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private Back to Ponyville! (A SoL Casual RP)


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@@CharChar, @, @@SleeplessSketch,

Slava turn to the three pony's"thank you for helping and being so kind, well i better get in there and tell them i have arrived or they might start to panic and that and you three have a nice day ok" Slava trots to the hospital he thinks to him self"There pony's are what other pony's say,nice and kind."


Signature done by @Lunia

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@,@, @@CharChar,


(( Hey does anybody look at the First topic post every once in a while? I change that accordingly sometimes to the story, just wondering if it goes through or not. ))


"Fritters? I've never had Fritters before, I'm more of a Biscuit or  Toast and jam type of Stallion, but...yes I can try these Fritters you speak of...fritters...friiitters...why does that roll off the tongue? Fritters..ha..brilliant." He repeated to himself constantly as he trotted alongside her.


"R-right have a good day.." He said towards the medical pegasus seeing him off to that building over yonder. He shuddered again and shook it off continuing int their forward motion.


Once arriving at the Sugarcube Corner he sat at one of the tables inside for it was getting quite chilly outside, perhaps he should have brought his scarf with him.


"fritters.....friiitters..." He repeated to himself, solving the mystery of this gem of a word.

Edited by SleeplessSketch

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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@@SleeplessSketch, @@CharChar, @,


Slava walks in the he runs back out saying"hey guys!, can i hang around you for a while, please i dont have any friends and i would like to have some and it will be good to get to know you all" then Slava think"I never really had friends, i was to busy with trying to become a doctor"

Edited by Lighting Split


Signature done by @Lunia

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@@SleeplessSketch, @, @@CharChar,

((Honestly, I reference it fairly often, especially to check everyone's OCs names. It helps bunches.))


"We have a kitten, a sugar glider, a singer, a writer, a star flyer, a sketch artist with two personalities, a changling and" points at Break "him. I'm sure our group could bear a doctor as well."


((Did I miss anyone? Would feel bad if I did.))

Edited by Troblems


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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((Sorry I was washing up!))


@@SleeplessSketch @@CharChar @


Divine was a bit surprised at the peace offering the otherpony had for him. ''O-oh uh thanks...I uh..I have never had one of these before.'' Carefully he took it with his two front fangs, careful not to poke her with them or anything. Leaning his head down he used his hoof to get his fangs out of the apple.


While he was munching it loudly, finishing it quite quickly. However while he was doing that he didn't realize everyone had gone somewhere else. His eyes widened. Where did they go? Divine had no idea where they lived or how to contact them and that made him deathly afraid. Divine wasn't always the best with paying attention.


Divine galloped into whatever this 'ponyville' was. Didn't that one pony..gah I forgot his name! But it had something to do with the hospital. And just his luck the streets were a bit crowded. Looking around in a panicky state he started to get outraged. Standing in the middle of the street, he reared up and slammed his hooves even deeper into the dirt, causing what seemed like an earthquake but really wasn't. Though...he wasn't doing much good. ''SKETCH?!'' he hollered out his friend's name. Of course the ponies were staying a way from him. That just irritated him more.


Divine........was starting to do a decent amount of damage to the vending carts and ground. Well..he was supposed to be a gentle giant? He snorted and looked around, seeing just what kind of pony would get in his way.

Edited by Bitter Frost


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@, @@SleeplessSketch, @@CharChar,

Slava says"if you get hurt i can fix you up no problem at all" Slava smiles then says" so what are going to do now?". Slava then thinks to himself"I hope i didn"t go over board with what i said i could lose some friends i already meet and i dont want that at all".

Edited by Lighting Split


Signature done by @Lunia

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@@, @@CharChar, @


"O-Oi..icksnay on the personailty...ey...." He said sweating a bit making cut of the throat motions with his hoof towards Tranq.


"Ah bloody 'ell, what does it matter anyway, everypony knows that by know." He said flustering his lips with a sigh as he leans a cheek on a hoof. It might as well be old news to anyone living in Ponyville by now. Suddenly, his ears twitched at the distant sound of his name being called, followed by a few crashes here and there.


"Oh gods." He said before standing back up and galloping outside. There he went back to where they came from only to see Divine had fallen behind, though he did break a few things. He didn't realize how oblivious he was to leaving his friend behind because all he wanted to do was get himself away from that hospital as quickly as possible.


"Hey hey, calm down now it's fine. I'm sorry I left you behind, I wasn't aware of my surroundings. Now just follow me and HOPEFULLY nopony notices these damages...like now.. quickly quickly quickly!" He said getting behind Divine and pushing his flank forwards towards the Sugarcube corner as quickly as possible.Bloody hell he weighed a ton, he was a lot heavier than he looked.

Edited by SleeplessSketch

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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@@CharChar, @@SleeplessSketch, @, @,

"Sketch, honey, your secret isn't a secret anymore. And that's okay, we accept you for who you are. As well as your other you. As for where we're going, snacks! And Divine, I hope you liked the apple, I promise, it wasn't even poisoned. We didn't mean to leave you behind, it just seems our little group is growing. And that's okay, because it seems like we could all use the friends."


