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private Back to Ponyville! (A SoL Casual RP)


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"Yay, he's waking up!" The words come out here mouth as she thinks them. " Vinyl, he's waking up!" 


As Brechard slowly opens his sore eyes his vision is filled with a blinding beam of light, he just about lifts his hoof above his eyes to remove the light from his view. He can make out two familiar voices but they sound far away. He drops his arm (i guess its an arm) back down the side of the bed and half opens his eyes, realizing his two best friends are by the end of the bed he tries sitting up in the bed to get closer to them. "Ahhhhhhh!" He screams as pain overwhelms the left side of his body. He tries to fight the pain but his friends see him struggling and go round to the side of the bed to comfort him. "What a night." he painfully chuckles as his friends hold him.

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Tranq became dimly aware of  Sketch and Break talking a bit above her. She wasn't sure how they were able to do it. I clearly need to get more exercise. She flew a bit closer, to hear more clearly, but then realized they weren't talking, but rather Sketch was singing. She flew close to hear his clear voice expressing joy at moving through the sky, unencumbered with the woes of the world for even such a short amount of time. As he finished, she opened her mouth to encourage him to sing more, and instead inhaled a bug.


Her concentration now broken, she began to hack and cough and fall. She tried to yelp her surprise and fear, and instead lost more altitude as she tried to eject the insect from her throat. She looked down, watching the world get ever closer to her. She fought the urge to panic as she plummeted. Just feel the flow, and stay calm. It's just a hop, skip and a jump. She nodded to herself in determination, Break's words resonating in her mind. She restarted her flapping. At this point, she wouldn't be able to get herself back up, but she might be able to save herself from breaking her legs.


​Her descent slowed, and instead of slamming to the ground in a grim and grizzly death as a meat waffle, she instead landed on her hooves in a bone jarring manner, quickly collapsing to her knees. She was battered, bruised, and exhausted, but alive. From the ground, she wasn't able to see Canterlot just yet, but she knew that before her fall, they were most of the way there.


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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(OOC: Troblem's last post.  Sweetie Belle: ...AWW C'MOOON!!)


Canterlot was in sight for Break, and he couldn't have been more happy.  He was going to make it on time, and with quite some time to spare.  It was perfect, he couldn't have asked for better timing.  He'll even have friends to talk to after it's all said and done.

Friends...  Wait, friends?!


Break suddenly felt this urge to look back just as he started to see Ponies walking around the Canterlot streets.  He looked back ,to find Tranq had fallen out of the sky, and hit somewhere close by to the entrance to  Canterlot.  Possibly even about a ten minute gallop, through the wooded area that led to the bridge in front of Canterlot.


"T-Tranquil?"  Break became legitimately worried as he didn't see her reappear.  It caused him to stop in mid-air and make a slow descent to where she fell.  


I'm...  I'm not about to lose a friend.  Not again.  Break wasn't sure of himself at that moment, but was still determined to seek out Tranq's well being.

My OCs: Break Shimmerald, Emerald Yttrium, Onyx Moonlight, Ti...ehh, and Dual Boot, Existential Panache.


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Sketch was soaring higher than most everypony else was and was very much in his own little world. Upon seeing Canterlot a great distance ahead he figured he swoop down and tell everypony else that it was just a little ways ahead! Doing so Sketch swooped down to where Tranq and Break previously were. Though thinking they were right below him he saw that Break was quite ahead of the pact and probably knew they were closing in on their destination, but one thing bothered him....where was Miss Tranq? Sketch scanned the horizon in front of him...then to his sides...then finally behind him. He looked down and caught a glimpse of Tranq nearing the end of her fall.


Sketch not having time to tell Break about this, knew he had to do something. Sketch took a nose dive towards Tranq hoping he'd be able to help her, but due to an unexpected gust of wind and was sent spiraling out of control as well. 


"AAAACK! COR BLIMEEEY!" Sketch yelped as he was not as calm and collected as Tranq was in controlling his disastrous fall from the heavens. Just as Tranq landed and collapsed herself onto the ground below, Sketch was not as lucky and fell into the canopy of a few trees nearby. The crackling sounds of breaking branches were heard as Sketch continuously fell from branch to branch while yelping out in pain. Finally Sketch fell from the trees and thumped onto the ground below. His coat was even messier from before and so were his feathers, everything hurts, but at least the tree broke his impact.


