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open Firestorm, the RP

Cerise Hood

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Hexxus was running now, the fire in his canopy was not normal fire and it did not extinguish as easily as normal fire would he had to keep moving and draining more and more water from sections of the swamp as he moved so he could try to fight it and still the dragon kept ripping into his bark. Then he felt it the pony inside him slashing what acted as his uvula and he did the thing any animal would do when it's uvula is bothered, he vomited. The spray of water expelled Embers and many of the gems that had lined his throat, his roots dug deep into the soil but he stopped moving and sprayed water again and again from the hollow that acted as his mouth. The water could no longer flow up and reach his canopy to extinguish the flames, instead the fire built and raged as the seer was stuck in place, unable to fight the fire or even speak as he expelled the water from his mouth.


Wanderlust sputtered from the medicine and was feeling rather violently I'll himself, "guys the tree is puking... And now I think I might puke, is it contagious?"

Edited by Torrent505
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Astrid sighed "he is the tree it won't work the tree died long ago leaving only him the grand seer hexxus" Astrid said as she threw knives and throwing stars at the tree wiling it to die already then she grabbed wander with her magic and held him over the edge to Puke

Grell burst through the tree line and ran in swinging at the tree

Edited by dashian500

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"Uhhhh...Ew...I dont like being coverd in dog puke" He laughed and kissed his new found sword "That you, I think you just saved my life. Lets make sure that both of us live through to see this to the end" He smirked as he looked over at the tree "You just about done yet?"

     . +.  |  * . '
    .* \\_/|\_// + 

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After seeing the Seer "fall" to the fire, the clones began to fade one by one, as the real one appeared from the shadows. "We did it... Ehe... Heh..." he was panting heavily.


Shadow, who was splitting his consciousness between the clones to make them seem more natural, finally had some time to rest and recover, unfortunately for him due to the effects of the Magical Stasis as well as exhausting his energy reserves that rest was not to come in the form of standard sleep, but in the form of true unconsciousness as he fell to the ground just a few meters away from Embers.


(Aaaaand Goodnight!)

Edited by Blissful Chaos
  • Brohoof 1

"Q'sal, a singular, labyrinthine mind composed of a billion conflicting, paradoxical wills. Have you ever seen the swirling Aetherstorms in it's atmosphere? Smelled the shifting perfumes of intrigue upon it's people? Tasted the gluttonous banquets of ambition permeating from the Sorcerer-Technocrats? Heard the exquisite lies and thoughts of an unknowable population? No Slaaneshi pleasure I have indulged in comes close to that feeling, only in the embrace of Apotheosis could one aspire to find anything greater."

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Luna looked at the Deer and smiled kindly, "it's true the tree is gone, I saw Wanderlust trying to use nature magic to stop it and it barely twitched. It was a strong tree though, it took over a millennia for the Seer to kill it with his poisons..." She glared down as the burning tree.


The top of the tree was nothing but charred ruin, all the branches that had been hanging Willow vines were gone now. The roots were buried deep in the now dry and cracked soil, the bases of them twitched but seer didn't have the strength to pull them free of the solid soil, it was so different from the easily shifted loose wet soil of a normal swamp. The hollow that was his mouth leaked a thick slime from one side, his left eye empty of it's shattered gem, while the right eye a giant ruby gleamed with a deep hatred, he spoke his voice slurred and broken "I'll never be done pony, you may have ruined me but I'll regrow and be back stronger than before. I'll come when you least expect it and slaughter you all in your sleep."


(Night chaos! See you tomorrow! We can finally start doing character introductions haha)


Wanderlust shifted and groaned pitifully, he then clenched his stomach and vomited onto Steels dragon scales. Luna raised an eyebrow while ignoring the threats of the tree below, "is he going to be okay? What happened to him?"

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Embers laughed "Cool, I always thought dieing in my sleep would be a nice way to die" He smiled as he walked over and picked up the pony who had helped him fight, and dragged him a little bit away before hefting him over his shoulder. He walked over to the willow and looked at it "But I already know where mad dog is, so I dont need to talk you  anymore"

     . +.  |  * . '
    .* \\_/|\_// + 

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Steel shot more fire at the tree this time at the trunk he didn't stop he moved the fire up and down the tree doing as much damage as he could Astrid had stoops growing knives steel was slowly losing power and control over spawn if he didn't stop soon he would lose his soul

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"I can see why he despises you pony," the tree's voice was full of venom, "seek him out go ahead and suffer his wrath and if I catch I'll remember to kill you in th-" his threatening speech was cut off as the trunk was bathed in flame from Steel and he began to scream. It wasn't but a moment or two before the screaming also stopped and a large crack was heard as half the tree toppled leaving only a smoking malformed stump.

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Embers laughed "Guess you died too soon to kill me while im sleeping, see you later" He said with a sheepish grin "Also, tell him that he owes me a new coat and a few years worth of...work..." Embers slowly turned around and squinted at steel "Is that you steel? Is that really you?"

     . +.  |  * . '
    .* \\_/|\_// + 

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Steel landed and shifted back and collapsed he didn't even wait for Anypony to get off so they just fell the few feet to the ground ((hey could we ship steel and Luna I think it would be an awesome element on the story if not that's okay bit I think it's a great idea ))

  • Brohoof 1

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lawleit pronounced law le it

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She listened to Luna and sighed "He will be fine. The sickness will be over soon and it'll be like it never happened."


Whisper silently nursed her leg and sat. Watching as the tree croaked its final breath. As soon as Steel landed she had leapt from his back and landed softly by Embers, making sure she kept weight off her foreleg. She grimaced when Steel collapsed and hoped everypony was alright.

