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rampage was wearing her reaper armor now. "wo hoo i get to fight  a deathclaw i wonder how many limbs i will have to regrow after!". she said in a happy tone she started jumping happily on draco's back.

moonlight turns on the dj pon3 radio station immidiately dj pon3's voice called out (not for help i mean't everypony heard it). "HELLO equestria wasteland dj pon3 here now got some interesting new for ya'll heard about the infamous male alicorn with a 15,000 bounty and killed a lot of bounty hunters without a sweat broken. well a griffon mercenary killed a slaver camp and the alicorn with the bounty completely solo it only took her one explosive bullet and 3 grenades and the infamous alicorn went down. so if you ponies see a griffon with bright red wings and has a little colt riding on her back make sure to say hi to her" then it started playing again.


(dunno that's my first dj pon3 impression).


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"I think I can get on without aid." he gets on with ease by climbing onto the wheel, the tread and then the armor. "But thanks anyway." He also looks at the barrel. It looked slim. It also seemed to have... a muzzle breaker at the end of it? "Is that a muzzles breaker?" He asks.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"Ah yes!" The commander said before yelling, "1-80, Northeast bound, flanking speed!" Immediately, the vehicle turned on its axis and blasting off. From zero to 60mph in three seconds. The commander then spoke, "We are going to twenty miles away from New Pegas and circle around!" Then he turned on the radio and waited. The tank was already crushing rocks, dead trees, and many other things. The turret started to moved, the barrel pointing at a target far off. The commander then spoke, "You wanna fire the gun?"

Edited by Demirari


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"Do I?!" Arrow excitedly exclaimed as he grabbed hold of the trigger and looked down the sights of the tank. "...." His horn glowed a but brighter as he felt the mechanical turret itself. "Hm...." His horns glow softened as he felt the mechanics. He took aim, and fired.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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vatrana chuckled "hey lil frosty looks like we landed our selves on the radio for killing that bad pony " she said with a smile she then takes out a box of sugar apple bomb's (it's a cereal k) "there baugh that for ya i woke 2 hours ago and got that i already ate mine so yea". she said with a kind smile.


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A loud boom occurred as the round slammed into the target. Cracking it, it pierced the target before cracking a boulder. The commander then spoke, "Now wasn't that great?"

The radio crackled a feminine voice came on, energetic, "Good evening ponies! This is Ms. Frozen bringing in your toasty news! The winter breeze are slowly disappearing so get those nice boots and run out and jump into the snow! Then we have soldiers moving southbound, unclear but I envy them. Getting to explore new areas and not worrying about freezing one's behind off. Any~ways! I'm going to get some teeaaaaaa!" The voice was light and warming as the voice trailed off.


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(she makes me laugh...)

Arrow smiles. "Dat ring in your ears." He said as he rubbed his ears. Then the voice. The voice was so funny at the end. Ms. Frost. "That was... Interesting..." Arrow said as he grabbed a round and put it in the chamber as he loaded it.


Frost looks at the cereal and smiles. "Thanks..." He said and starts to nom on it.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"Yea, she's Ms. Frozen, an owner of one of the most popular radio stations in the North. There isn't like her I tell you that. Fun and energetic she is," the commander said as he watched Arrow chamber a shell into the barrel. Making sure if anything was improperly done.


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Arrow laughs a bit. "She's funny! 'I'm going to get some teeaaaaaa!'" Arrow laughs after that. "I don't think I have ever heard a pony do that over the radio."he added in, "And don't worry, I felt how the mechanics in the turret work." The bullet loads up with a nice 'Click' and 'Clank'. Arrow smiles.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"Hmmm, let me replay an old track," the commander said, deciding to trust Arrow.

The radio started, a sad music was playing,

"Hey ponies, I have some news," a grim tone, "Wait! Let me changed the music," the music changes to something upbeat, "HEY PONIES! I have sooome fantastic news! It is New Years! SO PARTAH! I'll be hosting a fantastic party with my cup and a spoon. Now that there is an innuendo. Intentional! But really, join my fantastic party with utensils and cups! Good bye and be jelly, because you should feel jelly about not coming to my fantastic utensil party!"

