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open Firestorm, the RP

Cerise Hood

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Star looks at stone seer then she says to Steel"h...he s..said i would be is toy a..and he will put that knife back in later,i...i love you Steel and if anything happens to me,i want you to know that no matter, iwould of loved you" Star looks at her self"even if we get out of here i will be slowing you and Grell also the group" Star sighs.


Signature done by @Lunia

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Watching the insanity, was a little entertaining for chilly bones. Though he didn't show anything, he just followed from behind. He did feel the pressure if the rest of the group, growing dreary of him. But that also made things for him that much more interesting.

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Sapphire shivverd "Were the hay is grell? He was here...Now he is gone...WERE THE BUCK DID HE GO?" she sat down and looked around


Embers kept looking for steel "Yo steel! were are you! I have somethings to ask you! You crazy pony! I need help! Were is everypony? aw crud, why cant it just be normal magic, not crazy frost magic!"

     . +.  |  * . '
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(I hate keeping people waiting but the mountain I was on had no service)


Steel heard star and it calmed him what calmed him was her saying she loves him " star I love you won't be slowing us down and we'll make it".steel said as he tried to think of a way to escape as spawn was forced back down

Grell sighed -I'll miss you sapphire - grell thought


(now we wait for Torrent505 to roleplay and we can countie to roleplay)

Star looks at the Alpha"a..are you going to do anything with me? please tell me what you would do me? "Star shakes in fear again and thinking of the worse thing that they would do to her.

Roxxy moved the knife to grell's throat, "then I will stay here and if you do anything I slit your throat."


Rex ignored the ponies, "Cut the act seer, we have prey we need knowledge of. Tell me about the herd that they come from."


The seer nodded, "I shall see, what I can see." He closed his right eye rocking in place humming again. Suddenly the stitches over his left eye stretched horribly as the left eye open spilt four ways, under the lid was not an eye but a huge diamond with hundreds of facets, to stare into it was a kaleidoscope of color, at its center was the rune for future.


A deep voice boomed from the dog as dark magic filled the diamond, "I see this herd that you fear and fear it you should."


His gnarled paw slowly points to Steel, "I see the pony with a demon bound to his soul but it hungers for his flesh more than any other,"


the paw shifts to Grell, "I see a pony over whom the shadow of death looms though it bothers him not and at times he may wield its power but his time is running out,"


his paw moves to Star, "I see a mare and another mare both growing with strength as their love grows as long as their love rises so will the herd but should it fall so shall the herd,"


his paw falls back to his side, "I see the Earthstiker as he plans to forge not metal but light itself; I see a stallion wielding a sword that shines like a piece of the sun itself, I see the stallion that murdered the black mountain pack and wishes to see all diamond dogs brought low, I see a mare who does not keep her form, finally I see a filly that burns with the power of the sun. This herd of ponies hunts the moon to build a star."


The seer's left eye closes and he collapses to the ground panting and slowly opens his right eye. Alpha Rex turns to the ponies, "well ponies? Explain yourselves, the vision sounds as though your herd has done something to the sun! What are you and your foul company planning?" He growled threateningly.

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Runedawn and the rest of them had arrived at the ritual triangle he had drawn in the forest, passing over it as they were walking towards the camp. As soon as runedawn set hoof in the middel however, he sensed something that drew his attention. A beacon of runic magic, coming from the inside of the mountain shined invisiblu upon them, only visible to the ones standing in the triangle. Runedawn remembered that he had leeft his runes on the ground, thus rendering his ritual triangle still active.


"Wait a second" he said to wanderlust and willow. He closed his eyes and let his soul sense the earth again. There was a cave in the mountain, so brightly lit with runic magic that it blinded him. He also sensed two tamed dark spirits, and a flame of love... "Wanderlust, when was the last time you saw Grell, Steel and Starstruck?" He asiel with his eyes still closed, frowning...

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Star shouts"if we had made this happen to the sun,then why would we be here in cells insatd of kicking your ass right now buddy huh? and you know its not polite to not answer a mares question,so i will ask again"are you going to take me as your personal or just leave me here". 


