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open MLP Camp Half-Blood


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Midnight sighed. "Poor things..." She noticed Scout creeping down the stairs. "Go back upstairs, Scout. You don't need to see this..."


Scout huffed, turning around and going back upstairs and into his room.


Midnight looked back at Grell, then at the other bodies. -And we just showered, too... Ugh...- She wheeled in more tables.

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Grell growled at the mare " either shoe respect for the dead or you can join them in the underworld " grell said thru his growl he seen midnight bring in tables and without looking away he used his magic to place the other bodies

The mare just looked at him shocked

he finished the onebhe was working on and shut the eyes and bowed his head after a moment of silence "let's get you fitted for onc of my lovely coffins now ". Grell said

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Midnight sighed, stepping in blood in order to move the tables around. -So much blood... They must have really gotten beat up... They don't even look like ponies...-


Scout sat in his room, bored. "My room is so bland... I need some other things in here..." He looked at the walls.

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Grell magiced a coffin into the room and placed the body in it "give them a proper burial all of them" grell said as he went to work on the next one "ok so where is his foreleg did the Dragon eat it " grell asked and he put the body back together this body was slowly beginning to look like a body again instead a pile of blood and guts

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The mares nodded "yeah the Dragon ate his leg " one said then they both left

Grell ignored them as he finished the body shut the eyes and once again had a moment of silence before making another coffin he stacked it on the others then turned to midnight "go upstairs and get cleaned up ill handle this " grell said

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Grell used his magic and the guts and blood flew to their respective bodies "now go clean I Cam handle this ok it's what my cutie mark is telling me "grell said ((lol )) he finished the third and followed the same ritual he had for the other two then began working

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Grell sighed getting back to work he finished the other bodies quickly and went upstairs to find midnight in the shower "midnight why are you mad at me taking care of the dead is a one pony job unless you're training somepony " grell said trying to explain why he didn't want her to help him

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Midnight just sat there, letting the blood wash off her. "I just want to be more courageous and you won't let me... It's okay... I'll just be a scaredy cat the rest of my life..."


Scout walked in, faintly seeing the blood, confused and a little scared. He looked up at Grell.

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Grell sighed "midnight Im not trying to stop you from being brave ok I was doing what's natural for me " grell said he seen scout "some campers tried to fight a dragon they died thats all you need to know grell walked into his room GE did a spell to clean the bandages off and magiced a coffin and laid down in OT closing the lid

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Midnight continued to clean herself, sighing. "Did he walk off...?"


Scout blinked, following Grell with his eyes. "Yeah. He's laying down. In a coffin."


Midnight sighed, done cleaning herself. She stepped out. "Go ahead and take your shower, Scout."



Scout nodded and got in the shower, washing.

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Grell sighed it had been a very long and stressful day he was ready to sleep he yawned sans thought -I could leave tonight and disappear without a trace iv done it enough that no pony could catch me - grell thought he decided that it was best for him to leave forgetting that the rings pulled to each other he planned to wait until midnight goes to sleep to leave

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Midnight dried off and went to the bedroom. She opened the coffin. "Look, I'm sorry I got upset. I was just disappointed that I couldn't help. Can you please sleep in the bed with me tonight?"


Scout washed himself, humming a little. He was trying to keep his mind off the dead ponies he saw.

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Growl looked up and kissed her "its fine midnight you had every right to be mad I never let you help and I'm sorry " grell said he climbed out of the coffin and laid in the bed he had thought she would still be mad at him he assumed she was just ignoring her emotions to avoid any conflict

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Midnight shook her head. "I mean it this time. I had no right to be mad. It's not my job to do that stuff. It's yours. I was selfish for getting mad." He could see the sencerity in her eyes. She crawled up in the bed, laying down. -I really feel like an idiot for getting mad...-

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Grell smiled and kissed her "you're not going to the underworld with me midnight but I need to go " grell said thinking back to the letter from his dad he wondered if it was really him who wrote it he banished the thought and snuggled up to midnight "you wasn't being selfish midnight "

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Midnight looked up at him, teary eyed. "Are you going to leave forever...?" She was scared he would. She wouldn't know what to do if he did.


Scout walked by, blinking. He peaked inside. -She looks like she's about to cry... What happened...?- He looked at Grell. -Is he leaving??-

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Grell nuzzled her "I couldn't stay away from you if I tried midnight I love you too much I'll come back from the underworld "grell said and then kissed her " I won't leave forever I promise im here to stay " grell pulled the covers around them he laid by her cuddling her trying to comfort her

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Midnight snuggled close, sniffling, her ears flat. "I don't know what I'd do if I lost you..." She thought for a moment and looked up at him. "I know it may be scary, but I want to go with you. I want to confront Hades for what he did. And I want to free my mother. She had to end up marrying him to set me free..."


Scout blinked. -Daddy never let her mom go...? He told me he did...-

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Grell smiled "and I'll be with every step and if he tries anything he'll have to go through me " grell said as he kissed her then he seen scout "midnight we have a guest "grell used his magic to open the door but didn't grab scout he just let him know they know he's there

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Midnight blinked, snuggling close. "Hello, Scout... What's wrong??"


Scout shook his head, staying at the door. "I-it's nothing... I-I'm just a little nervous about sleeping in a giant coffin... I've never done that before..."


Midnight giggled, looking at Scout. "Aww it's okay..."

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Epic Rainbow flew to the graveyard to pay her respects to the dead ponies. She knocked on the door. Somepony let her in and she went over to the dead ponies. She pouted a bit as she looked at them. "I should have been friendlier to them," she cried. "I didn't realize that this would be their fate. I'm sorry to all of you. I never want anypony to die. I'll never forget any of you." She started walking back to her house in the camp.

Edited by Epic Rainbow
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Grell spotted a pony fly over the he grave yard he used his magic to appear beside her he noticed she was crying "I'm sorry to bother you but could you be so kind as to tell me the names of these poor souls I wasn't told by the ones that brought them in " grell said kindly

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