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open Firestorm, the RP

Cerise Hood

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Embers looked at her "Mmmmm" He said as he picked up some more dirt and ate it "Did you know....That dirt tastes like CHICKEN?" He said with a laugh "Really though,  All this happend " He pointed at the stars "Cus are 1 and only overlord got sick, AND DIED! JUST LIKE THE REST OF US! Or for me, my brain died" He said as he ate somor dirt

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Steel seen them he walked over to embers "ignore him he's acting insane although we're pretty sure he's not but something happened to celestia we're not sure what and now we're trying to fix the sun" steel said "if you'd like to help just follow me to the others"

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Candela heard the snap of branches and shrieked; the sound seemed to have come from not far to the right of her. The noise rang out and struck the clearing, the group would have almost certainly heard the loud, high-pitched noise. Candela's horn shimmered and she teleported into shallow swamp water accidently, right behind the group. "Oh, no."

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She looked how that stallion, Embers(?) ,was eating dirt,and he said that he hadn't a brain...

"Er...yeah!...it tastes like chicken..."

Great...the first survivor i talk,and it ends liking dirt...

"So i need to translate that to myself...Celestia died,so the sun exploded,right?"

She looked at the sky and noticed that the sun was missing...

We're screwed...



"Yes!I'll try!..."

Well...at least somepony here have the control...

Edited by Lightwing
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She stood up and stretched out one long hind-leg. "Hi, Astrid. We met on the uh..."she chuckled "...dragon." Whisper cocked her head to the side while looking at Astrid "My name is Whisper Woods. Whisper is 'kay. You were pretty cool with those daggers up there" her tail waggled.

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Embers laughed as he glared at steel "Oy, shaddup, Let me have my fun" He sighed as he stuck his sword into the ground "Really though, I do have voices in my head" He said with a sniccer "Saddly....Not everypony is like me and can have as much fun living as me, oh well, shucks"

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The sword whispered again in Embers head as he chewed the dirt, "Y-y-you're letting the worms get a-a-away! They're the best-t part!" Her focus seemed to lock on to this new pony, "a-a-are we trying to scare her away?! I can be really scary as-s-s a sword!" She seemed to shake, vibrating the sword in the ground where it had been stuck.

Edited by Torrent505
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Embers looked at his sword "No, we arnt trying to scare her away....Fine, screw my act" He sighed as he offerd out his whoof "My name is embers, and no, im not really that crazy" He said with a sad smiled "Guess I just act that way ever sense....I lost somepony, somepony very close" He said as he looked up

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Steel nodded "alright then follow me and embers stop eating dirt" steel said

Grell heard the shrike then he felt the water displace he turned and seen the unicorn "well hello there I'm grell who are you"grell asked seeming very friendly

Astrid smiled "thanks my daddy thought me how to use them mad that dragons really a pony his name is steel that's my daddy" Astrid said

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She looked at the sword,and,for some strange reason,she could feel a spirit inside the sword,but nothing more...

"Oh...sorry for that... :(

And don't worry for that.Sometimes i can be that crazy,or even more"

*She took his hoof and shaked it*

"It's a pleasure to meet you!"


Although she wanted to stay relaxed,she couldn't avoid that strange feeling that Embers's Sword was giving to her

Maybe is am intelligent weapon....but better to leave that for him...

She smiled again at Embers

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Embers smiled back "If your wondering about my sword, it speaks to me, cool, huh? Also, it has a soul in it" He turned and pointed at the group "Were kinda a freak show, ponys who are gods and know how to speak to dead souls" He said with a sigh "Its kinda nice though, hard to die here...Need any food or water? We have plenty..."

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"That's pretty cool for a little filly. Filly right? Sometimes I screw up with pony lingo. Astrid is a wonderful name. The flowers would bloom right around my home every year, they were a beautiful pink and had a very fresh crisp taste." Whisper nudged her gently with her nose. "it would be very scary for me if I had a fawn and these things happened, but your father must be proud"

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Wanderlust was looking around and watching the group as two more ponies seemed to just appear to join them, he smiled it was good, he thought maybe it wouldn't be too long before they could rebuild Equestria... Well after they got the sun shards and put a sun back in the sky.


Then he caught sight of something that made his heart skip a beat and twist in his chest, his eyes going wide like a deer in headlights, which must have been appropriate since the sight was of Astrid talking with a Deer, a deer he remembered. He barely suppressed a yelp, his mind racing and told him he had to still be hallucinating. But he didn't care if it was real or not, he didn't want to react to this deer didn't want to think about her. He turned taking only a second to find a path toward the forest and started to run, it was what he did best after all right? Always running away...

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She looked again at the sword...

"So,the sword has a soul...that explains how i could felt it..."

