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@  @@GeneralDirection


Dusty and rainbow boom go over and sit next to him


"Uh sure, why not. Just give us the same as last time"


"So uh do ponies ever ask about how you feel about having a cutie mark that you can no longer do? Or do you think the true meaning of it is yet to come?" 


rainbow starts drinking his milkshake

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@@little gamie, @


"Funny you should ask that." Nova replied as he sipped his milkshake. "I only got my cutie mark after I had that accident. It's a wrench, which has nothing to do with flying at all. At first I was rather confused by it. But then I realized that not everypony's mark is so literal. I got it while I was trying to figure out what else I could do proficiently, and I discovered that the logical structure of thinking I had made a mechanical career of some sort a real possibility. So I started coming up with ideas and while I won't bore you with the details of any of them, I don't think this cuite mark is meant to restrict me to one certain thing. I think it's just the general talent of troubleshooting and things like that. Of course I could be completely wrong, but that's my interpretation of it. So I'm not really bothered by it."


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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@  @@GeneralDirection


"Yeah mines kind of obvious as to what it is to me."


points to the his cutie mark


"Just a storm cloud casting lightning on a white cloud. I like to think it means i'm meant to crush competition. Seems to have been just that so far, except the people i crushed are not the ones i had in mind...heheh."


"erm, so anyways didn't you ever think it was odd that you still didn't have your cutie mark by high school?" 

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@@little gamie, @


"Well I used to be bothered by it. I had always thought that my special talent was flying so I was confused as to why I didn't have my cutie mark yet. But now that I do have it, I'm happy that it isn't flying-related. Wouldn't do me much good to have a special talent that I'm physically unable to do. I would rather be flying, of course. But, in the meantime, I did need to find something to keep my mind preoccupied. So it's all good at the end of the day, I suppose." Nova didn't look too convinced as he said that.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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@  @@GeneralDirection


"well you know if i were you i would wish it was related to flying. Because that means there was a chance my disorder would be fixed since flying would be my Destiny. Haven't you ever though of it that way before? I mean no offense but a wrench isn't the most exciting cutie mark. What if your Destiny is to be a repaircolt? 

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@@little gamie, @


"Because it's not. It's a bit ambiguous. As I said, it doesn't really limit me to one certain thing. When I got my mark I was trying to figure out what else I could do; I haven't even attempted to repair anything. I already said that I believe my cutie mark is about finding a way to overcome any difficulty, not about repairing, engineering, or flying."


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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@@little gamie, @


'It would be a horrible thing to have as a cutie mark if that's what it indeed represented. But it doesn't. It means I'm inventive and can figure out a way to overcome any problem that I face. Means if I can't do something I don't sit around defeated, I look for something else to do, or a way to get back to doing what I wanted to do in the first place. That's troubleshooting: looking for solutions until something works."


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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@  @@GeneralDirection


"How has that worked for you with flying? How does one troubleshoot a problem that can't be fixed, at least from what you've said. Look i feel terrible for what happened. I pissed off my best friend and completely screwed my school over and then proceeded to mercilessly beat them in everything they were known for. I feel like if i can help you get back in the air somehow i would feel a lot better and..."


Rainbow Boom is interrupted by Pinkie Pie


"Hey guys follow me, i got something to show you!"


"I'll tell you more later, where are we headed Pinkie?"


"To the park you silly filly!"


"I'm not a filly but ok..."


they walk to the park 


"SURPRISE!" (Whole town says in unison)


"Gosh Pinkie, are you trying to give me a heart attack?"


"hehe sorry, but i threw this party just for Nova!"


"Ok so were going to go talk over there for a second..."


they walk over to a snack bar


"So as i was saying..."


"Nova?" (the voice sounds choked up)

Edited by little gamie
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@@little gamie,@


Nova was about to reply when Pinkie announced that they were to follow her to the park. When they arrived, it seemed that the pink pony had rounded up nearly every pony in town to this surprise party she had planned. Rainbow Boom motioned for them to go sit at the snack bar, so Nova quickly thanked Pinkie for the party and trotted over to the snack bar. Once he sat down, Rainbow Boom tried to start talking again, but was interrupted yet again. Nova heard a mare calling his name from behind him, and his eyes went wide when he heard the voice. "Dashie?" He wondered aloud. "I must really be losing it, hearing voices in my head and all that now, it seems."


