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"i..i am not a simple worker... i am.. do..doctor Volt.. the lead... engineer... you can't kill.. a CWC engineer... they... they will hunt for you...forever..."


Volt was trying to take a canister on his bag with his teeth


"open ..this... please..." Volt paused to take a breath "... then... then you can do... what you want...."

Edited by Doc. Volt


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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moonlight lowered her front hooves and looked at the canister then casted a sinister glare at volt "so your powers will return? ha NEVER i know better than to do anything for a pony that works for the rainbow factory. i'm better off killing you." she then kicks volt's face with a front hoof.


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"damn it!" Volt's nose started to bleed ".. wh.. what the hell is.. wrong with you... what did i to you? I..I don't even know your name.. you know.. nothing.. about me...! you know about the ..the factory... how?...How is... is... is that possible?" Volt spitted some blood to the ground, sure those hooves were strong enough for a weakened pegasus "...what is worst... getting killed... by a freak... or dying ..alone... on the ground... my dream...Cloudsdale.. my laboratory..."

Edited by Doc. Volt


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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"i swear to celestia i'm going to commit suicide from what i'm about to do" she said in her head. she then rolled her eyes fine but if you attack me i will rip your limb's apart but mark my words rainbow factory failed for the first time" the canister was wrapped in a red magical aura for a second before the aura faded. moonlight then opened the canister with her hooves then walked back a 4 ft away from volt. just in case


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(gah starter posts are hard)


"I'll see you next week!" Icy grinned at one of her regular patients, a mare from the asylum in Canterlot. She shut the door of her therapist office, contemplating what to do. She had just closed up, and she didn't feel like sending any e-mails regarding information. She decided to go outside, and made sure to glare at anypony who passed by. After hearing what sounded like a commotion, she rushed over, and was rewarded by the sight of some mare stomping on a mumbling stallion. 


"Hey!" Icy yelled, "What's your problem?"


Thanks to a jewel of rarity for making my signature!

My OCs:

Ribbon Ruffle                                                                                                       Squeaky Clean

The fun has been doubled!

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a blue laser started to blink, then a long streamer reached the sky, in some seconds lot of clouds started to spin around the laser bean, then suddenly a lightining, then another and another, finally a big one reached the laser container completely destroing it, an electrical storm dropped on Volt's body.. that now was blinking like a heartwarming's tree...


the gauges on Volt's hooves and back reached the maximum position, he stood up with eyes closed, then he spread his wings and opened his eyes, all around him a purple electric Corona discharge, then suddenly the storm dissapered


"ah much better" Volt cleaned his nose "now, could you please turn that magic field Chainmail? It won't work now..." Volt slowly turned his head to the batpony "...it won't work now..."


"so... i don't know your name.... milady?"

Edited by Doc. Volt


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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moonlight smirked "ma names moonlight rainbow factory worker" she then casted a glare and volt neither she's thinking of killing him or let him go. probobly plotting to kill him "i'm part of the a member of the moon cult. thats all the info you can get out of me everything else ya don't wanna know ever" she then chuckled.


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"Nice to meet you Moonlight, the moon cult uhm? Interesting... by the way i'm not going to ask any question about that or your private life milady, just please let me offer you a question: how do you know about the Cloudsdale weather corporation? I mean, everypony knows that we produce the weather inside there.. but nopony should ever know about... well... unorthodox methods...may i ask how do you know milady? Also i am only a gear... yep an important gear but still a gear at the factory... we do what we do because we can and we must for... for the flock.. i think" Volt paused... it was the first time after a long period that he questioned the factory methods "..well still... there are worst jobs.. i think that those gentlecolts do something similar am i right?"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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moonlight smirked again "i learned about the rainbow factory by many ways more ways you can imagine. i live in cloudsdale. now is some mistical magical pegasus gonna kidnap me to the factory because i know them now hmm?" she then stares at volts expecting a not obvios answer.


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"oh well milady, it is just strange that they let a...a genetic mutant.. live in Cloudsdale... by the way this is not my job, i should also not be here.. i develop machines milady, new way to improve the flock and the production, probably they would not be so happy to hear that lot of ponies knows but it is not my job... as long as there are not much of knowning ponies they are safe.. even Celestia is not going to belive you... the CWC will work... forever probably... the CWC has unlimited resource... as long as they don't consider you a problem you are safe... i would like to leave too but they will find me... no.. wait... what am i saying? I LOVE WORKING HERE ehhehehahhah!" Volt's eyes became very small, his face completelly filled with insanity.. a tear of fear under his right eye


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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moonlight then stepped in front of volt and slapped him. "snap out if it il force you not to go back to the rainbow factory." then moonlight's pupils shrank a bit "hmm maybe steeping in front of him when he's like this wasn't a good a idea" moonlight said in mind.


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"watch out!" Volt jumped backward moment before a lightining left his face "phew that was close Milady... you should not touch charged capacitors..." "by the way... i would love to live... i have done.. terrible terrible things..."Volt turned his head looking to Nightstrike "... not only on fillies... i was a free scientist.. i wanted to develop free energy devices... they said that i had to work here... i just got crazy..i... i... i have voices inside me... no! NO! the Flock need me! the factory need me! I have to catch those failures!...i am the failure.. i failed at my life....argh... so... many... voices.... SHUT UP ARGHH!!" Volt released a large energy streams into the air completely cleaning the cloudy sky... the moon now was shining over the two winged ponies..."... i.. i need.. i think i need to sleep... or something..."

