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open Saving the Elements of Harmony


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@Mr. Critical

Blaze heard Steel and lowered the music as Steel asked he understood why, some pony's just want to concentrate, but couldn't he just wear some ear plugs and not be such a party pooper? Blaze thought of something that might appeal to both of them "um Tarids could you put some sound barriers on these walls so we can rock out but Steel won't have to listen to it? I'd appreciate it a lot" 


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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@@dashian500, @,

Critical heard the demands of Steel. He couldn't make out what he was saying. But the translation circuit helped that. Critical tried to clap his hooves together to put up a sound barrier around the door. If he wanted quiet, then so be it. With a final attempt, he brought his hooves together and the music could no longer be heard beyond the doors. Now they could get back to drinking. Pinkie and Critical were wobbling heavily. Trying to get a hold of their drinks. They both downed the whole thing. And...

"Agfag... ugh."
With that final set of mumbling, critical and Pinkie fell unconscious on the table. Blaze and Twilight looked in disbelief. Then again they fared pretty well against alien alcohol.

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@Mr. Critical


"Um well, I uh what happened?"

"I think they just fainted?, or something does that mean we both win, or a tie?, something like that?

"Well I'm not really sure but.... I don't know they could be dead, you uh..... wanna check there pulses, I've never seen any pony take that much cider, also check the cups see who drank the most!"

Twilight bent down and looked at the two "Well there still alive probably just unconscious from the cider they digested, give them a little while to wake up, also in no way am I counting those cups!, Tardis were you keeping track?"

"Well in the mean time, no one says this party has to end here!" Blaze selected a new song, Savant by Wildstyle

"Right you are!" Twilight went to the dance floor and started to dance

"Aww yeahhhh-yyyyuuuuhhhhh!"

Blaze joined Twilight in the dance floor "nice moves"


Edited by Fiery WillPower


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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((Guys, should I time skip this thing or do you want to continue doing... whatever it is your characters are doing right now? I'm asking so I don't anger anyone because they wanted to do something.))

As the two began to dance. Sun Stone same over and looked at the unconscious ponies on the table. Picking them uo, she took them out of the ball room and went to put them in a bed. The tardis was still on route to Appleoosa, so they will need all their strength for the coming heist. She got to Criticals bed chambers first and put the two on his bed. Half as a joke, half out of sincerity.

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(((I'll take care of it)))

@Mr. Critical


Blaze danced for a little longer until he was pretty much partied out He spoke good night to Twilight and made what seemed like the longest commute ever back to his bed,

"Night Twilight were going to need you for tomorrow, Critical will de-brief you for the mission ahead in the morning" Blaze thought about one more joke to pull on Twilight before he went back to his room he whispered ever so quietly "Also there's a library somewhere on this ship"
"Wait what did you say Blaze?, something bout a Library?" 
Blaze walked out casually pretending not to hear Twilight
"Wait Blaze, what? I didn't hear you Blaze!, ugh "
Blaze gave a slight chuckle as he trotted back to his room for a well earned rest
(((continue from there, in the console room or something with Twilight, de-brief her)))

Edited by Fiery WillPower


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Critical awoke back in his bed. No memory of what happened. His memory failed after his 17th glass. But, at least somepony at least put him in his bed. Probably Sun Stone.

"I'll get up in a few minutes. I don't see the harm in it."
Critical began to fall asleep. Once again, drifting to sleep... until he feels a hoof wrap around him. His eyes shot open.

"Oh dear sweet Celestia, what did I do last night."

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(((Oh god well then))) 

Blaze awoke with a short smile upon his face he was very satisfied with his joke he pulled on Twilight yesterday, He wandered through the halls till he found the kitchen he then poured himself a cup of coffee and looked around until he looked at the couch

"Is Twilight on the couch?" He looked at the couch and confirmed um ok then, I sincerely hope she wasn't up all night looking for the library


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Critical got up and from his bed to see the party pony in his bed. Still sleeping. He began to nudge her, trying to wake her from her sleep.

"Pinkie. Pinkie wake up."
She began to rise from her slumber, her hair frazzled... more so than usual. She gave a long yawn.

"Oh. hey Critic. What are you doing in my room."
"Pinkie. I'm not in your room. You're in my room. More specifically, you're in my bed."
She began to look around.

"Huh, so I am."
Critical began to think she had no idea what he was getting at. He decided to let it lie.

"Come on. Lets go get breakfast."
Pinkie bounced out of Critical's bed and followed him to the kitchen.

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@Mr. Critical

"Um Twilight your uh..... your uh sleeping on the couch" He nudged her until her eyes started to inch open

"Um what.... *yawn* Blaze uh.... hi, I'm how are you?"

"heh I'm fine what about you, what are you doing on the couch?"

"Uh..... well last night, I thought I heard you say library so I looked around a little bit, then I got tired so I came here to grab coffee, I sat on the couch and took one sip.... I guess I dosed off"

"Wild night last night heh, If your up to it, they might have something to eat around here, I see a table want to catch up a bit, we'll see if Pinkie and Critical, and maybe even Steel wanna catch up with us later."

"That sounds awesome... let me just.... wake up a bit"

Blaze grabbed some stuff and started making pancakes (((not sure if you have a stove but just roll with it))) on the oven, he put one each on 4 different plates hoping others would smell them and follow the scent

He then walked to the table where Twilight was and they talked all about Twilight's adventures and Blaze's training

Edited by Fiery WillPower


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Critical and Pinkie arrived at the kitchen as Twilight and Blaze were talking at a table. Sitting down, Critical and Pinkie began to eat the pancakes Blaze had made or them. Pinkie was eating with her usual smile and Critical ate with a more normal-ish pace. Trying to forget what had happened this metaphorical morning.

