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open MLP Camp Half-Blood


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"As I recall you shot an explosive arrow in my direction that would be the first move you put your self In a fight you didn't belong in" Anton said "besides that the explosion was Aldo considered an attack so in truth you attacked me twice before I even looked at you"


"I aimed at a wall, which counts as a warning shot. You shot at me. See the difference" Dead Eye said, annoyed. He really didn't like this guy at all.


 filler this is an OC post filler this is an OC post filler this is an OC post filler this is an OC post filler this is an OC post filler this is an OC post filler this is


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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Minx woke up to the sound of battling. 'What the buck is going on out there?' Minx thought to herself. She walked out her cabin and took to the skies. Finally spotting the source of the commotion, she stayed up in the air as she hovered over the scenery. Minx noticed a knocked out Ocean Skies, Zeus, an Aries son, Waterfall looking around and some new pony glaring Aries's son. Wait a minute. Zeus!? "ALRIGHT! WHAT THE BUCK IS GOING ON HERE!?" Minx yelled.



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Dead Eye heard the voice and saw Minx. "You missed a hell of a party, that's what." he then saw Oceon on the ground. "Okay man, time to go" he said, prodding Oceon's body with his hoof.



this is an OC post filler this is an OC post filler this is an OC post filler this is an OC post filler this is an OC post filler this is an OC post

Edited by Black Mask


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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'Alright. I'm taking the reins from now on! Now shove off!' Minx thought to herself (welcome back Angelinx). Minx looked over to Leif and nodded. 'I'll apologise later.' Minx thought. She flew off to the woods near Leif's hammock, taking care to stick with the shadows.


(Can anyone tell me how split personalities work because I don't think I'm doing it right. I'm just going off of what I know from movies and that.)



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Minx saw Leif look at her. When he turned to walk away she walked up to him. "Leif wait. Please. I know you don't want to talk to me right now but just listen. You see, I've got Multiple Personality Disorder. That's why I was rude to you and the others in the Underworld. That's why I'm being nice now but I may become rude again at any moment." Minx left it at that and flew back towards her cabin. 'Why did you go and do that!? I did that because we both know that we like him. A lot.'



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Minx looked at the door. She thought to herself for a bit. Finally deciding to open it she went over to the door. "Oh. Hi Leif. Do you want anything?" Minx asked sadly. She stepped away from the door and left it open in case he wanted to come in.


(Forgot to add that she gets highly emotional as Angelix)



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Minx nodded and beckoned him inside. "It's alright. That's the reason why I left camp in the first place actually. Nopony could handle me and my MPD. That's also the reason why I went to seek out Hades in the first place. I thought he could help me but instead he got me stuck in Devilinx mode and I haven't been able to break out of it. That is, until your group of demigods came along." Minx still sounded sad. Feeling something on her cheek, she raised a hoof to rub it off. It felt wet. 'Is that a tear?'



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Minx hugged him back and started to cry on to his shoulder. 'What is the matter with us? We're all sappy and sad. Be *sniff* quiet. Don't ruin this.'


"Oi Tough Luck! Do you hear me?" Gareth shouted. He checked the bunk that Tough Luck slept on. He sighed. 'Nope he's out cold. Ah well. He must need it after that trip to the Underworld.'



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Finally starting to quiet down, Minx unwrapped herself and sat down on the floor. "I'm *hic* sorry for that. It's just that I haven't been able to do *hic* anything for five years." Minx said. She felt a little better now. 'What's the matter with us? We're in loove.' Minx thought to herself.

Edited by Pixelate



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Leif nodded "it's okay you don't have to explain yourself to me if you ever need a shoulder to cry on just let's know I'm here for" Leif said

-maybe I do have a shoot with her maybe I won't get turned down but I'd have to ask the tight minx so get the nice one and not the rude one- Leif thought

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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'Oh great. More sappy talk. It isn't sappy!' Angelinx successfully kept Devilinx at bay, even if only for a few more moments. "Thanks Leif. Do you want something else or what?" Minx asked happily. She definitely felt better now. Minx covered her mouth as she yawned. "I'm ... tired. I think I'll turn in early. Goodnight Lief." Minx said. She walked into the bedroom, closed the door and let out a sigh of relief. 'Finally. Eh what do you know? Nothing to do with emotions apparently. Exactly.' Minx walked towards the bed and laid down on it, going to sleep.


Gareth left Tough Luck in his cabin and went searching for his own one.

Edited by Pixelate



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Blacky pies hair was straight as he glares at aton. When blackys in battle mode he can drive any pony to madness its his special ability its why he dpsnt fight ever as he picks the almost dead oceon skies. "This fight will have to wait, oceon skies went too far he's going to die if he pushes himself and if you force him i will make you pay i swear to my own father on that" he carrys oceon skies to the posideon cabin there he tucked oceon skies in to bed "you rest buddy"

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Snowstorm sighed sadly as they all left. "A perfectly good day ruined..." She mused sadly. "And I didn't even get a chance to eat." She sighed again and trotted back up to her cabin. She went in and closed the door. She didn't even think about the cold, but she found a bed, put her belongings beside it, and went to sleep. She fell asleep almost instantly, that was how tired she was, and her dreams were of cold and wolves and Grell. And then came the morning.