"Oooowww....Gotta...get to...Traaanq." Sketch said as he struggled to pick himself up, but weak knees be damned, he couldn't move from his fallen position. Feeling quite useless Sketch flustered a sigh and began to forcibly crawl, making his way to where she had fell.


"Don't woooorry...I'mma cooooming.." He said still determined to be of use.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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"Break? Sketch?" Tranq looked around. She saw neither of her friends. She had lost track of them both in her fall, finding neither where she would have thought they would be in the air. She knew the general direction of where they had gone though, and what their eventual destination was supposed to be, so she turned towards Canterlot instead. Break can't be late, so if I just head that way, I should be able to find him easily enough. She got up resolutely and started making her way towards the city.


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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He closes the door as he enters the bathroom. " How about a nice bath to relax in." He puts the taps on and drops some bath salts (i think thats what there called) into the bath and turns the taps off. He hops in the bath without splashing water everywhere and lays down as a scorching sensation takes over his body, most of the time he would complain about it being so hot but the hot water feels almost orgasmic as it removes the tension from his muscles and the dirt and remaining honey from his coat.


As he begins getting out the bath the door slams open and Vinyl walks in. Brechard gives a surprised scream mixed with a yawn and grabs a towel and holds it in front of his crotch. " Oh, sorry. I didn't realize you were still in here." His cheeks are bright red. " Also, that towel isn't doing much to help you there." He looks down and blushes even more as he realizes he was holding the in front of his stomach and way above his crotch. " Could you please leave the bathroom as i'm naked and frankly it's embarrassing with your eyes pointed at my middle." He splutters out as he wraps the towel around his waist. "Yeah, OK." She leaves and his face returns to its natural colour.

" How could this day get worse?" 

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Break went into the trees and started flying around low to the ground in search of his friend, but he couldn't see very well in the thick bush.  Perhaps he was going too fast?  He called out, "Tranq?  TRAAANQ?!"  He wasn't thinking about anything else except for the safety of his friend, and it was probably a little bit too desperate for his taste.

He slowed down, and swiftly went around the trees, and started to scan while getting closer to Canterlot.  His reasoning was that Tranq would most certainly think he was heading there right now, right?  His search abruptly ended when he bumped into somepony...


My OCs: Break Shimmerald, Emerald Yttrium, Onyx Moonlight, Ti...ehh, and Dual Boot, Existential Panache.


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Sketch continued on and saw no sign of any of his friends. After a while he felt feeling back into his knees again albeit somewhat scarce. He scanned his surroundings and saw nothing but empty groves between each tree as he trotted his way past them. Thanks to his failed attempt to help save his friend and without notifying the other...he was alone.


"Right...all by meself..lost sign of Tranq..and Break is probably miles ahead of us by now...fantastic.." Sketch said to himself a little worried. he continued to walk ahead hopefully able to find his way around. 


The atmosphere of the small forest of trees was a little unnerving for him. He was in unfamiliar territory, though knowing that the Everfree Forest was 10x scarier was a little comforting. At least he didn't land in there, but...still it made him worry. Sketch began to hum to himself for comfort hoping he'd find a clearing soon, though considering there was no actual path or road made it all the more confusing as to which direction he was actually going. The sun did penetrate the canopy up above so it wasn't a terribly dark place to be, but much rather just mysterious and silent.


"Bloomin' heck...maybe I should just fly out of here." Sketch said to himself as he began to flap his wings, but due to a sharp pain in the joint of his wings he couldn't bare to do it for long. 


"Must've hurt 'em when I fell through the branches..alright..walking it is still.." Sketch said managing a nervous laugh continuing on with his trek. Upon walking further into the Forest he noticed the temperature around him began to drop slightly. Being the inquisitive Pony he was he began to investigate. Managing further into another grove of trees he came upon a small pond that seemed to glisten and sparkle like crystal in the deepest mines. Awing at the sight of such a relaxing atmosphere, Sketch inched himself over to the cool water. Looking into the pond Sketch was able to see a crystal clear reflection of himself with tiny ripples appearing here and there by some sort of magical means. Sketch sighed at his own image and leaned down ready to drink a mouthful..


