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Princess Celestia, Sweetie Belle, Princess Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Rarity, Zecora, Pinkie Pie, Princess Luna

Round 2
Princess Celestia v. Princess Luna
Princess Twilight Sparkle v. Zecora
Rarity v. Pinkie Pie
Fluttershy v. Sweetie Belle


Trixie: The Great and Powerful Trixie believes that Discord did not fairly create these matchups, he did them with significant bias.
Discord: Not in this round, but I certainly did in Round One when I put Fluttershy against you, Great and Powerful Trixie.
Trixie: Discord, you are full of lies and ignorance. Trixie does not need to converse with you anymore.
Discord: I will happily oblige. 


Like last time, please vote on who should move on to the next round...



*Fight Scene Sequence [Round One]*

"This should be a lot of fun, seeing normally docile and kind ponies fight one another", said Discord.


Round One

Princess Celestia v. Cheerilee

Celestia: Oh, Discord. This is hardly fair at all.
Discord: Princess Celestia, I am sure Cheerilee will be a competent match for you.

Celestia: I will not lay a hoof on Cheerilee.
Cheerilee: Oh Princess, you're actually giving me a chance to compete?
Celestia: Hmmmm... lol, I was only kidding.. I am going to kick your ass.

*Cheerilee charges at Celestia.*
*Celestia flies up into the air and uses her magic to turn Cheerilee into stone.*


Discord: How frightful!?!?! I suppose I have something in common with the elementary school teacher. Perhaps, it should be my next profession now that I am reformed.. Celestia is the winner!


*Celestia breaks Cheerilee out of the stone*

Winner: Princess Celestia

Apple Bloom v. Sweetie Belle

Apple Bloom: Discord, I don't wanna fight Sweetie Belle - can I fight some other pony?
Discord: Sure, if you make it to the next round.
Sweetie Belle: I am scared..

*Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle begin punching and kicking at one another.*
Sweetie Belle: Wait a minute, how will you get your cutie mark by beating up a defenseless unicorn who barely knows magic?
Apple Bloom: Well, how will you get your cutie mark by beating up a poor earth pony with a bow on her head?
*They continue fighting*
*Sweetie Belle sings a lullaby*
*Apple Bloom falls asleep*

Discord yawns, "So boring, I know you don't know magic but could you at least stab Apple Bloom with that horn of yours?"
Sweetie Belle protested, "I would never do that to my friend!!"
"Regardless, it looks like you beat your friend.. good luck in the next round, you'll need it."
"Can you get me my cutie mark?"
"Lol, yes, but lol no.."
Winner: Sweetie Belle

Princess Twilight Sparkle v. Scootaloo
Twilight: This isn't right. 
Scootaloo: I'm gonna be the first pony to make mincemeat out of an alicorn with my scooter.
*Scootaloo gets on her scooter and drives it into Twilight, leaving a scratch on one of Twilight's wings*
Twilight: So that's how you want to play? Watch this!
*Twilight creates a force field around her which knocks Scootaloo off her scooter*
Scootaloo cries, "I got a scrape on my knee, ouch... this hurts!!"
Twilight: Do you want to keep fighting?
Scootaloo: That is what Rainbow Dash would tell me to do.
Twilight: Very well then. I dare you to fight.
*Scootaloo tries to hit Twilight but keeps getting knocked out by force field after force field*
Scootaloo gives up.

Winner: Princess Twilight Sparkle

Fluttershy v. Trixie

Trixie: The Great and Powerful Trixie would like to say that she is simultaneously honored and insulted that Discord has chosen to have Trixie fight a pony with a weak and timid disposition. Too easy. Fluttershy, how about I spare you some pain and you give up now?
Fluttershy: Um.. okay.. if that is..
Discord: Absolutely not, Fluttershy! You must stand up for yourself!! I command it.
Fluttershy: I can't. I am too weak and besides I think Trixie wants to go to the next round more than I do anyway.
Discord: Come on and fight.
Trixie: Discord, this is fun. Trixie will win easy.
Discord: Oh and I took away artificial magic from everypony who is competing.
Trixie: That certainly is not a problem...

