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open University of Equestria (Romance/SoL/Drama/Etc.) NEED MORE PEOPLE TO JOIN!


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Pixie looked up with fear but soon realized it was another pony. "Uh. I don't really think there is an infirmary. You'd be surprised how bad the college needs one though." The mare said half-joking. She didn't really believe the stallion when he said he thought they were his friends. 'Who does that to their friends?... oh nevermind.' Pixie thought, remembering her talent was pranking. "Could you carry him? I had enough trouble earlier."

Frost frowned, he was mad at himself for even doing something like this, but whats done is done. "Sure no problem." he said as he put Blaze on his back. Frost was a fairly large stallion so carrying Blaze was not a real challenge. Feost turned his gaze back to the mare. "Where to.......I don't know your name, sorry." he said sheepishly

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"Just head down to the campus, go to the third door to the right when you walk in the back enterance." She said, following behind Frost. "My name is Pixie." She said, calming down quite a lot. "You really should just let him rest in his bed, he needs it." The mare mentioned, takig a deep breath then sighing.


((Im sorry but I gotta go to bed, I keep almost falling asleep down here on the keyboard. You guys can RP without me. ))


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Frost nodded and sported a smile. "Nive to meet you Pixie. Names Frost Typhoon! You can just call me Frost." he chuckled as he walked back onto the main campus and began to follow Pixies directions. When he got to the proper room he pushed the door open and entered. He walked over to the bed and layed down Blaze. He took a seat next to the bed and waited. "Least I can do is watch over him." he thought


((That's fine, I know the feel.))

Edited by Frosty V
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Frost nodded and sported a smile. "Nive to meet you Pixie. Names Frost Typhoon! You can just call me Frost." he chuckled as he walked back onto the main campus and began to follow Pixies directions. When he got to the proper room he pushed the door open and entered. He walked over to the bed and layed down Blaze. He took a seat next to the bed and waited. "Least I can do is watch over him." he thought


((That's fine, I know the feel.))


"Just head down to the campus, go to the third door to the right when you walk in the back enterance." She said, following behind Frost. "My name is Pixie." She said, calming down quite a lot. "You really should just let him rest in his bed, he needs it." The mare mentioned, takig a deep breath then sighing.


((Im sorry but I gotta go to bed, I keep almost falling asleep down here on the keyboard. You guys can RP without me. ))

((I'm probably heading to bed too))

It was obvious that Blazing was in terrible condition, and there wasn't much chance of him getting better any time soon. The most obvious sign was that he was barely breathing at that point. The magic he used the first time was already dangerous enough, so having it happen twice could have easily came close to being lethal.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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"Oh my! Are you okay?!" Cinder said as she dropped to the ground beside her friend in concern. "What is it with this place? Everypony seems to end up injuring themselves more often than I do, and that's an achievement! Are you okay? You're not hurt too badly? What..."


Her eyes finally locked onto the scar.


"... Oh! Oh my, what happened?" she said in a much quieter, more subdued voice, recoiling slightly more from suprise than anything else.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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@, Bayonet quickly rapped her braid around her neck as tears start to well up in her eyes. 'She saw! She saw it!' She starts to panic in inside. 'If she finds out she might think I'm pathetic for trying such a thing. Maybe I could lie and say that I got it from an accident. No, I cant lie to my first friend, maybe I should tell her.....then again....NO! I have to be honest.' She sniffs. "I...I tried to hang myself." She turns away from her not looking in her eyes out of shame.

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Scribe would have been better suited for this: he was the compassionate one, he was the protector. Cinder was... she was... '... useless...'


She sat behind her friend for a few moments of awkward silence before resolving to do what little she could: no pony else was going to help after all. Reaching out, she placed a hoof reassuringly against Bayonets back.


"Do you, uhm... do you want to talk about it?" She ventured.

Never quite forgotten.

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@,The warm touch from Cinderblock  calmed her a little, she slowly turned around and took Cinders hoof into hers, still not looking into her eyes. "When I was a foul, I was adopted by donkeys. I was bullied a lot cause of this but I didn't care because love my parents very much." She pulls Cinders hoof closer to her as tears began to fall."One day I was walking home with mama and... a group of thugs attacked her and beat her to death in front of me. I was in shock what my father found me. They never found the ones who did it, they never really tried. A year later I was already deeply depressed and I tried to hang myself. But I just passed out then...she...saved me."