"Hold up..don't do that just yet." Sketch's ears perked up and he quickly looked to his surroundings looking for the disembodied voice. Sketch saw no one and averted his eyes back to the pond...but to his surprise, the image was that of a much more well kept version of himself, but he looked much more strained at the eyes.


"There's something strange about this water.." The image spoke back to him...wait. Sketch was taken back by the sudden realization that his own reflection...or at least a more proper version of himself was talking to him from the pond.


"Bloomin' heck...are you talking to me?" Sketch asked wary of such magic. Usually he would be enthralled by a magic pond but...he didn't like the fact that it was himself of whom he was making conversation with. Sure enough...the reflection talked right back, answering his question.


"Apparently so..we've never met face to face before...I'm Skotch, your friends gave me that name..and I've grown quite accustomed to it."


"Oh...so it is you. Well what do you want? I'm thirsty, lost, and worried about my friends. I have no time to deal with the likes of you."


"Well that's just it isn't it. If I was taking over, this would have never happened."


"It wasn't MY fault Tranq fell! I tried to help her!"


"Calm down there sparky I wasn't blaming you for that, I am however blaming you for acting on the fly. If you would've stopped and thought about how to go about this, then you would have never spiraled out of control and got ourselves lost and hurt."


"Stopped and thought about this? She was FALLING you don't stop and calculate something like that! I had to do something!"


"And look where it's gotten you. Not only did you fail to help anypony, but now you can't even help yourself. Where are you even going? Are we on the right direction? You didn't even think that far did you."


"I was...we were suppose to have a fun time.."


"That's the problem with you...you don't think things through. Everything is an adventure and an excuse to escape reality and have fun. Fun is nice and all, but counting out all the factors and getting rid of them entirely, is foolish. You know what I really am? And this is just a theory. I'm your goddamn common sense. Your voice of reason. Acceptance. If you keep rejecting that I exist in your life, then we're not going to live so long now will we, and we can consider Tranq long gone because we can't settle down and help her."




"I'm you and you're me. I'm not your enemy Sketch. We both need to work together. Let whatever happened to us die....what do you say brother. Let's work together and find our friends because just like you I am as worried as you are."


"...I don't wanna go."


"Neither do I, but it's for the best."


"I suppose....will we ever come back?"


"We'll always be here. We aren't dying now are we, you're making things sound more depressed than it should be."


"Alright...now what..?"


"Drink the water...relax...and close your eyes, I'll be doing the same."


Sketch nodded and took in a huge breath then exhaled it. He leaned down once again and gulped up a good amount of water. It was refreshing, but it wasn't as magical as he though it was since there were no apparent signs of having any affect on him. Nevertheless Sketch made himself comfortable and lied down on a soft patch of grass closing his eyes in the process, awaiting the feeling of slumber overcome him. Sure enough it did and Sketch lied there snoring lightly as he had fallen asleep.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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Tranq was grumpy. She was hungry, tired, lost-ish, even though she knew sort of which way to go. She wasn't sure if anything was edible here. The foliage was different than that of Ponyville. She finally lost her cool. She wasn't anywhere where her screaming would hurt her, so she did just that. She screamed in frustration from losing her friends. She also knew she wasn't the most pleasant pony ever when she was hungry, let alone hungry and tired.


In front of her she heard a rustling from the bushes in front of her...


CRAP! Screaming was a really bad idea. I don't know what's out here. Celestia save me, I'm so stupid sometimes!  She crawled into a hiding place in some exposed roots, but then her wing got stuck. SERIOUSLY?! I'm going to get eaten by whatever is out here, and die and Break and Sketch will never know what happened to me. Then they're going to feel guilty for what's happened to me! This isn't fair!


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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(Because I was away for like, ever, Im just going to say that Hard Coded just went along with his daily routines.)

