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"Well this is strange, what happen anyways and shouldn't the doc be helping him," I look in the room and see a machine for coma patients. "Oh you were out, well welcome back." The wolf looks up at me with the face of 'I'm going to kill you' "Hi chill, the docs should be handling this not me!"

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@@arkman575@@Doc. Volt@@Wolf Smith,

Shamrock was a little lost at what just happen. And it gave her a headache. After some random alicorn came out of nowhere, then Volt stabbed himself aftr he was acting like he was being taken over by another being inside of him. Her head was really pounding now. The doctors picked up Volt and took him to the ER. And Shamrock took out her flask again and took a longer drink. "I'm going back to the bar, I miss Ami." With that said she head for the front door and made a beeline for the bar.



((And if you want to know how to mention someone, you highlight any word of the person you want to mention. A little box will pop up then you click the one that says [@Mention].))

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After Seth finished his makeshift patchwork with Volt, a pair of doctors took the wounded pony and took him to his new residence. Finishing a heated debate with the head doc, Seth was persuaded to return to his room for some much needed rest. Frankly, he didn't have mush of a choice, it was a one way conversation for the chief surgeon. 

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Ambiance was sitting, waiting for minutes on end, reminiscing about the terrible, traumatic day she had experienced.

She shivered.

The power goes out.

A feeling of tension overwhelmed her in the lightless tavern, and she stepped outside.

To her surprise, it was pitch black, the power for all of Ponyville was out.


She stared, eyes wide, sitting in the middle of the street, as she stared at the night sky.

It was beautiful.


This sig was made by applegearrising  ~Love you <3 <3~

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Shamrock didn't a expect anything like this to happen on her vacation in a small town like Ponyville. But at least it wasn't boring. As she made her way back to the bar she could see a pony sitting in the street looking up at the sky. She looks up herself and saw the breath taking sight of the night sky. She looks back to the pony and could see it was Ambiance. A big smile made it's way back on Shamy's face. "Ami!" She ran up to her and pulled her into a big hug.

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Ambiance continued to stare into the infinite night.

Her ears perked when she heard a familiar voice. She smiled at the sight of Shamrock.

Before she could say a word, she was given a very tight hug.She

had been through so much today. Stress, fear, sadness, terror. It didn't matter, though.

In this mares arms she could do nothing but smile.
She felt genuinely happy, something she couldn't say for the longest time.


This sig was made by applegearrising  ~Love you <3 <3~

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Shamrock lightly nuzzles Ambiance's neck. "I'm really glad to see you, Ami. This day was just off the rocker. But don't worry I got Seth to the hospital in time. He's doing dandy. But that Pegasus Volt showed up and started shouting for him. I was going to take care of him but the crazy bastard stabbed himself in the chest. The the doctors took him to the ER. I don't care how he's doing. And there was the alicorn. But enough about that. I'm just really happy to see you." She nuzzles her again.

Edited by Gloomfury
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@@arkman575, @@Wolf Smith,

Volt woke up in a cold white room


"wh.. where am i wh what happened???"


he tried to move away but his chest hurted really too much, he then saw the bandage


"w..what they hey... what happened? is anypony there? why there is everything so dark here?"


he tried to reach the light switch but it didn't work, he pressed it again releasing a small spark of electricty and the light turned on

"... am i in an hosptial?"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Ambiance continued to enjoy Shamrock's embrace.

Normally, she would be worried about Seth, even about that insane pegasus.

But, something about Shamrock, her voice. Ambiance felt calm just by hearing her.

Why? Why does she trust her so much. Why does she calm her down like this? Why does she trust anypony so much?

You don't deserve her. You don't deserve anypony.

She tried to ignore her thoughts, and smiled.

"I'm glad to see you too..."


This sig was made by applegearrising  ~Love you <3 <3~

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 Shammy strokes her mane a little and gave her one more nuzzles. She then let out a relived sigh. "Back home I'd never have days like this. Rushing a Wolf to a hospital after he was almost murdered, having the pony who did it come to sed hospital and almost have a fight with him. This is one crazy vacation." She pulls away to look into Ambiance's eyes. She rest a caring hoof on her cheek and smiles. "But at least I got to meet you."

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Volt tried to get up again, some machine attached to him


"what is that? a saturimeter? puah i never smoked in my life"


he said removing the clip on his hoof


"an ekg.. puah... "


"now... what happened.. i can't remember.. and..ouch.. it hurts... who the hell stabbed me?"


he tried to fly but he wasn't able


"i'm so.. tired... "he crawled out the room


"must.. find Seth.."


