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open Children of the Night RP


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// Nah, adding adventure. //


Stormwing's voice could be heard very faintly; but there was no sign of where it was coming from. It almost sounded like a plead for help. Then, it sounded as if he was saying for him to be let go from the "sunbutts". After that, there was an absolute silence of his voice.

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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Luna used her magic, chaining up Celestia in magic proof chains, glaring at her. "You will make a perfect prisoner in our dungeon..."


Lunar panicked, looking faster. She finally found him, using her maigc to pick him up.


Midnight blinked, looking at Grell. "Here. Let me help you..." She quickly cleaned the blood off him, frowning at his wounds. Her hooves glew, sighing.


Aiko turned away. "Hmph." She walked off, not helping him.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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*silver having his magic drained started to struggle in the ropes that akio had conjured up*


"filthy halfbreed of a unicorn you disgrace the honor of fighting and the honor of your own breed."


*with that silver rolled over to see everypony surrounding celestia, not realizing he was still on the cliff he rolled over and ended up falling over the ledge knocking himself out on the ground at the bottom.*


(sorry, please disregard this post, it was made by accident)

Edited by child of the night



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*silver with no strength left to carry on screamed, "you are all blood traitors of your homeland" and with that he became unconscious, the last this he saw was his dear leader celestia being pulled in chains by steel.*


((so I have a quick idea I want to suggest, I say that due to the war silver becomes blind, but due to his magic he can essentially tell where everything is, (remember that silver is essentially going to be brainwashed by luna)))



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(((Sounds legit lol)))


Luna shook her head. "Get that witch away from me now." She glared down at Celestia.


Celestia cringed, tears rolling as she watched Silver. -I'm so sorry my dear Silver...-


Midnight blinked, looking at him. "But you're hurt pretty bad..."


Aiko stood by Luna. "You okay, Luna-sama...?" She saw the pain in Luna's eyes as she watched her own sister being dragged away in chains.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Storm coughed. He had slice marks from a knife on his neck. He coughed once, then twice, and then once more. The third time, he coughed up deep red blood. As he rolled over in the magical field, there was the very knife used on him stuck deep into his right side. It was bleeding steadily, dripping into the grass.

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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Lunar's eyes widened, shaking. "Stormy!" She hurriedly got him to the first aid ponies, tears in her eyes. "Please help! He's hurt!" She gently laid him on the table. She sat beside the table, worry all over her face. -Oh for the love of everything good and holy, please oh please let him be alright!-

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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He laid there, eyes attempting to open but failing. He coughed once more, causing a small spray of blood drops on the table. A few doctors rushed over to him, looking him over. One turned to Lunar. "The slice marks will be easy, but it's that knife that's giving us some worry... We don't know how deep the thing went or what it punctured. There's really no way to see what's doing. We'll just have to patch up the wound and hope everything's gonna be okay. We can't guarantee that he'll make it through this, but there's a slim chance." With that, the medic nodded to the other ponies. They were going to have to pull the knife out, which was going to be excruciating...

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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Lunar started crying, her horn slowly starting to glow. She continued to cry, not realizing she was slowly healing his internal bleeding. -He can't die... He just can't... I love him too much... He can't leave me...- she thought, crying harder. The internal bleeding was completely healed now.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Storm was still. He said nothing, didn't move. His chest rose and fell gently. The knife was still there. They were going to have to pull it out. A doctor gently prodded the knife, seeing how Storm would react. There was no reaction whatsoever. They began to pull it out. There was still no response. It seemed the gaps between breaths lengthened.

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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Lunar was bawling now. "Please stay alive, Stormy! Please! I can't lose you!" She curled up, her face under her hooves, crying uncontrolably.


Luna walked in. She heard the crying and wanted to see what was wrong. "Oh no... Poor Stormwing..." She walked over to Lunar, comforting her.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Storm didn't move at all once the knife out. The doctor looked grimly over him. He felt for a pulse. "Miss Lunar... I'm sorry to have to say this... He's gone..." He dropped his head, frowning. There really wasn't anything they could have done for him, anyway. They were only field medics, not miracle workers.

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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Lunar lost it. She was screaming and crying, her ears flat.


Luna looked at Stormy. -I swore to never use this unless absolutely nessessary, but she seems to really care for this stallion...- she thought, her horn glowing. "Rise, Stormwing... You have a mare who loves you and wants you alive..." She put her horn to his head, completely healing him and bringing him back.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Storm's eyes and ears twitched. "Five more minutes, mom..." He mumbled as if asleep, which he seemed to be. The whole dying-and-being-ressurrected-thing must take a lot out of a pony. He eventually opened his eyes up, blinking, then raising his head. "Ow, my side... What happened? Last I remember, some Sunbutt minion was coming at me."

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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Storm perked up his ears. "I... I died...?" His eyes looked around as he took it all in. "I died... and you brought me back? Why me and not somepony else? One of your soldiers? I just got murdered by a sunbutt..." He bowed his head, causing his mane to flop into his eyes. He seemed in slight shock.

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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Luna smiled. "Because Lunar is quite fond of you... Heck, I'd even go so far as to say she loves you... And I didn't want her to be sad anymore..."


Lunar blinked, looking up. Her eyes widened, smiling brightly. "You're alive!" She glomped him, snuggling him close. "Omg omg omg!"

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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(i am going to guess that in this time grell has taken both silver and celestia to the dungeons and has throw them into two different rooms)


*After a small amount of time silver gets up and dusts off himself* ((remember silver has gone blind))


"hey who the hay turned of all the lights"


*with that he started to walk in one direction for a small amount of time. not realizing he was on the ceiling he laid down.*


'I wonder what they have planned for me if they didn't just kill me then at the battle field'

((since most of the people in this rp seem to have telepathy, anyone who has it could hear that))



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Midnight blinked, looking over at them.


Luna walked over to Flair. "You were amazing. We won." She smiled, ruffling his mane.


Aiko smiled at him, nuzzling his chest. "I was so worried about you. You looked like you were dying. I was afraid I'd lose you," she said, kissing him.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Storm smiled. "I take it you missed me while I was gone, Lunar?" He nuzzled her neck gently. "I think you might have. Just a little." He yawned, super sleepy. "I need a nap when we get back to the castle..." His eyes were droopy and the same went for his ears. His wings laid limp, as he was too tired to hold them up.

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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Steel heard him "that's up to Luna I was told to lock you up" steel sent the thought to silver "do me a favor I want to know what celestia has been saying about Luna to her subjects just think about it"

Grell looked at midnight "I'm fine I promise" grell said hoping she wouldn't notice the lack of blood coming from his wounds

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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