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Midnight Scribbler

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The Pendulum Swings

A macabre mystery



It's a bright morning in Dodge city. The shops and markets begin to open for the day. Ponies begin to lay out their produce and sale stands along the street. There is a slight unease in the air though. A series of mysterious disappearances had taken place in recent days, nopony was sure how or why, but everypony was on edge nonetheless.

Six ponies in the last month had gone missing throughout the city. One by one, each during the night. Despite the increased efforts of the deputy and police, they still seemed to keep happening.

About the only thing stranger than this was the newest invention, created by a timepiece maker, Clockwork Green. His latest creation had become the talk of the city, he had built his own functional wings. It had become a controversial topic between the three races.

Midnight Scribbler, normally a pony of very few words, galloped into the street. Frantically calling out and searching, his head swiveling this way and that. His expression is filled with fear and anxiety.


Edited by Midnight Scribbler
  • Brohoof 4

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@@Lucid Dream, @, @@ovr9000percentcooler, @@Skylar, @@PinkieShyFlutterPie, @@SkyStorm, @,


Ponies all around begin to look toward Scribbler, knowing something had happened. Not one of them uttered a word, but looked on with fearful expressions. It had happened again, another break in, another pony missing. Their whole world was tumbling out of control, nopony felt safe, especially at night. The entertainment industry, once thriving, now in shambles due to a lack of business. All because no one would dare go out at night past a certain time anymore. Dodge City as a whole was feeling as though it's whole world was being turned upside down, and nopony was sure what to do about it.

Edited by Midnight Scribbler

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@@Midnight Scribbler


"Shadow what are we doing here?" Muddle asked while walking, "Isn't it simple? Now that you've graduated. Your mother thought you should finally get off your flank, get out of her house, and get a job." Muddle looked towards her Shadow, clearly unamused by it's response. "Well we established that when I felt my suitcase hit me in the head. Now I'll ask again. Why are we here." She waved her hoof to show her dark and dingy surroundings. The town said Doge City, and she was beginning to notice why. "Well that simple too. Everypony in Manehatten knows you already." Muddle sighed as she said, "Good point..."


While she was talking to her shadow, she was not paying attention; and a stallion's loud scream caught her off guard. 



Muddle's immediate response was to look at her shadow and say, "What did you do?" Her shadow gave her a confused and puzzled look and replied, "I've been her for five minutes, while that would be impressive do you really think I did something?" Muddles glare only intensified. "Fine Sherclop Pones, why don't you go ask her?" Muddle let out a long sigh and said, "Fine, but if it's you..."


Muddle trotted over to the stallion and asked, "Sorry to bother you, but is everything alright?"

Edited by danzxc123

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Midnight Scribbler

Midnight looked about, noticing a mare approach him. He looked tired, he'd been up for hours before anypony else, and running. Sweat beaded on his brow.

"NO, no. everything is not alright. I'm looking for Sunset Glow, do you know her?" His head frantically swiveling about.


Ponies around the area began to go back to their business, none of them seemed interested in helping. A couple of them eying up the newcomer, and murmuring to one another quietly, glancing over every now and again.

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@@Midnight Scribbler,


Muddle could see that the pony was in distress, and quickly thought, "Do you know her?" Her shadow's reply was a short and terse, "No." 


She gave the stallion a concerned look, and said, "No, but is there something we..." She stammered before she continued, "I mean I can do to help?"


"Hopefully with pay..." "Shut it right now!"


She continued to talk, as she tried to ignore everything her Shadow said, "Is she lost, or..."

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Midnight was unable to stand still, his hooves stamping the ground as he trotted on the spot anxiously.

"I.. er, well, yes. I mean, I don't know where she is. Her apartment was broken into, and she's nowhere to be found. I've looked everywhere I can think of. Something's terribly wrong, I just know it!"

Midnight stopped for a moment, looking at the mare. "Wait, you must be new here, I don't recognize you at all. Are you even aware of what's been happening recently around here?"

