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private Back to Ponyville! (A SoL Casual RP)


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Tranq put on a big fake smile that she certainly didn't feel. "If you need someone to go with you, I will. We can rent a room for the night if you want, and I'll go with Break." She was feeling odd about her wings. They looked mangled, they were oddly colored, she was filthy, smelled of forest, her mane and tail were a shambles, and the bush she had hidden in had something in it she was allergic to. She could feel her face puffing a little. But she wasn't here for herself. This was clearly important to Break. If only we had left early enough for me to bathe before we saw the Princesses. 


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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((OOC: I'm pretty sure the wings will disappear in a little bit as the night continues...  Don't worry you guys, I got this!  ;D ))


The pony could hardly express his exasperation towards his friends as they started to complain and falter as the sun started to fully set.

"Wait! Just hang on one moment.  I'm just checking to see if it's even still going, although it's probably over by this point however."  Break told his friends as they neared the entrance of the tower, "Just... wait one moment, for me?"

Break quickly trotted up to one of the guards in front of the door, and stopped just in front of one.  The guard peered down at Break with a steadfast and stoic expression.  Intimidating, but not frightening.  "...Yes?"

Break pulled out his pass to the meeting, "Yes, um...  Is the meeting still happening?"  Break wasn't feeling too good, now that he could breathe for a moment.

The guard looked a little confused, and then motioned for Break to wait a moment.  Of course, Break did as he was told as the guard went inside the Tower.

...  Minutes passed, and the guard came back out, grumbling about somepony not telling him something, "....No, the meeting hasn't even happened yet.  It's tomorrow, sir."


A piece of glass shattered in Break's mind, and his face was smashed with an expression of confused excitement coupled with a deranged frown/smile, "It's......"  Break sat down with a thud on the ground, "......T-...T-...CK..."  With that, Break fell to the ground with a loud thud.

"S-Sir?  Are you ok?!"  The guard was surprisingly legitimately worried.

Break's eyes seemed to cloud as somepony stepped out from the West tower's door.  This particular pony seemed very modest, but regal at the same time.  She had the understanding of what others feel, and the compassion to support all those she meets and befriends.  It could be none other than...  Twilight Sparkle herself.

((OOC: Ok, leaving time for you to react/act out TS if you want.  lol...  I don't want to accidentally G-mod or something.))

My OCs: Break Shimmerald, Emerald Yttrium, Onyx Moonlight, Ti...ehh, and Dual Boot, Existential Panache.


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( im just gonna skip to when vinyl and derpy leave his house cause my roleplaying seems to be getting repetitive with them.)


"Bye guys." 

" Laters." Both Derpy and Vinyl says.

Brechard waves and goes back into the house. " What to do, how about some more sleep." He walks into the bathroom, washes his hoofs and face and dries himself. Goes into the bedroom, puts some boxers on and sits on the bed for a moment. " Ahhh. Not got anything else to do today, I've earn't this nap." He gets back up to close the curtains, rubs his eyes and lazily gets into bed. He yawns and falls asleep.

( i know my posts havent been that great recently, they will get better soon.)

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"B-Beak!?" Sketch said as he saw his friend sort of collapse to the floor. Running over to his side Sketch knelt down and tried papping at Break's face in order to attempt to wake him up.


"Oi, OI! You alright there?? Hey come on this isn't the place for snoozin'! Blimey he isn't responding to me..." Sketch said looking a little bit worried. Was this how his friends reacted to the first times he fell unconscious due to his narcolepsy? Wow this was worrying. Poor guy must have worked himself to exhaustion and have been super stressful this whole time. Though his attention was lead upwards as he heard the sound of hooves coming closer to the trio. He couldn't believe his eyes maybe he was also tired and exhausted, but he saw the Princess herself appear, well Princess Twilight.


"Am I seeing things? Are you really Twilight?" Sketch asked being a little informal about her title, but still rather shock to see the princess of all ponies before him. Sure they were IN the Canterlot Castle, but he never figured he would be able to see Royalty in his crazy mixed up life.


"AH! Princess! My friend! Break, he's all gone and exhausted himself, is there anything you can do to help him??" Sketch asked frantically and worriedly for the well-being of his pal.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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Brechard is asleep, the top half of his body has fallen out the bed and his head is laying on the floor (gonna be sore in the morning). He wakes up from the sudden noise outside. " Ow. My neck. What is that bloody noise." Still half asleep, he gets onto his hoofs and looks out the window to see a stage with some ponies around it. " Oh right, its that band, Nirvana i think." ( ill post moar tomorrow)

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Tranq watched Break slump to the ground, she was hoping from exhaustion.  She wasn't terribly far from that point herself. She moved to his side with concern, checking his vitals, when she heard hooves approaching. She looked to see Princess Twilight. She would have smiled to see her neighbor, but was too apprehensive about her friends health. Instead, she bowed formally on one hoof.


