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open Saving the Elements of Harmony


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"Blaze what do you see?"

"Nothing yet, Twilight got anything?"

"Actually yeah, I see some pon..... People over there just looking at a box"

"A box?, what kind of box?"

"Well I don't know, but it could have a necklace" Twilight exclaimed

"I'll go check it out Blaze, I've got nothing to lose"

"Alright Raiden be careful"

Raiden moved up to the box and slashed all his enemies around it

He then took out a small dagger and put into the lock, he jiggled the knife till the box opened h picked up something and came running back to Blaze and Twilight

"What did you find?" Blaze questioned

Raiden held out his hand "a necklace with an apple... I guess"

Blaze picked it up from Raidens hand "Applejack" Blaze mumbled

"Uh Blaze we got company"

Blaze turned around and saw a huge changeling group each one taking form of Blaze, Raiden, and Twilight

"Get ready to engage hostiles"


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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"I found it!"

Critical looked to the direction of Pinie's shout and began to make his way to her. There he found Twilight's crown in a European exhibit of the royal family.

"Okay, so how do we get it out? High class robbery, stealth mission."
"Nope. We ask for it."
"Yeah!.. wait what?"
"What, I'm not a professional thief.  do have ways of acquiring what I want through legal means, Pinkie. Just follow my lead."

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Raiden was rushing his opponents head on, slashing them to pieces one by one

Twilight was shooting magic beams at all of the changelings

Blaze kept hold of the amulet while slicing open changelings, no one seemed to be having any trouble especially not Raiden he just kept slicing, he hoped the others were fairing better then him


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Critical and Pinkie were heading for the front desk looking for the one in charge. Critical pulled out a wallet, and presented it to the woman in front.

"Hello. Were here from the International Museum Exhibit Inspectoral Society. I'm here to look over the some of the exhibit pieces you have today."
The woman looked over the paper, inspecting it to see if it was fake.

"We weren't expecting you today."
"Surprise inspection."
She eyed Critic.


Critic motioned for Pinkie to come along as well.

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The lady stopped in her tracks "Just one moment please"

She walked off to a corner faintly they could hear


She came back with "We don't do surprise inspections here sir" with a snap of her fingers Prototype Q1-87 appeared in front of them

It spoke in a robotic voice "You lie, I can see it on your face, your heart beat is sped up when you heard that lie pink one" the chainsaw kicked in and started spinning vigorously "Speak your reasoning, I am judge and jury, speak swiftly"


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Steel and flutter shy looked around following the signal to fluttershys necklace they came to a ranch steel stopped and looked at them from a distance "flutter shy I don't think this is safe stay close" steel said

Flutter shy nodded and they both walked to the large gate with two men standing in front

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Critical and Pinkie put their hands up in a defensive way. If this thing can sense when they are lying, might as well come clean.

"Okay, you got us... We are from a parallel world and we came here to retrieve a magic artifact that doesn't belong here. I am a time traveler and my friend here is a party planner."
"We need the crown in the European royal family. If not, our world will be without its main defense."
The woman looked to us as if we were insane. The K-9 unit however...

"Your response is... truthful."
The chainsaw stopped its spinning.

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"But is illogical, I was programmed to believe there was one world, that time travel didn't exist, you aren't lying but this is impossible"

The lady had begun to loose her temper "oh my god.... Guards come here! Take these two to the security office, and try to calm this pup down it's losing its circuits"

The two nodded and extended their hands to show hand-cuffs

The K-9 was on the ground with its head buried into its robotic paws, while repeating "impossible, improbable, illogical"

One guard steppes closer "Now we're not going to have a problem here folks are we?"


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Critic and Pinkie were backing up from the guard. Critical was looking for a way out of this.|
"Well. Looks like we won't be doing this the easy way."
Critic grabbed Pinkie and pulled her close to him. He inputted the coordinates to the crown on the other side of the museum.

"Sorry guys. Guess it has to be the hard way."
Pressing a button, Critic and Pinkie disappeared in a flash of light. Leaving nothing but a scorch mark on the ground. The two reappeared at the crown.

"Woo. That wasn't so bad that time."
"Told you."

Walking up to the case, Critic gave it a good punch to the case, shattering the glass. The alarm sounded

"Not exactly an elegant retrieval, but it works."

Critic put the coordinates to the portal. 

"Right. Can we get out of here please?"

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"No! They're escaping!, what even was that artifact?" The lady said

"It was given to us by some guy I think"

The K-9 unit got up *sniff sniff* "They did not go far, they are still in New York"

"How did you?"

"I can see the atoms drifting away, they went north, not to far, at a local school called Equestria High"

The lady spoke into her headset "Get all officers to a school called Equestria High, right now"

This lady wasn't about to let them leave so soon

The K-9 unit was off chasing down its suspects


(((In Iran)))

The battle had been won and changeling bodies littered the ground

This would have been a lot harder without Raiden they all huddled together and activated the teleporter in seconds they were back at the portal Critical and Pinkie waiting for them


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Critic and Pinkie appeared at the high school. In front of the portal.

"Okay, lets get out of here."
"But... I wanted to get something to eat."
"*Sigh Fine. Gimme a second."

Critic put in some coordinates and disappeared. He reappeared again holding a cheese cake.

"Here you go. Now, throw the crown in the portal and lets return home."
Pinkie couldn't reply. Her mouth to busy working on the cheese cake.

Critic couldn't help but smile at the mare's enjoyment at the simple things. Putting an arm around her, he ushered her through the portal.

