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Light was faced with a choice. On one hoof, his friend was about to die. On the other, he could surprise Dark and possibly end this once and for all. He chose quickly. He swing kicked Dark in the face and flew over to where Hero was falling, and he pushed Hero to safety.

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"Appreciate the save but I was totally about to teach them not to mess with the old nag's adopted son. I was gonna either grab blood by the arm or flap my wings and pull us both over the edge and at the last second toss him straight into the acid and glide to safety. Oh well I'm practically done in any way. My injuries are bad enough for me to sit out or get myself killed while fighting. I'm prey now and fighting will only worsen things for me. How's your fight coming along and where's the rest of the team?"

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(Who was o fighting again? Oh screw it, time for a grand symbiotic reentry! With dark magic!)


Abaddon ripped a piece of his symbiotic suit off in a display of arrogance towards his opponent. It basically meant to say, "Ha! Screw you! I have protection to waste!"

He sent a tendril forth towards his enemy, dark power infused within to allow for an easy penetration of a normally impenetrable armor. The enemy was surprised. This was new.


"The physical means nothing to the supernatural, mate," Abaddon growled as the dark energy began to eat away at his vitality, all while the tendril broke into smaller ones to eat through his flesh.

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"Mm. Yes, quite." Says Light to Hero. "The fight's going well, and I really need to get back to it."



Blood Rift activated another layer of shield protection to stop the symbiote from progressing any further. He stared Abbadon in the eye, ready for any movement the other may make at any time.

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"As with mine. I'm gonna use some chakra-less tai moves on that sucker. Hopefully I won't sustain anymore injuries, I'm barely in one piece as is. I'll save energy by getting him to come to me. If you see the ladies send them my way as I could use a cheering section.' I said heading into the masters view. "Hey ugly still alive down here. You gonna finish the job or what?" I yelled up to the master. <Time to take back the shame I placed>

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"I don't need to. They'll do it for me." Says the Master, pointing at large beetles on the floor. They were cyber mites. "Don't fight them. Let them take you... Feel real power..."


Light continues to fight Dark as the two fight in a clash of fire and fury as their two swords showered sparks when they collided.

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"Lemme guess these little guys are an alien species of parasites? Ain't the kind I'm used to but alright. A bug's a bug." I said as I tried stomping one. A bit tough aren't they. I saw the one not pinned under a hoof jump at me. I swung with my left hoof and managed a gorey kill. I couldn't really see the difference between hooves except the personal effects always on my person, despite being useless items to improve looks and keep track of time. I experiment and again lowered the bug count with only my left forehoof. Not giving it another thought I always made sure to the bugs met my left hoof, even if it just glanced off or rubbed them as the barely moved something seemed to keep taking them out. Unfortunately I'd ended up a bit more worn dodging the little things and executing them with just one hoof as a weapon. "I like the idea but unfortunately one of the royals prevented me from using the size advantage against anypony here. Would have been fun going flea on ya. Nice try though with your beetles, I though would have done the job myself at a bit smaller size. Too bad you don't have as much experience with things in that position."

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The Master laughed. "I'm not finished yet, you blubbering buffoon..." He says. "Release the wolves!" He shouts. "Same effect, much larger and much more dangerous..." He muses. Silver wolves creep into view of Hero. "Now... Where were we?" He asks jokingly, very much amused with what is going on.

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 "Alright pups how abut a game of catch?" I said as I started running. I soon found myself running into the wall just below the master and was cornered. As laughter from above roared out an idea came to me. The first wolf leapt. In kind I did the same though landing on it's back. As I lifted off I kicked it into the wall below the master. The resulting crack was not effective. As they snapped at me from all directions I struggled to keep from being bit. Then one got on my back. As it's claws tore into me for grip I bucked hard eventually throwing it off. Others tried the same but received the same fate. They were learning though as each was harder than the last to rid. Finally I decided to take one for a ride and ran long the area trying to get it's friends to bit it. All I managed was to knock the thing off on a wooden pole that broke on impact. Taking to hovering slightly ou of reach I turned to look as the acid spilled all over the wolves and the wall. The resulting tremor of the wall was enough to send the master in with his hounds. All I could do now was wait to see if the plan would work.


(ooc just testing a few theories on regens and stuff, I barely know anything about doctor who and research isn't turning up much in the ways of useful info. I'm thinking acid since it's all over the place would be enough for a fatality being how it could counteract a regen (constantly eating at person despite regen unless regen clears body of such things (like a windshield wiper in the rain/snow. At best a victory at worst a regen is all I can hope for. I'll leave it up to you since you seem to know more about how those work) 

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The Master remained unphased. He stretched his hoof out and did away with the acid, saving the wolves. "Clever." He remarked. "But uneffective." He adds, sneering, jeering, howling, and laughing as all others tremble and shake with dread. "You may want to try again." He muses.

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"Well I guess since plan a) failed that I'll have to go plan B): What is plan b  you may ask think about it. Since the acid spilled an created a pud....." I was sudden;y interrupted by a huge [racism 3] of the wall landed on the master and the rest creating a line to the base of the wall where the acid had eaten and weakened it. 

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Luckily for the Master, the chunk if wall was relatively light. At least for him. The wolves weren't as lucky. The Master didn't seem to care. He could easily get bigger and badder wolves. He arose from the rubble, slightly off his game, but ready for any offense that could be directed at him.

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"PONAMIC ENTRY!!" I yelled as I flew from behind and slammed the tube looking thing the master had called a "laser screwdriver" into his head and activated it. As the master collapsed I backed up waiting to see if my attack had worked. Swinging at an opponent emerging into plain sight was one of the best tactics I had. After a short distance I stopped and caught my breath. My knees shook both with exhaustion and injuries and usage from the fight. I couldn't take much more. I needed to end the fight soon if my sneak attack hadn't worked. I stood proud and stubborn, letting my spirit drive me as well as the call of duty and the will to carry on.