"Princess" she said in deference. 


"Terse? What are you doing here? Is your friend okay? Goodness, you three look..." Twilight trailed off, not wanting to be insulting.


"I know. We look like we were dragged through the forest backwards. It's been a really long trip, we're exhausted, hungry, and we smell. My friend Break here had a meeting with Princess Celestia, but it was postponed due to the trains being down. We'd be glad to tell you the whole story, but we could really use some food and baths first. Maybe some sleep." 


Twilight turned to the guard policing the gate, issued a few requests without realizing that was what she was doing, and then escorted the three bedraggled ponies into the castle to make them more comfortable. It was odd for Tranq. She had shared food from her garden with Twilight and Spike several times. Once Twilight had even helped her weed. Seeing her now, issuing orders and promptly being obeyed was strange. The news of Twilight becoming a princess had been surprising, however it hadn't effected Tranq's life much. Twilight spent a lot of her time in Canterlot these days, so mostly Tranq made sure that her house was still in working order. Now actually seeing her in the capacity of Princess, it was clear to Tranq that this was what she was meant to do.


As they walked through the halls of the elaborate castle, Tranq felt the end of the day draining her even more. It was dusk outside, and her body was screaming at her with the adventures of the day, as well as the small amount of sleep she had had the night before. There was some light small talk, mostly about her garden, Spike, and Ponyville in general, but she sensed that their story would be told in front of Princesses Luna and Celestia as well. 


Twilight Sparkle showed Tranq to her room last. Break, Sketch and herself would be sharing a joint dining room which had three bedrooms branching off from it. Tranq turned to the princess, and finally smiled at her. "Thank you Princess. We appreciate the rooms, the food, everything. We weren't really sure what we were in for here, and to be honest, Break is a bit confused as to why he's been summoned. It was also really reassuring to see a friendly face. The guards looked at us like we were hobos. Between the dirt, and the wings, I don't really blame them. We didn't mean to impersonate alicorns, but we really didn't know how to get here any other way."


Twilight Sparkle smiled in a kindly manner. "Terse, it's fine. Your friend was summoned, and you came to support him. I've learned the magic of friendship, and it seems you and your friends have as well. Cherish those relationships. I was happy to help you out. You clearly needed some good news at the end of a rough day. Get some rest, and we'll talk tomorrow. I'll have some food sent while you bathe."


Tranq nodded, bowed again, this time a bit more awkwardly, and closed the door to her bedroom as Twilight Sparkle left. She then luxuriated in the provided bath tub as long as her stomach allowed, mixing in the fragrant oils provided on the floor next to the tub. Finally stepping out, and toweling herself off, she sighed and moved out to the dining area she, Break and Sketch would share for the night. 


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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After having some water on the way inside the castle, Break slowly regained his senses and was able to think clearly again.  Although, to his astonishment, Princess Twilight was walking with them through the gallant hallways.  He didn't know what to say to be honest.  He hasn't had the chance to speak to royalty before, and it would be a first for him despite all the ponies he's investigated during his time in Canterlot.



As Break was shown to his room, Twilight looked him over for a moment as she was about to leave him be.  She said, "You summoned those wings yourself?  I'm impressed.  They're pretty good.  When I first tried that spell, the wings came out all wonky and gross."  Her statement reminded Break of Tranq's strangely sized wings.  "The spell is a bit general.  Actually, it reminds me of an ad I saw for Knick Kacks back at Ponyville."  She chuckled to herself.  "Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing you at the meeting tomorrow."

Break stopped the Princess from closing the door when he interjected, "W-wait!  What is this meeting about anyway?  And, why was I picked for this?"  He didn't want to seem demanding but it just sort of came out that way.

The princess just smiled and answered, "Don't worry, you'll find out soon enough."  She finally closed the lavish door, kindly, in front of Break.

...Why do I get the feeling that Princess Celestia does that to her all the time?

Break went over to his gallantly made bathroom, and proceeded to clean himself off in the marble bath tub.  He was rather fond of the designs and liked how the walls and pillars were all so clean and well kept.  He couldn't help but admire the nicely put designs all over the walls and floors.  It just said "Royalty" to him.