Signature done by @Lunia

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Embers looked in the cave, hearing yelling, he took out his sword and started to go in, he wasnt much good at stealth, but he was OK at it. He walked close to the wall and smacked him self "Dang it embers! use your magic!" He steped on a stick, that made a loud "CRACK"


Sapphire yawned and sat down "Dang it grell, dont die on me!"

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Grell smiled "that's fine " grell said to roxxy then he looked at the grotesque pony "my time has been short for years now"

steel looked at the alpha "we plan to fix the sun and the demon wants me dead interesting I wonder how he will react to me wearing holy items " steel said

Star shouts"if we had made this happen to the sun,then why would we be here in cells insatd of kicking your ass right now buddy huh? and you know its not polite to not answer a mares question,so i will ask again"are you going to take me as your personal or just leave me here".


The alpha scratched his chin. The large general spoke in his deep bass voice, "If they seek to fix the sun perhaps we should help them?"


Rex glared at him,"and give the ponies back control of the sun? They always had control of the sun and look what happened. No, we won't help them, we take them and force them to give us the sun." He studies the mare, "maybe I shall but first like all good working ponies we need to break you. Cujo, take those two to the torture cells," he pointed at star and steel. "Roxxy put that one in an isolation cell, lock him away I the dark and be careful about it."

Runedawn and the rest of them had arrived at the ritual triangle he had drawn in the forest, passing over it as they were walking towards the camp. As soon as runedawn set hoof in the middel however, he sensed something that drew his attention. A beacon of runic magic, coming from the inside of the mountain shined invisiblu upon them, only visible to the ones standing in the triangle. Runedawn remembered that he had leeft his runes on the ground, thus rendering his ritual triangle still active.

"Wait a second" he said to wanderlust and willow. He closed his eyes and let his soul sense the earth again. There was a cave in the mountain, so brightly lit with runic magic that it blinded him. He also sensed two tamed dark spirits, and a flame of love... "Wanderlust, when was the last time you saw Grell, Steel and Starstruck?" He asiel with his eyes still closed, frowning...

Wanderlust came back to reality, "huh, what? Oh umm well I had a talk with Embers and then saw them at camp when I walked back with him, after that Willow came to me upset and this had started to happen to her. I had hoped it was just an effect of her mood... But yeah after that I didn't see them."

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"you will never break us!" Star shouts, love is the strongest power there is and nothing can destroy it! and out friend will realize were gone and they will come for us then you will have to deal with full force of our heard and stuffer under our hoofs!" Star shouts again.


Signature done by @Lunia

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Embers kept walking, he saw star yelling and sat down "come on embers, think!" He rememberd that he had paper in a notebook, he took out a park, folded it into a airplane, and chucked it at the dog, he then ran the other way, around and as it hit him, he lunged at his head

     . +.  |  * . '
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(The third stage of corruption is starting. I decided to change ir from depression to a bad disease)

"Wanderlust, what is Runedawn doing?" Willow actually said something intelligible. Wanderlust thought her craziness was gone, but things were going to get worse. "Ow, my head... Wanderlust, what happened?"


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Steel put his wing around star "relax star please just calm down " steel said "I'd like to spend the time I have left with you " in truth steel was working on an escape plan but he wanted to seemllike he'd given up

Grell shrugged "led the way roxxy " grell said he was unnaturally cheery

Steel put his wing around star "relax star please just calm down " steel said "I'd like to spend the time I have left with you " in truth steel was working on an escape plan but he wanted to seemllike he'd given up

Grell shrugged "led the way roxxy " grell said he was unnaturally cheery

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"you will never break us!" Star shouts, love is the strongest power there is and nothing can destroy it! and out friend will realize were gone and they will come for us then you will have to deal with full force of our heard and stuffer under our hoofs!" Star shouts again.


