something this late in the first place. He opened the door to see a male pony walking away. He was out of sight before Frost could ask him what the letter was or who had sent it. He looked down at the envelope and picked it up with his magic, he brought it inside and closed his door behind him. He walked over to his dining room table and sat, pulling out a letter opener from the vace in the middle of the table. He sliced open the letter and pulled out the paper. He unfolded it and began to read. The more he read the wider his smile became. "A new journey? This sounds perfect! I can finally leave this dump and start a new life!" he exclaimed happily, dancing around his apartment as if he was drunk as he could be. He ran to his room and began to pack his things, putting his clothes in his suit case, his guitar and harmonica into their proper cases. He jumped back in bed. "This is perfect ." he muttered as he shut his light off once again

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Fire was still, though she still breathed. Though she didn't want to.

Her entire family was lost, her own one and the one she had been molded into. Last week her mother had died, while Fire was away fighting on the front lines. And her team, they were captured. All of them tortured for information on the military's secrets. And they had none.

Her team was above the common soldier, and above the military too. They had no need to hold their secrets, they had their own to protect. And her team fought till the end to keep them safe. She was the only one to live through it, though the scars hadn't left her skin. But she could walk out into public again. 

She lifted her hoofs so that she could see them in the darkened barracks, using her horn to give her the little more light needed to see them clearly. They were covered in scars, many nearly faded but some still clearly there. She knew that the rest of her was the same, they left not a single piece of her left untouched. 

The door to the empty barracks opened, the light from behind it nearly blinded her. But the outline of the stallion was something she couldn't miss. The lights turned on, Fire's eyes squinted as she got used to the light and her horn's died out. The Old general was easier to see then.

He was an older stallion, he had his time out in the front line. His purple mane showing the odd grey one too, though his tail showed it more. The wrinkles were easy to see on his tanned face, and his normally cold eyes were warmer.

General Point was Fire Sharp's first trainer, he was the one that saw her potential to be in the Special Ops team. And he had introduced her to them. A young mare with impeccable aim with a rifle needing a place to belong, and a team who had their own sniper killed the week before. It was destined that she be on the team, and she was perfect for it. Though over time she grew up into the role as leader as members of her team died off, and sometimes all at once. But all throughout her long career in the military she had always been the sniper, the silent protector of others.

General Point walked towards Fire, being slow and calm. She was still getting used to be near others after her ordeal, but General Point was always someone that she could trust.

"Fire, I have something that you may be interested in. And The big guys up top need somepony to go along, and you're a pretty good candidate. It'll be a nice, fresh, start for you. Somewhere you could probably relax and enjoy yourself. So what you say huh?"


General point placed the poster on her bedside table, which was put in when she got back. So she could have something to remind her that she was safe and in good hooves. Fire didn't look at him but put her hooves down, and used her magic to move the paper in front of her. It hovered above her as she read and thought about it.

It would be a nice thing to be a part of, and a pretty good distraction. It'll be someplace where she didn't have to worry too much about danger, except for the odd wild animal and such. She still kept silent to her trainer, her old friend. But she knew she had made up her mind.


"It's next week, so you have heaps of time to think on it."

"No, I'll go."

"Good, I was going to force you anyway. I'm sure by the time you get back from helping the colony you'll be fit to fight again. Your a War Mare Fire, you'll miss the field."

General Point left Fire to stare at the paper, turning off the lights and shutting the door behind him. 


Fire placed the paper on the beside table, and went back to looking at the ceiling of the room. Her thoughts whirled about.

They were swirling about with the possibility of a new start, and the thoughts of her dead mother and family. Fire Sharp wanted to go home, to her father to comfort him. But she couldn't leave, she could never leave. She was a member of the special Ops team, first edition.

The most prestigious team known to the force, the silent protectors of Equestria. They were out on the frontlines or behind them to end the endless wars that happened throughout the land. They were trained to be observant, to detect changelings hiding amongst them. They were trained to fight to their best, for so many know how to fight but themselves need to be better. They were trained in medical skills, but Fire herself specified in the mental health. She had come across a mare, a mare she had fought with over and over again, that was mad to the core. And Fire only wished for her to get better, but nothing goes to plan. 

Though Fire had enough, she was going to go help some ponies colonise the unknown. To get away from her life here.

She turned away from the door and beside table, closing her eyes to sleep. She would get ready for it soon, but not now.

