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open MLP Camp Half-Blood


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Oceon skies trident appeared in front of him obviously his heart was hurting too bad starts practicing Really hard mastering slowly how to use the trident as he spins it and slams it down, tears in his eyes as he starts working harder and harder. Right next to the pirate ship.

Edited by odd9120

dat zelda wings


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Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Geek followed her out "outside the camp they try and catch new arrivals and campers that aren't thinking straight so just about anywhere around the camp" grell said as they walked he nuzzled her and kissed her cheek with out missing a beat or step

Leif made and apple grow "I'll eat this" Leif Said

Edited by dashian500

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lawleit pronounced law le it

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Geek followed her out "outside the camp they try and catch new arrivals and campers that aren't thinking straight so just about anywhere around the camp" grell said as they walked he nuzzled her and kissed her cheek with out missing a beat or step

Snowstorm nodded in understanding. "I see. LEt's go then," she said, smiling, and then blushed furiously as he nuzzled her. She kissed him back, not missing a beat. They were almost at the camp boundary now, and she unsheathed her blade.


Speed Boost woke up at about 7:00 and yawned. "Another day, more awesomeness," he said, going up to a mirror and fixing his mane. He picked up Ánemos and trotted out of the cabin and to the training arena. He started training with his daggers.

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Minx nodded happily and took a bite of the salad. She chewed and tried to get the vision out of her mind but it just wouldn't go away. She swallowd and then said, "We really need tah get tah Mount Tam, even if it's just so that Ah cin get tha vision outta mah head." Minx said.


(see what Oddball means? I have no idea if I'm doing good or bad so im sticking to this.)



What else am I meant to put here?


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(We need to get tou (The ooo is more emphasized in the accent cain (Emphasis on the I like a can of soda))


(dmodnjdsk skdjs djskd jdskd sjdks jdskjd sjdsk d jsdkjdskjd jdkdjs dsj djks djsk jsk djks d jksd jds jk jsd ks djk  jksd kj dskj sd jk dskj sdjk dskj kjds j))

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Leif ate his apple smiling a minx ((watch swap people))


Grell nodded "glad you're excited" grell said as the walked as they stepped through the threshold he unwrapped his hooves "dot touch my hooves no matter what snowstrom okay" grell said with all seriousness

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stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Leif ate his apple smiling a minx ((watch swap people))


Grell nodded "glad you're excited" grell said as the walked as they stepped through the threshold he unwrapped his hooves "dot touch my hooves no matter what snowstrom okay" grell said with all seriousness

Snowstorm nodded. She knew his powers, what he could do. She would not touch his hooves. He still couldn't control it, after all. She was ready to fight at any moment, sword ready.


Speed Boost continued to train perfectly. But it was almost time for food, and he was starting to get hungry. Just a few more dummies, and then he would eat.

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Minx ate the salad and continued to try and get the vision out of her head. She just couldn't reason why she had to vision that particular god with an army. Why Kronos? Why not some other god like Aerolius (or whatever the god of wind's name is)? "Thank you fah the salad Leif. Ah enjoyed it. It was really lovely." Minx told him.


Gareth walked towards one of the windows in the Captain's Quarters and saw Ocean Skies training with his trident. "Hey Ocean Skies? Why are you training underwater? Wouldn't it be better if you trained in the training grounds?" Gareth asked him. He hoped that Ocean Skies heard him.



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Grell nodded and walked on he went off the path and into the forest


"It was nothing" leif said as he finished his apple "so what you wanna do minx since we already ate maybe we could round up so ponies that could be useful and go to mount tam" Leif said


Anton walked I to the castle and bowed before Kronos hoping his unannounced visit wouldn't get him killed

Edited by dashian500

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stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Minx nodded. "That sounds good." She said. Minx got off the bed and walked over to the front door. "Who do ya suggest we take with us?" Minx asked. 'Okay, now Ah'm confused. Are we getting a group together for a mission to Mount Tam or something? Yup. Ya never pay any attention, do ya? Apparently not because Ah'm very confused.'



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'He's crying. Why is he crying? He's impressive with that trident, I'll give him that.' Gareth thought to himself. "Ocean Skies? Why are you crying? Answer me if you can hear me." Gareth told Ocean Skies.


