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Elements of Nature


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(Each of mine be so short because I gotta respond to multiple fast >.<)


Raek laughed.

"Sure. We believe you. I swear."


Garth looked at him.

"Okay... whatever brought that along..."


Legacy nodded her head.

"A noble endeavor, but if you see Frost being killed in front of your eyes, what will you do?"

Edited by Linguz
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"I just think that with a journey like this were going to need to trust eachother implicitly, that is easier to do when we have opened up about our pasts a bit."

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Raek got in front of her and started plowing the snow again.

"It'll be faster if the strongest of us moves the snow out of the way for the other two."


(Good save :P)

Garth nodded.

"I can see the importance of that, but don't think I'll open myself up. All you need to know is to trust me, and we'll get through this."

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Dusty gazed off into the distance. "Then I suppose I will just have to stop it. I know that the enemy will not show mercy to us, but that is why we are fighting. We are better ponies than them for not stooping to that level."

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Legacy's eyes flared.

"You will not. If we need to kill one, two, or all of them to stop the chaos, we will. The Valkyrs were made to return Equestria to normal, regardless of how we end up. We will prefer to take them alive but sometimes it just won't be a possibility. When that happens, you must NOT interrupt it."

She trotted ahead, obviously angered.

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Dusty smiled grimly." I understand the importance of this mission, and I won't interfere. However, I will stop anyone who kills for the sake of killing alone. The love of murder is something I do not tolerate. If somepony needs to die for the sake of the innocent masses, then so be it, but that blow will never come from my hooves."

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Legacy stopped and let him catch up.

"That's fine; we have plenty of others who'll gladly do it. Raek, Psycho, maybe even Daisy, and a few others. They'll strike the blow that kills Frost if it comes to that."

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Raek looked up at the clouds in the sky.

"Can't tell, too many clouds. I'd say sometime in the afternoon though."


Legacy gave him a questioning look.

"What are you talking about? There's no need to apologize."

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Legacy put a hoof around his neck.

"Don't worry about it. Those are your beliefs and strongly believing them isn't bad at all."

She got off him and prompted him to keep leading the way.

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(damn guys...


And yeah, I'm up for some back story)


Rigel looked over to camile.


"you said you were raised by merchants, and then became a spy? How'd that happen?" he asked "I mean, I wouldn't think living with merchants would really give you the skills to become a spy."

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"no, that's right, it normally wouldn't. But my genes did. My birth family had been working royalty for countless generations. As far back as my research has shown we've been assassins, intriguers, scouts, and infiltrators. When the alicorns power began to falter my family fled, fearing what would happen to them once people figured out they were more than a regular noble family. My mother traded me; still unhatched to the merchants I would be raised by for transportation as far away from the charted world as possible."

He stopped to catch his breath "espionage is what we've known forever, i had no choice but to make it my way of life. What about you, Rigel, your affinity with glass is more than unique, you must have something interesting to say too."

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GIzmo turned to look at Autumn.

"When I first got changed my limbs into robot limbs, I was experimenting. When I changed my body into a robot body, I was experimenting again. When I finished changing my head into this head you see now, I was also experimenting. It's always an experiment."

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"well..." Rigel chuckled a bit nervously. "i doubt you guys would let me get away with my normal BS answer to that question..."


Rigel sighed deeply.


"you remember when all this chaos shut first started happening? You remember how fast a lot of those bandit gangs sprang up? I was at the academy when that happened, and obviously, a place with that many young unicorn ponies is going to be a prime target. None of the gangs wanted to have to fight grown unicorn ponies, so they decided to kill them while they were young. Some of the more ambitious ones even enslaved young unicorns." he shook his head. "i was one of the enslaved. Now normally, you wouldn't want a slave who can use magic, and you'd always hear about unicorn slaves breaking free. But with my luck, of course I got the one gang led by somepony intelligent. They kept my horn slathered with magical inhibitor. You know, that kind of gel stuff that weakens magic. With that, about the heaviest thing I could lift was a plate, much less a weapon. There I was, always celebrated at the academy for being an expert at telekinesis and manipulating physical objects, and I couldn't even break through my collar."


Rigel hung his head, and gestured back at the scars on his flanks. "these scars? I got 'em after I tried to run, broke through a window and ran for it. Almost made it, too. If I could've reached the town, I would've been able to find somewhere to hide. But they caught me. The boss decided he'd cut me up so i couldn't run anymore, and thought to cut me through my cutie marks. 'insult to injury' he said."


Rigel winced. "he was a cruel pony. A simple blade, he figured, wouldn't be painful enough. So he grabbed a few shards of glass from the window I had broken and cut me up with those. And that's when I realized. There was a weapon I could use. A shard of glass is sharper than the average sword, and much lighter. With my powers, even if it broke I could reform it. So I waited till they were asleep that night and broke a bottle. I slit the guards throat and then cut the rope from around my neck. I walked through every room in the building, breaking each window i found and slaughtering anypony I found."


Rigel smiled faintly. "and when I found the boss, I made rods of glass and speared his hands and feet to the floor. I slowly cut his cutie marks out of his flanks and used the skin to wipe the inhibitor off my horn. 'insult to injury' I told him. And then i just watched him bleed to death."


Rigel pulled out a few of his bottles and made a shard. He slowly rotated it in front of his face, examining it.


"the strange thing is, I wasn't scarred for life or anything. Well, not figurativle speaking, obviously ive for some scars." he said, gesturing back at his flanks. "but all the killing, i didn't really feel anything. I just told myself that they were gangsters and that they had it coming, and then I killed them all without hesitation. I figured I might make a good mercenary because of that. I found a merc group who let me join and trained with them for awhile. Glass had saved me before, so I kept using it. The mercs I was with loved the idea. We one quite a few battle because nobody expected to be attacked by a piece of glass."


Rigel was silent for a minute before changing back to his usual self. He looked around at Garth as he changed the shard back to it's normal form and replaced the bottles.


"what about you, Garth?"


(holy shit. Just realized how long my post is XD)

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Autumn walked along with Gizmo and Plasma. As the group got quiet again, Autumn thought of something. "This is probably a bit if a stretch, but would either of you know anything about ancient rune magic? I haven't been able to find anything in my research."

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Garth sighed and kept on plowing the snow out of the way.

"I guess I can't get out of telling you my story of why I started the Valkyrs. When the chaos began, I with friends, my two best friends. We tried to fight Anarchy without the elements. The two of them died in that fight, they died saving me from two distinct blows. It shattered me when Blaze, a pegasus that always kept moving forward, told me to run away. That's when I knew we couldn't win and he killed them as we ran. I'm not sure if it was coincidence or she planned it, but Legacy showed up just in time and teleported us away. We talked for a while, contacted Gizmo, Natural, and Raek, telling them to come to a specific place, and went and started up the Valkyrs. Dusty and some others joined us soon after. We then tried to defeat the Bards by getting the elements, ahd we did get them, but we only knocked them out. They took them back somehow as we were defeating Anarchy. Legacy teleported us back or else we'd be dead. Unfortunately, that was the last time she ever teleported any group. Since then she's been shut in her room using specters to communicate."


Gizmo looked over at Autumn and told him to show him the runes.

"I've studied some of them, but you should've asked Legacy to take a look. She knows them all by heart."

(Which rune(s) do you want him to discover?)

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(Fire, Sharpness, Durability, Energy - meaning it gives some strength to a weary fighter, Spark - generates an electrical current, Detection - command it to direct to to any person, place, or thing, and the gem will point you in the general direction, and a Recharge spell - meaning that the gem will refill its magical energy when sheathed.)

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