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open Fallout Equestria alternate the rp


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Cryptical Code smiled a bit, being speaking, "Thy shall not try to woo the maiden's hoof, for thou art not worthy of the maiden's grace, begone and let me court the maiden." Cryptical Code ignored Moonlight's laughing, he couldn't break into a laughing fit right now.


"A chance could be ruined dear Sir Arrow, and gentlestallions in front of me in their best conditions, tonight is not of love and courtship, but of fun," Majestic Bloom said, her posture of a lady. 


Officer Architect followed Vatrana. When he entered the office, he noticed a griffon, a old one at that.

Edited by Demirari


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Uhhgh dammit... I thought I had it.... The stallion thought to himself. "So be it my lady... Have fun with thou in another pony's life, dost maketh me a virtue to thee. Have 'fun'." And with that, he gets up and looks around. What are you gonna do? He wondered to himself.




The Little colt name Navy was in the griffons wing asleep. Gilda, was shuffling a deck of cards when Vatrana spoke up. "Look kid, you didn't make it back in time, so I'm gonna degrade some of your pay."  She said flatly. "There's work, but I don't think you can handle it."  She noticed the pony that came in. "Hello, who are you?"

Edited by Three Wolf Moon

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Majestic Bloom retained her posture before laughing. Though this time she tried not to roll, the dress she was wearing must be rather expensive. Majestic Bloom spoke, "Arrow, that was fantastic! I didn't know you know the olden tongue so well!"

"Very good," Cryptical Code simply stated.


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vatrana giggled slightly . "appolagies for being late i ran into some problems along the way that needed to be shot in the head. anyway can't handle? i can handle it just tell me what to do".  she said in a confident voice.


(also gilda? what the heck? haudhauwdh).


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Arrow smiles in his Gas and Mask. "It just... Came to me..." He said in an almost hesitant tone. "Did I say most of it correctly?" He asked as he wondered and looked back at his recorded memory to see if he had any flaws during his olden tongue talk.



(wasn't it Gilda? I can't remember and I don't want to go look) 


She sighed. "If you want this... Be. On... Time..." She sternly said. "There's and HVT that has a huge amount of caps over his head. He's in the north right now. His name is DawnBreaker. 15,000 caps says that you bring his head back. He's a tough son of a bucker... So be careful. He leads a squad of 4. Highly trained units." She stated.  

Edited by Three Wolf Moon

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"Just a temporary traveling companion," Officer Architect said.


"I do believe you said everything correctly, what about you Noir?" Majestic Bloom asked.

"Everything is green over here, still very good Arrow," Cryptical Code said. He was rather impressed.


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"Ah, okay." Gawd responded. "So... Want the contract?" She asked Vatrana.



"Heh, thanks guys." He had a soft blush. "But, for real. What are we gonna do?" He asked again. "I just don't know where to start." He added in as he looked at the gamblers, hookers, bargainers etc.


Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"15,000 caps? hell yes i'l kill him 4 hightly trained units pfft ". she said with a lot more confidence 


(fajfakwjfajkbfawhb ahwfbahwb hawbfhaw bafhb ahwbfhawfbhawb ahwbfahwbfhbah fab whafbahwb hawf bahwfbh awfb hawfb hawbf ahwfb hawfbahb awbfa).


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Officer Architect rolled his eyes, not that his gas-mask gave anything. Confidence can be both a deadly and a wonderful weapon.


"I suggest we follow what Draco plans for us," Cryptical Code said. It was best for them due to them besides Draco, they never had busted the city before.


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"Excellent. You can find them just North East from here about 60-130 minutes from here." She ended.




"Okay." Arrow said as he looked at Majestic. "You look nice." He had to say that again.

(12345 12345 12345 12345 1234512345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345)

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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vatrana walks out of the room. "ok i may have to buy grenades  and armor piercing ammo which ain't a problem". she goes into a shop least 16 minutes later comes back out. "alright lets go" she starts walking to the exit of junction R 7


(sdhsdhushd hsduhsudh).


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"Righteo, lead the way," Officer Architect said. He hoped that he would be near Northern Union borders where he could hopefully convince the high command to lend him some soldiers.


"Thanks again I guess," Majestic Bloom smiling. If there was one thing she had right now in great quantities, it would be self-esteem."


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Navy was still sleeping in tehh females wings.


Arrow looks around a bit getting a feel for his surroundings. Watching how the Stallion and Mares play their game. 

(ahgfnacgfa ia iua bga bgoae bga bg abfga bgoia bga gba bogia bibaro ba vbra vbra bvir)

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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vatrana noticed that navy was in her wing she grabs him with her talons then gently wakes up. "hey frost wake up i need to use my wings you know cant spread em if your in them because you will fall off ".




few slaps from blackjack hooves moonlight stops laughing then regains her posture all them were in fantastic looking dresses now.