Edited by Doc. Volt


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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moonlight rubbed her hoof before setting it back to the ground "i can make sure those rainbow factory goons don't get to ya theyl never gonna take you back. i can fend them off easily with my.. m" her words suddenly cutted out she bit her lower lip and smirked.


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Volt looked at the batpony, the moon shining upon her in a beautifull way


"Thank you... whoever you really are... but my life is gone... they have my soul.. my life.. my body.. everything... you can't just escape the CWC... remember? where not a single soul gets trough.. my soul has been grinded into a rainbow the first day of my job at that factory... even if i leave, even if i can escape them forever... theyr eyes.. will be upon me forever because i know... when you know... it is already too late milady... shall i call you Moonlight? It fit perfect in this moment" Volt smiled for the first time, it was not one of those sadistic smile he used to get before the processing of livestocks... it was a true happy smile

Edited by Doc. Volt


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt

(Well fuck, I had to fix my mom's computer and I come back and find that shit hit the fan while I was gone.)

"Oh please. I think you underestimate this town. It may be that not a single soul gets through the rainbow factory, but not a single soul can survive long in here. You can call this town hell."


"As for you." Chain Mail said, looking at moonlight. "You look familiar. Who are you?" He asked, "And what in the fire caves are you doing in the cult of the moon?"

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moonlight could feel her blushing she had never blushed for who knows how long "then il fix you everything is fix able those rainbow factory goons haven't got your soul your soul stays in your body until your dead those walls can't hold souls souls wonder everywhere they want their eyes cant look at you forever if rainbow dash ever goes hunting for you i will rip her wings apart"


(OOC this is the fastest shipping ive ever seen)


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"hell? Hell my magic fellow? This town is the heaven.. and i tell you why... they all know who you are and what you do.. you kill for money but it is your choiche... you can kill what you want but you can quit... i can't do this... and  can't destroy the factory... i can't get my life back... i'll rather being killed here as a free pony than up there in that scining floating illusion... they call us "brave".. well there is nothing brave in this new world"



"oh Moonlight, no offence intended but you sound so funny... i would love to think that this is possible, that your sword can tear appart that nightmare... but it is a nightmare i will never forget... that is my reality... "

Edited by Doc. Volt


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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moonlight shot an angry glare at chain "you have no bussiness to ask about the cult i am in i kill for fun not for money" she then looks back to volt.  "then il bucking drop a nuke/balefire bomb (OOC: if you read fallout equestria you should know what bale fire is) so no more rainbow factory"


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@Doc. Volt 

"If you bother to get swept up in the killing game, I think you'll find it much harder to stop than you think. After all, you'll get ponies coming after you constantly, always wanting to test your skills. It becomes quite a chore if you don't want to kill droves of ponies when they want to. Besides, nopony is connected to life. They merely exist or are trying to kill you." He said.


"Also, do you really think you could take on Rainbow Dash in hoof to hoof combat. You must be crazier than that fucking cult of yours." He said. "By the way, I already know that the cult of the moon is a sacrificial cult dedicated to nightmare moon. While it's the #1 most wanted criminal syndicate, members rarely enter the top 20 killers list. Besides, when I kill for my self I don't make money. Only when others want me to kill." He said, his air of superiority overwhelming.

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"why are you always so angry Moonlight? Maybe hes in the cult too... by the way i don't think you can find a similar bomb here.." Volt smiled innocently..." we can't do anything... i have to find those fillies... try to let them escape in a way that they look dead, so the CWC will stop chasing them.. then i will think something for the factory... i shall thank you Moonlight.. i am feelings things that i thought i would never been able to feel again...  yes it is a light from the moon.. but still a light in my heart... "


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt@@GameytheGeemer@, @

NightStrike had been quiet the whole time. He just remembered... everything before the incident. How he became nearly invisible the tests the pain, it was all clear now, and that pegasus had something to do with it. But he helped me too. "I should talk to him" He thought. He also couldn't stand Chains self assuredness anymore.


"He could tell me something about my past and in exchange I could give him some info about the filly" He already saw Shadow teleporting the filly away when nopony was looking, or at least she probably thought nopony was looking. He could tell the guy.


He trotted over to the doc

"I'm sorry miss moonlight but would you mind if I speak to the doc for a while?" He said looking only at Volt.

Edited by Wayzer107


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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moonlight glared at chain "orly?" her hat was then envelop by a red magical aura it levitated off her head revealing her horn "do you think rainbow dash has a chance again't an alicorn? im not as fast as her but i can teleport away from her attacks its like childs play" she then puts her hat back on to cover her horn again. a grin formed on her face


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Volt looked to the black stallion near him...it looks like an arguing war was about to be deployed beetween Moonlight and Chainmail


"come on fellows... we all are murders.. are souls are black as the night... stop fightining please... you can defeat Rainbow Dash it's true... but you can't defeadt the system"


Volt looked into Nightshadow


"i know you... i just don't remember..."


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt@@@GameytheGeemer,


(ooc it's NightStrike BTW XD)

"Daayum, I was just going to ask if you knew more. I remembered something about my past, and you were involved in it. I'll tell you later, I don't want everypony to hear it."

Turning to the others:

"I and doc need to talk for a while, alone, is that possible." It wasn't really a question 

Edited by Wayzer107


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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Chain Mail, on the other hoof, was utterly unimpressed as he ignored the doctors words. "Yes, I do think that if push comes to shove she could beat an alicorn. Even one much more powerful than you. Granted, when she caught word that her personal pet has been killed by somepony, I don't think Rainbow Dash would survive Celestia's onslaught." He said, a mocking tone in his voice. "Besides, you don't know how to fight. She does, I do, I can use counter spells that you don't know, and over power you in a second." He finished.

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