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open Fallout Equestria alternate the rp


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rampage flailed around rapidly. "let me the fuck go i want to kill these northern scums of the wasteland



moonlight doesn't seem to change her mind she scowled at bloom. "yea thats what red eye always say' lacunae was walking the halls with sleeping puppysmiles on her back she found where bloom ruby and moonlight were they were in plain sight.


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"What? Just fire on that? Well then, fire on it," one of the generals said. Without delay, one of the AA vehicles aimed and opened fire. The AA vehicle was quad-barreled and fired 50mm shells at high speeds. (Whirlewind but better. :3)


"Nah, chill first," Cryptical Code said.


"Or maybe you'll like the Euromane Republic better," Majestic Bloom said.


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moonlight frowned. "i am a stable pony i have no idea what are those". lacunae approached and pointed her horn at moonlights wound and started healing it she then spoke. "what happened?"


the filly rampage groaned "fine fine i will now set me down". she said annoyed


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"I'll tell you about the Euromane Republic then. And Moonlight here apparently got shot by a pony with high-graded weaponry," Majestic Bloom said.


"Good, good," Cryptical Code said, dropping Rampage onto the ground. Officer Architect watched the scene with interest.

Edited by Demirari


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The thing goes down in flames and crash lands an exact kilometer away. (Damn you! You took my Quad-Cannon idea! 3:<) Arrow get in his tank and orders his crew to go to the where the thing landed. They move out and towards the crash site. Hoping that who ever was in it was still alive and can give answers.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"That might be concerning," one of the generals commented, "You have one interesting subordinate Officer Steel."

"I suppose," Officer Architect replied.

"Excuse us now, we need the armies ready," with that the generals started ordering the two armies to set themselves up.


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moonlight sighed "sure get me involve in a bo-" before she can finish her sentence ruby shoved another healing potion into her mouth and made her drink every drop. lacunae spoke in a bit more worried "she got shot my who? also we should take her back to her room before any pony else finds her like this".


rampage who seemed very pissed she approaches officer architect then kicks him under a chin with a lot of force. "fuck the norther union i might be a filly now all i need is to eat meat and i should be adult in a few days and wear my armor then tear you guys to pices ".


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"Yea," Majestic Bloom said, agreeing with what Lacunae had said.


Officer Architect held his chin in place as he groaned from the pain.


The cockpit of the downed fighter was covered in dirt and blood. The pilot slowly woke as he felt himself disconnecting from the plane. He felt the grip around his hooves loosen as he groaned. His breathing helmet shattered with cuts and bruises there and there. He weakly pressed the button to open the cockpit. Thankfully, the cockpit lifted up.


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Blackllight watched the scene unfold not sure whiter to feel threaten or amused. Settling on amused, Blacklight turned to Cryptical and said, " As much as I hate to say it she has a point. I'm not exactly ok with the North being here. Mainly because this seem a lot of troops just for a factory. This looks like they came to stay."    

Edited by Blacklight01

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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Arrow's tank approaches the crashed.... UFO. It looked a bit bigger now that they were closer than before. "Keep the turret locked onto it, who knows what's in there." Arrow opens the hatch and hops out of the tank and towards the UFO. He gripped his bow with his magic and flicks it open and draws the bow back making it conjure up ionized plasma.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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rampage smirked "what? the commander of the north pole ain't fighting back how sad just sad" she lands another kick only this time in his chest.


moonlight slowly stood up and started walking towards her room. lacunae spoke "we can teleport there if you want"


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"I'm not the commander you simpleton!" Officer Architect yelled as he activated his horn, as levitation spell, fueled by anger.

"Teleporting would be best in her state," Majestic Bloom said.


"This is a small regiment, a occupation force is when an army is stationed here," Cryptical Code said.


The pilot managed to unlatch himself as he tried to climb out. More like flipping out and landing onto the ground. The pilot groaned.

