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open Firestorm, the RP

Cerise Hood

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Star smiles then sighs"Steel i dont know why but why do i feel so attached to Cujo the Diamond Dog but i still love you no matter what but is i still can't get over how kind he was to me when we were at the lair" Star then kisses Steel then she wraps he tail around his.

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Steel smiled "it's because he was kind and gentle where the others where cruel" steel said "he's different from the others now you need to rest" steel yawned he was tired to but wouldn't admit it he was stubborn like that "I love you star" steel then kissed her

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While embers had been sleeping, the shard had changed forms into a storm and was buning his side when he woke up "GAHPLABLAGH" He rolled sideways into a wall, then opend his eyes "Gah...Bloody heck?" He looked the the shard and slowly picked it up "Woh...This is a nice sword..." He then looked at his old one and grinned "2 swords are always better then one"


Sapphire got up and stated walking around

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Star smiles"ok and i love you too Steel". Star nuzzles him before going to sleep and when she did fall asleep she started dreaming of what Cujo said about the diamond dogs"no get off you smelly runt" Star said as she rolls around on the ground breathing heavily.

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Embers proped him self up on a wall, he sighed and looked at his new sword, he was happy for star and all...But he still hated steel . He slowly got up and walked outside, wondering if there were any dogs out here, or even a seer.


Sapphire yawned and walked over to grell, then huged him

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steel nuzzled star and whispered in her ear soothing words to hopefully change her dreamscape  

grell smiled at sapphire and hugged her back he watched embers walk out "we should leave as soon as willow and crystal wake up" grell said "you should rest while you can"  

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Sapphire looked at grell "You should to, iv already gotten enuff sleep, thanks though" She looked at steel and star "Any idea what happend? All i saw was one heck of alot of lightning, kinda wierd"


Embers twisted the sword, he felt it as if it was another body part, that he could use just like his arm

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grell shrugged "I don't need much sleep and I don't know about what happened all I know is after it did steel had that armor and that sword so is think it may have something to do with that" grell said as he looked over "hes awake we could ask him what happened with the lightning"

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"Sure" Sapphire smiled and walked over to steel, who was still lying next to star "Er...Steel....What happend out there? You looked like you were in a storm, then you had some nice armour....Soooo...What happend?" Sapphire raised her eyebrows, wondering what happend

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grell followed sapphire to hear what happened

 steel looked at her "I summoned demons bane it my sword and when I did a dark cloud came over me and I was struck by lightning and this armor was the result" steel said "Its enchanted so im sure with this I can fight the alphas of each pack is there anything else you would like to know im an open book" 

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"Hmmm...You still have that demon thing inside you? Good, because the alphas are going to be hard...And I think embers will take down the seers with his new shard sword thingy" Sapphire mudderd to her self "Gah, why so much killing?" She sighed and looked away

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Star dream changes to a happy one after the whole Firestorm problem is fixed"oh yes Steel we do have a wonderful family, one little colt, one little filly and a handsome husband who would protect his family and do everything for them" Star says in her sleep.

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steel nodded "yes the demon still lives inside me" steel said he heard star and smiled "but as long as I keep control we can kill them and save the world" steel said

grell sighed "sapphire we have to kill them no matter how much we don't like it" grell said

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"Mom? Oh, *yawn* wait." After she saw that both Luna and Crystal Flower were asleep, she felt very tired. She nuzzled Luna and settled comfortably in her mane, that was still like silk even tough it looked ruined. Willow thought about if the others were not in any trouble. She ecspecially worried about Star Struck and Sapphire. "They'll be okay.... hopefully." She did not even realize that they were right there. Her vision blurred as she teared up. Crystal and Luna looked so peaceful, both still smiling. She thought about her new nickname. "Pillow. I love it, Mom. Just like I love you. *yawn*" Willow slowly drifted off to sleep, wrapped in Luna's mane with her sister, unaware of what the dogs were planning to do.

Edited by Wind in the Willows
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Wanderlust had been in his own world digging things out of his saddle bag and setting them down or putting them right back into the bag.

He had several bark pencils and maps all splayed out before him as he marked the maps and drew little graphics.  He set aside notes and items that related to each of the area's that the shards were supposed to be in.  Then he shaded certain areas based on where the dogs territories were.