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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@  @@GeneralDirection


Oh no Rainbow Boom thought, this can't end well.


Rainbow Boom turned around to see the cyan-rainbow pegasus standing behind him




"Hey Rainbow"


"what in the hay are you doing here, i told pinkie not to invite you! I didn't even know you still talked to her!"


"Of course i still talk to pinkie, you knew how much i liked her, you should also know pinkie..is well...pinkie. She doesn't tend to listen very much."


"Eh well i'm going to get a drink, I can't handle this sober."


"You know pinkie is to innocent to have beer at her parties..."


"then i'll go to the convenience store nearby, i look 21."


"What in the hay is your problem? First you take Nova here to see Pinkie to i'm going to guess cheer him up, and then when i get here you just want to go get wasted off your flank. What the hay is going on with us, we used to be best friends...you were like my brother and now you don't even want to talk to me..."


"I took Nova here to see Pinkie, not you. You two being together can only end badly for reasons only you and I both know. You want to tell him the reason why you stayed by his bedside and made him feel better? You be my guest, i'm going to get wasted and pass out in the corner, i'll take Nova home tomorrow."


Rainbow Boom leaves to the store nearby leaving Rainbow Dash sobbing in front of Nova


Oh boomie... you don't know what you just caused thinks Rainbow Dashie still sobbing

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@@little gamie, @


Nova sat motionlessly while Rainbow Boom and Dash bickered with each other before Rainbow Boom left Nova alone with a crying Rainbow Dash.


I don't miss this drivel one bit. Nova sighed. Now what's this about Dashie, she didn't come to see me just because she liked me? Am I being played yet again? Nova thought to himself. He wondered if he should bother trying to comfort her at all. After all, it appeared that she had ulterior motives anyway. But Nova was never much good at being heartless. Some party this is...I guess I can force myself to care about somepony one last time.


Nova shifted over a seat and put a hoof on her shoulder. "Hey." He smiled. "I haven't seen you in a while. What's all this I'm hearing about?" He asked.

Edited by GeneralDirection


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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@GeneralDirection         @little gamie



Dusty watched as Rainbow Boom walked off, to fill his gut full of beer and watch as Dashie sobbing, then he met eyes with Nova. Nova seemed to feel just as awkward as he probably did.

"Uhh, I think I'm gonna go mingle, get some food perhaps. I'll leave you two to....catch up with each other." Dusty said, leaving them to sort the situation out.

Edited by Dusty Dasher
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@  @@GeneralDirection


Rainbow Dash turned around to face Nova with sobbing eyes but a cold hard stare


"I know your probably thinking of the worst possible scenarios right now but let me explain..."


"It all started back when you got hit, Rainbow and I were with the rest of the team drinking away our loss because of you and Rainbows clash that cost us the win. We got a little buzzed and decided that we should go if you were alright but when rainbow found out you were in the ICU being treated for neurological problems he started feeling really bad so the team and her went to go drink some more. I stayed behind because someone had to and I volunteered, then i started to get close to you and couldn't just leave you. So i stayed and befriended you, Rainbow didn't understand why but after that night he was forced to leave Cloudsdale by the principal for reckless endangerment of another student. He apparently went to Canterlot public and made that school the powerhouse in flying in just one year. I can't even explain how our principal took it when we lost championships to him and he went undefeated every year hes been captain so far. I wanted to transfer there with him but he told me i would have a better chance at Wonderbolts recruiting if i stayed and became the Cloudsdale captain. Obviously he didn't anticipate how good he would get at flying. We stopped talking for those years away and just currently rekindled, also Rainbow is genuinely a decent person. Sure he can be arrogant, conceded, kind of a jerk, and see like an ass at times. But when shit hits the fan hes usually the only one who can remain calm and hes actually extremely loyal. The first time he saw he again earlier this week we got into a fight but eventually he came and apologized with your friend. I don't know if loyalty is a trait Rainbow colored ponies all exhibit but were the only 2 known to ponykind at the moment, with the exception of my father...I've actually never met his parents. Anyways thats what happened, so whats new with you?"