After finishing up in the bathroom, he saw to it that he should eat at the dining table.  He placed his hat on his bed, and started for the door when he noticed something peculiar in the mirror next to his bed.  It was his reflection that seemed off.  Something about it seemed missing.  ....His wings had disappeared!  Break let out a small huff as he exited his bedroom, and into the hallway that connected the dining room to the rest of the castle.

Strangely enough, the exit to the main hallway of the castle wasn't guarded by a door, it was just guarded by guards.  It seemed strange because it didn't really make any sense, but of course Break couldn't stay hung up on such an insignificant little detail for long.  As he passed by the guarded open arch, a stallion was passing by as well.

His gaze met Break's and it stayed locked on him long enough to cause a disruption in Break's calm disposition.  The stallion spoke to Break when they both stopped on opposite ends of the white limestone arch.  "Oh, if it isn't Break Shimmerald."

...!?   That voice!  It can't be!?  Break walked closer to the darker main hallway to get a better look.  ...Buck!  BUCK BUCK BUCK, APPLE BUCKING....BUCK!

One of Break's "Regretfully Investigated Ponies" had shown himself to him after the longest while.  "...Prince Blueblood.  Can I help you?"   Any other words would have caused Break to run away.  Break looked off to the side with a regretful look on his face.

And by HELP I mean HELP ME get AWAY from THIS stallion.


An entitled air was all over this particular pony's expression, "I didn't imagine I would ever see YOU here of all places."  A small amount darkness seemed to eminate from this stallion for a moment, "I find it very pleasing to see you've become a higher rank..."

Break looked over at the guard pony standing just a few feet away, he seemed a little unnerved by Blueblood's choice of words.  As he should be, because the stallion actually said something not negative towards a pony "lower" than him.

"You know I just---"

The other stallion leaned in slightly closer closer, cutting off Break's statement.  "Oh I know.  And I know you---"  Break instinctively pushed the larger stallion away from him.

...Not in front of these guards, you don't!  Just...go away.

The guards were a little surprised at the small amount of physical contact.  They looked at Break with a slight amount of concern.

"I've no time to deal with you at the moment, BB.  Can't we talk about this later?"  Break insisted.

A dark expression fell upon the Prince's face, an expression only noticed by Break and Break alone, "That's fine, Break.  Fine fine fine."  With that, the stallion went on his 'merry' way.

Break sighed with a small amount of relief.  He looked at one of the guard's ponies and said, "I don't know how you deal with him."  He walked back into the dining hallway, and entered the dining room proper as the guards ponies exchanged slightly confused looks.

Edited by CharChar

My OCs: Break Shimmerald, Emerald Yttrium, Onyx Moonlight, Ti...ehh, and Dual Boot, Existential Panache.


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 Sketch merely backed away as she issued help from the guards that were around. Seeing that Tranq knew Twilight as a sort of acquaintance maybe brought him some relief. As they went through the castle several moments later, he merely hung to the back of the group and watched everything sort of unfurled into a proper dealt with situation.


Shown to his room he merely smiled at the princess and her guards as they left to check up on the others. Sketch didn't make an attempt to converse with the princess feeling like he'd only say something that makes her head tilt. As she walked out of his now designated room, he decided to fancy himself up and actually look presentable in front of everybody. He sighed and hopped into the bath tub, but not wanting to stay in too long. Once cleaned up he went towards the mirror and brushed up his mane to a nice slicked back style that Skotch would usually do. He combed his coat so it appeared he didn't have such a fuzzy messy one.


Looking into the mirror once again he sighed and proceeded back out into the bedroom. The bed looked promisingly comfortable, but it didn't really demanded his attention right away. Upon walking into the hallway on the way towards the dining room, he spotted more mirrors along the walls as well as fabulous paintings and decorations. He saw his reflection walking alongside him as he made his way to the room and couldn't help but look away, not wanting to have another confrontation with himself....though that seemed unlikely right now as the situation was a little complicated.


Finally arriving at the meeting place, Sketch saw Break walk out which had him sighing in big relief. He then turned his head to see Tranq walk out as well it was good to see she had clean herself off and looked much more refreshed. Sketch decided to break the ice first seeing how he was the last to enter.


"I'm glad to see you feeling better Break, that was quite the scare..." He said kind mustering up a smile. He then turn to Tranq and spoke towards her next.


"It's great that you both knew the princess like that...game me quite the surprise. Least we made it in one piece with a little chance to enjoy the lap of luxury huh?" Sketch said chuckling a bit as he sat down close to the table, feeling his knees still giving way to soreness.


"Was quite the bloody adventure that's for sure." He said looking at his bareback now void of wings.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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"Well," Tranq said to Sketch, "I've been in Ponyville a while. We're not much more than acquaintances. Maybe more like neighbors. She's always been kind to me, and she was in a position to help us. Luckily, she did." 