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"I don't... I don't even... " Stuttered the inventor, suddenly lost for words as she processed exactly what had been said. "That's terrible! I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up... " She trailed off.


How did she always somehow befriend ponies with traumatic histories? Clutching at the mares hoof, she slid closer and used her other to reach up and try to wipe away the worst of the tears.




She really should just stop talking - it rarely helped. Her curiosity had a habit if getting the better of her though.


"... who's 'she'?"

Never quite forgotten.

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@, She moves a little closer to Cinderblock, she is the only who to ever sho consern for her. She took a big leap telling Cinderblock about her past. But telling about her about Shivty is a whole new thing. "She's...It's a little hard to explain. Her name is Shivty and she's my...other half.  If that's a good way to put it."

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"Oh!" Cinder said a little more cheerfully than she had intended, wincing at her own callousness. "I mean, I know what you mean, I think. Sort of."


Her friend Symphony (or Sonnet, as she had first introduced herself) had lived most of her life as another pony - as her sister. The 'real' personality sometimes still struggled with the 'fake' one she had created: surely this wasn't so different?


'Its probably completly different... does it really matter? She's upset: that's all that's important right now!'


"I, uhm... Are you okay?" She stalled, not really good at the whole 'comforting' thing. "So... Shivty? She's... nice?" She asked hopefully, though already knowing what the answer was going to be.

Never quite forgotten.

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((I'm probably heading to bed too))

It was obvious that Blazing was in terrible condition, and there wasn't much chance of him getting better any time soon. The most obvious sign was that he was barely breathing at that point. The magic he used the first time was already dangerous enough, so having it happen twice could have easily came close to being lethal.

Pixie walked over to the unicorns' side, unaware of just how bad he was off. She shook him by his shoulders. "Blaze? Are you okay? Wake up!" Pixie got up and walked away. "Blaze, I'm sorry. I didn't know this would happen again. You must hate me." The lavender mare sulked over to the other bed and sat down, not moving her eyes away from him. She sighed and rolled onto her back. Edited by Bronyette


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@, Bayonet looks up to Cinderblock. 'She still seems a little confused." She says to herself. "I have something called Dissociative identity disorder or split personality disorder. She's like the opposite of me. But she is nice just a little...abrasive. She was made by all of my negative emotions being built up. And she came to be... on that day." She pulls Cinders hoof closer as she moves closer to her and looks into her eyes with still tears in hers. "Please believe me. No one ever dose, they think I'm lying, but I'm not." She starts to cry again.

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"Hey, hey..." Cinder said quietly, ducking her head a little to stay in the mares line of sight. "I don't think you're lying." She said simply, meeting her friends gaze again.


Her mind was working overtime: narrating her thoughts to her. This mare did seem similar to her friend, if not exactly the same. Even the description of 'Shivty' matched up to Sonnet pretty closely.


"I believe you." She confirmed before raising her brow and adding in a lighthearted tone. "Trust me, I'm really bad at lying."

Never quite forgotten.

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@, She was so happy she started to cry tears of joy. 'Finally, someone who believes me.' She thought. She quickly let go of Cinderblocks hoof and wraps her in to a hug. "Thank you, thank you so much."  So many things were going through Bayonets mind that she didn't notice she kissed Cinders cheek when she hugged her.

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@Frosty V



The sun began to set and it was becoming late, ponies trotted for their dorms and the hallways grew quieter and quieter as ponies disappeared from the crowd.

Doug was already in his dorm at the time resting.

He noticed he hadn't put his things away, his belongings where scattered around his suitcases and his bed. "I'll unpack in the morning I'm too tired." He said to himself.


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"Heh, it's okay, really." Cinder stammered awkwardly, smiling slightly.


It was getting late, but she didn't want to leave Bayonet, not like this at the very least. Stroking the mane that was pressed against her, she did her best to stem the flow of tears.


"I'm uh, always here if you need to talk or... anything. If you want to, I mean." She mumbled softly.

Never quite forgotten.

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(Sorry I've been a bit busy lately. I believe I got behind in the RP? Can someone please give me a summary of what has happened, if you wouldn't mind. I'll try staying caught up more, but my life has been a little hectic lately. I hope you understand, everypony.)