She looked again at Embers

"You said that on your group there were gods who could talk with the dead sould,right?My special talent is the sensation.Basically,i can read and understand anypony,or any creature,simply looking at his face...but,from what it seems,i can feel souls too...And all that without being a unicorn :P "

"May I join your...quest(?)?I wanna to find answers too"

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Embers shrugged "Sure, I dont see why not, we need all the ponys we can get" He smiled "Guess Ill have to wear a bandana around you so you cant see my crazyness" He said with a smiled "Mmmmm....Yeah, this is a really weird group" He said with a grin as he looked around

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Candela backed away deeper into the water, lowering her head. "Oh, I am so very sorry. I- I did not mean to interfere. I was just-" Candela could not bear to tell a lie, and her parents had ingrained it into her over the years. "I- I was just- watching." Candela backed away farther, her golden mane and tail were soiled.

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Embers smiled back "If your wondering about my sword, it speaks to me, cool, huh? Also, it has a soul in it" He turned and pointed at the group "Were kinda a freak show, ponys who are gods and know how to speak to dead souls" He said with a sigh "Its kinda nice though, hard to die here...Need any food or water? We have plenty..."

"H-h-hey! Speak f-f-for yourself, you ponies are a f-f-freak show! I'm a magnificent work of art-t-t and craft-t-tmanship!" The sword yelled in Embers head with a bit of a huffy angry voice. She wasn't even sure if she was the sword with the energy of her former wielder or the soul of her former wielder but it seemed like she was the soul and that much made her happy.

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Astrid smiled "yay he is at least I think he is " Astrid said "I could teach you something you dot seem like you know how to fight" Astrid said

Steel walked away leaving the two to talk as he walked he seen the other new pony he sighed to many new ponies his head began to hurt

Grell smiled and stepped forward "it's okay are you Hungry or thirsty" grell asked

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She looked at all the ponies who were near them...

"Trust me,i knew crazier one.One time,i've met a dragon knight,a pony who could ride a dragon at his orders,and he gave me this..."

She suddenly shows a red ribbon

"That's like...my luck amulet.He gave me this,and i gave him a blue ribbon,as a memento to always remember each other...but the problem..."

She dropped a tear

"Is that...maybe he's dead...after this cataclysm,maybe he's dead..."

When she ended talking,she cleaned her face,and tried to smile again

"And about me,don't worry!

I can help you all too on your quest!"

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Embers tilted his head "Cool, I think we need it, I fliping hate the dogs they call seers, this one seer called mad dog...Gah, I wanna tear his head off" He said with a sigh as he looked at the ground "Sooo...Yeah, thats are story, glad you could join us. Need anything? Just ask me"

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"That would be super cool of you Astrid" she smiled down at the little filly.




  Whisper had seen Wanderlust catching a view of her and judging by his reaction, he remembered her. It pulled at her heart for him to run away from her again, like she was a plague. Her ears flattened and she thought. Maybe I should leave him alone. If I leave he'll be able to tell and maybe he could rejoin this group, it'd be much safer this way. Besides, I need to travel farther north and find out if my kind still lives..




She nudged Astrid once more " Well, little flower I'm going to go take a bit of run to stretch these twigs of mine. I'll see you in a few 'kay?".


Whisper turned and strode off into some dried-up brush.

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Embers tilted his head "Cool, I think we need it, I fliping hate the dogs they call seers, this one seer called mad dog...Gah, I wanna tear his head off" He said with a sigh as he looked at the ground "Sooo...Yeah, thats are story, glad you could join us. Need anything? Just ask me"

"Ughhhhh...please...no more dogs.I hate them since one of them tried to break my wings : angry: "

She looked again at the sword

"Can i ask you something?You don't need to answer,but...here it comes...

What's exactly that sword?I've seen lots of swords through my life,bug i've never seen anything of that craftmaship...

And it's materials..i can see that they're not common ones...and for last,that soul..."

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Embers grinned "Dont worry, we all hate the dogs also.." He said as he looked down at the sword "Huh? The sword? Something is magic about it...I dont really know, but the dog i...I...." He studderd "The dog I killed to take this sword from kinda lives in it" He said with a sigh "I hate killing"

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"Do you hate killing?Wow...i've never thinked that of you after your show of how much you hate the dogs... ^_^ "

She looked at the other ponies,and how they were talking to each other

"Could...could you tell me their names?If i have to talk with them too,is better to know their names,don't you think?"

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"I-I-I don't hate dogs! I like d-d-dogs... Kinda... But-t I like killing... W-w-well eating... But eat-t-ting an killing are the same for me now!" The sword berated Embers in his head. "And-d this sword is a legendary weapon-n... I've owned it since Hexxus was not a t-tree! It had no soul in her when I owned it though!"

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