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As the sun was guided across the sky of a new day, Redwave stirred - disturbed be some sound on one of the lower floors. Grumbling to himself, he snatched at the mostly empty bottle which lay stoppered on its side by the bed and stowed it safely at his side in the harness he wore.


If was personal preference more than anything: saddlebags were impractical at sea and had a habit of being lost or damaged. He didn't carry many belongings with him so he didn't need much space and this way, he could reach exactly what he needed, when he needed it. The cutlass hung to one side: easily reached by mouth or hoof. Just behind it was where the brandy was placed, fastened in tightly. A pouch containing a rapidly dwindling amount of bits was kept in the same place.


Fastening the strips of red sailcloth back in place on the other side was more of a stylistic choice: they often had use but the only reason to keep them visible was that he liked how it looked.


'No sign of Fisher.' He thought, squinting in the dim light that managed to seep through the curtains at the compass he wore: still stubbornly refusing to point north.


"Regardless of your skill, you can't fix a ship without supplies." He said under his breath with a smirk. Pricking up the letter he had been reading the night before, he stowed it beside his money and left to resupply his Brandy reserves.






Waking to a particularly five day, Solar slid out of bed and ambled outside: evidently the last to wake. It was no problem, his family would have roused him if he was needed. Standing on the porch, he breathed deeply, feeling the suns rays on him coat it took only a moment to feel the am effects of his slumber.


"Mornin' all. Another fine enough day: was thinkin' of heading into town if I'm not needed?"


With no response to contradict his suspicions, the stallion waved goodbye, checked that nopony needed anything collecting while he was out and departed.


The fields were coming along perfectly, he thought proudly: there was nothing to it, a little care and attention was all that it took. That, and a lot of hard work. For now though, there wasn't much to be done. The sun bore down brightly and the weather team for the region made sure that the rain came in short, regular showers.


Still, it was never his success.


"Fine day. Real fine." He informed a bird sitting in a field beside where he was walking. "Even by our standards it's nice."


The bird cocked its head as if listening: Sol decided that it probably was - and that it was a good listener at that.


"Feels like I should be movin' on from here, you know? Settin' out on my own. That's what the rest of the family always did. Don't know where I'd go though..."


The bird chirped, ruffled its feathers and flew away. Sol simply smiled at it as he kept walking.


"You have a grand day now little fella." He waved.



Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Erlen burst into his dilapidated apartment suite with an excited grin. Chemm instantly noticed this look, and was anxiously wondering why Erlen was smiling like that. Did he finally find a job? Chemm could only ask...


"ERLEN! You look... very excited! Did you find a job?!"


"No Chemm! I found something even better! Do you remember Derpy?" Erlen replied with a wide grin. Chemm wasn't sure why Erlen was so excited if he didn't find a job opening. Plus, him asking about Derpy made the situation a lot more awkward... She remembered Derpy. The clumsy mailmare who always bumped into their red bricked apartment walls before placing the mail into their mailboxes... Still, Chemm tried her best to match Erlen's level of excitement as she replied with a nervous chuckle,


"yes I remember Derpy... who couldn't? What about her makes you so excited dear?" It was becoming harder for Erlen to contain his excitement. He burst out in excitement, not realizing that he was shouting at this point...


"WE'RE OFF ON THE ADVENTURE OF OUR LIFETIME!! WE'LL BE LEAVING NEXT WEEK INTO A NEW WORLD CHEMMY!! ISN'T IT EXCITING?! THERE'S GOING TO BE A LAND FILLED WITH RICHES I TELL YOU!!" Erlen's shouting had become so loud that even Bunsen was covering his ears in fright of his father's voice. At that moment, Chemm was recovering not only from his voice, but from the announcement. Would they survive?! Was this all a joke?! How did Erlen know this wasn't a scam?! What about Sterling and Blue Note?! Chemm had so many questions and objections for Erlen, and her dazed look was all she needed to show Erlen her shock at his decision... Erlen continued with a much softer voice this time,


"Chemmy. I know this is a huge risk. But considering how bad the economy's been here, I really do think this is the opportunity we've been waiting for. Bunsen will see the world as it is. He'll see a better future. There will be settlers coming with us too. And defenders too, so we'll be safe. Plus, we can put our medical work to good use! They'll need medics like us! And as for Blue and Sterling, we can write letters to them! I'll tell somepony to send mail back and forth and we'll keep in touch! If we succeed, we can even have them visit us! Please Chemm. Trust me on this..."