Tranq watched as Break walked out of the room with suspicion. Where is he going? She rushed to the door, motioning Sketch to be quiet, and pressed her ear against it. She overheard "I find it very pleasing to see you've become a higher rank..." and narrowed her eyes in scandal. Whoever it was, they sounded very snooty, probably needing the taste slapped out of their mouth. She grinned at Sketch. As she listened for the other pony to walk away, she mussed up her hair, then stuck her head out the door. 


"Honey," she called more loudly than was strictly necessary to Break, "you should come back to bed." She quickly shut the door, trying to quell her laughing, lest the hoity toity pony overhear her mock guffaws. "Let him chew on that."


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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As Break was about to open the door to the dining hall, the door opened by itself to reveal Tranquil with a very devious smile upon her face.  Before he could even say anything, she yelled out something, "Honey!  You should come back to bed!"  Before slamming the door in Break's face.

Not only was Break stunned, not only did he hear loud foot steps coming back to the connecting hallway, but he was also excessively confused.

Break grimaced as he looked back to find the "hwhite" stallion standing under the arch, staring straight at Break.  "...."

".....Keep walking."  Break uttered loudly as he pointed away from the dining room door.  The stallion turned back around, and gave off a smiling glare at Break as he left.

I will destroy you, Terse Tranquil.  I don't know how, but I will find a way.  A song found its way into Break's head, and it caused Break to finish his thought with a final anecdote.  Lock the doors, close the blinds, we're going for a ride.


Break turned back around and attempted to act like nothing happened as he entered the dining room, which had a table full of food for the taking.  A guards pony was standing at attention next to the door as he opened it.

"Well that was refreshing."  Break said, referring to the bath he just took before the shenanigans started up.  "What's for dinner?"

((OOC: I'm...99% sure that meeting place you were referring to is the dining room.  ...HOORAY.))

  • Brohoof 1

My OCs: Break Shimmerald, Emerald Yttrium, Onyx Moonlight, Ti...ehh, and Dual Boot, Existential Panache.


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Sketch's eyes widened as she had her fun. A smile crept onto his face as he was trying to hold back his own laugh. Though as soon as they closed the door Break walked right through them and came trotting into the room like nothing happened.


"Yeah...super refreshing..snk.." Sketch side holding back his snickering as he couldn't keep a straight face. It was probably A lot less funny than what Sketch made it out to be, but it was that it caught him completely off guard that totally took him over. Sketch trotted back to the table and sat down by it again as he had got up to look through the door behind Tranq.


"I don't know, but I tell ya...I could eat a whole orchard of apples if I wanted to." Sketch said as he prodded his fuzzy tummy with his hoof. He hadn't eat since...breakfast, and the flight over was terribly taxing on his energy reserves. Not to mention he felt sleepy, but then when didn't he?  

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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Tranq looked around, seeing a massive white elephant in the room. However, if everyone else was going to ignore it, then she was too. She looked to the table, which was now piled high with the food Princess Twilight had promised. Everything looked delectable. Now desserts though. Hmm. Maybe those will be later. She set herself to the task of dishing out food for herself and her companions, starting with salad and two kinds of soup. She sniffed at one of the soups and found it to be a delicate mixture of several herbs that beyond her expertise in gardening. The other was a more hearty, thicker with potatoes and a strong broth. She motioned for everyone to sit, sliding into a chair herself. 


She briefly looked up, then realized she still hadn't fixed her mane from when she had ruffled it up. "Uh...Be back in a moment." She quickly ran a brush through her mane, and headed back out to the main room.


She noticed that it was still silent when she returned. This is getting really awkward.


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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The moment in the dining hall was slowly becoming even more awkward, that even the guard's pony's small cough wasn't enough to break the ice.   Break felt as though the atmosphere was hard to sink in, as they had just been through a lot that day, and it was quite a stressful few hours just then.

Break looked over at Sketch, who seemed still not as chipper as he usually is.  Which is odd, considering he wasn't Skotch...or shouldn't be.  The pony's natural curiosity had been sparked once more as he took a look at Sketch with piercing eyes, albeit by accident.

Sketch is acting a little funny, I wonder what's going on...?


Break finally spoke after giving it a little thought, "So, Sketch, what's up?  You've been a little quiet over this adventure so far."  Of course, Break didn't want to cause distrust between one of his good friends.  "...You can tell us anything you know.  That's what friends are for, right?"  He pulled out the friend card once more.

My OCs: Break Shimmerald, Emerald Yttrium, Onyx Moonlight, Ti...ehh, and Dual Boot, Existential Panache.


