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open Saving the Elements of Harmony


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The ponies entered the tardis. (Look at my signature if you want an image.)

"A hatchet. Um, maybe. Let me get us out of here first and I'll go see if I can find one. But first."

I went to the console. And a lite blue being with a flat face and odd things at the ends of her limbs.

"Hello lovely. Set a corse for Fillydelphia."

She nodded. I began adjusting the instruments, released the static anchor, and callibrated the temporal defibralators. And... The room began to hum with a hauntingly soothing sound. The doors slammed shut and the tree outside began to dematerialize.

"Ha ha. Were safe now. I'll go look for a hatchet for you Steel. Just relax on the couch if any of you need rest."

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The worm's jaw dropped as a blinding light glowed in front of it. Blind as he was, he could still sense light and this was unnatural. Hmph, that was unexpected. Wait, a member of his hive called out to him. Being a creature of the hive, the worms all shared a single mind and kept no secrets. His hive mate had apparently seen a flash similar to the one he had seen. The worm thanked his comrade for the help before heading in the direction he had been told to follow. Afterall, this was a solo mission for a reason 

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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I rummaged around in the storage compartments for a few minutes and I happened upon a weapon for steel. I grabbed it a brought it back to the console room.

"Well, its not exactly a hatchet, but it is similar to one.

I gave Steel the ancient weapon.

"That is an ancient Valuur war axe. Given to me by their leading tribes chief after an... incodent. The blade is made from a metal far sharper than anything found in equestria. The rest is standard wood, and cermonial feathers from their native birds."

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"Wow a TARDIS! I thought they were and old mares tail." Slipsteream was filled with wonder and surprise "But your just an earth pony, how did you get a TARDIS? and where can I get one?" Dash was also surprised by the mysterious machine. "How fast is it? and why does it look like a tree?"


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"I've never really calculated the speed, as for the tree disguise. We were in a forest so she disguised herself as a tree."

I walked over to the console and began to land the tardis.

"Okay, I'll be landing her in a few minutes."

The blue hologram of a woman looked to me.

"-Finally making friends are we, Critic.-"

"Not exactly."

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"Slipstream was very excited to be in a TARDIS. The stories about Doctor Whooves had always interested her. "When this is all over, or preferably before, you absolutely have to teach me how to fly this thing!" Slipstream was almost jumping up and down with excitement.


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I saw Slipstreams ecstatic expression. The mare could give Pinkie a run for her money.

"Driving the tardis is a tad difficult, but after we rescue Pinkie..."

I thought of her proposition for a bit...

"I guess I could throw the controls into basic and turn off the isomorphism to give you a go."

Hopefully i wont regret it.

"Now, im going to land her a safe alleyway, and scan for Pinkies bio-signature. Should take while though."



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  • 3 weeks later...

(Really? No one did anything this whole time? I'm back now so lets keep this up, its good.)


"Oh my god really? I'm so excited!" She was nearly jumping up and down. "How long will it take to locate Pinkie? We don't have a lot of time."


Dash flew over and hovered next to Critical and Slipstream. "Pinkie made this place one big party right? Why cant we just look for the streamers and balloons?"


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I activated a sonar. If this was indeed a party hot spot. Im willing to bet its one of the noisiest areas in the city. Slipstream, Rainbow and I looked to a monitor. Within seconds we found what we were looking for. It was a bit of a way from our current location. It was in a large house. A mansion maybe. Sounds like a great place for a pinkie party.

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(Okay, apparently this thing is still going.)

The team exited through the main portal. They came to city. Finding Pinkie should not be a problem. If they could blend, they could do this clean. And then they could move on to the next. Upon exiting I saw that the tardis had disguised herself as a tool shed.

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The worm continued tunneling, hunger dripping from its jaws. It had a bead on them, they were close. Flesh and bone would be rent before his maw! That was the thing that kept the foul creature going despite its wounds. Hunger and taste would pay off soon

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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@@The 2nd Mass, @@dashian500,


The city of Fillydelphia. This should be where Pinkie was located. According to the readings, she should be north by north east. Somewhere near the water.

"Okay lets get moving. Sooner we get this over with, the sooner we can move on."

We began to walk in the direction we needed to go.

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Dash and Slipstream flew ahead, talking about races they had one and tricks they had learned and created. "So when we get there should we just grab her and go?" Slipstream asked Dash, Dash replied "It might be more complicated than that, she might not want to leave. She loves to party and if she does leave the party will probably follow us. We may never be able to get her to shut up."


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Steel sighed as he heard them talk "isn't she like obsessed with making others smile" steel said "and making them happy if she is then I'm going to sit this one out or at least keep my distance I don't need somepony bugging me trying to make me happy" steel wasn't a happy stallion he never had been

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"If Pinkie gets on our nerves, I'll just send her into one of the rooms in my home. Maybe we could lock her in a closet?"

The group continued to talk. Critic and Steel remained silent the entire time. Their destination had finally come into view. A tall building with multiple floors. And on the very top floor, strobe lights and music could be seen and hear. If Critic and Dash knew Pinkie, she was most likely on the top floor.

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"Wait here." Slipstream said to the group as she began to fly up to the roof. She flew slower than normal, trying to be to loud on her way up in case the information was wrong. She peered over the roof and saw that the information was in fact true, there was a DJ, a dance floor, a bar, everything, and Pinkie was right in the middle of it. She flew down to the group, "The info was right guys, Pinkie made this place a giant party. This shouldn't be very hard as long as the guards don't notice that Pinkie is gone."


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The team walked into the building. Critical saw some guards stationed in a few areas. This may not go entirely as planned. Critical was sending a message to the tardis to stand by if anything goes wrong. Critical made his way to the counter, he was trying to get out as much info as possible. He made it to the subject of the party. It wasn't exlusive, so they could enter as long as they would not cause any trouble.

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Steel walked in he hated parties but was determined to compleat his mission he heard the loud music and sighed as he looked around for pinkie he didn't spot her so he went to get some punch to drink he got a cup and downed it still looking around he seen pinkie dancing and sighed he decided to let somepony else get her he walked over to the group and pointed her out

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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(Who is being Pinkie?)


"I'll get her." Said Dash "She knows me, I might be able to convince her to leave inconspicuously." Dash walked up to Pinkie "Pinkie It's me Dash, we need to get out of here so we can go rescue the rest of bearers. You need to be sure that you leave secretly though so that the guards keep partying after we leave."


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Dash pulled Pinkie off to the side of the party with the rest of the group. The music was quieter but they still had to yell. "We need to leave and we need to leave quietly." Dash repeated loudly. "We need to save the rest of the bearers and we can use your help." She added slightly quieter.


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Pinkie looked to Dash

"You wanna smile with me! Well you can do that all the time!"

They weren't getting through to her, not with that loud music. Critical made his way to the speakers, searching for a power plug or something to remove the music. He followed a long cord and finally found the power plug to the speakers.

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