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@@Midnight Scribbler,


"She's about as aware to what's going on here, as what's in her own head."


Muddle prepared to shot a beam of focused light directly into her shadow. She turned left and charge her magic, and then realized she was still talking to this stallion. She stopped what she was doing, and turned back towards the stallion. She Sheepishly replied, "No... I don't. Should I be worried?"

Edited by danzxc123

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Midnight stopped pacing, raised a hoof and an eyebrow and readied himself, not understanding what this mare had just done.

"I.. um." He lowers his hoof, and continues, speaking more quietly.

"There have been.. disappearances.. Six of them so far. I'm worried my beloved Sunset will make it seven." He breaks down, sitting. Thoughts of the worst running through his mind, he couldn't believe it had happened. He raised his hooves to his head, and sighed heavily with sadness.

"I can't bear the thought of what might be happening to her. I must find her, but I don't know where I should begin."

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SkyStorm bounds down the street. Tonight was quiet compared to last year, before ponies began dis...... She cuts herself off, shaking her head trying to forget, pain filling her eyes. She notices two ponies talking on the side of the road. One looks in a terrible state, mane frizzed and bouncing from hoof to hoof in worry. The other, with a curious shadow, not reflecting her moves as a normal shadow should..

OOUFF! SkyStorm falls over, her cloud of thoughts evaporating as she tries to figure out what just happened and why she's on the ground. A stallion jumps up and sprints away, obviously in a hurry. SkyStorm shakes her head in confusion and a hoof appears in front other, offering to help her up. She glances up and sees the mare with the strange shadow before her, she takes the hoof and stands.


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@@Midnight Scribbler, @Lucid Dream, @danzxc123, @ovr9000percentcooler, @Skylar, @PinkieShyFlutterPie, @SkyStorm, Oh for the love of crap? Another runaway? Selune had come to this city to get some rest... to begin a new life. It seemed however that someone had different thoughts. She couldn't even have fun these days because none was feeling safe going outside. At first she had thought that the dissapearing ponies were running away... but there seemed to be some strange pattern in it. She couldn't understand it but her instinct said it... These weren't normal things...

She bursted in the street. None was going to steal kids like this and get away with it. Not as long as SHE was here! There would be nowhere to hide for them if she decided to find them....

"What in Tartarus is going on in here? Don't tell me..."

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"For the love of Celestia, not again..."


For the month or so Sidesplitter had been there, multiple kidnappings have taken place, usually sometime after dark. Ever since this started happening, more & more ponies had begun calling it a night early, putting many night-time businesses and ponies jobs at risk. Sidesplitter's was one of them. She had planned a few late comedy shows in dodge city, but recent events had proved otherwise, mainly in her wallet. As she was walking past the two ponies, she made a mental note to stop by the bank again if she was to stay here any longer. She kept hoping the victims would return to their families, and she could make up all the money she had lost during that time, but sadly she was beginning to run low on cash. The hotel bill was racking up, and she knew she couldn't just keep wasting her money hoping to fit in a few shows here.


She mumbled to herself quitetly. Something was up. 6, possibly 7 ponies, don't just go missing all in one month. She had half a mind to just hunt this criminal down, but something had told her otherwise. Agitated, she continued trotting the street, wondering when this tragedy would end.

Edited by ovr9000percentcooler


Sig by Champion RD92



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@, @@SkyStorm, @, @@ovr9000percentcooler,

Scribbler, startled by the sudden sound of somepony falling nearby, glances over briefly at Skystorm, unaware of who she is, and uncaring as to why she fell. The only thing on his mind was finding his special somepony, wherever she had gotten to. Another mare trots up


"What in Tartarus is going on in here? Don't tell me..."

Midnight looks around to Selune, approaching with a look of determination in her eye.

"Wha?" Words escaped him for this query. The last part of the sentence threw him off, and he instead paused, waiting for further words to be said before responding.

Edited by Midnight Scribbler

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SkyStorm shakes her head from the previous fall then glances nervously at the fretting Scribbler. "Are you ok?! You look so worried! I'm SkyStorm by the way, if you need anything I can help, what's your name?" She tilts her head to the side in a questioning matter.