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"H-Huh? Oh uhm.." Sketch was zoning out once again as he was kept kind of quiet throughout the evening as he merely sat and ate his food. He didn't even realize that Tranq had left and came back into the room just as Break spoke to him mentioning his name. He didn't want to talk too much about it, but he knew Break still had his little look when he was analyzing somepony. Sooner or later it would probably be another, let's see what's wrong with Sketch, moments as many as there have been. He disliked being the center of some sort of group therapy thing, brought back too many memories, so he figured he shoo him off for now until their work here was over.


"Nothing you need to concern yourselves with. I'm fine for the time being, just a couple of things on me mind is all. Just sort of tired...but when haven't I been haha...I'm sure a good night's sleep and I'll feel bloody excellent in the morning." Sketch said as he inched a smile across his face. He got up and wiped his mouth with the napkin to his right.


"Sorry, but I think I'll head in early tonight...bit exhausted meself ya'know...take care you two." Sketch said as he got up and walked towards the hall and to his bedroom. He didn't want to leave it quite like that, but the more he keeps himself secluded for the time being the less they should worry about him until this meeting was over.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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With his hair in its usual style, wearing a denim jacket, Brechard walks out the house with his wallet to see the band perform. " I'm sure i have enough bits to get in. I hope I haven't missed any of the songs yet." As he gets to the ticket booth he drops his wallet (pouch thingy) onto the desk and empties its contents.


" Is this enough?"

" let me see... Yes." She takes the bits and gives him his change and a ticket. " There you go sir, have a nice evening."

" Thanks."


As he walks through they start playing a song. After about 30 seconds of just music somepony starts singing.


Load up on guns and bring your friends,

It's fun to lose and to pretend,
She's over bored and self assured,
Oh no, I know a dirty word."


After that he can't hear what he sings, the whole crowd are cheering them. He starts singing what Brechard assumes is the chorus.


With the lights out, it's less dangerous,

Here we are now, entertain us,
I feel stupid and contagious,
Here we are now, entertain us,
A mullato,
An albino,
A mosquito,
My libido."


All the other ponies seem to be wearing dark colours, while Brechard is clothes are a slightly dark shade of aqua. The band are still playing but they seem far away to him. He starts feeling a bit queasy, maybe it's because he's so packed in with the crowd and can't get much space. He pushes himself away from the crowd to get some air. 

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Tranq watched Sketch leave with eyes narrowed. Then she shrugged and grabbed his dessert which he hadn't eaten. Before she knew it it was in her mouth and gone. She looked guiltily at Break, then smiled, her face still stuffed with pastry. "Maaf um wifem? She asked. 


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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The pony just watched as Sketch left the dining hall, avoiding his questions.  Break couldn't help but just stare down at his food while a grieving headache emerged in his noggin.


He  heard Tranq say something with a face full of food, which caused him to look up at her.  He chuckled a little bit at the sight of her kooky attitude.  Break smiled as he said, "Tranq, that's a good look on you..."  He then backed up his statement, "..is it good?"  He looked over at the dessert on the table.

It was...dessert, of course.  What else could it be?  It looked pretty good to him.  Maybe if I just relax for the moment, I'll be able to get over this craziness for just a moment.  He took a bite of the chocolate cake he had swiftly put on his plate.

For some reason, he had the urge to look over at the guard by the door, who was staring at Break for some reason.  ".....Do you want some?"  Break asked the guard.

The guard seemed to tremble a little bit at the thought of sharing food with the honored guests.  It would be against his protocol, it would seem.  The guard responded, "My duty is to guard you all, not e-eat cake."  He stuttered for a split second.

"Oh pshh..."  Break scoffed the guard, with a pompous tone.  He flicked his fork full of cake forward a little bit matching his voice, "But, this cake is to DIE for.  It's not a lie; it's just wonderfully delicious.  Come on, try it."  Break smiled at him.  He took a few bites of the cake, and ate it as cleanly as possible.

It was then Break stopped for a moment, and dropped his fork on the plate, What the...?  He looked over at Tranq, who seemed to be eating desserts.

The guards pony stood his ground however, and stated, "Sir, It is my DUTY to stay here and watch over this entrance while you are here."

Break suddenly blurted out,  "Come on, you stu---"  He stopped himself, by punching himself in the face.  "........I'm sorry.  I must be really tired...  I shall, um... take my leave now."

The confused pony got up from his seat, and started for the door.  ...Am I going to be ok?

My OCs: Break Shimmerald, Emerald Yttrium, Onyx Moonlight, Ti...ehh, and Dual Boot, Existential Panache.