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The little colt wakes up, still looking sleepy. "M-mommy? Where are we going?" He asked softly and still droopy from his sleep.




Arrow watches the two fillies. "You done?" He asks in a bored tone.


(12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12  12)

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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 vatrana smiles at navy frost."well were going to kill a very very bad pony that killed villages n stuff and left foals like you to die. were going to punish him. don't worry il keep you safe no matter what ok?". she sets him down on the ground. "this may sound violent n all but frost can you shot a gun? i can teach you if you can't".


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 vatrana smiles at navy frost."well were going to kill a very very bad pony that killed villages n stuff and left foals like you to die. were going to punish him. don't worry il keep you safe no matter what ok?". she sets him down on the ground. "this may sound violent n all but frost can you shot a gun? i can teach you if you can't".

Navy Frost look up at her a little worried. "I-i'm not really good." He stated "M-my daddy t-taught me how to line it up and all but... I can't really shoot anything...." Frost stutters as he trails off  a bit. "D-do you have a baby pistol? I forgot what it was called, but it had really tiny bullets." He added in.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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vatrana though for a moment before remembering what kind of gun it was she did not have a toy gun at all. "well lil frost i don't have a gun like that sadly but". she takes a ,45 caliber pistol and hands it to navy frost. "use that just don't point it at me or architect point at that rock over there.".she points to a boulder "use your tougue to pull the trigger".


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vatrana though for a moment before remembering what kind of gun it was she did not have a toy gun at all. "well lil frost i don't have a gun like that sadly but". she takes a ,45 caliber pistol and hands it to navy frost. "use that just don't point it at me or architect point at that rock over there.".she points to a boulder "use your tougue to pull the trigger".

Navy was nervous. He takes the gun, holds it in his mouth. It was heavier. Also bigger. "I-i don't know about this..." He said weakly. "I hadn't held or shot this gun before." He was nervous; shaking in worry. He aims the gun at the boulder. Takes aim.



The colt tumbles back from the recoil, his ears ringing. He fell on his haunches, drops the gun and tears up. The gun gave him a shock and he was NOT expecting it to be that loud, or jolt him back that hard.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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vatrana quickly picks up navy. "sorry i didn't told you about that but navy this is the wasteland filled with bad ponies the sooner you learn how to use a gun the more safe you are". she takes out her magnum and fires 3 shots at the boulder as an example. "this gun is called a revolver. of course i didn't gave you one of these yet since their heavier and have more recoil. but stronger yours is just a .45 pistol which is quite good i bough it since it would be the right gun for you".


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"You're giving a colt a .45 calibur gun? Here try using a 10mm," Officer Architect said, levitating his 10mm pistol toward to Navy Frost. Then he spoke, "You ok child?" He walked over and patted Navy Frost on the back. He had delt with children before, way too much in his opinion.

Edited by Demirari


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Draco chuckled slightly as he saw the mares change. "Take the gas mask off Arrow," Draco said "Else the guards would think your some kind of raider in fancy clothes," he said. "Don't want to leave that impression now do you?" Draco asked as he walked into a dressing room then afew minutes later he wore a navy blue suit with a black tie. His fedora was navy blue also. "Shall we go to the tops casino?" Draco asked with a smile. "I mean it has the best booze or the Gomorrah which has the finest mares in this side of the Marejave wasteland and I'll shut up before I get kicked,"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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The colt started to cry "N-NO MO GUNZ!" He yelled as he couldn't handle the pressure anymore. "I WANT MY MOMMY AND DADDY!"  He sobbed. Navy Frost couldn't take the 10mm pistol from the bad pony who killed his father. He starts to snuggle into Griffon as the mean pony patted his back.  "... *Sniff*"




Arrow replied. "Well, I did just walk into here with the famous courier so it can slide." 

Edited by Three Wolf Moon

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"It is within our best interest to go to the Tops Casino first," Cryptical Code said, not wanting to know what will happen if the mares get jealous.

"Tops Casino right? It is best to go there instead of Gomorrah," Majestic Bloom said, not wanting any mares near Cryptical Code. She'll probably end up stabbing one of the mares with a fork.


"Well," Officer Architect shook his head, "Terribly sorry."

Edited by Demirari


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@@Demirari, @,


vatrana takes her .45 and places it in her bags. and picks navy frost up. "don't worry lil frost i will be by your side always ".  she gives architect a rather angry glare. then walks off.


(make something interesting happen).




moonlight yawned. "sure lets go to the casino i dub't those mares can have sex with another mare unless their actully bisexual". she then grins a naughty grin. blackjack was exited to play some cards. "can't wait to play some cards".


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