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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@@SleeplessSketch @@CharChar @


Divine's face lit up slightly as he saw Sketch making his way over to him. ''A-ah thank goodness! I didn't know where I was so I panicked  and then before I knew it I started kicking things..I just didn't want to be alone again. My attention span sucks.'' Blinking he nodded ''E-er right. Gak not the tails!'' before they got a chance to bite his friend he  quickly turned around Sketch and got him on his back. ''Just tell me where to go. I can get there faster, I don't want you to be blamed for this crap.''


He looked around waiting for Sketch to tell him where to turn next. Before he knew it they were at the place. ''Wow! I never have seen one of these before!'' carefully going inside he hunched down so Sketch could get off his back. ''Er uh..sorry, I just figured it would be faster.''


His attention turned over to Trauq and he nodded his head. ''I..it was really good thank you.'' he looked away shyly. ''I uh..I am s..s...s..sorrytoo.'' the words came out rather fast.


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@,@, @


Before he knew it he was on the back of Divine, just riding there and before he could react or say something on where to go, they were already there. As he was let off he sat at the table the others were waiting at.


"...That was...bloody BRILLIANT! That was the most fun I had in days! Did you see us? We were like zoomin' all over the bloody place! I was like *We gotta go!* then he was like *I'll take you on me back sir!* and I was like, *BLOODY 'ECK!* Then he was like, *You're taking too slow! We ride!* Oh man it was absolutely fant-..." He stopped dead in his tracks as everypony was staring at his sudden outburst of enjoyment.


"Ah..er well..*ahem* Yes that was quite the thrill. I'd like to have that tea now.." He said clearing his throat and straitening himself up feeling a tad embarrassed of himself for acting the way he did just now.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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@@SleeplessSketch @@CharChar @


Divine smiled happily knowing that Sketch was having fun. He chuckled softly and sat down on the floor. ''I don't mind giving free rides. To be honest it was the same for me. I haven't had fun...in uh..well I never had what fun is but I sure know what it is now. Sorry for over-reacting. E-eheh...I got scared.''


He looked at the whole group..a group that he never thought he'd be in. Divine was glad he had these friends. Even though he stuck close to sketch that didn't mean he didn't value the others. Heck he was lucky he had anypony to talk to.


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@,@,  @


"Ah well..that makes two of us." He said smiling a bit as he received his tea from the shop owner over the counter. He went back to his seating area and sipped on his cup. 


"Much better...It's been an eventful day nonetheless, though I think I ought to go back home soon. I still haven't unpacked my things. If you all aren't doing anything I happily invite you to join me." He said keeping his composure making an odd invitation to his home once again, but this time as the other Sketch.


"Sorry your plans to have a little field trip toward your place was...side-tracked Miss Tranq. I hope you have the chance again," he said taking another sip of his cup.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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Divine looked over to sketch. Standing up his eyes sparkled in delight at the invitation. ''Ah! Yes I wanna come!'' he got a bit to excited and bashed his hoof on the floor, he almost knocked over a table but he quickly caught it with his front hooves. ''I mean..yeah that sounds fine..'' he tried to shrug it off cooly even though he wanted to see a house so badly.


''I uh...'' he cleared his throat. ''...I can help you if you want..like with carrying heavy boxes..or something.'' Divine looked away once more...how did he end up acting this way? It felt..familiar. The snake tail that bit him before hissed loudly.


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"Brilliant, then we shall head out at once." He said sipping the rest of his tea gone before returning the cup to the store owner.


"If we think at least a tad bit similar, then my other half has probably sent for the moving chariots to pick up the rest of our large furnishings. They should arrive any moment by the house." He said as he trotted back towards the group at the table.


"Miss Tranq, Mr. Slava, and Mr. Break, I do hope we chat another time. But for now I have to make myself homely." He said towards the others as he stood up and trotted right outside the door.


"Come along Mr.Divine, Forward ho!" He said as he pranced away.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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He nodded. Mr.Divine..well well no one has ever called him that before. It was neat. Then again everything new to him seemed neat. ''That does sound like him. Even so I will help in anyway I can. Divine looked at the otherponies and gave them a nod. Then he trotted off after Sketch. He could not wait to see what his house looked like. Divine wondered how many things Sketch owned. Did he have his own bed?


Or maybe a blanket! Divine wanted to feel one of those.


((Aaaack I am so tired again ;; stupid medication, just have like divine be sitting there at Sketch's house or something. Thank you T u T))

Edited by Bitter Frost


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@@SleeplessSketch @


Break was done adventuring with Sketch, for now. 


"Sketch, if you need anything, I'll go grab something at my apartment and come back, but otherwise I'm just gonna go back home."  Break smiled at his friends.  "I'll definitely see you all later though."  Break stuffed his notebook in his pocket.

My OCs: Break Shimmerald, Emerald Yttrium, Onyx Moonlight, Ti...ehh, and Dual Boot, Existential Panache.


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"Alright sir, you know where to find us." He said nodding at him while they went along their way.


Sketch trotted along towards the east side of town once again. Pass the stone bridge and once they were on the other side they had arrived towards one of the two-story skinny houses on the outskirts of town which had several large boxes in front of it, looks like they delivered the packages on time. Sketch removed the mat before the door and held the key that was under it in between his teeth. He unlocked the door and opened it while putting the key back where it once was.


