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open Dragon Training Acadamy (RP)

Drago Ryder

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Thunder Dash overheard Tempest speaking. "Well, that's only in two years boy." He said looking at Shock in the eye. "Well, at least I don't have to go through them freaking tutorials again..." Shock thought. Thunder Dash then decided to take several warmup laps around the academy with Shock. Around the second lap, he stood up on Shock and took out his double-edged staff and practiced twirling and strikes. He was not trying to show off, only practicing. It was a technique that he watched the dragon riders of his village practice when he was a little boy. 

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"Tempest? who's that? you gotta remember I was the one who couldn't find the actual academy in the first place." Baron said in an embarrassed tone.

"And I don't really think its that necessary to call you Mr. Bonecrusher. if your a fellow dragon rider like me then I consider you my friend. and I call my friends by their first names." Baron said trying to be as formal as possible.

"how bout we both look for the cafeteria?" Baron asked.

Ludving Von Bonecrusher was surprised by this, Baron considered him a friend, things here might go better than he thought.  After a few second of letting this sink in, he nodded his head and said, "Fair enough, follow me, I'll tell you stuff along the way."  And with that he was off, heading towards the academy, his hiking boots along with his powerful, muscular legs conquered the few large, bulky rocks that dotted this side of the grounds.  As he walked he looked at Baron and asked, "Vell, vhat do you vant to know?" his thick German accent thriving like wild-life.

Edited by Midnight-Inferno


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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"well I feel like asking you something..interesting. are you a good fighter? and do you ever fight with your dragon?" Baron asked this because he was hoping to have a sparing partner during his time at the academy. he was a bit nervous about asking this Germanic giant to spare with him, but he felt more comfortable with his metal arm.

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'Odd question, but good one.' Mr. Bonecrusher thought as he continued his walk towards the academy.  "Ja, das tue ich, aber Kampf-."  He stopped himself immediately, baron probably didn't know German, fixing himself he resumed, "Sorry, slip of the tongue.   What I said is; yes, I do fight but not that often.  I do not fight my own dragon, mainly because all he would have to do is pin me to the ground, just by simply placing a claw on my chest.  I can't fight him anyway because I have no superpowers of mass destruction, not that I want any, just my 20 pound sledge-hammer and fists, they are the only power I will ever need.  If you're looking for someone to spar with the you might have gone a bit over your head, considering I have twice the muscle-mass you posses."  


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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" ha-ha, I may be small." Baron said as he grabbed hold of Ludving's shoulder and flipped over him. "but I am much more than a worth opponent, and you've never spared with someone with an arm made from steel and enhanced with a dragon's blood, yup this is Dragon's Blood Steel. from my own dragon, he offered since it was he who took my arm." baron said as he banged his arm on a rock. 'this arm and being light on my feet allow me to spare with my dragon, also, he's all I've had my whole life. I had to fight with someone. but now I have a human to fight, to be honest I've never fought a human before unless it was a clumsy bandit."

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Ludving Von Bonecrusher shook his head quickly and said, "Nein, I did not mean what I said in offence!  Plus I never said you were weak, you actually look quite strong, and that metal arm of yours might give me problems." the German said, the Academy was now in sight, and oh how beautiful it was.  Then, the muscle builder had an idea; a race.  Stopping where he stood, he looked at Baron and asked, "Hey, first one to reach the academy by running gets first serve at the cafeteria.  You up for a little race?"  


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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"sure I could use a good run!" Baron stopped as well to get ready to race. as soon as Ludving was ready they would begin. Baron assumed he had the upper hand since Ludving was a large muscly man and probably couldn't faster than him. not saying Ludving wasn't fast, just not faster than him.

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This Sprint would be pretty close, considering that Baron was quick on his feet but Mr. Bonecrusher has the leg muscle and could make large strides.  He got down into a position that a pro-track runner would go into at the set-up, then he started to count down, "Alright, here we go in; 5...4...3...2......1: GO! GO! GO!"  And with that he was off the line, his leg muscles working themselves and his boots pounding the ground with each fast paced foot-step.  Coming up to a large, flat-top rock with the shape of a hedge, he got himself ready and then stuck out his arm, spread his hand and brought his legs up as he began pushing himself up and over the large stone, landing on the other side and kept on running.


(Off to bed, night.)

Edited by Midnight-Inferno


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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Tempest smiled slightly, and nodded. "It's ok. You won't get thrown out of here, as long as you don't cause any problems." He said. "Anyway, I'll see you later." The young man then stood up and walked out of the cafeteria.


Dark smiled as she watched Orion fly away, and she began to fall asleep. "The lessons should start soon, so I might as well get some sleep." She thought.

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Baron Bolted off right in line with Ludving, he was surprised that this mass of muscle was this fast but Baron knew that the large warrior didnt have the running endurance that he did. Baron gained a small lead on Ludving but continued to run his hardest. Just in case Ludving had secret reserves of speed.

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Ravek had been dropped off by Creature on the ground near the cafeteria and rooms, Rav had to go on with her day without holding onto her dragons head. But she was hungry so the cafeteria was Ravek's first spot.


Creature had set her little rider to do as she wished, she had her own little things to do and Creature did not want to impose on her life. Creature had flown where the other dragons had went, it seemed as though the dragons lived within the cave system in the mountains.  She would probably have to pick a cave and maybe converse with the other dragons soon.


Ravek had walked into the cafeteria, and grabbed some of the food that was there. It had been awhile since she ate last so a good hot meal was perfect, though she kept it at a reasonable size because she does fly a dragon. With the food in her hand Rav looked for a table, and found one of the other riders sitting at a table.


