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open Taking Back A Kingdom


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I woke up in the throne room of my castle and I thought to myself "What just happened" I stood up and unfurled my wing while walking over to the balcony. When I got there I couldn't believe it, everything was destroyed and no pony in sight. I quickly turn because of a faint noise in the background. It was my mother the Queen of the Night Kingdom, she spoke softly to me saying " There's nothing we can do Furry go get help there's a place that Celestia talks about called Ponyville go there and see out the ones how can help". I stood up and start to walk away when I remember the two that made the great war happen in the first place. "Mom wheres dad and brother" I asked. "Your dad is frozen by a spell I cast he will awake in 364 days" said Mother. "And what of brother" I asked. He got away he's probably looking for away to bring his kingdom back, you must stop him and your father before its to late" and with that she let out her dying breath. "I know what I must do" I said. Then I turn and run towards the balcony jumping of and unfurling my wings and catching a heavy air current. I would be in ponyville in about a day. "Lets hope i'm not to late" I said and with that I hit super sonic and let my kingdom for the last time. 


Join with your own OC'S and join whenever 

  • Brohoof 2
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Off-roleplay: Work on your grammar!


Paramecium woke up in ruins. He had scars all over his body, and his suit was torn to shreds. He tried to run away from the ruins of the... suppose it's the kingdom. There was charred rubble everywhere and every now and then there would be a piece of molten rock he ran into. The castle was in a dystopian state, and, seeing the prince flying away, he proceeded to follow in his direction. He had to pass mountains, lakes and forests, and finally arrived at what seems to be a large village. 'Ponyville', it said on a sign.


'Ponyville... isn't that 300 miles from the Night Kingdom?' he thought as he surveyed the land across him. 'Yes, this place! It was mentioned by... by... by, uhh... by Celestia?'


Looking back at the sky, he saw the Prince Furry frantically searching for ponies. 'I wonder... what is he doing? Surveillance?' As he kept looking at him, he finally realized: it was clear, he was searching for help. Help. In this village. 'If I followed him here... I don't have the strength to go back to the kingdom... suppose I try help on his search?'


And he called. "FURRY!"

  • Brohoof 1


The humans shall rise! All hail the return of the Human-Pony, the counter of fingers, the destroyers of the barriers between ponykind and humanity!

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Ace awoke with his wing in pain.
"Ow.."He said as he dislodged his wing from under a boulder.
Great, I think it's broken.
He looks around and sees Nopony in sight.

Great this is even better! Alright keep it together, Remember your training, You need to find the prince.
He hears a Pegasus wisp past overhead.
It was the Prince!
"Wait! Prince! Come Back!" He shouted, But to no avail.
I better follow him. He may need a guard to protect him, but I need to get my wing bandaged up first.
He spies another guard, long dead.
"Well, hes not gonna use it." He says as he rips off a piece of cloth from the guard shirt and uses it to bandage up his wing.
I should try and find any other survivors.
"HELLO? Anypony Out There? Hello?"
@, This is you)
 He spies a pony walking towards a Path.

"Hey! Wait!" He uses his amulet to teleport over to them
"Gah! They say And run off.

"Hey Wait!" He said.
He runs after them.
"Wait! You have to stop!" He shouted.
"Please Stop! We Need to Stay together!" He shouts.
They stop and Turn around.
" Thank....You..." He says gasping for air.

"Gah.. You run fast... What's your name?" He asked them.

(@,  What gender is your OC?)


Edited by BronyDash465


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Furry had just passed the boarder of ponyville when when he heard something the shocked him completely. 


He flew down to see who just called his name. 

He reached the ground and was bewildered by what he saw. It was two ponies from his kingdom. 

"How did you guys survive the war" Furry said frantically trying to get his head around the idea of survivors. 

" We found each other in the ruins of the ruins of the kingdom" Said Ace and Paramecium ( This is you two @Bronydash465 and @Lyraheartstring.)

" Is there any others that survived" Furry said still in amazement. 

"No Just us two as far as we know, we saw you flying away and we decided to follow you" said Ace (@Bronydash465) 

"I'm sorry I didn't see you I was to worried about getting help" said Furry.

Furry  sighed and gave an apologetic face. How could  he have been so stupid not to check for survivors before he had left. He realized that he was  very tired and need to find a place for the group to stay. He gestured for the others to stay while he went to find a place to stay. He turned around and left to find help... 