Rainbow stares at Nova looking uneasy


I hope he doesn't try to dig any deeper... thought Rainbow Dash

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@@little gamie, @


Right. That's what I'm supposed to believe, huh? Was never able to get past those cerise eyes though, certainly can't say that of any other mare I've met...not that I have the slightest chance of getting anywhere with her.


"Eh, I'm still Nova, just with less of a brain now I suppose. Still being double-crossed, still being blown off, still being forgotten about. Yea, sounds about right. Still can't fly straight. Trying to finish the last year of high school in peace, that's been working out real well." He remarked sarcastically. "Been trying to involve my mind in other things to try and forget about all this, but it keeps coming back to find me." He paused for a moment. "I don't know what happened to you after I left the hospital, but I've missed you." He tried to smile a bit. He was holding on to the smallest thread of hope that perhaps there was still one pony left in this world that wasn't going to abandon him. But past experiences conditioned him to think otherwise.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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@  @@GeneralDirection


Rainbow begins to soften up a bit


"So has your life always..."


As rainbow asked her question she was interrupted by rainbow boom's grumbling from behind


"I thought you went to go get wasted like usual..."


"These idiots here carded me so i left... I hate this town"


"Really? Last time we were here you loved it, you even said we should move here one day."


"Eh, whatever...opinions change Dashie."




"So did you tell him what happened that night in the ICU or did you give him the usual bullshit story about how we went to get wasted and you volunteered to stay behind."




"Ok you gave the usual bullshit story...basically Nova, i feel you have a right to know this: Dashie never volunteered to stay behind...the hospital staff said they needed someone to be marked down as a friend to call if something happened or something along those lines, since Dashie was he only mare out of our group we decided she would sign as your friend, It actually worked perfectly to because i doubt you wanted to see me as the person who signed and none of my other friends were willing to do it...her being a mare was kind of a bonus to make you feel better. She also probably told you that we went and got drunk...well we didn't do that either believe it or not. I'll admit the others in our group did but i actually stayed with Dashie, of course i left when you started to wake up because you didn't need the stress that would have ensued if you saw me. Dashie didn't really care for you either, We stayed because we owed it to you and nothing more. You probably know i got expelled from Cloudsdale High the next day, now i'm not saying she doesn't care about you now...she actually started to care about you once i had to leave but before that you were nothing than a near burden to her...I don't enjoy telling you that but its the truth."


"Are you done yet?"


"Now that he knows the truth yes."


"You can be such a jerk, you know?"


"And thats why you love me"


"Shut up"


"heh heh, so anything else i miss Nova?"

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@@little gamie, @


Nova was silent at first, unsure of how to respond. So that's it, huh? Only one thing left to do now.


He ignored Rainbow Boom's idiocy and looked Dash straight in the eye, as if he were looking right through her. He was looking for something in her. "Dash, is what Rainbow Boom said true?" He asked quietly. Whether or not he wanted to admit it, that crash had erased most of his emotional capability. For once it was actually helping, though.

Edited by GeneralDirection


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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@  @@GeneralDirection


Rainbow Boom starts to look irritated


"Well i guess your going to be an ass about this."


"Shut up Boomie, Nova...please listen, it is true...BUT I do care for you now. Does it really matter what my intentions were at first as long as i do care about you now? I mean i never did anything bad i just though it was a burden to have to sit there with someone i didn't know, but now its anything but a burden..."


"I just thought you had the right to know the truth Nova...she really does care about you and theres no reason you have to be such an ass to me for telling you the truth."

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@@little gamie, @


Nova was overjoyed by Dash's response. That's what I was looking for. 


"No, it doesn't matter what your intentions were at first. I wanted to know if you did care for me now or if it was all a façade, and now there isn't a doubt in my mind that you do!" He smiled a real smile this time, and gave Rainbow Dash a giant hug.


"Rainbow Boom," he mumbled, "if you care at all in the slightest, then you sure have a funny way of showing it."