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@Mr. Critical

"So you just found the blade in a rock.... in a polar ice cap then?"

"Well, yes I worked very hard and learned to control it for about 2 years, then after that training I picked it up for the first time, and to my surprise grew to me, but before I could even blink the blade shined and the warmth kept increasing until I dropped it..... it slammed to the ground and ended up melting the entire ice cap"

"wowww... what a blade"

"Indeed I hope to be under full control of it someday, for it sometimes haunts my dreams, there was one incident that only happened a few days ago, I'm sure Critical and Pinkie remember it very well" Blaze got up and took his and Twilight's plate to the kitchen to rinse it off, um Critical if you wouldn't mind telling Twilight why we need her to break an enchantment"

Edited by Fiery WillPower


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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@@dashian500, @,

Steel walked out of the room. Pinkie was avoiding eye contact with him. Critical saw this and tried to cheer her up.

"Pinkie, you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine."

Her tone said otherwise. She sounded depressed. Something that doesn't mix well with Pinkie pie. The two kept eating and within a few minutes, Pinkie and Critical were back in the console room. Critical began to take the tardis out of the time vortex back into Appleoosa around night time.

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@Mr. Critical

Blaze walked into the room with Clarent on his shoulders he looked at Twilight as she was talking to Critical about the mission he assumed 

"Alright break the enchantment get into the vault and get Pinkie's necklace, sounds simple enough"

"you've always been up to a challenge Twi, you sure you can do it, I'm not one for breaking enchantments but I could sure try"

"I can do it, I've done a lot of studying since the last we met,"

"I have no doubt you can, are we there yet Critical?, I'm itching to get this necklace and  look for some others ponies that need our help"

Edited by Fiery WillPower


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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"Yeah. We're back in Appleoosa. Its almost night time."
"Critical and I built a skeleton key to help you break in. Once you break in, I'll walk in and use the key to open the vault to open it."

Critical set the tardis across from the bank itself.

"We are across the bank now. I suggest we wait a few minutes until the sun goes down."

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@Mr. Critical


The sun went down and Blaze was ready to get the necklace and get out "Lets go in then" He started trotting to the door when he sensed something "No, no somethings not right here, stop I don't think....." right as Blaze said that an explosion big enough to fill the entire bank, the explosion was powerful enough to send Blaze flying back into a wall, "ughh what just happened?" He started to get up and brushed himself off as a tall creature was walking from the bank "DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY PONY'S YOU COULD HAVE KILLED!?" 

"They were only collateral damage...I got what I came for" the creature stood on two legs and had the amulet in his hands
"COLLAT..... uuurrggghhhh Critical permission to engage?"


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Steel walked out "I'll be ready in case something goes wrong" steel said as he drained his bottle of water "stay sharp and let's get this done " steel was ready to get this over with he wanted to go save the others he thought back to the one pony he really wanted to save fluttershy

Steel heard the explosion and flew out

Edited by dashian500

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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@Mr. Critical

"Blaze unsheathed his sword Clarent and welcomed the power of magic as it circled around b, "Twilight go back to the Tardis if you wouldn't mind, also Critical send down Steel if you seem I might need some help with this one," Blaze dashes towards the monster with furious strikes all that we're redirected back into another direction

"You are a silly young colt, thinking you can take me in" the creature sent a vigorous blow to Blaze one of which speed Blaze could not dodge which sent him flying through a buildings

"I still.... Can take... You on.."

"Your weak, you've much to learn young one"

"I'll show you young" Blaze whispered, Blaze flapped his wing and speeded towards the creature with all his might, and tackled him statight into a building, a small ship came from the sky

"Get off me fool!!" The creature punched Blaze and sent him flying off him, the creature jumped to the ship

"I've not the time for you foolishness, or I would rip you to pieces" the creature entered the ship and started to take off

"Don't you look away from me!!" Blaze sent a fiery slash into the back of the ship, but it was too late the ship was gone

"Damn it!!!, ugh, Critical I might need a medical unit down here"




(((No this is perfect, right on time :I))

Edited by Fiery WillPower


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Derpy knocked on the tardis "hello I got a package for you". The package contained a note that read

Hey team you're doing great just found out fluttershy is in Las Pegasus and that we believe 3 things where taken to another world altogether Candence forgot to put guards near the mirror again you got 3 days to get in and out of there twilight can help you through there and meet sunset shimmer who knows the area better. We suggest going after fluttershy first we know about the Tardis. Also there are two sonic screwdrivers in here use them wisely although they never been field tested yet so they might explode. Anyways good luck also I hope this doesn't arrive at an inconvenient time.

Edited by supersonicfan91
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The ship flew through the skies and into orbit leaving Steel I'm the dust, but not before a huge laser was shot just breezing Steels face,

"Steel.... Steel stop.... I have.... I have the...." Blaze lifted his hood from the ground to show the Amulet he held in his hands, Blasé tried to stand but he instantly fell back to the ground and fainted leaving him in the ashes of burning money and rubble.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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@, @@dashian500,

Critical took Blaze to the medical wing. It was a bit out dated for Timelord tech, but it will work for now. Twilight looked in horror at the state of her friend. Rushing to his side. Pinkie, on the other hand went to the door and retrieved the package. She gave most of it to derpy, taking a small piece for herself. She began to read it and her expression burst in delight at the notes words.

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