Edited by Demirari


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Arrow approaches the pilot and aims the bow close to him as he searches the thing. It was only him who was alive. "I want your name, where you came from, what are you doing, and why." Arrow demanded as he had his bow aiming right on his head. 

(13245 12345 12345)

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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rampage started flailing "LET ME GO YOU NORTH POLE RETARDS"  velvet who was wondering around noticed rampage and architect she approached them "let her go now" she stomped a forleg


lacunae teleported everypony around to moonlights room. (as in majestic bloom ruby puppysmiles and moonlight) moonlight quickly lays on the bed.


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"Corporeal Sharp, 13th Aviation Group A, scout, AS-163," the pilot replied slowly, his mouth stained with blood as he spoke.


Officer Architect held his concentration as Velvet stamped on his hoof. He spoke slowly, "When this filly here stops kicking me with the force of a grown stallion, ma'am."


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" I know, though this could be the start...are you sure they can be trusted?" Blacklight replied as he stared off, memories of war surfacing briefly before returning his gaze at Cryptical with a bit of doubt in his eyes. ​Maybe I'm just being too paranoid...he thought.     

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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velvet scowled she then reared up and kicked architect on the head. "sorry but you deserved that along with your norther legion dumb invading equestria plan" she then quickly trots away. 


moonlight slowly feel asleep  ruby then spoke. "how long until this wound is healed you and lacunae are working together it shouldn't take that long right?".


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Okay, that's a start. "Why are you down here... Corporeal?" Arrow asked. "I know it's just more than a scouting mission." He added in. "You better tell me the truth or I'll hang you by your guts." He intimidated, hoping that-that might just make him talk a bit. (12345678)

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"Ok, ok! We are planning to invade and establish a foothold here!" The pilot said, spoiling out information.


"Just you wait!" Officer Architect said.


"Shouldn't take very long," Majestic Bloom said.


"Yes, if they can rebuild a city, believe it Blacklight, Cryptical Code spoke.

"Ok, ok! We are planning to invade and establish a foothold here!" The pilot said, spoiling out information.


"Just you wait!" Officer Architect said.


"Shouldn't take very long," Majestic Bloom said.


"Yes, if they can rebuild a city, believe it Blacklight, Cryptical Code spoke.


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(lel double post) 


rampage growled  a moment later blackjack comes trotting towards architect she drank a bottle of whiskey then spoke. "hey mind releasing my friend here" she places a hoof over his shoulder. 


(just gonna wait til moonlight's injury is healed) ruby then left the room.


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"Thank you." Arrow said as he grabs him with magic and drags him to the tank known as the E-75. He puts him in as each crew member gave him a look of curiosity, wonder, and snotty looks. "Drive to the generals." Arrow commanded. The tank turns on it's axis and drives at a cruising speed of 45mph.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"If your friend here promises to stop harming us," Officer Architect stated.


The generals were discussing about strategies as they waited for the large ship above them to act. It was going to be either the Northern Union or those blood ponies in that ship acts.


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Arrow's tank drives up to the commanders and comes to a stop as it is a few meters away. Arrow and the corporeal come out of the hatch at the top. Arrow dragging sharp out of it. "Let's go Sharp, a few ponies would like to see you." He said and hops off the tank and towards the general as he salutes.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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rampage sighed "fine let me go". blackjack then patted architects shoulders "there she promised let her go". she sounded drunk


moonlight's wounds were almost completely healed


(fawfafbawiyfb awfabwfyabwf aywfbyawifawdah hygawydg awydgawydgaywdgyauwdg)


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The generals were discussing about plans when they noticed Arrow and a pony in an aviation suit. One of them spoke, "Who is this?"


"Right…" Officer Architect spoke as he released his magical grip on Rampage.


Ms. Maple spoke, a bit annoyed, "Got it sir." She sighed as the link broke. She spoke, "Well I got to head back to Trottingberg."

Edited by Demirari


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