Embers kept walking, he saw star yelling and sat down "come on embers, think!" He rememberd that he had paper in a notebook, he took out a park, folded it into a airplane, and chucked it at the dog, he then ran the other way, around and as it hit him, he lunged at his head

The alpha paid no mind to the paper airplane and held up a paw it glowed red and the aura caught Embers in the air stopping him floating there. He looked to the seer, "which pony is this?"


"the one who will wield a shard of the sun as his blade."


Rex looked back at the mare who had been yelling, "I break all ponies." with that used the magic to slam Embers into the ground three times, "take him for torture as well and triple the guards at all entrances I don't want any ponies coming into MY den."


Roxxy lead Grell away to the deepest parts of the cave to be locked away alone in the dark.


Cujo gently picked up star and carried her toward the torture chamber, while eight other dogs came in to lead Steel and Embers.

(The third stage of corruption is starting. I decided to change ir from depression to a bad disease)

"Wanderlust, what is Runedawn doing?" Willow actually said something intelligible. Wanderlust thought her craziness was gone, but things were going to get worse. "Ow, my head... Wanderlust, what happened?"

Wanderlust's ears perked up "Willow?" He turn to look at her but with her on his back he only ended up spinning in circles, "are you alright? How do you feel? You were really sick." He finally just sat down so she would slide off his back so he could look at her.

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Star looks at Cujo"why are you being kind to me then other dogs i dont understand?" Star then sees the room"well this is going to hurt" she then looks at Cujo"if you really dont wont to be evil,help us escape,and well i dont know but you have been kind to me and well kindness can never go unrewarded".


Signature done by @Lunia

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Runedawn kept his eyes closed... There was so much happening at once that he could not decide what he had to do. Then he decided that he would do everything... And fast as hell he would. He stepped out of the triangle and walked to his bags that he had left on the side of it. He then grabbed out what looked like an armor. He donned it as quickly as he could. There seemed to be 9 sockets for runes in it. He filled them with a few of the most powerful runes he had.






At the outer sides, he added 'Strength' and 'Stone', giving him an stone-tough skin and the strength of the mountains. 

In the ones after that, he put the runes for 'Speed' and 'Motion', granting him the ability to move at extreme speed with perfect accuracy.

The ones at the sides of the middle were imbued with the powers of 'magic' and 'arcane', making him capable of both defying and controlling magic.

The middle rune socket was filled with the strongest rune in his arsenal. The 'core' rune, connecting him with the spirits of his ancestors, gaining their wisdom and strength. He could hear them speaking to him in his mind. They were all enraged. There was runic magic which was being abused. The ancient traditions had been broken, and someone had to be punished for it...


He then added one last rune to his hammer. The rune resembled 'Runedawn', himself. As long as the rune was socketed and in the hammer, Runedawn could not die, but when someone else had the rune in his hand, he could control Runedawn to his every desire. Runedawn was obviously planning on not making that happen...


He then turned to Wanderlust and Willow. "I will be right back... or not..." After this grim notice, he stood in the triangle again and closed his eyes. The power of the armor was draining his energy drastically. If he'd wear it for too long, he'd die anyway. He had to act quick. He placed 3 runes on the vertexes of the triangle again. The first being 'Heat', the second being 'Force' and the last being 'Control'. He then slowly started to hammer away at the runes on every vertex. All of them, one by one, slowly turning circles as he went... He started to slam faster and harder. The grooves he had dug lit up every time he hit the ground. He was already depleting his strength, but he kept going. Eventually the earth started to quake. Everything was moving. Some of the trees around were starting to fall down the earth below runedawn started to crack. A red-orange light came out of the cracks, slowly growing brighter. Suddendly runedawn stopped his strange ritual and slammed his hammer into the ground with the backside.


An eruption of fire and molten stone flew up high into the sky right underneath runedawn, hiding him from sight for a very short while. When the fire had stop burning as powerful, and the lava had receded back into the ground, there was only a deep pit in the ground. Runedawn was gone.


In the cave where the dogs were hiding and arguing, the earth began to shake...