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Embers got a crazy look on his face, then walked back. He walked over to wander and yawned, pulling out new sword on the way there "Hey wander....Soooo, were are we going?" He layed down there, resting his head on his hooves, haveing a hug grin on his smug face.

"Just wondering"

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Embers got a crazy look on his face, then walked back. He walked over to wander and yawned, pulling out new sword on the way there "Hey wander....Soooo, were are we going?" He layed down there, resting his head on his hooves, haveing a hug grin on his smug face.

"Just wondering"

Wanderlust jumped a little he hadn't even noticed Embers coming over, "Oh!  Hey Embers... I'm not even really sure yet.  If what Luna said is right than there are 8 shards and we have 2 already.  Of the 6 left only 2 are even in equestria,"  He pointed at the map at two different places, "Froggy Bottom Bogg and The Cyrstal Empire.  The other ones we'll have to travel pretty far to find and once we're even there we'll have to find out were in the country they landed..."


"What do you think?  Any ideas where we should start?"

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Embers looked at the map "Well, We could always go to the cyrstal empire, no idea what happend to them though" He sighed and put away his sword, then walked over to the map "Also, im kinda scared of them dogs, sure I can take the seers, but im THAT stupid to take em all"

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Wanderlust started hearing a voice in his head. It was Crystal, using her heart healing even in her sleep. "Easy. The Crystal Empire is closest to here, so we start there. Then we systematically work our way down to Froggy Bottom Bog. From there we can go to the Los Pegasus port, and take a boat east to the Griffin Kingdom. If we are lucky, we will land in Loondon, their capital." (Like my pun? Loon is I think a sound a bird makes.)

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Embers looked at the map "Well, We could always go to the cyrstal empire, no idea what happend to them though" He sighed and put away his sword, then walked over to the map "Also, im kinda scared of them dogs, sure I can take the seers, but im THAT stupid to take em all"


"Well don't worry too much about the dogs.  If their is one species I know about... Well actually I know griffons the most," he blushes and stutters a bit, "b-but that is a different story! And I know Diamond Dogs the second most!  They have different territories and each pack stays only in their own land.  We dealt with the Everfree pack and the only other pack that lives in Equeastria is the venom sludge pack.  A bunch of nasty dirty dogs that live in the toxic marshes even beyond the Froggy Bottom Bogg."


Wanderlust started hearing a voice in his head. It was Crystal, using her heart healing even in her sleep. "Easy. The Crystal Empire is closest to here, so we start there. Then we systematically work our way down to Froggy Bottom Bog. From there we can go to the Los Pegasus port, and take a boat east to the Griffin Kingdom. If we are lucky, we will land in Loondon, their capital." (Like my pun? Loon is I think a sound a bird makes.)


Wanderlust's ears twitched and he looked over at the sleeping Crystal, shook his head and looked at embers, "Did you hear that?"

Thinking hard to himself 'Uhh Crystal is that you?  Can you hear me?'

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Embers raised an eyebrow "Oh? You know them the best?" He smiled and looked around "And no...I heard nothing, why?" He looked around, and started walking to a wall "We should get a move on when they wake up, we have a long travle ahead of us, so we might as well start soon"

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Warmth... He felt warmth. That was a feeling that he hadn't felt for a long time.


He thight sky filled with stars was outshined by the large glowing shard that lied in a field of grass. It hat scorched the earth and trees around it and even from the distance he was looking at it he could feel the heat. This was a sunshard, no doubt. The only thing that bothered him was the crystal empire tower that was prominently standing in the distance behind a hill. The cold had come from there, and it might come againd and try to stop him from what he was about to do.


Runedawn had left the group after they had scaled the mountain. He had felt the sunshard, and he knew he had to find it alone. He knew that his friends would be safe, and at the same time distract any dogs from following him. He had traveled all the way to the crystal empire, looking for shards. All he had found was scorched land and burning forests.


But now he was standing in front of what was the legacy of Celestia, and his task in the world. He knew what he had to do to make the shard 'useable' in smithing, but he had to draw a huge circle around it if he wanted to do that.