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Song Heart (http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/song-heart-r5264 (lives in the Everfree forest)) had been in the Everfree when the destruction happened and had hurt her wing. she knew no one would usually be in the everfree so she didn't bother yelling for help. she thought about heading towards Ponyville but most of the landmarks she knew had been destroyed. and she couldn't fly up to see where she was. she decided to go in one direction (no not the band) until she got out of the forest.  she grabbed what was left of the herbs she was gathering and headed (unknowingly) towards ponyville.  she helped some hurt animals along the way so it took her a while. eventually she got to the border of the everfree.

"anypony out there? " she asked to know where in particular

she walked along some of the streets. she saw nopony. 

she heard cracking. she looked down thinking of an earth quake but it was from above. a piece of a building fell off and landed on the wing she had hurt earlier. she tried to move it but it wouldn't budge. she almost knew no pony was out there so she didn't bother screaming for help. and she knew if she tried to move it t would just hurt more. she sighed


she asked in almost a whisper almost knowing no one could hear her

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"Who are you?" asked Paramecium as he spoke to the estranged pegasi. Apparently he had been lost. Suddenly he heard a shout in the distance. "How did you survive the war?" Paramecium turned back to look at the prince, with scars all over his face and a wounded area on his body.


"We found each other in the ruins of the kingdom," the Pegasi said in unison with Paramecium.


"Is there any others that survived?" asked Furry. The pegasi replied with a sad face.


"No, just us two as far as we know. We saw you flying away and we decided to follow you."


The prince hastened at the thought, facehoofed and forlornly left back to search for help. Paramecium quickly flexed his hooves, lighted his inner darkness powers and wanted to started a chat with the pegasi, when he heard a faint whisper. A faint, tingling whisper from the depths of the Everfree forest.




Both the pegasi and Paramecium heard it. "Who was it, pegasi?" asked Paramecium as another sound followed.


'Anypony out there?'


The pegasi finally answered Paramecium. "Maybe some mare, inside the forest! And my name is Ace, thank you very much." And with that, they flew off.




Furry went blindsighted as he traveled the skies in a fury. He needed help, the survivors needed help, and chaos was arising in the sky. The horizon darkened as the sun glistened and fell below it, and out from the other side came the moon, high above the sky. Furry glanced around, frantically searching for at the least a place to gain shelter. The shadows were closing by, and, as the Prince of the Night, he activated his inner darkness detecting powers. And in an instant, he saw in the distance a far, faint yellow and red shape. A pony. A mare. In the Everfree forest. And then he went full speed ahead.

'Anypony out there?'



Q: What is Paramecium's gender?
A: A stallion.


Q: You are a...?
A: Unicorn stallion, Lunar Phase Guard of the Night Kingdom (in this roleplay), bounty hunter, marksman, scientist, health doctor, magi, Elemental Transfigure, archer, and Night Stalker.


Q: Is Paramecium a Mary Sue character?

A: No. He's fragile. He isn't very strong, but clever. He is bad at social skills.


Q: When will Paramecium die?

A: When I say so.

Edited by LyraHeartstrings


The humans shall rise! All hail the return of the Human-Pony, the counter of fingers, the destroyers of the barriers between ponykind and humanity!

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Furry landed on the ground after noticing a red and yellow walking aimlessly in the everfree forest.  He saw a distressed pony that looked like she was lost. 


"Is there anything that I can do to help" I said hoping maybe this pony could help us in return. 


"I'm lost, I typically live here but it has been destroyed, and now i'm lost" said Song Heart.


"Well i'm sorta in the same situation you are in, do you know of any pony in the town that could be helpful" I said. 

"Well there is a group of ponies that typically solve everything, there names are Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, And AppleJack" said Song.


"Thank You, is there anyway I can help you, you look injured,Um... Whats you name" I said.


"My names Song Heart, and can you point me in the way of ponyville, I have a small place to stay" said Song. 


"Well my names Furry, and i'm sorry to ask but me and two of my friends need a place to stay could we stay with you" I asked.


"You more then welcomed" said song in a pleased tone. 

The twp ponies trotted off back to ponyville to tell the others about the good news.

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(Song is Purple not red and yellow.... and her wing was trapped under a tree but whatever)


"My house is this way." she started heading towards town. She stopped about a quarter mile to the edge of the forest  at a destroyed hut. she sighed.

"well. i guess i dont have a house anymore... " she trotted into the ruins of what used to be her little house. she found her saddle-pack and strapped it on in case she needed to carry anything.  