"Home sweet home, make yourself comfy in front of the fireplace." He said leading in his large friend in. The roof of the first floor was just tall enough to allow Divine to stand up slightly. The livingroom area was fairly compliant to his size as well, while the hallways might be a bit smaller and more difficult to navigate, this connected the living to the kitchen and hallway closet.. There was of course an upstairs where his sleeping quarters and restrooms were.


Sketch grabbed the matches he left behind previously on the rim above said fireplace and lit up the hearth making the room glow orange and warm.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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@@SleeplessSketch (ok sorry about that )


Divine nodded and slowly walked into the house, trying not to knock anything over since..he was rather big. Not to mention he wasn't the lightest changeling ever. ''Uh..t-thank you very much. Though I think it is best if I don't sit down. My flank is like a magnet..and with my weight you know what I mean''. Happily he watched his friend light the fireplace. ''Whoa....''


He focused his eyes on the fireplace then over to sketch. His ears lowered slightly. ''Do you uh...do you mind if I slept outside your house?'' I mean it's just you have a wonderful home and I am nervous to break something..but I didn't wanna look like some creepy Changeling by not asking first..well I mean I already am..bah you know what I mean.'' he smiled slightly.


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"And have you stay outside where it's all cold and terrible? are you daft sir? I would never allow a friend of mine to stay outside while my fireplace and living room will suffice just fine. Plus I have extra blankets, not to mention I can always make more room." He said rummaging through the hallway closet as he picked out some fluffy blankets and pillows made from fairly soft Pegasi feathers.


"Here and don't worry about trashing the place either, it's all material things, I can get more. Besides I live by meself, not like the folks are going to come back 'ere and demand the house back. I inherited the bloody place." He placed the blanket and pillows in front of the fireplace.


"Furthermore, it's the..well not first since Miss Tranq ended up sleeping in that chair right behind you, but it's definitely a first experience having guests over. Especially since it's m-" Before Sketch could finish his sentence his knees gave out and he ended up plopping onto a pillow he lied out. His Narcolepsy had struck him once again and with the possibility of an old friend. 

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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Xenon was at the Sugar Cube Corner, adding drops of liquid onto his cupake. He wanted the perfect flavor. He was just about to add the final drop, when the ground shook and something, or someone, yelled. A gray earth pony went out, and soon came back with, "Gah?!? A changeling?!?" Xenon whispered to himself. Shocked, he decided to hide himself with the newspaper he had. The pony and the changeling sat down with a group of other ponies, until they all shortly left.


Xenon, out of curiosity and worry, followed the gray stallion and changeling. They ended up at a bridge and crossed. The stallion and the changeling went inside one of the houses on the outskirts of town. He decided to go inside, but couldn't bring himself to knock. He didn't know what would happen. Then Xenon heard a thump, like a body falling. Xenon finally brought himself to knock.

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Blinking he slowly nodded to his friend, Divine couldn't help but chuckle at the word daft. It was being used in an endearing way so he had no complaints.  His eyes widened as he saw the blankets. So fluffy and soft. ''Thank you thank you!'' he was very grateful. Listening to Sketch talk he began to get himself comfortable until he heard a thump.


It happened again. Divine didn't want to leave so he grabbed a blanket with his mouth and lightly draped it over Sketch's back. He felt like he had to keep an eye on Sketch.


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It had been a good 30 minutes until a knock on the door was heard. When this happened sketch jumped up from his slumber and stretched out his limbs and neck.


"Coooooor BLIMEY! That feels fantastic!" He yelled out as he popped the bones in his joints. He shook himself more awake than he was and looked on over to Divine who was watching over him.


"'Ello again! Fancy that, you're in my house! How'd that happen? *GASP* Did you and me other self become friends? That'd be most fantastic~ Did you hear a knock at the door? Because I heard a knock at the bloody door! I'm gonna go answer that there bloody door!" He jumped up in excitement and flung open the door to reveal the standing Stallion on the other side.


"UNICORN!! Hello sir! What can I do fer you!" He asked the brown unicorn stallion standing just outside the doorway.He turned back to look at Divine and whispered loudly to him, probably being heard by the pony outside as well defeating the purpose of a whisper all together.


"There's a bloomin' amount of Unicorns in Ponyville." He said in a not so whispery way.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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"Who are you talking t-," Xenon started, but saw the huge changeling from before. He tried to turn his attention away to something else, peeking inside the house, but immediately saw the fireplace. Xenon eyes then started to twitch.


Word limit Word limit

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@@SleeplessSketch @[members=xenon]


Divine was glad to see Sketch was ok. ''Hello again Sketch. And of course, I am friends with both of you.'' Before long he heard the door knock. Divine hovered over Sketch, glaring at this new unicorn he did not know. ''What, haven't you seen a changeling before? Do I / bother / you? I have a greeting set for a special occasion like this.


Before he knew it his tails started acting up, hissing and biting at the air, of course carefully around Sketch. ''Who is this? Do you know this unicorn?


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