Snowstorm woke up in the morning at about 7:00. She yawned and got up, her stomach growling. Eat, it seemed to say. She chuckled at the thought that her stomach could say anything at all, for of course, that was preposterous. She brushed the thought up and opened the door. She now fully appreciated how cold this cabin was. She decided against dressing up today and just trotted to the door. She opened it up and left the cabin.


It was somewhat cold in the morning as she stepped out. Not as cold as the cabin, but still cold enough to satisfy her. The campers had started to gather to set and she got in line for food. Let's see what rubbish they have here, she thought. Hopefully something good.


There was nothing good. "Blast," she said, and that was all. She took a small bowl of frost berries and found some pasta. At least they had that. She sat down at a spot where she could watch all the other campers. She watched their personalities, what they did, what they liked and disliked, to see how she could manipulate them. This would be but her first watching. She'd have to do this many times. However, before she started eating, she deposited the best part of her meal into the fire. It would have been quite detrimental to her reputation had she not known that.


She brushed the topic of her reputation aside and began to eat, starting with the pasta and then savouring every frost berry. She didn't lower the temperature, however. At least she had more control over it now. As she finished eating, she almost left her dishes there for the maid to pick up, but then she stopped. She didn't have any servants here. She turned around, quite annoyed, and picked the dishes up. She deposited them where they were to go and left for her cabin.


As she trotted to her cabin, she noticed a group of campers looking at her. She brushed it off, not knowing that they were the Ares kids. She didn't notice them following her as she trotted back to the cabin. And as they got close to her, they caught her and started bringing her to the Mares' lavatory. "What the hay?" She asked, annoyed.


"What, you didn't know?" One of the mares asked. This one seemed to be the leader. She laughed. "We have to put you through newbie initiation."


Snowstorm scowled. How would she get out of this? Maybe she could lower the temperature? That'd probably only faze them a little, but she did it anyway. The temperature plummeted around them, fast.


The leader frowned. "What the hay?" She asked, as the temperature plummeted. She brushed it off and continued bringing her to the lavatory. Nopony tried to stop them.


Snowstorm felt that tugging in her stomach again, and she quickly listened. Tendrils started reaching out from her front hoof and Snowstorm willed them to wrap around the kids. Instantly, they did so, turning the tables in one swift movement. Snowstorm got up, brushing herself off, and smiled. "Why, thank you!" She exclaimed. "I almost had to walk here myself." Satisfied that the kids had been properly embarrassed, she trotted into the lavatory to take a shower as the other campers just stared.


15 minutes later, Snowstorm stepped out of the shower, feeling rejuvenated, and trotted back to her cabin. She sat down on the ice stairs in front of the cabin and watched the campers do their daily business. A few of them spoke about what she had done earlier. Perfect, she thought. They know me. She was already establishing dominance. On her first full day, too. She smiled and continued to watch.


This post has been brought to you by Wall of Text, Incorporated.

((This text is filler. I haven't seemed to meet the 200 character requirement yet. :P

Edited by whizzball1
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((This is an OOC post because I am not caught up on the last like 4 pages and I see there is a lot going on and was wondering if someone  could give me a small synopsis to get me up to speed in the OOC thread, now I have to fill because limits suck and this is OOC))

Tough Luck awoke from a deep sleep. "I must have fallen asleep again as soon as I got back to my cabin and Gareth left. Wow it must have been like 14 hours," he thought to himself. He trotted over to the pavilion to get some breakfast when he noticed all of the campers acting a bit off, like something crazy had happened yesterday while he was asleep. He brushed it off and went and grabbed some oatmeal and orange juice from the buffet and sat down to yet. "I'm going to have to ask why everyone is acting so weird," Tough Luck decided.


Sig by The Frozen Pegasus

Avatar by Royal Samurott


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((This is an OOC post because I am not caught up on the last like 4 pages and I see there is a lot going on and was wondering if someone  could give me a small synopsis to get me up to speed in the OOC thread, now I have to fill because limits suck and this is OOC))

Tough Luck awoke from a deep sleep. "I must have fallen asleep again as soon as I got back to my cabin and Gareth left. Wow it must have been like 14 hours," he thought to himself. He trotted over to the pavilion to get some breakfast when he noticed all of the campers acting a bit off, like something crazy had happened yesterday while he was asleep. He brushed it off and went and grabbed some oatmeal and orange juice from the buffet and sat down to yet. "I'm going to have to ask why everyone is acting so weird," Tough Luck decided.

((Ah, so you actually read it! Yay! People actually read my walls of text! And this is my biggest wall of text like, ever. Seriously. I've never written a post as big as this one in any roleplay ever. This is like, huge for me. And I'm being so redundant because I need filler, in case you haven't noticed.))

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Eternity woke from sleep in her cabin. It was a cozy one, with fluffy pillows.


"I wonder what the other ponies are doing?" She hadn't seen much of her friends since she had arrived at the camp.


Walking outside, she was surprised to notice that ot looked like a battle had happened.


"What were they doing out here?" She looked around for some pony to talk to. She had no idea where to get something to eat.


((Wow guys 6 pages since I left XD and snowstorm, that wall of text is very impressjve, bravo!))


Signature by the beautiful Scarlet <3 

Always listen to your own heart...

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Tough Luck was on his way back to his cabin when he saw Eternity walking around and she looked fairly lost. "Hey Eternity, what's up?" Tough luck asked trotting up to her side. He wasn't sure if she had any information about the events of yesterday, but she looked like she needed some help so he offered his assistance.


Sig by The Frozen Pegasus

Avatar by Royal Samurott


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