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 Sketch groaned as he closed the doors behind him as he dragged himself to shut off the lights to the room. Rubbing the eyes he flung himself onto the bed where the cushy sheets sort of deflated as his body made an impression onto the royal bed. It was probably one of the comfiest things he's ever slept on...though clouds might have been just as nice, he was missing flying already. Though he had some conflicting feelings about the subject since that incident...he couldn't get the replay of it all out of his mind. He nuzzled one of the fluffy pillows and closed his eyes as he tried to think of other things that didn't totally made him feel like a useless git. Maybe tomorrow after Break's huge meeting he'll go off and explore Canterlot, maybe he'll meet an old friend of his if he was still working here. 


"At least we're all here in one piece." Sketch muttered to himself trying to make himself feel better. He etched a small smile onto his face and drifted off into slumber. He awaited tomorrow with a new attitude and hopefully with a refreshed outlook on things.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


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Tranq watched the interaction between the guard and Break. It was fascinating until Break hit himself in the face. She then decided it was time to excuse herself to bed. She slunk off to her room, and spent a few moments admiring her room. She felt the texture of the thick curtains, of the plush sheets, the luxurious sheets, the soft bed. She smiled to herself in contentment momentarily, but then let her mind wander back to her two friends. They were both acting quite strange. She troubled over it until she was able to fall into a deep sleep. It had been a long day, and as bothered as her mind had been prior to falling asleep, her body argued that it was finally time for her to rest.


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Break quickly entered his bedroom, and flopped onto his bed for a good nights sleep.  He needed it to be alert tomorrow, as it was the big day.  Quickly he made sure his ticket was safely secured in his pocket, just before he got himself comfortable on the nice soft bed.  For some reason or another, he subconsciously started to hug the extra puffy pillow next to his sleeping pillow.


((OOC:  Yes this next thing is a dream, no need for confusion this time!))

Break looked around, and found himself in that same meeting room again, this time however, the princesses were missing, and it was just him and the glorious panes of glass that walled around the room.  No light pushed through them, but rather the room was brighter than what was outside.

He looked around and yelled out, "Hello?!"  Nopony seemed to be there at the moment.

Break looked down at the table, to find that there was a piece of paper.  The paper's details were obscured by a large amount of blur and fog, but Break could make out a phrase at the bottom: "My love runs deeper than the rivers in the Appaloosan Mountains."  This phrase was followed by an unreadable, but familiar signature at the bottom.

"Why?"  "Who is this for?"  "Is it for me?"  "Will someone tell me?"  "WHERE DID THIS COME FROM?"  "I want to know!"  "Tell me why!"  "I ReAlLy wANt tO KnOW rIGHt noW!!!"  "PLEASE!!"  "....Hel..p... m...e..."


Break suddenly shot up in a cold sweat.  He looked around frantically, and saw nopony in sight.  The sky outside was a deep dark blue, and the moon was shining through the glass.  How long had he'd been asleep?

He took it to his burden of getting up and leaving his room.  Making his way into the joint hallway, he crossed the archway into the main corridor of the castle.

He looked down the hall to find a large pony figure sitting in the still darkness.  The moon caused an overcast over this figure, so he couldn't quite make it out from his current angle.  As he got closer, he could see that it was somepony familiar.

This pony looked up at him, and produced a familiar looking piece of paper: although Break couldn't quite put his finger on why it looked so familiar.  In any case, the pony spoke to him, "You know why I'm here...  Remember?  How you figured me out?  I've never felt so alive when you did...  I...  I couldn't control myself...Tck..."  The pony snickered a little bit.

Break backed away from the pony as a demonic smile appeared on the pony's face; it's head turned into an impossible angle.  The moon outside started to flare into shades of purple, red, and green as a laugh was heard.  This laugh was very...VERY familiar to Break, but again he couldn't quite connect the dots.  The darkness from the demonic smile started towards Break as he just sat there, gazing at the bewitching eyes that slowly appeared over the smile.  For some reason, Break couldn't help but copy the smile back at the thing in the darkness...  The laughter grew in volume as a cacophony of it started to engulf Break's ears, but he didn't mind, following a complete eclipse of his body by the darkness until there was nothing left.  Nothing left, but a broken smile and a stream of tears fell from nothingness.


Break's eyes shot open, as he was still in bed.  He stared at the ceiling of his room for a long time, as if to assert that he was indeed awake....

((OOC: Time has passed, but I don't want to god mod the time passing, lol, do stuff while this all happened, yknow?))

Edited by CharChar

My OCs: Break Shimmerald, Emerald Yttrium, Onyx Moonlight, Ti...ehh, and Dual Boot, Existential Panache.


