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open Firestorm, the RP

Cerise Hood

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《Mom?》"Mom!? Mom!?" Their voices were choked with tears. "Stop! Stop that! You will never get Mom! Not after all this! Go away!" 《Mom!?》 With a high-pitched tone, they both shrieked for that evil spirit to leave Luna alone. "What do you want with us!? Why won't you just leave us alone!?"


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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North a Wind could no longer speak through the princesses mouth he was solely focused on the cold on her heart, but he heard the little fillies cries and pleas. The made him grin and force his magic more urging her heart to stop forever. He didn't need to speak anymore to get his message across, he wanted them hurt and he wanted them gone. He wanted them to give up and run away. They would never do that with the princess to guide them, so here and now he would kill her.




Wanderlust rushed forward when the princess collapsed he help the girls catch her and tried to figure out what was happening, her pulse was erratic and slowing. He yelled for the girls to give him some room and start to try and give chest compressions to try and keep her heart beating. He looked to Grell everything seemed to be moving in slow motion, "can't you do something? Her heart's stopping, use magic? Something? We have to be able to do something..."

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Blinding light enveloped Luna and gently pushed Wanderlust away. A booming voice filled the cavern; <We cannot do much more. The universe has its own way of doing things; you must hurry.> Heat surged through Luna's body, fighting the cold. "Mom!? Mom!?" 《What is happening? 》The Princesses' parents fought harder, trying to purge the cold from Luna's body.


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Embers walks over, and grabbed his backpack, he started walking away, but turned back to talk to himself "Hah, They dont need me...Nobuddy does...The only one the MIGHT is...willow...but now she has the others...." He sighed and turned away, he could hear luna scream, but he didnt care anymore.

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That was when North Wind felt something else, something primal and hot push at him trying to burn the cold out of the princess. It was the two creators, the 'parents' of the princesses. He was no longer just angry and afraid; he felt a cold merciless rage and hatred for the creators. He knew what they were, they were the ones that had stolen everything from him to begin with. Before them everything had been dark and cold; an endless vacuum of absolute Zero in temperature. Heat and light didn't even exist until they had created the concept and destroyed his perfect existence his perfect universe.


He hated these two gods more than anything, it was pure and ancient spite that flared to life as his cold fought their warmth. He was older than even them, he knew this now, but he had never had a name before. When they had made the universe they had also made him, their unwanted brother, born of the old remains of what had come before. Now he was awake, now he had a name because they were weak and had failed to protect their world; he would gain power from here and spread across creation extinguishing every light and all heat, returning this universe that they had stolen back to a perfect absolute zero.


He whispered all this to the two gods of creation as they tried to push him from the princesses heart, and he was on the edge of being pushed free of her but his claws were dug in deep. One jolt of magic from an outside source and he would release her but he was ready to crush her heart if he was forced from it. No matter what happened he would not let this princess live, he would teach the gods a lesson for underestimating what they had disturbed so long ago.

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(Is Google seriously looking at our humble RP? Because at the bottom it says 'Google (1)' where it lists the people looking at the thread.)


<North Wind. Stop this. You know that your 'princess' is really an immature child, not much older than Melody here. You corrupted her and led her onto a path of evil. Now you serve her?> Both Melody and Willow were shocked. "Child? How could a child control some evil ghost pony thing?" 《You probably forced her! Forced her to do what you want! And then act like she wanted it it all along!》


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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(I see what I assume is the google plus symbol though I don't know why it has a 1 by it; also I'm on my iPad so I don't see everything the same as you guys. But I guess it's possible somebody linked the RP to something, fun to think it could happen :P )


North Wind growled mentally responding that he didn't need to force her, all of the gods pathetic creatures wanted power and feared death all they need was a subtle push and they bowed to him, they saw the world the way he saw it. As the clear cold harsh reality that death would one day claim them and their body would cool and turn to dust. His princess would grow and learn, they're princesses had once been young and foolish but his was better he would make sure she wasn't flawed by compassion or love. She could control cold and control him but her mind was his she was his protege and as long as she thought like him, he would serve her the universe on a platter.


*I'll never stop. Not until I take back what's mine. Not until everything you created lays cold and motionless* he whispers to the gods through the fillies heads! though he now ignores the girls completely.

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"No! Nothing like that should happen! Nothing deserves that! Why would you want for everything to be gone? Dead? Your 'princess' surely doesn't want everypony gone either!" <What point is a world without life? We shaped this universe only to hopefully be a home for life. We were lucky.> "Mom, just a little more! You can't go! Not after Princess Celestia! Just a little longer! Whatever is inside you, I promise we will get it out!"


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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As embers walked, he sung. He had a huge grin on his face, he couldnt walk very fast though, due to his left leg still being broke. He swung his sword around, smiling, and looked at his book at he went. He could now finally get away, back to those he loved.