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@@Midnight Scribbler@@SkyStorm, "Is it... is it another... Another dissapearance?" She really didn't want to believe it but it had to be a logical explanation about this extreme reaction. No way someone would just go around shouting like a mad-pony. She seemed worried and awaited for someone to un-confirm this for her. She didn't like this at all... There were more ponies gathering... this was getting out of control and everyone was panicking.

Edited by nioniosbbbb
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SkyStorm looks at Selune is disbelief, "another disappearance!" She looks at Scibbler with a sympathetic face. "I am guessing you lost someone....I know how it feels.." She looks to the ground. "I lost my brother." Her heart aches painfully but she pushes it away best she can.


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(( Blue will be descriptive text and Black will be me talking))


*OC: The wind was cold and strong today, each wing beat was difficult for him even though he was a very strong flier. The wind howled past him as he soared high above dodge city, his mane and tail whipped back and his eyes watered slightly but he knew he had to be on time to meet Skystorm in the market plaza.* 


 *As he broke through the clouds slowly the cold dark walls of Dodge city rose up before him, the grey marble walls were strangled by vines, the large towers were flying the famous dodge city emblem which flapped violently in the strong wind, the sentries on the walls staggered back and forth as they were pummeled by the weathers onslaught.*


*As a Pegasus he felt the need to do something about the worsening weather but he knew there were more than capable ponies in dodge of doing the same thing, besides he needed to find his partner Skystorm, he had heard about the ill reputation of Dodge city and did not want to leave her alone even for a second....*   If something has happened to her.... I swear by the makers... *as that thought hits him he increases his speed dramatically, hot tears sting his cheeks and he erupts out over the market district, looking around wildly for any sign of Skystorm.* 


He catches a glimpse of the familiar blue mane and white coat that he has come to love and races down, landing besides her with a crack and flash of lighting, he can see that she is upset, a few other ponies surround them but he pays them no attention, instead he nuzzles her lovingly and kisses her cheek, putting one hoof around her shoulder. 


Sky.... I am so sorry I couldn't come sooner, the weather held me up sad.png  Thank celestia you are okay.... I was worried sick sad.png  *He began sobbing and snuggled into her as close as he could, enjoying her warmth again*

Edited by Skylar
  • Brohoof 2



Character Backstory: http://mlpforums.com/blog/1210/entry-7077-a-life-without-limits/












You are stardust that’s beaten the odds and combined perfectly.



You are both the moon you walk under and the ground you walk on.






                                                                                        You are a part of it all, neither big nor small.


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Midnight Scribbler stands again, seeing he's being approached by yet another mare, the one that had just tumbled over. He wasn't sure how to respond at first. His mind was racing with everything going on around him suddenly, on top of the problem he had yet to solve.

"No, I.. er, I'm Midnight Scribbler. I'm looking for Sunset Glow, do you know her? Have you seen her anywhere? Her apartment is trashed, and she's not anywhere she normally would be."



"Is it... is it another... Another dissapearance?"

"I dearly hope this isn't the case, but I fear the worst."

The morning sun had just began to kiss the street over the lower buildings. Scribbler began pacing again, impatient, wanting to run around rechecking places to see if he'd missed her in between one location to the next.

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SkyStorm nuzzles Skylar happily. "No, your not too late, don't worry!" She grins at him before turning back to Scribbler, what he said comes back to her and her expression changes instantly. "Sunset glow? I think the name is familiar, but I'm not too sure" she looks over to Skylar and briefly explains what happened. "Do you know her?"


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*Shakes his head and sighs* I don't know anything around these parts, I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't to meet up with SkyStorm... *He pulls her to one side and whispers in her ear* This sounds like something really serious... should we be getting involved in this... I mean I want to help these ponies and I know you do to.... but I really don't want to see anything happen to you.... sad.png  *He licks her cheek and sobs a little*  Whatever your decision... I will stand by you as always *he smiles as tears roll off his cheeks*

Edited by Skylar



Character Backstory: http://mlpforums.com/blog/1210/entry-7077-a-life-without-limits/












You are stardust that’s beaten the odds and combined perfectly.