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The morning sun rose over the mountains in the distance as the brilliant hues of orange and pink danced as the day came into motion. The night was short but restful as the land below began to stir from it's own slumber. The city of Canterlot bustled early in the morning as the resident ponies went about the start of their day. It was quite different from Ponyville in the sense that Canterlot was more abrupt with it's awakening than the much more laid back town of Ponyville.


In the Main Palace of the Princesses, a trio of guests had turned in the night prior to this fine morning. Laying in one of the many royalty guest rooms, a snoring pale green earth pony can be seen sprawled out on the sheets. He began to stir as he mumbled with dried drool on the corner of his mouth and began to roll over to his side. Slowly opening his eyes he yawned and slowly lifted himself from the bed. It was one of the most comfortable beds he had ever slept on and it clearly showed by his groggy uprising. 


"I hasta....Ihave...what month isit..." Sketch mumbled as he lazily dragged his hooves on the carpet and towards his personal restroom. Various hygienic supplies of the highest caliber were provided in each guest bathroom, Sketch took advantage of this and began his daily routine. Brushed teeth, washed face, groomed coat and mane, and a hint of that royal cologne was enough to jumpstart his day. He never looked better in all his life, in fact he it was like he was a new stallion. He observed himself in the mirror and was more than satisfied with his clean and professional look, now he was more than presentable to the uptight and snooty residents of Canterlot, not to mention presentable to a Royal crowd.


Sketch nodded to himself in the mirror and began to trot over to the door. Going through it he wandered into the halls and began to look around the palace as he admired the decor and stained glass windows. Those are what were catching his eyes the most. They dipicted stories and tales, their artistic aesthetics and craftsmanship were absolutely stunning, and above all else they were built in succession as if the Castle itself was an open book. Sketch merely stared in awe and in silence as the halls themselves were very much empty, he was probably the first one to be out and about.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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Tranq drew a pillow over her face. Did the sun change directions while I slept? Her home was usually so dark in the morning, generally getting afternoon sun. Confused, she removed the pillow, and was momentarily bemused by her surroundings. Shaking off the mornings haze, she realized that she in fact wasn't at home. It slowly came back to her. Canterlot Castle. Right. She stretched, her body still aching from the previous days adventure. Then her eyes fell on the bathtub. Well, I might be meetings two princesses today. Maybe I should bathe again. Just in case.


After her bath she strolled out into the common area of their shared rooms. Already the table was piled high with food. I don't know that I'm wholly comfortable with ponies coming in here while I'm asleep, she thought, until she dug into the food. Then she took it all back. After the previous days adventures, she was famished again, not waiting for either of her friends to eat. Both their doors were closed, but then again so was hers. It just seemed that that was what you were supposed to do in a castle. She wasn't sure if they were awake or not, but food was here, and they weren't, so she dug in.


Levitating her breakfast with her as she perused the room, she noticed a bookshelf tucked into a corner. She browsed the selection, coming across a collection of histories, which she then juggled her breakfast and the book, and commandeered a lounging chair where she could be comfortable, eat her food, and read while she waited for the appearance of her friends, or directions from the guards. She was still unsure if she was to be apart of the meeting, but waiting seemed to be the name of the game for now.

  • Brohoof 1


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Break just lay there for what seemed like an eternity.  He was unable to back to sleep, and was unable to move due to fear of his own imagination, so he just stared at the ceiling.  The sun just barely cracked the horizon when he felt inclined to actually get up finally.  He rubbed his eyes, and looked around his room from his cushy bed.  The room was a somber purple color being changed into its true light lavender as the sun slowly rose in the sky.


He slowly crawled out of bed, and put his hooves solidly on the ground, and went into the bathroom.  He looked in the mirror, and stared at his reflection for a moment.  Flashes of his dream last night went through his head quickly, causing him to shake it immediately.  "...It was just a dream.  C'mon Break."  It didn't calm him down very much when he spoke aloud, but it made him more aware of him actually being awake than before.


Making his way out of the bathroom after washing his face, he took it upon himself to go into the joint hallway.  He smelled all kinds of breakfast being prepared for whomever else lived in the castle.  Entering the dining room, he saw that plates were being filled with breakfast by the chef ponies of the castle.  Break took a gander at the different kinds of food, and smiled as a server pony gestured for some pancakes.  With his magic, he lifted up the pancakes, and started to eat them while he walked back out the dining room.

"Thank you."  Break said.  "I'm just going to take some with me while I go attend to some matters, ok?"  The server pony nodded.  "Also, if they WANT to come to the meeting in the West Tower, make sure they ask somepony of a high rank."