*Fluttershy slowly flies up in the air, targeting Trixie*
Discord: Fluttershy, I have faith in you.
Trixie: The Great and Powerful Trixie can handle a tap from the weakling pegasus.
*Fluttershy flies down on Trixie and knocks off her hat*

Trixie: MY HAT!!!! CURSES!!!! THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE IS... UMMMMM... I don't know what to do?
Fluttershy: Ummm.. you could just put your hat back on your head.. it shouldn't be a problem.
Trixie *looks down*: Where is my hat!?!?
Discord: Yes, it is a problem. Because the hat is now mine, look at me everyone, I am the Great and Powerful Discord. Aren't I special?
Trixie: I can't fight anymore...I mean.. the Great and Powerful Trixie must forfeit.

Winner: Fluttershy

Spike v. Rarity
Discord: Ooh.. a dragon fighting a pony!?!? How intriguing?

Spike: How can I fight Rarity? Discord, why are you so cruel?
Discord: Hah hah hah, me cruel? I am the kindest creature in all of Equestria.
Rarity: Ooh, fighting a dragon and risk getting my mane dirty? Nope.

Spike: It's okay, Rarity. You can use your magic on me, knock me out, and win.

Rarity: Why would I do that to my Spikey Wikey?
Spike: I want you to win, Rarity.

Discord: Ugh, you are the worst dragon ever!!
Spike: I'm a pony at heart.

Discord: Whatever.. you two do what you want.
Spike: Oh, I must faint.. oh oh oh...
Rarity *gasps*: How dramatic!?!?
Spike faints... 

Discord: Very well then, Rarity moves on to the next round.

Winner: Rarity

Zecora v. Rainbow Dash
Rainbow: Wow. I owe you one, Discord..but I guess I can beat anypony here.
Zecora: Do not be so rash, Rainbow Dash.
Rainbow: I guess you're letting me make the first move, huh.
Zecora *nods*
Rainbow: This is too easy!!! *flies up in the air*
Rainbow thinking: Maybe too easy.. Zecora isn't even moving. Oh well.
*Rainbow flies down, hitting Zecora, knocking her to the ground.
Zecora: While you went up with such fast motion, I covered myself with a lotion.
Rainbow: What does that even mean? Jeez, you're worse than Pinkie... *coughs and then vomits*..ugh, I feel weak all of a sudden.

Discord (in a French maid costume): Do not fear, I will clean this up..he sweeps up the vomit into Trixie's hat.

*Zecora charges at Rainbow, knocking her out*

Discord: It appears the great Rainbow Dash was defeated by a zebra!

Winner: Zecora

Big Macintosh v. Pinkie Pie
Pinkie Pie: This is going to be super duper fun whether I win or lose!
Big Mac: Yup.
*Pinkie Pie shoots out her party cannon at Big Mac and finds it has no effect*
Big Mac: Nope.
*Big Mac picks Pinkie up and throws her in the sky*

Discord: Well, I guess our winner is...

*The ground opens up, Pinkie Pie flies upwards from the newly created opening and headbutts Big Mac in the torso.*

Big Mac falls onto the ground as Pinkie bounces on him. 

Discord: Wow, I did not know that my arena had that ability.
Pinkie Pie: All arenas seem to do that for me, whee! 

Winner: Pinkie Pie

Princess Luna v. Applejack
Princess Luna *laughs*: Oh Discord, you put me against a farmpony.
Applejack: This farmpony is gonna buck you to no end.
*Applejack takes out some rope she was hiding under her hat and uses it to tie up Luna and drags Luna closer to her*
Luna: This is too easy.
Applejack: Huh.
Luna suddenly shines breaking out the rope, pushing Applejack to the other side of the arena... 
Luna: Applejack, do you want to keep fighting?

Doctor Whooves: She's been knocked unconscious, I will resuscitate her.

Discord: Please do, Doctor Whooves. Regardless, Luna wins. 

Winner: Princess Luna

Don't worry.. none of the losers were killed and none of them suffered trauma of any sort.

Anyone care to vote?
Otherwise, Discord will cancel the tournament and declare himself the winner.

Voting will cease Tuesday night.

Edited by DukeofCanterlot


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Princess Celestia, Sweetie Belle, Princess Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Rarity, Zecora, Pinkie Pie, Princess Luna


Round 2

Princess Celestia v. Princess Luna

Princess Twilight Sparkle v. Zecora

Rarity v. Pinkie Pie

Fluttershy v. Sweetie Belle


  • Celestia
  • Twi
  • Flutters
  • Brohoof 1


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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Got kinda busy this week but yea Round Two is officially closed.


We know three of the winners [Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy] but wait for the fight scenes to see who wins the Celestia/Luna fight...


Should have everything up by tomorrow morning.

  • Brohoof 1


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