Minx thought about them. "Those are good choices. If they say yes, then we're gonna need Grell, Skais, Deadeye especially that robot pony of his, definitely you, Lief, maybe Waterfall ... Ah don't know, let's just ask them and find out for ourselves." Minx said as she stepped out the door.

Edited by Pixelate



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He shakes his head as he spins the trident as the trident started to glow as he spins the trident it seems the oceon was sad with him as he slashes to the left jabs to the right as he gets faster and faster. "My tridents name is Neró kŷma!" He screams as the trident glows brightly as the name appears on the hilt.

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Waterfall went to Gareth and saw Ocean Skies. 'What is he doing?'she thought. She than saw the tears and "Hey what's wrong Skies?" she asked. 'I hope he is all right. ' Waterfall thought.

((filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler))

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He ignores them as he started moveing faster and faster then he spins the trident and a huge jet of water comes out. he was getting stronger and more powerful as he growls he was crying hard at this point. He started slashing at the air harder and faster he slams the hilt down spinning with it doinga kick and in mid air he slams down with the trident.

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Lief nodded "sounds like a plan" Leif said with a smile "so who should we ask first" Leif asked

(you are dragon born I used to be an adventurer like you then I took and arrow to the knee put some clothes on you damne* fool and now I'm out of skyrim quotes so filler

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stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Grell nodded and walked on he went off the path and into the forest

"It was nothing" leif said as he finished his apple "so what you wanna do minx since we already ate maybe we could round up so ponies that could be useful and go to mount tam" Leif said

Anton walked I to the castle and bowed before Kronos hoping his unannounced visit wouldn't get him killed

Snowstorm trotted after Grell, following beside him, wary of other creatures.


Speed Boost finished his training and flew off to the pavillion just in time for breakfast to start. He got in line, ordered, offered the best part of his food, and sat down with his friends as always. Ponies who'd been there enough time would know exactly where to find him.

((Why you guys completely forget about asking Snowstorm and Speed Boost? D: jk))

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Grell kept going soon he found a cave (dungeon crawling anybody sounds like fun)) he slowly walked in and light a torch and slowly crept along he moved Jon such a manor that he couldn't be heard he was an expert at sneaking because of his past and what not

Snowstorm's hooves instinctively padded with pure cold to make her footsteps noiseless. She trotted after Grell, her dark blade reflecting no light.


Speed Boost continued to eat and talk with his friends at the pavilion.

((Yes, that Speed Boost thing was for filler because I need it desperately right now.))

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Grell kept walking and soon heard an underwater river he stopped "we should be getting close to some monsters" grell whispered as he walke around a turn he seen the underground river or what was once a river the water was stagnant


In the water three water nymphs where watching them

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Grell kept walking and soon heard an underwater river he stopped "we should be getting close to some monsters" grell whispered as he walke around a turn he seen the underground river or what was once a river the water was stagnant


In the water three water nymphs where watching them

Snowstorm nodded, readying her blade. A whip of cold started to form in her empty hoof, and she watched the river, but didn't notice the nymphs.

((Filler because I have nothing more to say. This should be just about all the filler I will need. Nope, 11 chars.))

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As the nymphs saw the whip and blade they made tendrils of water rise up and attack snowstrom and grell

Grell dodge rolled In front of snowstrom and took a water whip to the face he focused and punched the water willing the attacker to die it didn't work obviously because the water wasn't the water nymph

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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As the nymphs saw the whip and blade they made tendrils of water rise up and attack snowstrom and grell

Grell dodge rolled In front of snowstrom and took a water whip to the face he focused and punched the water willing the attacker to die it didn't work obviously because the water wasn't the water nymph

The whip of cold shot out to restrain the water whip. She pulled back in an attempt to bring the nymph toward them with its own whip so that Grell could reach it and kill it. Another nymph shot a water whip toward Snowstorm to stop her, but she instinctively held her hoof out and it froze. The whip shattered and her jaw dropped.

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"Ah thaink that we should ask Speed Boost. He cain definitely help out. Unless he's still in the infirmary. But Ah know him and Ah know that Speed will be at tha food house." Minx declared. She gestured for Leif to follow and they began to walk towards the Pavilion.


Gareth's eyes widened in surprise when he saw just how much faster Ocean Skies looked.

Edited by Pixelate



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