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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"so roxxy without the runes you could take the on Rex am I right your tough" grell said

Steel watched embers get caught "nice if you to join us embers " steel said as the dogs led them to the cells "cujo your a Big guy can't you beat Rex he seems to use the runes for everything " steel said

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"Really? I dont really remember anything... Was it really bas? Because I know that if an illness is bad enough you can get relapses... How was I sick? Did I worry you, because I would never want to make you worried.." Willow suddenly cried out in pain, and fell to the ground with a thud...


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Embers could feel the blood in his mouth after being slamed a few times "Cowerd! Fight me! Just me, and you! Dont use your stupid sun muderings to save you! FIGHT ME YOU STUPID COW! I DARE YOU!" he shoved at the dogs "Come on! Lemmy go!" He sighed and looked back "I ant gunna hold your stupid sun! You cant make me!"

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"so roxxy without the runes you could take the on Rex am I right your tough" grell said

Steel watched embers get caught "nice if you to join us embers " steel said as the dogs led them to the cells "cujo your a Big guy can't you beat Rex he seems to use the runes for everything " steel said

Roxxy shook her head, her voice was surprisingly light despite her gruff appearance, "Alpha's are always the best warrior in the pack. Any dog may issue a challenge and if he has one supporter then a death circle is formed, the alpha and challenger fight without armor and only with one weapon of their choice. The winner then wears the alpha's armor as the alpha should. The runes only increase his power mad make him able to defend the pack against all threats."


Cujo shook his head, "it's not for the good of the pack that I issue a challenge, if I did no matter the outcome the pack would lose a great warrior and do not under estimate the alpha he fights with a fury unlike I have ever seen."


Star looks at Cujo"why are you being kind to me then other dogs i dont understand?" Star then sees the room"well this is going to hurt" she then looks at Cujo"if you really dont wont to be evil,help us escape,and well i dont know but you have been kind to me and well kindness can never go unrewarded".

Having entered the torture room the dogs went about locking the prisoners into strange and terrifying looking machines, Cujo was tying in Star, "sorry pony I am a kind dog but I am fiercely loyal to my alpha I will do as he said. "But I will not leave these cuffs too tight so they do not hurt you." Cujo left the shackles loose to the point where stars hooves almost slipped out by themselves. "And I know ponies don't like to be underground but we have air straight from the surface, a ventilation cave that is just wide enough for a pony to squeeze into, no dogs ever go in there. It's not considered an entrance or exit." He smiled at Star as he gestured to a barred cave high on the rooms wall.


Then the caves began to shake. "Everyone out and to battle stations." Cujo yelled. the dogs had finished securing Steel and Embers ignoring there yells and challenge and ran from the room all but one wicked looking dog. Cujo glared at him, "I said to leave."


"I am the torture master and this is my station I am not a warrior and you are not my alpha."


Cujo shrugged "your funeral" and turned leaving the room.


Grell stood in front of a large steel box as Roxxy motioned him to enter.

"Really? I dont really remember anything... Was it really bas? Because I know that if an illness is bad enough you can get relapses... How was I sick? Did I worry you, because I would never want to make you worried.." Willow suddenly cried out in pain, and fell to the ground with a thud...

"Yeah, it was really bad. I don't know what it was and I was really worried." Runedawn sudden disappeared into the earth as and then Willow cried out and collapsed, "Willow! Runedawn wait come back!" Wanderlust was at her side checking her breathing and pulse, "Willow! Are you awake? Tell me what's happening?"

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Embers fell down, he was losing blood fast, his mussel was coverd in it, he glared at the dog that was left there "Go die you fat rat, ill die before i let you put me into that...that THING!" Embers started slaming into the wall, losing blood faster "Come here, ill give you a taist of this pony!"

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Star pulls her hoofs out and then go around unlocking Steels and Embers"ok guys there is a air vent we can escape fromits big enough for us to slip through but the dogs are to big to go in there" Star looks at Cujo and wave goodbye and left him note were there were".


Signature done by @Lunia

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