Edited by Demirari


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Arrow snickers. "I'd love to meet her one day." He said as he listened to her. "New Year?" He questioned. "A new... year..." He thought about the term for a moment. It seemed weird. "What dies that mean?" He asks clearly not knowing what it meant nor what it was for. "Is it something she made up?" He asks.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"New Years? That is a new year. A new beginning for everyone. It comes around 365 or 366 days. You should really come to the North during News Year. Everyone is just celebrating," the commander explained. And the commander spoke, "She is rather helpful and all those nice stuff."


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By the time the four ponies got to the deathclaw next it was nearly dark. "Follow me," Draco whispered as he snuck around the parameter so the deathclaws sense of smell doesn't catch them.He turned on his low light vision in his helmet as he looked through his rifle scope. "We need to take out the deathclaw alpha and the mother deathclaw or slaughter them all including the baby deathclaws"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"Huh.." Arrow pondered. "Has she been out in plublic? Or for that matter, has anypony seen her?" He asks. This pony is funny, weird (like him), what else can this amazing pony do? "......" He was about to ask something, but dropped it. It was gonna be personal and didn't want to ask that.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"Got it," Ms. Maple said, following Draco as quiet as she could be.


"Yea, ponies have seen her. She mostly stays inside her radio-station, but at times, she travels across the North. My crew have a picture if her, we're huge fans if you didn't know," the commander said, handing Arrow a picture of her. White coat, white mane with silver streaks. A unicorn mare. She was standing behind a group of colts and fillies, smiling.

Edited by Demirari


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"Well... shit you made me a fan." Arrow said as he looked at the picture of the colts and fillies. "Im guessing that's you ponies?" He asked as he stares at the unicorn mare. "How old is she?" He asks. "I'll guess... 25-28." he added in with a smirk in his gas mask.

(1 12345 12345)

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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The commander started laughing, "Those children aren't us! One of them is my son," the commander said, pointing at a colt smiling widely. The commander smiled at the picture before speaking, "She looks like she's 23 if you ask me." Completely honest the commander was.

(Going to sleep now.)


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Arrow blushed in embarrassment in his gas mask as he thought they were the children. "Oops.." He muttered. "Then shee looks really good for a twenty three year old." He added in still staring at her more. "I bet it's rare to find ponies like her to ever be like that." He stated.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"Haha, yes she does, damn, if I wasn't married, I'll try to win her hoof," the commander laughed before speaking, "Now my fellow crew members, don't go and tell my wife that!" The crew responded with, "I wouldn't dream of it sir!"

The commander spoke, "So you thinking of joining the Northern Union?"


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Arrow saluted o the comander. "Yesh sir!" He exclaims.

(damn me not knownwhat else to writ Jumna mafia fkfksbfks sick sk cksvw kd sjfisw sjfjsbsstiff sjahxjfjsbdjdsjsjd ajsfnw jddjshsjf skfnfns xjfkw akfjrb djdcj j h cj fudis cbifksbw xkabwoc sjfls)

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"Great! I'll fill in the details when we head back to New Pegas," the commander said scanning the distance. The tank was turning as it headed back to New Pegas. A few minutes and the tank would arrive back at New Pegas. It was like seeing a bullet passing through the air as the tank kicked into 90mph.

(And good night for real.)


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Arrow sat there peeking out of the hatch above the turret. He loved seeing the ground fly by him so quickly. This was actually fun. For once he was having fun!

(Dammit! Arrow rides a tank and I'm in my room about to go to sleep while Arriw gets a joy ride in an MBT!)

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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End Game notices the tank and decides to go over and say hello. He looks around at his new comrades, "Y'all should just go and mingle with your regiment or explore the town, I'm going to be a while..." He quickly runs just abeam of the returning tank and gives an appreciative smile, "Hello there, that's a beautiful tank you have there."

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The guard immediately dispersed his temporary troops as he went to converse with the officers.


"Thank you! She is- are you running alongside a tank that is pacing at 90mph?" The commander asked, looking at End Game with a face that had the saying, "Is this pony keeping up?!"


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moonlight decided to go leave draco and his thing and goes back to new pegas she spot's end game she lands right in front of him her blood red flowing mane was flowing almost right at his face. "end game where the hell were you? your stupidity is annoying me". she said in a frustrated tone.


(ignore this post ok)

Edited by moonlight7starshine


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