Coded sat up, realizing he was on the floor next to his bed, not on it. His back was stiff from sleeping on the hard wood, and he really didn't want to go through the pain of getting up. After about 10 minuets of laying on the floor her rolled onto his stomach and got up onto his hooves. Soon as he tried to take his first step he face planted onto the floor and yelped in pain as his mouth smashed into the wood.

After another 5 minuets of tumbling down the stairs he finally sat down at the table and used his magic to prepare himself breakfast, some wheat flakes and milk.

Religion nor science can explain the start of the universe, because it is infinite, and nothing can explain infinity.

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"Agh!!"  Break smacked right into Tranq, tumbling over her as he did.

Slowly he recovered on the ground next to her, and shook his head around a little to get his bearings back.  He looked over at her, and realized it was indeed Tranquil.  "Tranq!  ...is anything broken?"  He wasn't quite sure what to say.


She doesn't look hurt too much... but I'm just happy that she doesn't need any medical attention it seems.  ...  Break paused for a moment.  I'm surprised Sketch isn't here with her, actually.

My OCs: Break Shimmerald, Emerald Yttrium, Onyx Moonlight, Ti...ehh, and Dual Boot, Existential Panache.


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It hadn't been more than a couple of minutes before Sketch opened his eyes. Standing up he yawned and rubbed the daze from his eyes. Looking around and taking in his surroundings, Sketch examined his hooves and walked closer to the pond once again. Looking down into the cool crystal clear water he stared at his own reflection as he prodded at his face.


"Mane is a mess...bags under me eyes..still a gap in me teeth. Right." Sketch shook his head and stood back up once again. Contemplating on what he should do he decided to first get the hell out of dodge and find a clearing in the forest. Trotting away and leaving the pond behind, he went quite a ways away until he finally did find a clearing. Looking up at the sky the sun seemed to be close to it's position where it would begin setting. Remembering the time they had left and the time they practiced their little flying practice, he figured where North would be. Following that direction he hoped that Tranq or Break would be along the way towards Canterlot as that would be his best bet for now.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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For some reason Brechard feels like putting on some boxers (pony version). He drys his mane and leaves it scruffy and goes to the living room. The sun is being taken down for the night by Celestia and Luna is bringing the moon up. He hears some steps and lashes his body round to see who else is there. " Oh, hey Derpy."

"Hi Brechy."

Brechard blushes. " You still remember that then?"

" Yeah, why wouldn't i remember that Brechard?"

" Its just. I haven't been called that since I left Ponyville."

" But your back now. Aren't you?"

" Yeah, I am."

They both go silent as the streetlamps fill the room with fluorescent light.

" Has Vinyl gone to sleep Derpy?"

" Yes."

" OK. Well, i know you don't really like the dark, and you don't have your teddy. Do you wanna sleep in my bed tonight?"

" But where are you gonna sleep?"

" In the bed as well, if you want me to. Its just cause i know you get scared in the dark so I could give you some company."

" Yes, i'd like that."

They both go into his bedroom and start getting ready to go to bed. She brushes her hair flat and gets into his bed. He turns the light out and gets into bed.

" Night derpy."

" Night Brechy." He can hear shivering in her voice.

" Come here Derpy."

He puts his arms round her and keeps them there.

" What if there's something under the bed or in the closet." She quietly cries.

" There isn't Derpy, it's just you, me and Vinyl in the house. Get to sleep, there's nothing to worry about."

" OK Brechard."

As he closes his eyes he dreams about what fun the three had before he left, his eyes start watering up. Before he knows it he is asleep.

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Coded headed straight to the centre of town when he finished his breakfast. The sun warmed up his coat, making the so far painful day a little bit better. As he got closer to his destination more ponies were on the dirt path, all looking happy, except for one filly who was crying, her mom dragging her away from Sugercube Corner. What to do today, he thought. Coded tripped on a loose rock, sending his face once more into the ground, making him once more yelp in pain.

Religion nor science can explain the start of the universe, because it is infinite, and nothing can explain infinity.

