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Midnight Scribbler

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Midnight thought about this new information, not making him feel any better. The link between the two, though still present, was now thinner than before. "Well.. There's another thing to add to the list of mysterious clues. Nothing seems to be adding up here."

He scratched at the chip again, but stopped, conscious of the damage he might be doing to himself. It began to sting a bit from the irritation. "I think our best bet is to try to put some things together in the morning. For now, all we're really doing is wasting our energy pondering in circles."

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@@Midnight Scribbler, @Kira,@ovr9000percentcooler,@danzxc123,

"Agreed... although we still need to make sure we won't get assaulted during the night. We could put some warding spells... like alarms to wake us up should anything arise. As for your worries Midnight... we could chain you up the bed if you want. Wait... that sounded wrong." she facehoofed laughing.

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Midnight would have blushed were his coat a lighter tone of blue, he snorted, and laughed at the thought. "I don't know how well that's going to work, but we could try it." He chuckles again at the notion of being chained up. "I can cast protection spells on the windows and doors, it'll keep ponies from wandering in on us, and I can link a detection spell to all of us, so we'll wake up if somepony who isn't supposed to be here enters the apartment." He paused, realizing he'd accidentally poked fun at Grey Danger's sudden entrance moments ago. Though it was a bit late to take it back now, he hoped Grey didn't take offense.

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@@Midnight Scribbler





Sidesplitter agreed with Scribbler, yawning before scratching her ear. "Yeah, I think it's about time to hit the hay anyways. I don't think I can come up with anything right now anyways."


  On 2013-11-16 at 9:45 PM, nioniosbbbb said:

"As for your worries Midnight... we could chain you up the bed if you want. Wait... that sounded wrong." she facehoofed laughing.

Sidesplitter giggled. "Oh jeez, and I thought I was the funny one here."


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@@Midnight Scribbler, @, @@ovr9000percentcooler,@


Subject 888 chuckles a bit at Scribbler's plan, "Yes about that, sorry about breaking in earlier, and thank you for letting me stay" he said shortly after he yawned, "I'm tired as well, last night I had a run in with a manticor while I was cutting through the forest, it takes a lot out of a stallion to kill a manticor, ya know?" 

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@Midnight Scribbler
@Kira,  (just so y'all know I'm here)

     The young hipporgriff trotted out of the train; the last ride of the evening.  She carried little; her bow and quiver and a single bag was all she brought.  She had never been to Dodge City before, never knew anyone there, but heard that it was a blooming town with a growing number of jobs, thus her reason for coming.  She grabbed a couple of pamphlets to find out where the basic necessities of the town were.  Markets, boarding, and anywhere she could put her skills to work.  Raised able to farm and hunt, she was confident in her abilities, though had skepticism in her hireability.  Being half pony and half griffon was an uncommon thing, and often distracted from where things were important.  Still, she knew this town wouldn't have a chance if she didn't give it one.  So, with her head held as high as her pride, she marched down the streets for the nearest apartment complex.

Edited by Sasha
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Scribbler stammered "y-you.. Killed a manticore?? How? You haven't even got a weapon." He was again in disbelief, this couldn't be true, certainly, this was just a tall tale. Nopony could just kill a manticore with their bare hooves. There was no way.. or was there?

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@@Midnight Scribbler, , @, @@ovr9000percentcooler, @@Sasha


"Yes, I was trained to fight, in fact it took 5 full grown trained stallions to just hold me down and that's because I let them", he stated though not in a bragging manner, "and I have proof." He says as he grabs a small bottle of manticore poison from his hammerspace. "One hundred percent manticore poison, could sell this much for one thousand bits to most doctors out there."

Edited by Kira
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@@Midnight Scribbler





Sidesplitter almost didn't believe it. There was no way one pony could even hold up to a fully grown manicore. At least, that's what she thought until Danger held up the container.


"Woah!" Sidesplitter gazed at the small vile of manticore blood. "This....this is legit stuff! Must have been a snap for you to break out of that hell hole, huh?"

Edited by ovr9000percentcooler


Sig by Champion RD92



Like mashups? Like ponies? Then by all means, subscribe! http://m.youtube.com/#/user/IAmMelloYellow

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@@Midnight Scribblerdanzxc123, @nioniosbbbb, @ovr9000percentcooler


After coming to some nearby apartments, she knocks on the main office... no answer.  "Hrrmph"  Maybe the landlord was out on the town?  Didn't matter, no one was answering.  She continued around until she could hear voices.  Figuring they were likely tenants, and probably had more information on how to get a place to stay than she already had.  She followed the voices until she was certain she found the door they were behind.  She gave a light knock, and waited.  Feeling absolutely awkward having just knocked on yet another stranger's door.  Likely, this was going to be the first impression she was going to be able to have on anyone in the town. The uncertainty of what may happen in the next few seconds twisted at her insides.  She quickly resorted to a breathing technique she learned when hunting to help keep calm and quiet.  Her heartrate in mild flux, she waited for an answer to the door.

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The door opened a crack, held shut with a chain, and on the other side stood a yellow mare with a well groomed mane that drooped down over half of her face. She looked confused to see a stranger, and yet more confused by what kind of creature she was even looking at. "Um.. Can I help you?" She spoke softly, shy of the stranger, and filled with worry in the back of her mind.

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@@Midnight Scribbler, @, @@ovr9000percentcooler, @,  

"Dangit, haven't even said a word and already frightened someone"  

Sasha almost stuttered before even opening her beak.  She didn't want to put this pony at any more unease that she was already in, but she didn't want to waste time either.  She tried to relax a little; setting aside her habit of trying to look taller than she really was as she wasn't as tall as either of her parents.