No longer wearing his armor, he dropped his sack of runes at his feet, and pushed the pointy end of his hammer into the ground. He started to draw a huge circle around the leg length shard that was too hot and bright to get close to. He tried to forget about everything for a while. About his friends, about his ancestors, about the fact that he was insanely close to the origin of most likely all of their problems...




http://arylett-dawnsborough.deviantart.com/art/Runedawn-Earthstriker-430394661 )

Edited by Scribblegroove
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"Well, um, it is me, but only the smart and clever part. The rest is still sleeping. Embers won't here this, though, so don't talk about voices in your head. Anywa-" Her voice was cut off as Crystal returned to her body. She smiled and muttered something, and scooched closer to Willow.

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Warmth... He felt warmth. That was a feeling that he hadn't felt for a long time.


He thight sky filled with stars was outshined by the large glowing shard that lied in a field of grass. It hat scorched the earth and trees around it and even from the distance he was looking at it he could feel the heat. This was a sunshard, no doubt. The only thing that bothered him was the crystal empire tower that was prominently standing in the distance behind a hill. The cold had come from there, and it might come againd and try to stop him from what he was about to do.


Runedawn had left the group after they had scaled the mountain. He had felt the sunshard, and he knew he had to find it alone. He knew that his friends would be safe, and at the same time distract any dogs from following him. He had traveled all the way to the crystal empire, looking for shards. All he had found was scorched land and burning forests.


But now he was standing in front of what was the legacy of Celestia, and his task in the world. He knew what he had to do to make the shard 'useable' in smithing, but he had to draw a huge circle around it if he wanted to do that.


No longer wearing his armor, he dropped his sack of runes at his feet, and pushed the pointy end of his hammer into the ground. He started to draw a huge circle around the leg length shard that was too hot and bright to get close to. He tried to forget about everything for a while. About his friends, about his ancestors, about the fact that he was insanely close to the origin of most likely all of their problems...




http://arylett-dawnsborough.deviantart.com/art/Runedawn-Earthstriker-430394661 )

North Wind stood by the towers open window @ Ice Crystal slept peacefully next to him gently napping.  He sensed something in the air wasn't right.  Something was warm and in his kingdom nothing should be warm.  A glowing light on the horizon caught his eye, like a fire but it's glow was steady.  He stared at it willing himself to see across the distance but all he could tell was that their was somepony at the strange light.  He ran an icy hoof over Ice Crystal's mane, "Sleep tight and deep my princess I will go and investigate this offensive intrusion in our kingdom."



Embers raised an eyebrow "Oh? You know them the best?" He smiled and looked around "And no...I heard nothing, why?" He looked around, and started walking to a wall "We should get a move on when they wake up, we have a long travle ahead of us, so we might as well start soon"

"Well, um, it is me, but only the smart and clever part. The rest is still sleeping. Embers won't here this, though, so don't talk about voices in your head. Anywa-" Her voice was cut off as Crystal returned to her body. She smiled and muttered something, and scooched closer to Willow.

He gave Embers a bit of a glare but it didn't have much anger behind it, "...Yeah...once I was pretty close with them.  And never mind it was probably just the wind in the caves.  You're right of course we should leave soon but I feel bad having to break them up again."  He walked over to the pile of sleeping ponies stretching out a hoof to stroke  Crystal and Willow's manes, "they never cease to amaze me."


As he was about to have his hoof connect Luna's magic shocked him and made him draw back.  In her sleep Luna shifted and pulled the fillies closer to her protectively.  Wanderlust put his stunned hoof in his mouth, "Their mother too!" he chuckled a little.

Edited by Torrent505
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Runedawn had completed the circle. It was now time to welcome the shard to the family. He wanted the shard to feel the same homely feeling as ever ly family, and pull it inside the core, where it would be protected and power the core, making it, and thus the surface, hotter. He had to lure the shard into the core by using the souls of his ancestors. But first... He had to wake them up.


He started to... Dance, or something like that, around the edge of the circle, slamming the ground with his hammer every fourth step. The ground rumbled and he heard voices in his head. He kept striking the earth to wake up his family. "Time for a reunion." He thought. The light of the shard grew brighter, as it had woken up as well...

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