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt, "Ha where do you think you're going," I run over to you and put you back up on the bed "You need rest and is Seth that wolf, then he's Ok" I look back into the hall way and see about 3 docs trying to clean the blood "Why did you stab yourself, what are you crazy," I leave the room and stand outside

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@@Wolf Smith,


"stabbed my self? what? you are the crazy pony.. ouch... here dude... damn it hurts... i i don't know what happened... i need to see Seth! now! i need to talk to him! don't hold me please! bring me to him! he is still alive oh Celestia thank you... please please i need to go" Volt tried to get down from the bed again but the wound hurted too much

"argh... please..."


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt, "Um Ok then" I leave for the wolf's room and tells him to follow me. he limps a bit so I pick him up with my magic, he tries to get loss,but fails "Ha, chill ok, your friend wants to see you" I enter the room and get a chair from the hallway and put in front of the bed "Anything you need me to do?"

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@@Wolf Smith@@Doc. Volt,



With a start, Seth shot up in bed. He just had one of the most vivid dreams he had had since his first day in Equestria. The dream being about the war, or at least his ending for it. It had been about how he was stabbed in the chest by a unicorn. After he recovered from the slight panic attack, Seth noticed something rather odd within his dark room. There were more shadows than usual. Looking closely, Seth began to depict what they were: two ponies. One of which was Volt. With little hesitation, Seth stood on his bed in a threatening pose, trying his best to a growl (the best he got was some air passing his mouth).

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"S..Seth? .. i i... i am Volt...i ..i don't know what to say.. i.. i don't know what happened.. i don't know anything... my mind is so coonfused.. i .. '. just sorry... i just want  to apologize ... "

Volt looked at the ground

"i i'm so happy you are still alive.. i don't remember what happened that night. Celestia i don''t even remember how much time it passed since it... i.. i am sorry... friend... "


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@Doc. Volt


Seth didn't know what to say (besides the obvious fact that he couldn't technically say anything at all). Thinking over what the pony said, Seth waled on his bed over to the table and grabbed the board. When he returned to Volt, he wrote:


"Why? Why did you nearly kill me?"


He still stared at him with hating eyes.

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"c..can't you speak? " Volt looked at the board

"..i ... i really don't know.. i don't know what happened there.. i don't remember, my feeling.. everything is so confused in me.. it wasn't me.. somepony inside me i thought i eleminated from me since  long time... i never told you my real story Seth.. of what i've done in that factory... he is me.. but another me.. i'm sorry... i .. never wanted to harm you.. you were my.. my only friend.."


he then started crying over the bed..


"i'm sorry... i'm not crying only for what i've done.. but because.. i'm so happy you are still alive Seth....sorry..sorry..."


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Seth look at the pony in misery. He didn't know exactly what to feel, just that he didn't trust his still. Of all the things to say to a wolf after attempt to murder him, "I want to be your friend" is usually not one of them. He sighed and removed his query, then wrote a new one.

"What did happen at the factory?"

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Volt looked at the paper Seth was holding


"... no... no i'm not going to remember that... HE can.. can take over me again... and i don't want it.. it was horrible... i  .. iwas asked to work there as engineer.. on the lower level.. everything were beautifull.. color everywhere... good pay... good fellows... but that day... Doctor Atmospehere... asked me if i wanted a promotion... to the upper level... my life was ruined since that yes..."


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Seth was a bit curious about the history I the pony, but he left it be. If it caused him so much pain, it was not his place to ask. He still wondered where this left him in the mind of Volt. Should he trust him, knowing he just attempted to kill him, or leave him and possibly brake him more. Finally, he made his choice. Writing down on the tablet, he said, "I forgive you"

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Volt looked at the paper again and again, hiw eyes slowly filled with tears


"damn it... i look like a litle fillt sigh" he said cleaning his face with his hoof

"t.. thank you friend..." he then moved closer to Seth


"i'm.. i'm sorry.. i seriusly could use some help.. he is still inside me and i fear that he could take over again"


he then moved to hug his lost and found friend


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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"What factory?" I ask as I give the wolf a hoof trying to help him write.


"You know all this is really getting to me, somepony please do tell or wolf," I snickered at the joke.


The wolf looks at me and begins to write again


The other pony just kept hugging the wolf. "man, this is strange,"

Edited by Wolf Smith

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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"I-i..." She blushed. "Today... scared me."

She  looked deep into Shamrock's eyes, they looked like glistening stars in an infinite sky.

"I might never get over it." She laughed a little. "But I would never trade today for all the bits in Canterlot."

You don't deserve her. Ami. You don;t deserve anypony. You're a failure. Nopony loves you.

She shook her head, as if fighting her own thoughts. She cried a few silent tears.


This sig was made by applegearrising  ~Love you <3 <3~

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@, Wait just a minute here.....are you two...in love? I look over to both mares and shake my head


"Hi listen I have nothing against you two, but man am I late"


I look back to the hugging wolf and pony


"O.K, everything just got strange and fast."


I go and take a seat in the waiting room, thinking about what is happening.

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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