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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

Oh the awkwardness....


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I maintain a number of role play characters on IMVU for a number of different fandoms, all linked to a single account. They are almost universally female, with a few notable exceptions.


And then comes those awkward moments where guys (who do not realize that mine is a role playing account) start hitting on that girl they think is really hot... who is me. A guy, on the other side of the internets.


And then I have to break it to them that... Thing 1: I'm a guy. Thing 2: I don't swing that way.


This happens way more often than it should. On my public profile card, I even state that it's a role play account. And yet guys keep hitting on me.




Please tell me that somepony has had a similar experience, and that I am not entirely alone on this.

  • Brohoof 2
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Haha. WELL, On an anime forum I used to go on, I know two people who used to RP together alot. One of them, who everyone thought was a girl, was actually a guy. :I


Well, erm, the other person was a guy too, but didn't know the 'girl' was actually a guy.

Infact it was me who told him, purely because of the fact that when I added the 'girl' on facebook [i already had the guy on facebook too], I came to realize it was a boy.


He's pretty awesome to be fair, but it was just so hilarious. They don't talk anymore... xD

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Hah, I just created a female character in the roleplay section of this site today. Hope I won't have to deal with anything like that.


Closest thing I have to a similar experience is that my favorite fanfiction author thought I was a woman the first few times I contacted him, just based on my name being "Emerald" (this was the pre-Legendary days).

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All I can really say is that I'm a girl, and nearly no matter what I get shamelessly hit on almost all the time. (I have had no issue on these pony forums :D) I guess, since they are under the impression you are a girl, welcome to feeling like a girl in that regard? Maybe state in several places in bold that you are actually male?

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I have a solution to your problem, Send them some audio of batman speaking and tell them its you!

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