"Hey, I'm sorry to bother you like this and at this hour, but could you direct me to where the landlord for these apartments may be?"  Her hind hooves shuffled a little.  Sasha mentally slapped herself in the face for forgetting to take her bow and quiver off before even trying to knock on the door.  She new most ponies get nervous around weapons, and felt foolish for just now thinking about it.

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The mare peered out, and thought for a moment "Normally he's in his office, but he might be asleep now. You might want to try the hotel downtown.. It's always open. And there should be vacancies, this city hasn't had much tourism in the last month." She glanced at the bow, and wondered what this strange creature was doing in the middle of the city with one of those.








Scribbler's eyes opened wide at the sight of the vial. He'd seen Manticore poison, but never thought it were possible for one pony to take one out by himself. This colt wasn't to be messed around with clearly. He began to feel uneasy by his very presence, as he had become more and more suited to the name he'd been given. "Well, I'm astounded. So.. what now then? Where will you go from here?" He asked, wondering why he'd even come to his apartment to begin with.

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@@Midnight Scribbler,

"No one's answerin' the office door, so I guess I'll try the hotel then.  Thank ya."

With that, Sasha turned back down the hall and left for downtown.  Mostly following the directions of one of the tourist pamphlets she grabbed on her arrival.  After trotting for a few minutes, she figured she had the best route there, and folded up the map to take flight, but paused for a moment to look at the traffic around, or lack of it.  For a blooming town, there wasn't much happening, or at least, not as much as she expected.  She decided against flying there, not wanting to put herself in an unshared and exposed position.  She stuck with her stealthy strengths and to the shadows as she made her way to the hotel.

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The mare bid the Hippogriff farewell, and shut her door again.



As Sasha wandered down the street, a shadow lurked in the alleyways, unbeknownst to her, peering out, watching her movements, and following at a distance so as not to blow it's cover. It ventured silently to the edge of the shadows, cloaked and hidden, waiting for her to pass by.

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@@Midnight Scribbler

The further Sasha traveled, the more and more uneasy she felt.  Had she been in the wilderness, she would've instantly become defensive and ready for anything that would throw itself at her, but this was the city.  Nothing pounces on you in the city, right?  Pausing for a moment to think about that "Who said they don't?  It's not a pony thing to do, but... no one here would probably see me as a pony.  Nothing stopping them I guess." She made a quick lift upwards with her wings, just high enough to see over the roofs of the shops along the main road.  She hovered there momentarily, looking around for anything to confirm or deny her paranoia. 

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@@Midnight Scribbler, @@ovr9000percentcooler, @, @ 


"Well, I'm going to help you catch this monster, this crime can't go unpunished." He said, he really wanted to help, and he thought that the culprit could be involved with the HTOU project. He then put the vial back into hammerspace, "After this, I may go and try to find my parents."

Edited by Kira
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The shadow watched as Sasha swooped overhead, remaining still, and avoiding the predator's gaze within the shroud of the shadow. It silently waited for the Hippogriff to make her next move.




Midnight Scribbler

Scribbler looked at Danger, smiling. He was glad to have another who wanted to see an end to these crimes. He felt convinced now, that this pony wasn't lying, and had no further reason to doubt him. "I thank you for your help then, Grey. It means a lot to all of us, I'm sure." He looked around to the others for supportive responses. "Perhaps when all of this is over, I can help you find them."

Edited by Midnight Scribbler

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Not satisfied by the silence, her uneasiness grew.  "This is just a whole different jungle on its own."  With that analogy in mind, she decided to fly over the city's 'canopy' after all.  Flying over rooftops instead of over roads.  Part of her told her that she was crazy; another part said that taking the roads would be crazier.  A talon grabbed onto her bow for reassurance, like a child to a blanket or toy.

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@@Midnight Scribbler


Subject 888 was touched, he had just made a friend, if there wasn't a series of foalnappings he might've cried tears of joy, but instead he smiled and said "Thank you... I just hope my parents still want me after they see the condition I'm in" he said in a saddened voice.

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@,@@Midnight Scribbler,  @ovr9000percentcooler, @danzxc123 

"I'd be glad to help you in your quest. But i suggest we look towards the present now... i am going to ward of the doors and windows, is there any place i can sleep later? I'm really feeling exhausted." She said yawning a bit. ((OOC:Sometime soon we should skip to the next day))

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Midnight Scribbler

Midnight nodded at Selune. "You can sleep in my spare room, there are two beds in there." He turned and fired his horn up, casting a barrier spell on the apartment, the lowest tier of his spell, which served as a warning tool. He stood up "I've set up our warning system, now I must infuse the spell to everyone here, this way we'll all be alert if something happens." He moves around the room, touching his horn to each of the ponies foreheads, leaving a temporary glowing point on their heads, which faded moments afterwards. "Let's get some rest.. Who's taking first watch?"




The shadow remained still, until Sasha was out of view, then crept into the street, quickly vanishing into the next dark alley. There it waited for sign of the hippogriff before making another move. Seeing the bow she carried, it chose not to make any ill fated decisions about being seen.

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((OOC: odd, I didn't get a notification))


@@Midnight Scribbler,@, @,  


She remained flying in the air, and had planned to stay up there until she came to the hotel.  Her only change in direction was up and down to pass over rooftops, but not so high up as to stand out.  She kept her eyes in front of her, feeling that looking any other direction would be a distraction and dangerous in unfamiliar territory.

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(OOC That would be my error, I posted and forgot to add your section.)



The shadow watched, seeing the creature move, concentrating on it's path ahead, and decided it would be safe to move out behind, as long as it was fast. It scurried from one alley to the next, and followed the shadows, like a mouse in a field, following the lowest and safest pathway, so as not to be spotted. Always staying behind slightly, just out of plain view, but within eyeshot of the Hippogriff

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