(ooc Tried making a joke out of my fav taijutsu move by calling it out despite not being able to physically use it, like a kid does when playing. otherwise there for effect, trying to lighten and make my post more exciting.)

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((OOC: I can see where you're coming from with the shouting of a move out loud.))

The Master got up. "My own weapon doesn't affect me, you dunce." He says angrily, leaping up from his previous sitting position. "Now that we got your offensive action out of the way, it's my turn." He says, leaping toward and tackling Hero to the ground.

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As I wrestled with the master I felt my strength slowly giving out. i also felt my anger rising, fueled by failure and disappointment. I didn't have enough strength to both the master and my anger so I made a choice. I chose to fight the master. After a couple more tumbles I finally gave in to my rage. Inside my head I saw targets of vulnerability. One of them hanging a few inches away. As one of his hooves moved past me and started punching me I reached back and grabbed his mane. As he moved to punch me again I bit the hoof halfway to impact. As the master pulled it back to swing again I lunged my muzzle forward and found his throat. He jerked his arm forward to grab my throat me in an attempt to dislodge me. As he reached I used the stretched skin and muscles to my favor and jerked my own head backward at the same time jerking his mane in the opposite way. The result was a snap and a huge flood of coppery taste in my mouth. I dropped the master and retreated to a safer distance as I took note of my wounds and how they affected my battle performance, just in case something came to claim my prey or the prey wasn't fully dead.


(ooc sorry it got as messy as it did but in the other hoof the hunt doesn't usually clean. I did go primal but that's something everything does when in those situations, fight to kill or fight to live.)

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((OOC: I understand.))

An orange glow appeared on the Master's neck, and the wound was healed. "Cute." He says, laughing.


Light and Dark continued to duel, until Light pinned Dark down temporarily with light strips. "There. Now to stop The Master." He says, running to meet Hero Factor.

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@super 2379


"Informative. One would think tearing your throat out as well as snapping your neck would cover all fatal bases, guess I was wrong. oh well the adrenaline is good enough to keep me up and your blood only made me thirstier. Now that my mind is computing things better I'd say the fight has only begun. So, humor me with an answer; how many more of those do you have left? Tease me a little bit with the answer. Tell me it's within my reach yet because of my condition unreachable."   

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"Seeing as I only completely regenerated once in this pony form, I still have 12 full regenerations." Laughed the Master.


Light reached Hero Factor. "Want a little help?" He asks. "Picture have a few minutes before Dark Spot is up and ready for battle again." He concludes.

Edited by super2379
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"Think you can finish this one in the next few? I'm gonna go down hill pretty fast after the adrenaline from my temper wears off and I need to go find a healer quick. In fact if I were smart I'd make a trip back home and grab my legacy chest but that'll have to wait til sombra is defeated.. Alicorns are powerful but here we're not as possim grade without magic or powers or weapons. Back where I came from alicorns by themselves were a lot likelier to fend of threats than here in equestria. As I am I think I'll stick with being bait for the bad guys. and maybe recon. I've learned my lesson and I'll stick with my natural speed rather than get myself killed trying to fight another villain with powers." I explained as quickly as I could while we shared glares with the master.

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Light nodded. "I can put a stop to him right now." He says. The Master and he exchange looks of hatred. The Master makes a leap for Light and tackles him. "Go!" He shouts to Hero Factor. "I can take the Master!" He adds. He looks back at the Master. "It's time to finish this." He says, grappling with the Master.

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I ran as fast as my injuries would let me. I wasn't sure of who the healers were but I knew some of the more famous equestrians might know of some spells. I decided to go find them. I found a small river within sight of sombra's castle and decided to get a drink and wash out the scratches and otherwise other outer wounds as well as use the cold water to relieve some pain and get rid of some swelling. After I left the river I continued my search for somepony who'd either know the location of a healer or of the royals. From the far side of the castle there came blinding flashed of yellow, purple, and even two shades of blue. I headed toward them as quick as I could. Once they were at the edge of my vision I relaxed a little. At that moment I hit a soft patch of dirt and black crystal pillars shot out of the ground, one hitting me in the jaw, and connected with each other creating a cage around me. As I hit the ground I cursed myself for not being wary of traps any villain expecting company would have and blacked out.

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The Master smiled when Hero was trapped. Light smacked him. "It's time for you to depart." Said Light. He grabbed the Madter by the neck and threw him into his own TARDIS, setting the course for his own timeline, and restricting the TARDIS from returning to that time and place. "One down." Comments Light.

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I awoke to find myself caged. "Alright after this I'm taking a vacation. First thing's first though." I said examining the bars. After a few minutes of trying the cage for weaknesses I only ended up winded. "Eeyup, slagging cage. Oh well I guess I just get to wait and observe things, also gives me a chance to relax, glad no enemies are making good of this oppertunity.".

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"I'll free you soon enough, my friend. Like you said, you should take this opportunity to rest. I will take care of the rest of the villains as they come. Two goons remain, and one dark force remains." Noted Light. "This will be over soon, and you'll be able to return home." He adds, smiling.

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"Dude no way am I missing pissing off one of the greatest villains of equestria. That's a once in a lifetime chance. It's a perfect oppertunity to teach him a lesson in humility. Besides I'd rather not skip that kind of entertainment. You'll need somepony to lure him out why not put somepony with the genetics in that position. I could outrun old sombra with my wings tied, in fact I will. Take care of the remaining baddies, while you do that have somepony break my out and when you're rested after you finish I'll go play bait and we'll teach sombra not to mess with our turf.".

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