"so what now?" she asked


"i guess we look for somewhere else to stay. then we can look for Song's friends" Furry said.


"i don't exactly know them i've just heard about their adventures....." Song said uncertainly "i hope thy're alright."


"where can we stay? as far as i can tell everything has been destroyed." said Paramacium (did i spell that right?)


"theres some underground caves i know of.... but some of the animals aren't..... expecially friendly...." Song said


"i dont care. we need somwhere to stay." said Furry


"ok. don't blame me if they half kill you." Song said as if she were telling her best friend she was getting ice cream. 

at that she walked towards one of the caves she was talking about


"you guys coming?" Song asked

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I took a quick glance around the town as we headed for the cave, and remembered that all of us were damaged and hurt and we were about to go in a cave were we would probably get in a fight


"Wait we can't go to the cave now just yet" I said loudly. 


"Well whys that" said Song. 


"Well look at us i'm the only one that doesn't have something broken, but i'm still damaged" I said 


"So what we need sleep like now" said Paramecium


"Well according to Song there are things in that cave that could kill us and were badly hurt... We need a doctor... Song are their any near by" I said. 


"They'res only two, but the closest you really don't want to meet, hes kind of crazy" said Song


"I don't care how crazy he is, we need help" I said firmly. 


"Fine he's this way, are you sure we can't go to the other one" said Song. 


"How far is he away" I said. 


"Twice as far" Song said sadly, knowing that she would have to go see the doctor, the oh so crazy doctor. 


"Were going to the crazy one then" I said.

"Great were going to a mad house" said ace who had a discussed face.


"Then it is so, Song guide us to this doctor so maybe we can get some sleep and then maybe find some help" I said as I gestured song ahead.  

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"Here, let me help you," Paramecium said as he tried to balance Ace's wings so he could fly properly. Down below he activated his Infra-red night-vision sight-seeing natural ability, and saw a shade of yellow and red. Two shades of yellow and red. He turned it off to his surprise, and found a purple pony with Furry. Apparently they had been together. All at once the purple pony saw them behind and gestured.


"You guys coming?"


Without hesitation, both Ace and Paramecium flew to the cave Furry and the pony was heading.




Ace gestured a hoofbump with Paramecium before continuing the conversation whilst walking. "So my family is in Parandus, like... that's like 900 miles from here. And... erm... yeah, as I remembered, I was in STaTIS, or Statically-Terminal and Terra-Inverted State, where I was in this deep sleep and I wasn't in Equestria. Then I woke up. Ruins. Ruins everywhere. And that's when I spotted you, Para-- para... Parawhatever. Also I was in some kind of static training."


"Wow, that's a long backstory. What was the war about actually?" asked Paramecium who as he thought, was also in the STaTIS program.


Furry overheard them and asked Song Heart to stop. "Wait a sec, here, you all don't know about the war? It was raging for about a century. OK, I have a list of STaTIS applicants on the kingdom, but first we have to get to the doctor. First priority is first and that's final."



Before the war


"Sire, the STaTIS network link is online! A10, white stallion, ready for application!" said Doctor Hooves.


"That's great. Keep it going. We're going to have the world safe for the future now. The war is raging and we have to keep them safe. Put them in the StaticWater capsules now, please!" cried Blueblood as he balanced the StaticWater applicators.

"Yes sir!"


The humans shall rise! All hail the return of the Human-Pony, the counter of fingers, the destroyers of the barriers between ponykind and humanity!

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Song and I led the way to the hospital as fast as we could, because we desperately needed medical attention and sleep. 


"So where are you from anyways" said Song trying to break the silence between the two. 


"Me, Ace, and Paramecium are all from the Night Kingdom" I said in a bored tone. 


"The what, whats the Night Kingdom" Song asked? 


" We where a race of ponies born from darkness and night, we harnessed the darkness creating our own form of magic, and from that we created on of the most advanced cities ever" I said. 


"Well if your so great then why haven't I heard of it before" said song.

"Well probably because the only people to know about us was Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and the Solar Kingdom who tried to kill everything in world before we stopped them" I said. 

"And exactly did we do that" said Ace and Paramecium. 


"Well we went to war with them on my command" I said.


"What are you like royal or military or something" said Song.


"Yes i'm the prince of the Night Kingdom, and these are my people" I said gesturing to Ace and Paramecium.


"Now if story time is over we have a doctor to see" I said as i walked into the doctors tent.

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