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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@  @@GeneralDirection

"You have no idea Nova, just wait and see"
Rainbow Boom says that with a cold hard stare and proceeds to walk away from Nova without warning
"Don't worry about him, hes just Boomie. He used to be the nicest, most caring colt around. Theres a reason he was the only one to stay with me all those days you were knocked out. He stayed there with me the entire time, then you started to stir and he didn't want to upset you so he left. Just remember that the next time you see him, he was really messed up by that clash. He wasn't always a arrogant, self conceded, jerk. Hes still loyal but people aren't usually loyal back. In fact he had no friends at your school until you and your friend came along. Sure he had all his flying achievements and such, but he had no friends and made a lot of enemies. I guess all i'm saying is go easy on him, hes had a hard 2 years so far since leaving Cloudsdale."
Edited by little gamie
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@@little gamie, @


Nova sat back, depressed that Rainbow hadn't reciprocated his affection. All I ever hear now is Rainbow Boom this, Rainbow Boom that, blah blah blah...


"I think that I've been rather lenient on him considering the situation. Any other stallion would've tried to knock him out by now. You wanna talk about somepony being affected by that crash? I think I clearly got the worse end of the stick here. If he actually cares about this situation at all, maybe he could start showing it by not continually interrupting our conversations, or better yet, how about not dragging me all the way out to this little town and leaving me here while he goes and tries to get drunk? That might be a start. I never used to be this heartless, and I think out of any pony, you'd know that to be true. I had my own issues of rejection, and this crash just made everything worse. I suppose I could try to care about somepony else, but I don't know if I can. You're the last pony that I ever cared about, only pony that I've ever liked, and as such, you mean a lot to me. I haven't wanted to even be near anypony else since the accident, let alone try to be their friend. It will be a difficult undertaking me, I can guarantee you that much."


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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@  @@GeneralDirection

Rainbow Dash looks around to make sure Rainbow Boom isn't nearby


"You might want to take a look at yourself Nova, sure you can't fly buy at least you know your destiny better than most colts at your age. Not to mention neither of you have many friends, In fact you both only had me until you met each other and don't forget Rainbow Boom was expelled from the only school he ever loved. He hated Canterlot Public but he stays because he there he shines and isn't questioned. I suppose you did get the worse end but Rainbow Boom was still impacted by the clash Nova. He didn't want to get drunk because he couldn't handle this either...if i had to bet i'd say he got drunk in hopes of passing out and not doing anything stupid. Also where do you expect him to go? He has no real friends in this town and Pinkie and your friend haven't been seen all night. I'm just saying go easy on him, he may be a pain in the flank but deep down hes genuinely a nice guy. Why would i be his friend if that wasn't true?"

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@@little gamie, @


"I don't know where you got that crazy idea from but I haven't the slightest clue in Equestria what my destiny is. I can't even do the one thing I was any good at. I already heard what you said, but apparently you didn't hear me. I said that I don't care about anypony except you, and that anypony includes Rainbow Boom. To be honest, I'm not sure what you're trying to pull here, but you're certainly doing a great job of trying to destroy what few shreds of trust I have left in you." Nova buried his head in his hooves on the bar counter.

Edited by GeneralDirection


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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@  @@GeneralDirection


"So what, your just going to go through life only caring about me? Nova, what do you think your going to do when i move away for Wonderbolts training or when we both graduate and have our own lives to live. I'm not going to be around forever and eventually were going to have to move on."


Rainbow Dash begins to sound angry but calms down slowly throughout the rant


"Honestly, have you even thought about what your going to do in the next 3 years after you graduate?"

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@@little gamie, @


"Look, you wanna know what the real problem is?" Nova paused for a few seconds, and took a deep breath. "The problem is that...I love you, Rainbow Dash. That's my problem. I've been holding on to that for so long, and I should've just said something to you before I left the hospital. Ever since, it's been driving me insane! That's what's actually making me seem so resentful and harsh to Rainbow Boom, or anypony else, for that matter. While he was being a bit of a jerk, it was mainly the anger I held against myself for not telling you. When Rainbow Boom showed up, seeing him again just reminded me of you, and so he ended up getting the majority of my frustration dumped on him. It wasn't right of me to do that, but I really wasn't expecting to find either of you here. I was just trying to recover, I really wasn't ready for any of this."


Nova had no idea how Dash would react to any of this news. All he could do is hold on to whatever little hope he had left that maybe he still had a chance.

Edited by GeneralDirection


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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