Signature by Me | Want One? | Just message me saying what you want!

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@, She slowly lets go of Cinderblock. "Danke, but I don't want to be a bother to you. I mean, I already told you something personal about myself and we just met. Maybe it's best that you just forget me. I'll be nothing but a burden."She slowly scoots away."Someone like me shouldn't  have a friend as nice and caring as you. Unlike me, you're very attractive and you'll find a special somepony in no time and I'll just drag you down in someway." She turns her head away in shame for dumping her baggage on someone who could have been her friend.

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"Don't be stupid! I asked you after all, I'm not going to just walk away and forget that you exist! I mean, what sort of friend would I be if... what did you just call me?" Her mind only just finished processing partway through her response. She stood up, looked out of the window at the night sky, then back at Bayonet. She looked at the door, and back to Bayonet.


"its late... I should probably go." She mumbled, stepping toward the door, thoughts buffeting her mind - why did she have to be so terrible at figuring out these things?


'Vengeful Celestia Cinder, do something!' Her mind stopped rambling long enough to scream at her.


Doubling back into the room, she dropped her head down level with her friend and returned the kiss on the cheek, squeaked something incoherent which she quickly corrected to "See you in class!" and shot out of the room.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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@, Bayonets heart skipped a beat from what Cinderblock said, but mostly from her kiss. She slowly lifts a hoof to her cheek where she kissed her and smiles with a slight blush. Even though it was only on the cheek, that was her first kiss from someone. She stands back up and go into the bathroom to clean herself up. She then cleaned up and got ready for bed. As she climbs into her bed she couldn't stop thinking of Cinder, As she fell asleep the last thing she thought was 'I hope Shivty is nice to her.' and then she was out. 


(And so am I, time for sleep. Oh and Shivty speaks in red so you can tell them apart. I'll be back on later today, nighters!)

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((Take it easy, G'night!))


Cinder made it back to her room in what could be a record time - a record for 'longest time taken to travel two hundred meters' that was, since she somehow ended up wandering the halls again for a good while. She didn't notice though - her body was on autopilot as her head tried to make sense of what had happened.


'I did it! Kind of... Does it still count after I ran away?' She thought in a celebratory tone, which quickly turned to dread. 'Oh sweet Celestia, what have I done...? She... She did it first, right? So that means... What does that mean?'


Reaching the door to her dorm, she remembered to reach for the handle but forgot to unlock it first, walking face first into it. She hardly noticed: fumbling for her key and hurling herself onto the bed, she groaned.


"How is Bubble so good at this stuff? Why can't ponies be more like quantum entanglement or... or... something!"

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Pixie walked over to the unicorns' side, unaware of just how bad he was off. She shook him by his shoulders. "Blaze? Are you okay? Wake up!" Pixie got up and walked away. "Blaze, I'm sorry. I didn't know this would happen again. You must hate me." The lavender mare sulked over to the other bed and sat down, not moving her eyes away from him. She sighed and rolled onto her back.

((Weird, I thought I replied already... But apparently not.))

Time passed, and Blazing slowly got better. He didn't wake up yet, but his breathing had returned to normal at least, and he was basically just sleeping. He had gotten more lucky than he ever had before, and he didn't even know it yet.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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((Weird, I thought I replied already... But apparently not.))

Time passed, and Blazing slowly got better. He didn't wake up yet, but his breathing had returned to normal at least, and he was basically just sleeping. He had gotten more lucky than he ever had before, and he didn't even know it yet.


Pixie paced around the room, feeling at fault for what happened. She nuzzled his face slightly. "Come on..." Pixie had never felt so guilty, not even when the pranks she pulled went wrong. She checked to see if he was still breathing. "Yep, still seems... alright."


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(OOC: Sorry for being gone so long, but I'm back.)

       Muddle slowly walked towards her dorm at the end of the day, as she approached the handle to her dorm she reminisced over all the things she had done today. "Made a friend, lied to somepony, lost my shadow, skipped lunch, and I didn't pay attention in class." She twisted the handle and sighed, "Well certainly not one of my better days... But 1/5 isn't bad." She yawned loudly, gently pushed open her door, and trotted over towards her bed. She lifted her blanket with her magic and thought, "I guess I don't know math either," as she drifted off to sleep. 

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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