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Tranq hid behind her eyes behind her hooves. If I can't see them, they can't see me, right? She whimpered slightly as she was undoubtedly about to be eaten, and instead heard "ARGH!" as somepony tumbled over her. "Owww", she whimpered. Whatever it is, it could at least eat me quietly. She uncovered her eyes to find Break, instead! He said something to her but she was so elated, she missed whatever it was, and tackled him in a hug. Or rather she tried to. Instead she found her wing stuck in the tree she had been attempting to hide in. "This. This right here? This is why I'm a unicorn, not a pegasus. Help?"


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Break watched as Tranq tried to undo her being stuck to a tree because of her artificial wing.  He wasn't quite sure what to do, but attempted to break through the branch that snagged her.

"...I don't think I should've taken you all along."  Break said, pulling at the branch.  "We're in a lot of danger now because of my stupidity and wants."  Being sentimental for the moment, Break was doing what he did best: the truth.  "Honestly,  I can't believe trying to fly to canterlot was a good idea.  I just...  I just wanted so desperately to be somepony important.  That letter really made me feel like I was somepony interesting."  Ironically, Break laughed to himself about the whole thing.  It seemed rediculous just thinking about it.


Break did a quick hind kick at the tree, and it finally let her loose.  "See?  There! ..... Let's just walk the rest of the way, ok?"

Edited by CharChar

My OCs: Break Shimmerald, Emerald Yttrium, Onyx Moonlight, Ti...ehh, and Dual Boot, Existential Panache.


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Sketch continued his way north or so at least he though, but he was certain he was. Coming into a bigger clearing he thought he heard familiar voices nearby, just over the brush ahead. Galloping his way there he jumped through the brush to be met by the familiar faces of his friends, whom seem to got through their own hardships.


"...Break...Tranq...I'm so glad I found you guys." Sketch said as he galloped towards his friends, a smile strewn across his face. Seeing that Break had already found her was a relief in itself...though..he was a little disheartened that after all that trouble he went through to save her himself. But still, he was glad they were both okay.


"Sorry I was a little more useless than helpful...but now that we're all together, let's just make it to Canterlot now." Sketch said sounding a little exhausted this time around. No hint of his usual optimism was to be heard either, but neither was his voice monotonic and lifeless. It was...actually pretty normal. 


Sketch flustered a sigh and awaited the other two to take the lead, he'd figured he'd hang back and cover the rear.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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Now that her wing was free, she was able to move again. It hadn't been particularly painful, but it certainly wasn't comfortable either. Seeing Sketch caused a wave of relief to wash over her. They were all together again, and if nothing else, at least there was that. She smiled at him. "At least  you didn't openly hamper our efforts like I did. And Break, maybe trying to fly to Canterlot wasn't the best idea. But coming here was. I'm glad we came, and that I got to spend time with both of you. Even with all the ...hiccups, we've almost made it. If it's okay with the both of you though, I'd like to walk the rest of the way." 


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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By morning Brechard and Derpy are still hugging. There noses are touching, the pillow is covered in drool from Brechard dribbling during the night. Derpys legs are wrapped around his legs.

By now Vinyl usually plays lots of wubs, but decides to let her friends get some more sleep. (sorry its a short one, will do bigger one later.)  

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Break looked over at Sketch, who was keeping silent for the both of them.  "Sketch!  I'm glad you've found us!  I was worried you got lost..."  Break tried to smile at Sketch, but it didn't feel genuine for some reason.  Possibly because he doesn't smile a lot.

Break looked up towards the direction of Canterlot, and could see a few golden peaks of the castle poking over the tree line in the distance.  They weren't far off from the place, and not a moment too soon as the sun appeared to start to set over the sky.


"Hah, well, let's go then."  He said as he started for Canterlot once more, this time on hoof.

((OOC: c'mon, vamanos, everybody let's go!))

Edited by CharChar

My OCs: Break Shimmerald, Emerald Yttrium, Onyx Moonlight, Ti...ehh, and Dual Boot, Existential Panache.


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Having finally grouped up together again, the trio made there way towards the proper direction of Canterlot. Appearing in the distance, the beautiful white structures of the Palace and the buildings surrounding it seemed to be a beacon of relief for the group. 