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Blaze, Twilight, and Raiden we're standing next to the portal

"It's been fun Blaze, your skills as sharp as ever" Raiden extended his hand

"Thanks for everything Raiden" Blaze took his hand and shook Raidens

"You should get going buddy"

Blaze nodded and followed Twilight through the portal



A little while after that, Raiden left the portal, the K-9 unit appeared shortly after that

"My directives are to retrieve the crown, the trail of atoms leads into this portal, I wasn't programmed to fear termination"

With that being said the K-9 jumped through the portal, everyone stopped and stared for a second as the robot looked at himself confusedly

He was animated somehow? He felt weird

"Hand me the crown!" It exclaimed with a shaking voice, it seemed scared


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Critic looked behind him to see the K-9 unit again. Pinkie wasn't happy to see him, she was a bit terrified now. Critic looked to him with a cocked eyebrow.
"Oh, you again."
Critic sent a message to the tardis, telling it to release an EMP burst. It did so and the K-9 unit fell to the ground, devoid of power.

"Well, that was fun. I say we celebrate. Who wants to get smashed!"

"I do!"

"Alright then."

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Blaze then turned around and looked back at Critical in disgust

"What!? It was living Critical, couldn't you see it was scared, it was also an AI it didn't know what it was doing!"

Blaze picked it up and rested it on his back, it was heavy

"While you all can get smashed as much as you like, I'm fixing this dog up, it's not just some machine Critical, it had a mind"

Blaze walked next to Critical "I found this in Iran" he handed Critical an amulet

"Have fun" were Blazes last words as he walked off leaving everyone standing there


(((I'm going to fix him up, he'll be our pet cyborg Wolfy)))

@Mr. Critical

Edited by Burning Endurance


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Critic began to contemplate Blaze's words. He had slain a living thing. He hated to take the lives of others. Artificial or not. Bringing Blaze and theK-9 unit to the console of the tardis, he brought out the telepathic cable and placed it into the unit to upload his A.I. into the tardis. It won't be able to take control thanks to Sun Stone.

"This should keep the A.I. alive so you can fix the body with a new battery. You have full use of the lab resources. Just don't touch any odd looking liquids."

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"Thanks, I won't"

Blaze began with removing the grey armor and replacing it with strong, durable black chrome.

Next was the battery, he replaced the tarnished one with a brand new on. He disabled the old head and replaced it with a triangular one with a retractable black visor integrated with IF, sonar, night vision , and some other things too, as for weapons the chainsaw was removed and blades were added small knives that were very sharp and heated on the tip

The A.I was put back in, he added some things knowledge of equestrian history, free will, and the directive to keep gathering data, along with other things the Wolf stood up slowly

"Where am I?" It questioned

"Your new home" Blaze responded



(((Wolfy looks like this)))



Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Critic left the lab and headed to join Pinkie.

"So, where shall we, Miss Pie."
the two were heading to the kitchen and heard a knock at the... Crystal. He opened the door to find Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor. Any other pony would bow to them because of their royal status. But Critic...

"Cadey. Shiny. So good to see you. When did we speak last. The Sombra incident, the invasion... the Delivery maybe?"
"What delivery?"

"... Anyway, we heard you were in and that you had to use the mirror, so we thought we would stop by to visit."

"Cool. You guys wanna come in. Pinkie and I are going to have have a drink from my wine cellar. You guys up for some alien alcohol."
"I'm game."

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The robot stepped off the table "What happened to me?"

"You were EMP'd I'm sorry but, it kinda just happened, but don't worry I fixed you up and your brand new! New visor, new directives, I uploaded basic dog tricks and movements, along with combat capabilities, some camouflage for stealth missions, also your name is Wolfy and you will be referred to as such"

The dog was looking at himself "Thank You" he replied

"Don't mention it, everyone deserves a second chance"

"But not all can receive one, one cyborgs can be salvaged and rebuilt"

"It's a figure of speech"

"Oh, noted"

"Wanna meet everyone else?"

"There are others?"

"Yeah, a few, I think they're getting wasted right now"

"They are dying?"

"No, they're getting drunk, like you know drinking alcohol?"

"Oh, humerus"

"Come on Wolfy I'll introduce you"

Blaze walked out with his new companion by his side


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Critic and the Crystal royals were heading to the dining room. There he met with Pinkie, already setting up with a bottle of cider.

"Hey Pinkie. We got two more to join us."
"Ooh. More friends. Hey you two, come to join us?"
"Of course. Things have been a bit boring around here. We could use a little something to loosen up."

The three sat at the table and Pinkie served them some glasses.

"Um, Critic. What kind of Cider is this? It doesn't look... normal."

Critical took the whole thing in and placed the glass down.

"Its something I managed to concoct out of equestrian apples and Baru root. Its a plant that has an enzyme that mixes with saliva that creates a flavor you are craving."

Shining took a swig of the drink, trying to get a feel for the taste. Cadence doing the same thing.

"Taste's like... Caramel apples."
"Mine tastes like... a cherry tart."

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"Cyborg presence detected" Wolfy's visor went up and drew three blades
"Wolfy stand down! He's friendly"
"Noted, apologies"
"This is Wolfy he's a friend from Raiden's world, he's our new pet robot dog, Wolfy this is Steel"
"A pleasure to acquire your presence, your facial recognition will be remembered personally, known acquaintances, Moon Beam, known birth location known, there is not much information on you why is that Steel?"


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Critical, Cady, Shiny and Pinkie continued their drinks. Critic bringing out a few different bottles for the others to try and playing a few games. And occasionally a tag team between Pinkie and Critic vs. Cadence and Shining.

"Okay. First team to down both bottles of... what are these drinks called again, Critic?"

"Varuushian wine."
"Right. First team to finish both bottles, wins. ready guys?"

"Indeedie doodie."

"Ready hun."

With a count down, the four began to chug. The two royals drinking in an un-royal manner. And they were keeping up with Pinkie and Critical. Within seconds, the two royals had out drank Critic and PInkie by a few seconds.

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