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"miss? can i tell you something,i want to tell you this because i trust you,if thats ok. Slava thinks to himself"she might not want to hear you how you feel and that"Slava sighs"it might be hard to tell you but i will give it my best shot".Slava looks in her eyes


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"Um... I guess so..." Hidden said. Oh come on... The only situation I never wanted to be stuck in again... She thought. She tried mentally telling herself she was just overreacting, that nothing was going to go wrong, but that didn't really help, she still worried about what would happen next.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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"I have never had a marefriend before because they would just walk away when i ask"Slava sits down on the side walk and sighs"well i still want to be your friend i hope this wont change going to get something to eat as friends and nothing else"Slava looking at the ground


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Hidden mentally sighed with relief again. See? I'm getting all worked up over nothing. She thought. "Well... I've never had a stallionfriend, but that's really because I've never considered it." She said. "I don't see why ponies make such a big deal over finding a special somepony..." She added.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Slava still sighing and with his head down "lets go and find a place to eat and sit down". Slava says to himself"i guess no mare will want us now,no mare ever will,oh well them are the breaks of life and we have to move on if we can". Slava walking with her trying to look sad.


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Hidden saw the look on Slava's face, and tried to ignore it. She didn't wnat to feel bad, but it was hard when she had to live with that. Ow... She thought, feeling the pain from the sadness added up between the two of them. She actually had to stop and rub her head for a second. "Ow... Anyway, where should we go to eat?" She asked, trying to avoid the subject.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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well i don"t mind were we go for something to eat or we dont have to eat at all if you dont want to,im sorry if im feeling sad,i...i will try to cheer up. Slava says to himself"yeah right im ever going to cheer up from a my past,lucky im not at work or i wouldnt be good at working".

Edited by Lighting Split


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"If you're sad, please hurry and..." She cut herself off, trying not to scream in pain. "Cheer up." She finished after a minute. She looked around. "Hm... I wonder what the sugarcube corner type place is around here..." She said. She couldn't see anything, so she started walking and searching.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Slava relises whats happning"i wont for a while so i think i might leave then so it stops hurting that is if its alright with you well if you want to hang out again here were im staying". Slava gives her a piece of paper with were the hotel is he then sighs.


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"You don't have to go... I can try to shut off my magic for awhile..." She said. She was lying, she had no idea how to shut off her magic, but she didn't show it since she didn't want to make the stallion feel any worse than he already did. Celestia dang it... This is exactly what I was afraid of... She thought.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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"o..ok" Slava shakes his head again"oh well if i will find a mare friend soon or later in my life,sorry again it must of mad you feel uncomfortable,this cafe here looks nice lets go and eat here,there food looks nice and yummy" Slava then laughs"i got to watch i eat but i guess i can have one sweet" Slava smiles 


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"Let's go then." Hidden said happily. I wonder what his cutie mark is... I don't want to stare at it, but I don't want to ask about it either... What do I do? She silenty wondered. In the end she just decided she would figure it out later if she thought about it again. Maybe it's... Oh I hope it's nothing bad... She thought.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Slava and Hidden sit down"so tell me about your self,what you like what's your cutie mark is?, you know normal chatting stuff i would like to get to know you as a friend also to know what you hate so it doesnt ruin our friend ship Slava smiles at her again.


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"Boxing, lass.  You're looking at the best boxer of Detrot. And the only mare to fight out of her weight class and stallions as well." She says with a boasting smile." And I was just stating the obvious, darling. I can't accept that fact that you never been called pretty. I find it really hard to believe."

"A fighter, eh?" ​ Glacier replied. "And quite a skillful one by the sounds of it. I've done a fair bit of duelling as well. My fights are probably a bit different to your fights though. And you best believe I've never been called pretty. Most ponies I meet now are scared of me and attack, nopony was interested in me at school and my parents didn't call me pretty because they knew I don't really care about how I look."


'This mare seems rather interesting. Perhaps I could duel with her some day.'

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Slava and Hidden sit down"so tell me about your self,what you like what's your cutie mark is?, you know normal chatting stuff i would like to get to know you as a friend also to know what you hate so it doesnt ruin our friend ship Slava smiles at her again.

"Well... As for my cutie mark, let's leave that unexplained for now." Hidden said. She didn't want to flat out tell the pony that she knew all of his emotions. That would be far too creepy. She thought. "Anyway, some of my interests are things like... Um... Actually come to think of it, one of my only intrests is magic." She said.