Sketch was...quiet during their last leg of the trip and didn't speak of much else. Constantly looking forward he didn't bother to ramble on or speak his mind. Constantly surveying their surroundings, it was a little surreal to not have Sketch blather on about nothing. 


The group came into viewing distance to the main entrance into Canterlot, which was patrolled by guards regularly. It wasn't till they got much closer that they got a few stares from the nearby denizens. Of course they would, they were scratched up, dirty, messy, and all kinds of unproper. Sketch merely smirked thinking about how crazy of a sight it must've been to seem them like that. 


"Alright Break we're here, now what do we do? Are you gonna Tally on yonder to the palace now? Should we come with you oooor..." Sketch asked unsure what to do now that they're here.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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" Huh?" Brechard lifts his head, his left cheek is damp from dribbling over night. " Derpy, I think we need to get up now." His speech is slightly slurred. " Derpy." Her eyes open slightly.

" Can't we go back to sleep?"

" You still are basically asleep. Come on, we have to get up."

Brechard sits up on the bed. He gets up and looks back at the bed. " Bloody hell, how much did I sweat last night?" He can see a sweat patch in the shape of his body. " Would you like some apple juice Derpy?" No reply. "I'll take that as a yes." He goes into the kitchen and pours three cups of apple juice and takes one to the living room. " Hey Vinyl, I got you some juice,"

" Aww, thanks Brechard." She uses her magic to bring the cup to her.

" Your welcome, is Derpy up yet?"

" Yep, she's in the shower." (they can have a bath and a shower.)

"OK, I guess i'll give her some juice when she comes out."

" Sure, OK.

He returns to the kitchen to get his juice and goes back to the living room, sits on the sofa and drinks his juice.

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Her two friends seemed quiet, and Tranq carried that mood too. She had barely had any sleep, magiced herself too thin, crash landed from the air...It was a long eventful day. She took in all Canterlot had to visually offer, with the sun dancing beautifully in it's last few minutes of the day. Any moment now, Luna would be out to raise the moon in all its glory. She heard Sketch ask Break what they were going to do now, and as much as she liked her friends, what she really needed was some sleep. She began keeping an eye out for hotels. 


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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"Oh, um... hmm.  Let's all just go head to the castle's west tower, and we can figure something out on the way.  I'd like to know what the situation is with the Meeting, unless you want to split up here?  ..."  Break was excessively apprehensive about splitting up due to the nature of most of the snooty rich ponies around canterlot.  He feared for his friends as they would surely be made fun of for being not well coshered.  "Hmm, well, the west tower is the closest part of the castle anyway, let's go in before they close the gates on us."  Break ran ahead to the Canterlot entrance, and passed through the open gates without any problems.


I really don't want them to split away from me.  ...I know these ponies that live here, and a lot of them have really dark secrets.  I understand why they act the way they do, and I know a lot of them because of my rampant curiosity.  But my friends... they're completely knew to all of them, and I have no way of stopping their judgmental eyes.

The west tower was just a stone's throw away from the entrance it seemed.

My OCs: Break Shimmerald, Emerald Yttrium, Onyx Moonlight, Ti...ehh, and Dual Boot, Existential Panache.


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 So Break intends to keep them still while he goes to see the Princesses? Sketch didn't have that much of a problem with it, in fact he didn't really care about his appearance much, but it would have been better if they'd fixed up themselves a tiny bit. Sketch looked at Tranq and gave a tiny sigh.


"Our first meeting with a princess and we look like a couple of bloomin' lemons, haha" He said giving a tiny smile. He didn't care much for royalty or proper mannerisms, at one point he might've, but he was pretty content with himself back in Ponyville. Clearing his throat he followed Break nonetheless, determined to give him his full support. Making their way towards the Western Tower entrance, there were passing Unicorns here and there as they eye'd the funny group with weird wings and messed up coats. Sketch gave a goofy smile and merely went on his way, the passing bodies did the same only more nervous and continued on their way as well.


"Sorry to complain, but I hope we don't have to walk much longer...My knees are killing me, I've had enough exercise for one lifetime as it is." Sketch said as he took a hoof and rubbed at his eyes feeling strained and beat.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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