Break thought it to be the right thing to leave something to tell his friends where he went.  He went to the guard's pony,  a black stallion with a unicorn horn this time, and told him where he was going and who to tell.  The guard nodded and gave a fervent "Sir!" when Break finished, which caught the pony by surprise.

Nevertheless, Break headed out into the main hallway of the castle, and went towards the west tower.  The sun started to shine through the stained glass, and sparkled as he passed by them.

He turned a corner, and suddenly he bumped into a rather large pony.  It was Princess Luna!

Break stepped back a moment, as her presence was very awe inspiring.  "P-P..Princess Luna.  Hhello!"

She smiled at him, and said, "Hello there Break.  How are you this morning?"  Luna looked at him and spoke with a gracefully regal voice.

"Aren't you going to the meeting?"  Break asked, albeit intimidated by her rank.

She smiled, and said, "Oh I'll be asleep all day.  I usually take Mondays off to catch up on my sleep cycle.  Oh, and the meeting is after breakfast, but it appears you have some already!"  She pointed at the pancakes floating in mid air, in his blue idle magic.  Break blushed a little bit in embarrassment.

"I-I'm sorry.  I wasn't thinking..."  He looked down modestly.

She put a hoof under his chin to have him "chin-up".  "You'll be fine, I know it.  Don't worry about what might happen, the future rests with what happens now, so you shouldn't stress to much."  She started to walk past Break to get to wherever she was going.  She smiled as her mane obscured her face as she walked away.  "...The sky isn't going to flash colors on you, don't worry.  ...and nopony is sending you any ... letters, yet."  She chuckled innocently.

At that moment, Break saw a different light over Princess Luna.  She knew...somehow, about the dream he had last night.  W-what....  how does she...?!  Break's sense of truth seeking started to resonate once more, but this time he chose to ignore the feeling.  No...  Not the Princess.  I can't...

"H-have a nice nap, Princess Luna!"

Edited by CharChar

My OCs: Break Shimmerald, Emerald Yttrium, Onyx Moonlight, Ti...ehh, and Dual Boot, Existential Panache.


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After a good while or so Sketch began to see the Palace stir up with activity as Guard ponies went to and fro and from here to there. He took this as his ticket to go back and not be in the way of anypony. He slowly began to make his way back to that Dining room where he and his friends ate prior. Whilst walking in the hall he saw the glimpse of a taller pony with the most cosmo inducing mane he's ever seen before. That HAD to be Princess Luna...it wasn't long before he also saw Break in the same hallway accompanied by floating breakfast. Those dang unicorns and their ability to have floating breakfast...in fact He thought about how he could be the only Earth Pony in the entire palace right now. Every turn, hallway, and room he looked in had a Guard in them and they were all either Pegasi or Unicorns.


"Nice to see my kind being so useful...." Sketch muttered a little disappointed...but not really knowing what to be disappointed at. The fact that there weren't any Earth Ponies in the Palace or with himself being an Earth Pony in general. With all this thinking to himself he hadn't realize that he ended up walking closer to Break. He shook his head and blinked several time before he spoke something out of reflex.


"Hey there chum. Wow...that's neat how you know Luna so casually. First there was Tranq and Twilight, then there's you and Luna. That's pretty nifty." Sketch said breaking the mould. 


"That floating breakfast of yours looks tantalizing...I'm gonna go have one myself...except not floating and magical." He said scooting himself by him and making his way down to the dining place where he probably got his food from. He didn't want to hang around with Break too long in fear he might do his...investigation thingy in the middle of his big day. Plus it was dumb and silly for anypony to worry about him at this point. He's so riddled with problems that it's just kind of pointless to be buggered about. 


Arriving in the room he saw the amazing spread of delectable breakfast goods. He sa- oh gosh! Were those?? Yes they were! FRITTEEERS! Sketch was overjoyed to see some on the table as he darted for that treat and grabbed a bunch with his mouth. Letting out a satisfied squeal he swallowed his mouthful and sat at the table and began to properly eat at the spread. He never knew he was THAT hungry until now.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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" That was one crazy concert" Brechard says as he walks back home, slightly intoxicated. By now nearly everypony has left, except a few who are either drunk, passed out, or both.  " Why was the singer wearing what looked like a surgeons coat?" He mumbles to himself.


Back home, he unbuttons his denim jacket and throws it on the floor and kicks his boots off. His vision starts becoming blurry. He uses the toilet, mostly missing the toilet. He flushed the toilet, washes and dries his hoofs, and dumps his body onto the bed.

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