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Leif ran through the forest his wolf In tow "it's this way" Leif yelled

Grell ran alongside him since they couldn't fly he wondered if Leif could get a large bird or something to carry them he seemed to have control of animals and plants

"So grell you guys came from the camp you a Demi" Leif asked

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Silver, who had been following silently, said, "Yes, we are all half-immortals. I am son of Hephaestus, god of fire. By the way, we never formally met, I am silver dust." He shook Lief's hoof. "Sorry for the conflict back there, I really didn't mean to cause any trouble.... But anyway, you wield some pretty impressive powers yourself. Are you a demigod as well?"

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Epic smiled with pride. "My mother is Iris, goddess of the rainbow," she said. "I have an awesome magical prism that if I hold it up to the light, a rainbow appears and in the rainbow, an image of my mother comes into view wherever she is, whatever she's doing, whenever I wanna see her." Epic flew lower to the ground. "Hey, Leif, do you wanna ride on my back?"


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Grell smiled and decided to show off he seen a log and used it as a launch pad to jump doing a few spin flips before landing onus nights back he used his magic to soften his landing

Panomma yipped happily them she she smelt disappointment coming from scout she yipped and made bark like noises

Leif sighed as he used his magic to get on epic "scout why are you disappointed "Leif asked

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Midnight blinked in surprise. She smiled. "Show off much??" She giggled, pecking him. "You're so adorable..." She flew back up into the sky, looking refreshed as the cool air hit her face.


Scout shook his head, sighing. "I'm fine... Nothing's wrong..." He laid down on Panomma's back, yawning.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Midnight looked back at Leif. "He's jealous you're on her back and not him," she said, looking forward.


Scout grumbled, looking away. "I said it's nothing... You didn't have to tell them, Midnight..." he mumbled, blushing a little. He sighed. -I like Epic... Why do I have to be a filly??? Ugh...-

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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"So, does anypony have some reflective objects?" Silver asked, "because my mirror broke when we were trapped in vines, and being turned to stone is such a pain, you know, with the eternal torment and all. If no pony has one, we will just have to close our eyes the entire time... And that won't end well..."

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Epic thought. "I have a really shiny pocket knife," she said. "It's in my saddlebag. I also have my prism, but it's magic and she'll easily notice the rainbow." Epic thought again. "I think I might have a small mirror, but I'm not quite sure. Also, we can use our cell phones' front cameras to look without looking directly at her eyes."


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Midnight blinked. "I have my moon blade..." She summoned it, looking at it. "Think this could work??"


Scout yawned, not really caring. He's been to her lair before. "I'm so small, I could easily slide past her, grab the pearls, then sneak out without her knowing. I did it once before."

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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((No, but idk if we want the super-powerful demi-gods in this. Posiedons power doesn't really have any drawbacks like grell's, and is basically unmatched by most of the other gods.))

Silver nodded at Midnight and said, "in that case we need a plan of attack. Perhaps somepony found distract her, an then the main group could sneak up behind and take her out."

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Grell nodded "that could work but then again it could fail and we'd be stone forever" grell said "maybe I could drain her life force making her to weak to move then somepony could cut her head off"

Leif sighed "I know what you my mom was killed of course it wasn't anything like you had I'm sure" Leif said

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Midnight nodded. "That could work."


Scout shrugged. "My mother died shortly after she gave birth to me in the Underworld... Daddy sent me to the pony world a couple years later so I could grow up as a normal pony... He left me alone in the pony world at two years old, all by myself..."

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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"I don't know my dad and my mom abused me..." Leif said " she beat me every day she blamed me for my dad leaving her" a single tear fell

Grell nodded then he heard Leif and scout "Leif you know it wasn't your fault he's a god after all " grell said him and Leif had a past he wasn't sure he wanted the others to know about

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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