Sapphire slowly walked back, amazed by the true power that was going on, trying to find some way to help

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Embers smiled, now that everypony was around lunu, he could make his move. As he walked, he took out his note book, and looked back at what he had written. He smiled as it talked about him and steel, how grell still didint think he owed grell anything, and willow...He stoped

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North Wind snorted and mentally responded to the two creators, "your world is the monstrous one, motion, energy, life, they are pain and suffering. They can only end in death and stillness; my way claims everyone eventually. My universe was perfect, there was no suffering, no death, no life, no struggle, it was nothing but perfect."


He felt Grell's spell, with it and the power of the two creators he could not stand against them. The ice was being forced out. He had one last trick though, "let me showed you the suffering your universe brings on all things!" As his cold grip was expelled he dragged icy spikes through Luna's insides, tearing her heart with three harsh gashes.


Luna exhaled a mist of ice and snow as North Winds spell broke. Then she began to cough up blood, collapsing against the fillies. A voice floated to them from the icy mist, "you shouldn't trust those 'creators' girls, this is what they want for you and all things they create. To live only to suffer and die; when you understand seek me out. Embrace my future and I'll free you from pain and suffering, even death. You and everything else will have endless bliss in my arms and the service of my princess."



(And now for something completely different :P )


Alpha Filth waded through a waist deep thick goo toward the center of the Toxic Venom den. Unlike most Diamond Dogs their den was on the surface, it was impossible to dig a lasting tunnel in the mud; not that it stopped them from digging around in the polluted muck and wallowing in it, but they slept on the surface, deep in the center of the swamp.


The air was hot, humid and fetid; smelling like old sock that had been soaking in vomit. Alpha Filth breathed in deeply relishing the smell, he leaned his head down sticking out his tongue and lapping up some of the goo and giving a pleased murmur as the warm syrup thick water oozed down his throat. (I refuse to describe the taste). He always felt that the water had more taste around the seers tree, it was also more slimy and yet chunky too.


Just ahead was the Seers pit, a depression in the ground with a tree at it's center, a tangled carpet of roots formed the pits floor. They seems to soak up all the polluted water that touched it so no waste entered the pit. Alpha Filth climbed out of the water and on to the roots, walking down the slight slope toward the tree in which the seer made his home and never left.


It had once been a willow tree, but now it was something else. The tree looked rotten, diseased and mutated, the classic willow tree branches hung brown and slime covered. Alpha Filth avoid them and any stray drops that dripped steadily from them. The gooey pollutants burned even his flesh, the alpha of the toxic venom pack, and he was still vulnerable to its poisons.


He kept his eyes lowered as he approached the trunk of the tree, the seer did not like when others looked at him. Alpha Filth's voice was phlegmy and congested like he was speaking with a stuffy nose and a bad cold, "Master Hexxus our scouts have reported back. It seems the Everfree pack was not lying; all of our hunting pack but one died in the first contact. They are a powerful herd of ponies and our scouts gathered that they have made contact with Princess Luna."


The seers voice was not sickly, it was clear, strong, seductive even, "Princess Luna you say? Hmmm, how I'd like to get my hands on her flank... And drowned her in the sludge at the edge of my roots. But I guess that is besides the point, revenge is a side dish compared to god hood. And what of the sun shard that landed at our doorstep in Froggy Bottom Bogg?"


Filth gave a stuffy reply "I've ordered our most elite dogs to go and retrieve it but they are facing some resistance, but-" he was cut off as a gnarled claw reached out and stroked his cheek and he barely contained a whimper as the slime it left behind burned into his cheek.


"Mmmmmm Filth, no need to go on. It's always more fun when a struggle is involved don't you agree?" Seer Hexxus didn't wait for his response, "see to it the dogs that survive to recover the shard bring it to my pit. If what seer Mad Dog has told me is true, it will bring the herd and there delicious little fillies straight to me." A cackle came from the trees branches above before devolving into a coughing fit that would make life long smokers cringe, "first a shard of the sun, then the power of gods, then revenge and the world is mine. Can't you see it Filth? A world covered in grime and waste, our swamp spread across all Equestria, it will be beautiful, it will be mine."

  • Brohoof 1
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That was the last straw. Both released immense amounts of power in a split second. Blinding light and searing heat filled the cave, and even in the city above buildings crumbled when the shockwave hit them. Far across the ocean, a thin layer of water evaporated away. The heat, though, didn't seem to affect anypony except for North Wind. <They are getting better... that was a glimpse of Celestia's true power. If she was still here, I'm sure Celestia would have been proud. Very, very proud.> North Wind was exposed to temperature equal to that of the sun....


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Suddenly North Wind only existed in the Crystal Empire, all across the world the small bits of his power that he had spread were blasted away by a comforting warmth. No creature would recognize what it was that had happened, but all gave a slight shiver as if they had been cold only seconds before.


It left him momentarily blinded to the rest of the world and the struggles of all the life that would in time serve his princess. Across the Crystal Empire ice creations that he and the princess had made melted or collapsed. He could swear he felt part of the ice castle collapse, the damage the fillies had done to him was great but he felt good.