((Sorry had to go to bed))


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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She looks over Glacier's body and sees many cuts and small scars. "I could see you've done your fair shear us scraps." She picks Glacier right hoof up and feels it around gently with her own. "You got some strength in your hooves." She looks up to her with a small enticing smile. "I like a mare who can handle herself." Then her smiles goes soft. "And even though no one ever said it. You're a real beautyGlacy. Never let anyone tell you otherwise." She lightly kisses Glacier's hoof.

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"magic,thats really cool,i tried to research how unicorns get there magic but i cant but oh well at lest i tried to" Slava laughs"so what magic can you do? got any cool ones? any funny ones? any interesting ones? oh and since i didn't get to pay to get your glasses fix let me pay for our food"Slava smiles. 


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"magic,thats really cool,i tried to research how unicorns get there magic but i cant but oh well at lest i tried to" Slava laughs"so what magic can you do? got any cool ones? any funny ones? any interesting ones? oh and since i didn't get to pay to get your glasses fix let me pay for our food"Slava smiles. 

"Well... My type of magic is... Abnormal maybe." She said. "Outside the magic of my special talent, if I get attacked by anything, I set up a shield without thinking about it." She explained. "They say that's why I got my name, because of my hidden magical talents, or something along those lines..." She added.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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i think that is cool and your name is ever interesting too,im not trying to hit on you but you look more prettier with your glasses on oh and order anything you want like i said i will pay for it,i want to be nice to my new friend and not be rude and ask her to pay that is rude and its mean if any stallion thinks that(its ok if you want to bed you dont need to apologize)


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i think that is cool and your name is ever interesting too,im not trying to hit on you but you look more prettier with your glasses on oh and order anything you want like i said i will pay for it,i want to be nice to my new friend and not be rude and ask her to pay that is rude and its mean if any stallion thinks that(its ok if you want to bed you dont need to apologize)

Hidden mentally sighed out of disappointment, hearing one of the few compliments she hated. Oh Celestia... Why does everypony think that? She wondered. "You don't need to pay for it, I can pay for..." She pulled out her bits with magic, and started counting. "Well, that depends on how much it is." She said.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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"o..ok and why were you sighing?". Slava thinks to himself"d...did i something wrong i...i dont want to ruin our friendship because who would i hang out with and have fun with". "Well if thats what you want then ok but i feel bad for not paying but im not going to stop you".

  • Brohoof 1


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"o..ok and why were you sighing?". Slava thinks to himself"d...did i something wrong i...i dont want to ruin our friendship because who would i hang out with and have fun with". "Well if thats what you want then ok but i feel bad for not paying but im not going to stop you".

"Oh, it's nothing... It's just..." She stopped there, not sure what would happen if she brought up Blazing. "Anyway... New subject... Where do you live?" She asked. Random question... But I am curious, maybe he lives in Ponyville like me. She thought. She hoped Slava didn't think something was wrong when she randomly changed the subject.

Edited by Blazing Hoof


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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She looks over Glacier's body and sees many cuts and small scars. "I could see you've done your fair shear us scraps." She picks Glacier right hoof up and feels it around gently with her own. "You got some strength in your hooves." She looks up to her with a small enticing smile. "I like a mare who can handle herself." Then her smiles goes soft. "And even though no one ever said it. You're a real beautyGlacy. Never let anyone tell you otherwise." She lightly kisses Glacier's hoof.

When Shamrock kissed Glacier's hoof, she gave a small but authoritative growl. "Steady,"  Glacier warned. "We've just met each other so watch what you're doing. But yes, I have been in a lot of battles and picked up some really hefty injuries. Minotaur horn really hurts when it goes in you and when it goes out the other side."


When she finished speaking, Glacier's belly rumbled loudly. ​"Urgh..." she complained. "That was a sickly one. I need to find something to eat. It must've been a couple of days."  Glacier began to walk away but stopped. She seemed to have taken a liking to this new pony. "Are you coming?"

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"i live and work in Ponyville,i like Ponyville because its not crowed like some places are and most of the ponys there are nice and kind so yeah well i do have some friends that live in Canterlot also but i dont see them often because of work and that"Slava looks at the table.


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"i live and work in Ponyville,i like Ponyville because its not crowed like some places are and most of the ponys there are nice and kind so yeah well i do have some friends that live in Canterlot also but i dont see them often because of work and that"Slava looks at the table.

"I live in Ponyville too." Hidden said. "It's a great place because of all the happy ponies there. When everyone else is happy, I'm happy. Although there is that one unicorn who's never happy... But I'll make an exception since we've practically lived in the same town for all our lives, even after we both moved away from home." She said, getting slightly carried away.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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