"Hey, Mind if I sit here?" 

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His heart was pounding, his breathing was getting rapid and his legs felt a tad tired; the academy was just 45 yards away and Mr. Bonecrusher wasn't going to give up.  Calling upon what strength he could muster, he psyched himself and started leaning forward, not to much just a bit.  His feet were still pounding away at the ground and we was not letting up, but he could only go so fast; he noticed this when he didn't gain anymore speed.  'Looks like this battle is lost.' he thought.


(Off to school.)

Edited by Midnight-Inferno


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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Shadow glanced up from eating and noticed Ravek. "I don't mind." She said, after swallowing the food that she had previously eaten. "So, what have you been up to?"


Orion soon landed in a cave that wasn't to far from the academy. He looked around and noticed that it was a decent size.

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Ravek sat down with the other rider, and started to eat. And somehow with impeccable manners, her elbows never touched the table and she didn't slurp or anything went wrong. Something that wasn't really expected from such a happy character that Ravek displayed, but she knew how to act propper most of the time.

"Thanks, What I've been up to? Want to know recently or over the long run?"

Raek smiled at the other rider, while still eating her meal

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Shadow laughed slightly, and shrugged. "I might as well know in terms of the long run." She said. "As for me, I basically moved from town to town with Orion. I'm just glad that we found this academy. It's good to feel like you belong after living a nomadic life."

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Baron was regulating his breathing so he could keep his pace going. There was alot of Weight on his Left side due to his metal arm, but he learned to run with the extra weight. as he came close, Baron Strife leaped through the entryway and slid into the academy. many Riders and Dragons were around and the screeching of his metal arm on the floor could be heard all throughout the Academy. "Oops." Baron thought as he stood up. Ludving had come through the doors at the same time Baron did but made a less dramatic entrance.

Edited by Spark_Vision
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Ludving Von Bonecrusher had barged through the door of the academy, panting in slow, deep increments with his hands on his knee caps. Looking up to the race winner he said, still panting "Go, you won and so you get first serve. Fantastic running, Baron." Standing up straight and catching his breath, Mr. Bonecrusher the rest of the way inside. He hAd heard that they can choose a room to call their own during the two years they'll be here, so he was off to find his.


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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"Thanks, that was fun." Baron said catching his breath on the ground. When he finally caught his breath he went off to find the cafeteria. After that race he was more hungry than before. When he found the eating place he grabbed all he could and sat down at an empty table. He really wasnt good at meeting new people and making new friends, so he hoped someone would introduce themselves to him.

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Tempest walked through the academy, simply dreaming of what might happen. He then glanced at a sundial, before sighing. "Classes should be starting in a hour. I can't wait to see what those new riders have to offer." He thought to himself. The young man then let his thoughts drift to more unimportant matters.

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Shadow noticed Baron and shrugged. When she was done talking to Ravek, she might have enough time to talk to him.


Orion stretched as he slept in his cave. "I hope lessons start soon. I wouldn't mind seeing Dark's beauty again." He thought to himself. The dragon then smiled slightly.

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@ Dire Miralis,


After Baron finished eating and waited for 15 minutes for someone to say something he decided to muster up his courage and ask someone. he walked over to  table and said to the riders sitting there. "hello, do you mind telling me where the rooms are? if you know where they are of course."

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Had just taken another bite of her meal before she wanted to start on her story, and she gave a little hand gesture to say that that she was going to be talking in a second. The food was surprisingly good, and she had a very long so it was definitely welcomed.  

But just after she swallowed and about to start talking another rider came by to the table. 

"I just got back from mine, they're just to the right of this place when you walk out. You shouldn't miss it really."

Rav smiled at the other rider, then turned to the one she was going to speak to again.

"Sorry, the food's quite good here."

"And I guess the nomadic lifestyle is probably common amongst riders, I'm the same. Move from city to city, town to town, woods to woods and hope for the best that you live through that night. Though with a dragon by your side it ain't that hard. I was found in Whitestone by my dragon Creature, and then from then on we've been practically travelling. Though we did go back from time to time back to Whitestone because I could easily earn some coin there, and it seemed to be the place where I was born or something, though my accent ain't from around those parts."

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Shadow nodded and smiled. "I guess you're right. At least with a dragon, you have someone to talk to." She said. "As for how I found Orion, I found his egg in a cave I was staying in near Luminos. It was on top of a few embers that looked like they had been their for days. I took care of the egg, and it eventually hatched. I don't know when exactly, but after a few years of traveling with Orion, I began to hear his voice in my head. I guess we bonded enough at that point, but I'm not exactly sure."

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Ravek looked up in surprise, Shadow actually got to see her dragon hatch.

Something Rav never got to see with her dragon. Hell Creature was one of the oldest things she had ever known, she even still speaks in the old tongue, that language had died out centuries ago and when you listened to Creature speak it it sounded like you were almost sent back in time. Though Creature had learned the normal speech that people used today she sometimes still thought in it, and she was always connected to Ravek's own mind. 

"Wow, your dragon must be really young then. I sometimes think my dragon was from before time, hell she speaks old speech as fluently as we're speaking now. I guess you time with him must have been pretty awesome, getting the chance to raise a dragon like that. That would have been awesome, and probably hard work."

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(OOC: Sorry for being inactive for a while)


Thunder Dash and Shock landed after a few laps. "Well, that was a nice little warmup." Thunder Dash said as he stretched. "I still can't get Shock to talk. All he does is just roar, growl and sigh. Maybe I'm just a little impatient..." Thunder Dash said with a sigh. 

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