The ice would spread again, his power would return and he and the princess would rebuild the kingdom and any ice ponies that had been damaged. He more regretted the loss of Ironhearted, he had been a useful pawn and North Wind had lost a part of himself in destroying him as well as two of the strongest ice ponies he had made so far.


But what he had done and gained far out weighed what he had spent and lost. He had killed Princess Luna and told off the gods of creation. He had planted the seeds of pain in the fillies' hearts and would continue to see them grow until the fillies broke.


He heard Ice Crystal calling for him, screaming and crying over what had happened to her Kingdom. He went to calm her, she would enjoy news of the princesses death and be happy over Ironhearted's selfless commitment to serve her even at the cost of his own life. She might be subdued over losing him but it wouldn't last, she would have too much fun rebuilding what the heat flash had destroyed.


As he drifted towards her, he thought of the one thing he had only just discovered and that he would have to deal with once he gained back his strength; a small burned but alive baby dragon crying as he clutched a jar of ashes. He wanted to confirm that all the princesses were in deed now dead.




Luna coughed up more blood, squeezing her girls tighter in their hug, she managed three gargled words through her bloody mouth, "Willow, Melody, Love." Her eyes closed and the hug went limp.

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Come on! I don't want Princess Luna to die! Isn't that pushing it a bit too far?


"Mom...?" Melody slumped against the wall and closed her eyes, breathing heavily. 《Please... *pant*》 "Mom!?" Willow blasted away blood with magic, and hugged Luna. "Mom!? Mom!? What happened!? Are you okay!? Mom!?"


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Steel collapsed and in a rare show of true emotion he cried but that crying subsided quickly "I have failed" he whispered he stood and walked away pulling out his dagger


Grell growled "nooooo it's not her time!" Grell yelled his body went black and his eyes white as power flowed his body and he charged the spell he cast it on Luna and they both rose into the air as he healed Luna completely light wrapped around her and seemed to come from grell

Edited by dashian500

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Embers laughed. He could feel something around him changing, something in the air. "Most likely those god fillys...bahahahah" He laughed as he walked, a crazed grin on his face. He kept walking, kept singing, and kept talking to him self. He had never done this...it felt...good




Sapphire stared at luna "Oh my gods...What the buck is going on?" She said as her eyes grew huge

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Luna's soul had drifted free of her body, she had been so angry that she was leaving her daughters behind but it had been soothing to be with them and holding them as she had passed, she had been so afraid. She had lived for millennia, death had always seemed so distant; even when Celestia had died and released the firestorm, she had been scared that everything else would die, she hadn't thought for a second that she would. But since it had happened it had come with a kind of peace, a knowledge that she had died for a reason, that everything would be okay, that Willow and Melody would always remember and love her but also remember the moment their mother had passed and it would help them grow strong, help them always fight back against any evil they faced. That one day they might become princesses themselves and lead Equestria even better than she and Celestia had.


That had made it alright, had made her content to leave this world for the next one, to follow her Sister to peace. Then she felt something grab her hindhoof and drag her spirit backwards away from the entrance to what comes after. It was a tendril of white light leading back to her body. Next to her body she saw a spectral image of the Unicorn Grell and the white light came from him. She called out to him, her voice was calm more curious sounding than alarmed, "what are you doing? I'm at peace, I'm supposed to be dead. What are you doing?"

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Embers kicked a can around, laughing as he did. He had lost something back there, and he was thinking it was his sanity. His eyes rolled back as he walked, and he pulled out his sword "Hmmmm...Mmmmm" He put it back and looked around the place he was. He was slowly walking into a swamp. He yawned and took out his book, he then sat down and started wrighting. 

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Grell couldn't speak and didn't need to the book of death, which holds the names of all ponies and when they are to die appeared before him and opened to Luna's page and where her life's end should be it said BDD it glew over to Luna answering her question the last of the light flew into Luna and grell fell to the ground his coat back to its normal white but his hornbeam black and burned

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Willow was too overly sad to notice anything. All that mattered now was her and Melody. She felt Luna's heart stop. She knew she was dead. All she wanted was to huddle up next to her sister and sleep until they, too died. He vision was blurred and she could barely breathe. They already lost Princess Celestia, and now... this?

  • Brohoof 1


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Luna was back in her body, she felt like her lungs were on fire and was confused for a moment before she realized she needed to breathe again. She took in a deep gasping breath and open her eyes slightly. Everyone had heard the gasping breath and were staring at her, she tried to smile but didn't even have the strength for that, she just laid there. She was as shocked as the others were, she had been dead. She spoke her voice trembling, "well that was even less fun than my exile on the moon." She felt tears fill her eyes.

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Embers yawned as he kept walking, He looked up at the stars and wonderd how this group of ponys had been left alive. He then slaped himself, knowing to shup up. He felt something moving around him, almost like the swamp was alive. He looked around and stopped


Sapphire ran over to luna "Oh my gosh! Are you..." Her gaze turned to grell 


(Next post is 1700 :o)

Edited by ForeverFrozen

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