You are both the moon you walk under and the ground you walk on.






                                                                                        You are a part of it all, neither big nor small.


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@@SkyStorm, @, @,

Scribbler glances about, surprised by the pegasus suddenly swooping in from above. He was beginning to wonder if this attention would help him or slow him down.

"She's got a crimson coat, pinkish red mane, and she wears a pendant around her neck with my cutie mark on it. I have hers here."

Midnight stopped, and grabbed at a pendant around his neck, holding it up for everypony to see. The marking was an image of a sun setting with rays of light banding out from it.

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Skystorm looks at Skylar with big eyes "I know, but I think we should help them! Look at Scribbler, he is a wreck! I'm sure we will be fine." SkyStorm hugs Skylar, appreciating his concern. "Anyway, how can anything happen to me if your here to save the day!" she bumps his shoulder playfully. They turn back to the others, "So, what are we going to do, I mean, where to start!" She digs her hoof through the ground awkwardly, looking for suggestions. Seeing the pendent gave her hope. But how we're we going to find her?

Edited by SkyStorm


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@@Midnight Scribbler, @@SkyStorm, @@Skylar, There was litterally a storm of voices one after the other coming togother. Two pegasi gathered around the unicorn and her mind was being overloaded, this thing had to stop. Panicking would not solve this situation... she decided to take the initiative and organise the lot of them.

"Wow, wow, wow... everyone... could you perhaps introduce yourselves at least?My name is Selune Darkeye... Let's take things one by one... what happenned here Midnight?"

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*Looks a bit annoyed at being interrupted mid sentence, then he catches a warning look from Skystorm and he grins and blushes a bit* Uhm, my name is Skylar, me and Skystorm are both from Cloudsdale.... um.... *He looks at Skystorm and grins unsure what to say* Well I don't know what else to say! We moved to canterlot a few months ago which is where I perform aerial shows now and again to make some bits with Skystorm .... as you probably can tell by now we are partners.... *He kisses her cheek lovingly and blushes* blush.png We decided to come here today just as a spur of the moment thing really! I have never been to dodge city before so we decided to check it out really, thats when she ran into Scribbler.... I am not really sure what we can do to help blink.png  

Edited by Skylar



Character Backstory: http://mlpforums.com/blog/1210/entry-7077-a-life-without-limits/












You are stardust that’s beaten the odds and combined perfectly.



You are both the moon you walk under and the ground you walk on.






                                                                                        You are a part of it all, neither big nor small.


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It wasn't long before a crowd of ponies surrounded the troubled stallion. Sidesplitter heard the ruckus quickly after she had continued walking. Normally she wasn't one for interrupting, but he was so distressed, so worried, she had to see what was up, despite the overwhelming crowd.


She fluttered up to the groug and tapped one of the other pegasi on the shoulder. She coughed & excused herself. "Sorry to intrude, but, my names Sidesplitter. I heard all the commotion, and I couldn't help letting my curiosity get the best of me." She extended her hoof to her, even though she was slightly more worried about her career than formal greetings.


Sig by Champion RD92



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*Both him and Skystorm turn around in around in unison and look at the new arrival* *He smiled slightly and replied* Hey there Sidesplitter, my name is Skylar and this is Skystorm, Ummm.... To be honest I am not really sure, I only just got here myself but it seems there has been 'another' disappearance, as I was explaining to the others we only came her today for the first time to visit, so I am really unsure what is happening right now.....  *Shakes sidesplitters hoof nervously* 



Character Backstory: http://mlpforums.com/blog/1210/entry-7077-a-life-without-limits/












You are stardust that’s beaten the odds and combined perfectly.



You are both the moon you walk under and the ground you walk on.






                                                                                        You are a part of it all, neither big nor small.


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