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Grell looked at him "yes but just like ponies and the like they cheat on their spouse haven't you ever about the gods and goddesses" grell asked then he turned to snowstorm "ummmm I think that it's... Khione the daughter of boreas the north wind" grell smiled then his hoof began to twitch

Snowstorm thought for a bit. The daughter of wind? This fit even more. "So... If demigods really existed... And I were one.. I would be the daughter of Khione?" she asked, still not fully believing that all this existed. Until she could be convinced, Khione had decided that she would not claim her.

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Grell smiled "you want prof I'm a Demi god I have power over death I can kill with the slightest touch of my hoof I can also drain life away from anything living" grell said

Leif looked at snowstorm "I'm the son of pan god of nature I can make Any plant I want grow with one exception and I can communicate wth all animals more so panomma here then any other"

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lawleit pronounced law le it

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Grell smiled "you want prof I'm a Demi god I have power over death I can kill with the slightest touch of my hoof I can also drain life away from anything living" grell said

Leif looked at snowstorm "I'm the son of pan god of nature I can make Any plant I want grow with one exception and I can communicate wth all animals more so panomma here then any other"

Snowstorm deadpanned at this. "You just gave me... Hmm... Carry the 5... 0 evidence for the existence of Demigods, or your power," she said, sarcastically. Was he joking, or was he just that dumb? Of course, she wouldn't say that aloud, at least not yet. She still wasn't in a position to be as much of a jerk as she normally was.

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Grell looked at the plant and it withered away Leif looked at it and it grew back

Shall I kill something by touch or drain away part of your life to prove my power" grell said all to pleasantly

Leif made a frost berry grow from the pot picked them and Handed them to snowstorm "I think you'll like these" Leif said

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Grell looked at the plant and it withered away Leif looked at it and it grew back

Shall I kill something by touch or drain away part of your life to prove my power" grell said all to pleasantly

Leif made a frost berry grow from the pot picked them and Handed them to snowstorm "I think you'll like these" Leif said

Snowstorm laughed nervously. "I'm dreaming, aren't I?" she asked, and took the berries tentatively. "They aren't... Poison... Are they?" she asked. Although, why would he say anything but no? But his wolf did just save her. She argued with herself in her mind for a few seconds before deciding to eat a berry.

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"Well, this is all very interesting, but i'm going to go sit down now" Dead Eye said, feeling shocked at the explanation and proof he was given but not letting it show on his face much

'If this is true, then who were my parents really' he thought to himself. he was raised by his adoptive father and knew nothing about his true parentage. 


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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"Nope it's a frost berry they only for on the coldest of places and they taste so sweet and amazing" Leif said "I figured you would like a frost berry snide they are always cool to the touch"

Grell looked at snowstorm "so how shall I prove that I'm a Demi god" grell asked

Snowstorm smiled. "These... These are wonderful!" she exclaimed. She'd never tasted anything better than this. "A frost berry?" she asked as she felt herself growing colder, which she didn't mind. "Well, if you could prove that this wasn't a dream, then that would prove that you were a demigod, since you just caused that plant to die," she said. The berry had made her feel much better, as if it was made for her. But she quickly dismissed that thought because it was utterly absurd and there was no way that could be true. 

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Grell pinched her then smiled "good so you believe that we are demigods now if we are correct you are a demigod as well" grell said Leif smiled and made more grow for her he handed her some more and then he grabbed some for himself he tossed some into his mouth bit down then breathed out his breath with very cold and come out like a cloud

Edited by dashian500

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Grell smiled "good so you believe that we are demigods now if we are correct you are a demigod as well" grell said Leif smiled and made more grow for her he handed her some more and then he grabbed some for himself he tossed some into his mouth bit down then breathed out his breath with very cold and come out like a cloud

Snowstorm ate each berry slowly with glee, savouring the flavour and the cold that flowed through her. "So cold... So wonderful..." As she ate them, the temperature in the room started to drop, but she didn't notice it. She was too busy with these delectable berries.

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Grell got cold and looked at snowstorm

Leif was main more berries grow he had picked a nice sized bowl full and sat it between him and snowstorm he was getting cold but he assumed it was the berry because they had that affect sometimes panomma nuzzled snowstorm

The temperature continued to drop as Snowstorm ate and thought about the cold berries. She smiled at Panomma. "I can't stress enough how much I love these," she said, eating them bit by bloody delectable bit. So perfect... The temperature dropped more quickly now.

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Grell started to shiver "umm snowstorm" grell said

Leif looked at grell he was sure it wasn't the berries now he was getting cold he could see the smile on panomma a face "I know but if somepony not used to the cold eats to many they die of frostbite even in the desert it can freeze from within" Leif said

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Grell started to shiver "umm snowstorm" grell said

Leif looked at grell he was sure it wasn't the berries now he was getting cold he could see the smile on panomma a face "I know but if somepony not used to the cold eats to many they die of frostbite even in the desert it can freeze from within" Leif said

Snowstorm looked to Grell. "Yes?" she asked, and looked at Leif. "Oh, I'm used to the cold like you wouldn't believe," she said, the temperature continuing to decrease as she ate. The berries would not affect her, of course, but they probably didn't know that yet.