Chemm looked on at Erlen with an emotionless look. Deep down, she trusted Erlen. But at the same time, she needed time to think about it, at least a day... But their journey was next week... It was all too much for Chemm to bear... She replied to Erlen with a dazed look,


"Erlen... It sounds really nice, and adventure is a wonderful thing for sure, but we need to think this over! Just... give me a day to think things over ok?" Chemm then walked away towards their bedroom, looking out their dirty window towards the setting sun... Bunsen only looked at Erlen with doubt as Erlen could only stand there and wonder about the consequences of his decision...

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It took a few days to get the right supplies together - and that was a few days longer than it should have at that. Most things were easily acquired if he didn't already have them stashed somewhere about the ship, but finding a decent Brandy in the capital seemed nigh impossible. Eventually settling on the least repulsive of the inferior brands, he was ready.


"Do as you will until my return 'Fisher. I want the Dreamer ready to sail on my word should things go awry." He instructed.


"Aye Cap'n." She responded without any particularly strong emotion, as she had taught herself.


"And stay safe! Sisters forbid I need to find a new crew on my return..." He added cockily as he stepped out into the streets.


Kingfisher was more than his crew: she was more like family. Certainly, she acted cold and emotionless but he had caught glimpses of something else there too. Leaving family behind was... not easy. She could manage though: better than any pony else he knew. The harsh, seafarer attitude might be an act, but it was a very good act.


He ambled at a leisurely pace into the city, somewhat regretting the decision already but being too stubborn, too proud to turn back.


He had a reputation to uphold, after all.






Ponyville - it was the next town along from his own. what chance had brought him there he didn't know: for some reason when he reached Saddlington he had just kept walking. Sol had been told that he had family somewhere about the place but he had never needed to seek them out: he had relatives all over Equestria: some of them were bound to never meet.


As he wandered through the village, a flyer blew across the street. Not wanting to leave the picturesque village looking untidy, he trapped it beneath his hoof.


"Aha!" He said to the paper. "I got you, come here... what's this now?"


His eyes read the advertisement, then did so again to confirm that he hadn't misread it.


It was perfect!


He looked towards the city on the horizon: Canterlot - If he set off now, he would have time. Looking back in the other direction, he wondered if he should just head back to the farm. It wouldn't be right to just up and leave without saying goodbye...


The clouds broke above the road to Canterlot, the trail illuminated by the bright sun.


"Ain't going to argue with that. I'll write them a letter when I get there." He reasoned as he set off up the trail with nothing but a pouch of bits and a dream in his head.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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It had already been a whole day for Erlen and Chemm to think things over. It was an uneasy night of contemplation. Their whole futures were at stake. What if they perished during the journey? What if a suddenly new opportunity back in Manehattan sprung? What about Sterling and Blue Note? How would the keep in touch without a mailmare? It was a long night, but when Chemm awoke from her troubled slumber, she made up her mind.


"Erlen... we're going. We should get started with packing right now. You can tell our landlord that we'll be on our way. I see opportunity here. We can be the part of something big. And we'll never be without a job, because they'll need surgeons like us. I'll be sure to bring my first aid kit and surgeon kit for this. They'll need it." Chemm spoke with determination in her eyes. Erlen was taken aback by this new found confidence. The previous night, she was so nervous about this whole venture... what changed her mind? Erlen quickly shook his head and replied to Chemm,


"Definitely! We'll get started with packing right now! I'll make sure Bunsen's ready too! He's got a whole world to see!" With that, the couple began to pack their things for what would be the adventure of their lives...



Early morning. Canterlot. There were a group of settlers at the gates waiting excitedly for the many adventurous ponies that would come along and help them settle in the far West. With all the turmoil that was around them as a result of the economic crisis across Equestria, they saw a new land of opportunity out West. They were excited, and they saw what looked to be the first set of adventures on the horizon...


"FRIENDS!! ARE YOU ALL HERE TO JOIN US IN THE ADVENTURE OF YOUR LIFE?!" The dark blue stallion with his brown cowboy hate shouted with expectation. He knew that for this to work, they needed a lot of helpers... weary ponies who wanted to start over... He too felt that same pain long ago, and having failed again, he wanted a change. All he hoped was that this adventure wouldn't cost him and many other ponies their lives...

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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