Edited by RunsWithSquirlz
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Embers looked around at the new ponys "Well whadda you know, more help killing the goddy seers" He said with a sad smile as he also sat down "Guess we will be camping here for the night, We should all say hello tomoroo, I need to know who the heck you ponys are"


(Night guys :P)

     . +.  |  * . '
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(You mean you haven't noticed that I was trying to shift things that way since Lighting Split left the RP? Luna likes Steel already but he's always been too distant and hasn't liked her daughters. Now she thinks he's not interested in her, romance or family :P it's up to you to fix that haha also you'll have to get on Willows and Melody's good side which could be even harder ;) ) (Night Frozen!)


Luna quickly went to Steel's side and checked to see that he was okay, she saw Grell over by the tree, "Grell can you come over here and check Steel and the others? They are a little hurt, I think it's just exhaustion but they could be suffering from poisons..." She looked about and called to Sapphire and the Deer, "Sapphire, um... Miss Deer could you help me look for my fillies? I need to find them, they have to be close by, I'm really worried they might be hurt..."

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Sapphire nodded "They look fine...Grell has told me a few things, I would ask him though" She said with a shrug


Embers smiled as he looked down at his new sword "Hey, The other ponys might think i am crazy, but I dont much care. Thank you, you will help me finish what I have been working on" He said with a laugh

     . +.  |  * . '
    .* \\_/|\_// + 

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"Whisper, princess. Whisper Woods" she approached her "Wanderlust should stop the vomiting and enter into a quick fever then chill. Afterwords he'll be okay. May I ask what your fillies answer to? I'm sure I could find them quickly for you". She worried about those fillies, especially with what had happened around her so quickly.

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Steel was out

Grell walked over and began to cheek out steel he gave him a good cheek "it seems he's just used all his energy" grell said

Them he walked over to the deer "I'm grell the group healer my I take a look" grell Said offering to look at her foreleg and help her

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Luna smiled at the deer, "It is good to meet you Whisper Woods, thank you very much for your help. My daughters are Willow and Melody." Then she added as an after thought, "and thank you for for helping the vagabond, one mad pony is more than enough for this group and despite his wytchcraft he does bring a certain calmness to the group... and my fillies do seem quite attached to him." She looked over the now sleeping Earth pony with a bit of vomit on his chin, "I can't understand why." She turned and headed into the swamp calling for Willow and Melody.

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"Thank you Grell, I must've hurt myself when I was on the dragon..." She lifted her leg gingerly for him to examine " I couldn't bring all my stuff. My home was on fire...".


She blinked back tears and sighed looking over at Wanderlust. She remembered him now, they had been younger and he not as dirty but she knew him. She knew what his "wytchcraft" really was. It was magic of her kind. When Grell was finished with her leg, she thanked him and went to Wanderlust. Kneeling down she poured some water from a flask to clean his face. She left the flask of water next to him and got up.


"I can see why those fillies like you from what I remember, though it may be little..."she paused"You will want something to drink when you wake up, my friend" her young voice said.


Remembering her task at hoof, Whispers tail twitched and she turned to run off into the swamp, calling out the childrens name.

Edited by RunsWithSquirlz
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Steel woke up and hearing Luna calling for her daughters he took flight and began calling for them as well

Grell sighed and sat down he fine his job he wasn't much fir fighting but he could heal and deal with sprits that was his thing (( just remembered that grell and sapphire have familiars))

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lawleit pronounced law le it

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Melody clung to Willow, who had been standing, paralyzed, as the Grand Seer Hexxus was defeated and his long dead tree crashed to the ground. The extreme use of magic left her unable to move, and she stood in horror. "Don't worry Melody, its okay now." Willow slowly limped to Luna, the pain from the cuts in her leg that Astrid made was a lot worse now. "Mom? Are you okay?"


(I was gone for a FEW hours and NOW??? 4 WHOLE PAGES! WAY TO GO, GUYS!)


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Grell seen the fillies he remembered the fight between Astrid and willow he install grabbed her with his magic pulling her free if the muck he brought her close and examined the cuts "this is bad very bad okay we need to get out if here quick " grell said "I need a clean environment to work on her legs" grell said

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Melody clung to Willow, who had been standing, paralyzed, as the Grand Seer Hexxus was defeated and his long dead tree crashed to the ground. The extreme use of magic left her unable to move, and she stood in horror. "Don't worry Melody, its okay now." Willow slowly limped to Luna, the pain from the cuts in her leg that Astrid made was a lot worse now. "Mom? Are you okay?"

(I was gone for a FEW hours and NOW??? 4 WHOLE PAGES! WAY TO GO, GUYS!)

(Yup it was quite a lot :P and a lot of fun wanted to save the end long enough to let Willow use that awesome fire but we'll have to save it for later :) )


"WILLOW!! MELODY!!" Luna cried out and ran to them sweeping them both up in her forehooves, "I'm fine, are you both okay? I could find you and thought the explosion" She didn't even finish the thought and kissed them both on the forehead.


When Grell was suddenly beside her and looking over Willow's cuts, she asked, "what happened? What's going on?"

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Candela had been watching from the canopy, covering her face with her hooves when the Alpha exploded. She knew that the gas would combust and explode, but she still was not quite prepared for the sheer intensity. She was on the verge of tears when she saw what had happened to Princess Luna and the fillies, and breathed a sigh of relief when they were alright again.


Still, she did not come out of hiding, as her shyness and fear that something was still waiting to attack prevented her from doing so. Instead, she observed the fillies closely. The older one seemed annoyed and in pain, and the younger ones was ion the verge of tears. Candela whispered to herself. "No, little filly. Please do not cry."

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Steel heard the whisper and slowly flew over hoping to not scare the mare "umm hello" steel said trying to sound friendly chances are she had seen h turn into the dragon or had seen him change back from the dragon form "don't be

Scared I work for Luna I'm her personal guard" steel said

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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