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Silver had kindled a fire, and was holding it in his hooves. "It's a bit nippy in here. Do you suppose we should stop her before we all, ya know, freeze to death?" Silver asked. "Well Snowstorm," Silver said, heating his body up to resist the extreme cold around her, "given the ice forming on your coat, I think it's time to stop. I think we might be able to find your mother..."

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Silver had kindled a fire, and was holding it in his hooves. "It's a bit nippy in here. Do you suppose we should stop her before we all, ya know, freeze to death?" Silver asked. "Well Snowstorm," Silver said, heating his body up to resist the extreme cold around her, "given the ice forming on your coat, I think it's time to stop. I think we might be able to find your mother..."

Snowstorm looked at her coat and yelped. As her mind was taken off of the cold, the temperature started to rise again.


Grell smiled "I think your causin the temperature to drop dramatically" grell said

Leif nodded "yeah it's getting really cold in here I can tell because panomma had that Hugh smile on her face so I know it's not just the berries"Leif said "prof your a Demi god"

"Proof?" she asked, continuing to examine herself. What she didn't notice was the symbol of three snowflakes above her head. "Are you sure it wasn't just the weather? It felt good though."

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"Proof?" she asked, continuing to examine herself. What she didn't notice was the symbol of three snowflakes above her head. "Are you sure it wasn't just the weather? It felt good though."


"Yes, a drastic climate change on a summer day, in an enclosed train car. It was definitely the weather" Dead Eye said sarcastically as he rubbed his hooves together for warmth.

"Whatever you just did, don't do it near me again" He hated cold weather.







My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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"Yes, a drastic climate change on a summer day, in an enclosed train car. It was definitely the weather" Dead Eye said sarcastically as he rubbed his hooves together for warmth.

"Whatever you just did, don't do it near me again" He hated cold weather.






Snowstorm shook her head. "But I didn't do anything!" she exclaimed. "Right...?" Her voice trailed off as she noticed the symbol above her head. "What is that?" she asked, incredulously. "Is this some sort of trick?" she asked angrily. And yet it struck her somewhere. There was something about it that she just couldn't put her hoof on.

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Leif smiled looking above her head "yes I'm sure your a Demi god and I'm pretty sure your mom is calming you as her daughter" Leif said with a broad smile

((Note it's just Leif grell silver hawk eye and you and panomma the others have been removed due to inability to post))

Snowstorm deadpanned. "And just who would my mum be?" she asked. "Is this some sort of cruel joke? I have no mum." 

((It's only been a few days since rainbowdashlover19 posted. You're kicking her off for such a short idle time? There might have been something that came up. She was last here on the fourth. I'm sure that once she returns she will post once again.))

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((She has no wifi no she and her bf live in my area so they won't be on again))

Leif smiled "the goddess of cold" Leif said "and no this isn't a joke I don't know Anypony that can forge a seal of a god or goddess" Leif said

Grell nodded "yup your a Demi god and as such are under our protection till you reach camp" grell said

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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((She has no wifi no she and her bf live in my area so they won't be on again))

Leif smiled "the goddess of cold" Leif said "and no this isn't a joke I don't know Anypony that can forge a seal of a god or goddess" Leif said

Grell nodded "yup your a Demi god and as such are under our protection till you reach camp" grell said

((Ah. Sad.))

Snowstorm shook her head and backed away. "I can't be..." she said, the temperature starting to drop again. "Nope. Not possible. Uh uh. No way." The temperature suddenly plummeted. "You're all lying... I have no mum... You don't want to protect me..." she babbled. All of this was just too much.

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Snowstorm shook her head and backed away. "I can't be..." she said, the temperature starting to drop again. "Nope. Not possible. Uh uh. No way." The temperature suddenly plummeted. "You're all lying... I have no mum... You don't want to protect me..." she babbled. All of this was just too much.


"AH, DAMN IT! Cut it out with the cold already!" Dead Eye said to Snowstorm as he started to rub his hooves together again. Little did he know, his own body temperature was rising. soon enough his shoulder caught fire and yet he didn't notice, or burn.





My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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Grell sighed "why would we lie about that snowstorm what do we have to gain we are going to Tartarus for celestias sake we have to get just one more pearl if you don't join us if you do which would be wise them we have to get two which means finding anthe" grell said

Leif walked over to hawkeye " what about you my friend only one parent and and kind of special ability" Leif asked looking at the fire "I'm going to say your a demigod as well based on that" Leif pointed to the fire

Edited by dashian500

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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