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private MACH: Sound Broken

Aurora Lights

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Flash finally arrived at Rainbow's house and stood at the door. Thinking quickly he quietly opened the door and walked in. Closing it behind him he looked around. Just as messy as always. He smirked as he tiptoed toward the stairs. He walked up siliently, until he came to Dashie's room. The door was open. Smiling he crept in and there she was, sound asleep on the bed. Being as quiet as possible, he crawled up on to the bed next to the blue mare. He gently reached out his hooves to pull her in close. She smiled in her sleep and snuggled closer. He nuzzled her mane and inhaled her scent. Slowly her eyes blinked as she woke. She looked up into her stallionfriend's eyes amd smiled widely. "Morning beautiful." he said softly. She smirked and said "You just can't stay away from me can you." She leaned up amd placed her lips on his in a passionate kiss..

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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Drone yawned and shook his head softly...hmmmm...maybe I can find out just who this marefriend of his is...SUPER SPEEDY SKILLS ACTIVAAAAATE!!!!,he finished his food and said his good byes to Derpy before spreading his wings and exploding out of the hangar,he was so fast,he reached the cloud hose within a second,he was very quiet too,he landed extremely softly on the cloud and he slowly crept in,he stopped and sat down silently at the door,watching his friend and this blue pegasus mare make out,his face showed nothing,but inside,he was laughing his ass off,oh he is SO gunna mess with him...

Derpy seemed...pleased,she smiled and slowly flew back home,getting caught in a tree and saying,"Stupid tree! Stop that!"she said aloud before continuing to her house.

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Flash blushed at first as Raibow kissed him. Her ferocity always surprised him. She made the first move and began exploring his mouth. He responded with equal passion as his hooves ran through the mare's mane. His breathing escalated as a warm feeling spread through his body that was so familiar to him by now.

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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At first,he started hearing music in his head,soft piano music,it sounded almost creepy,but beautiful,he stared at them for a long moment before standing and putting on his actor face,he had a smile on and his eyes showed such realism,he played it off like a true actor,he looked at the door and knocked on it a few times,"Hello? Flash,you here?"He asked,as if he hadn't known.

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Flash's eyes jerked open as he broke from the kiss and looked toward the door in dumbfounded shock. Rainbow looked up in disbelief which quickly turned into anger. Flash looked at Sentinel in confusion. How did he know he was here? Had he followed him? Rainbow narrowed her eyes at the newcomer and demanded "Who the hay are you? And how did you get in my house?" She looked at the golden stallion lying next to her and said "Flash do you know this creep?" Flash quickly got over his surprise and a mischevious glint came into his eye. "Uh, no I've never seen this guy before." Rainbow looked at Drone with an evil smile and said "Sweet. That means I can beat him for barging into my house." She jumped off the bed and put up her hooves getting ready to throw punches. Behind her, Flash was grinning gleefully at Drone.

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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Drone's smile disintegrated as a cold,stone like look came into his eyes,he stared at Rainbow Dash as his armor engulfed his body,he had no intention on hurting her,because she would do that herself by hitting him,he kept quiet a moment before saying,"Yes,I know Flash...he is my friend..."he stared right into RD's eyes,the blue luminescent glow of his eye pieces dimming down slightly.

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After an hour of constant flight, Seth was over the coast of nation. To any sane pony, it looked like... well water. After a second of surveying the area to see if he was fallowed, Seth tapped commands on his gauntlet. Looking to the water right below him, the tides were starting to churn. After a few minutes, a steel hulk began to rise from the waters. The sleek hull of the Atlantic rose, beginning to open it's gun ports and flight deck. When the ship finally fully surfaced, Seth flew down to the air strip. As he walked into the hangers, he was greeted by the naval officer in command, a sleek white mountain-alpha.


"Greetings, sir. What can I do for you?"


Seth took off his helmet and placed it on a maintenance cart. "I need my ship back for a little bug hunting."


The CO smiled slightly. "Finally, we get to use this tin can. We were getting a little tired of sitting down here."


Seth walked over to the lift to the transport bay. "Well then prep the sams and get the fusion reactor to full, we will need everything online a few hours."

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Rainbow yelled "What the buck?" as she fell back on her hauches with a thud. Her shocked expression truned into a wide smile of pure awe and she exclaimed "That....is...so...AWESOME!" Flash jumped off the bed and stepped in between Drone and Rainbow. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Back off!"

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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Drone looked at Flash a moment then back to Rainbow,he let the armor unwrap itself and go back to forming a backpack,he smiled at Rainbow Dash with a slight glimmer in his eye,"I take it your not impressed easily?"he asked,he then looked to Flash again and said,"What did you think I was gonna do,I'm not mean..."he said with a chuckle. 

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Seth got into the pilot's chair of the T3 continental transport aircraft and began diagnostics. After fully applying the shield modifiers and clearing the deck of the Atlantic, Seth activated the flight mode, causing the craft to extend into it's full span. As the massive flying rig flew off towards the mainland, Seth decided to stop by Dash's house, wanting to get even with her after that one incident.Juts thinking about it made his alpha pride hurt.


He arrived at the house rather quickly. With a little snicker, Seth pressed a button on the comm panel. A loud blast that sounded like a truck horn echoed from the ship's exterior speakers.


UEFT3GhettoGunship.jpg@@WhiteGuardian,@@Aurora Lights,

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yo buddy... still alive?" volt asked at icarus at the radio "i got plenty of fuel here, we should lead est, following the radar track of the wolf... i want to see that carrier... it would bè awesome don't you think so? come no! tower! i need a vector toward the last weak signal you got! we are following i stealth plane, set the iff to friendly


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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"Are you freaking stupid man? I play a little joke so you pull your armor on her? What's wrong with you?" Rainbow was peeking curiously around Flash's shoulder. Her eyes raked Sentinel up and down as she appraised him. She smiled slightly and wrapped her hooves around the golden stallions neck, leaning on him and staring at drone. "Flash do you know this pony or not?" she asked in his ear. Flash smiled grimly and said "Yeah. This dummy is my friend. His name is Sentinel Drone." Rainbow smiled at Drone and said "I'm Rainbow Dash. I'm sure you've heard of me. I'm Flashie's marefriend." she said affectionately nuzzling Flash's cheek. Flash blushed slightly but smiled smugly at his marefriend's words.

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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Drone rolled his eyes "I've never met you,nor heard of you,Dash,but,I see your taking good care of my...erm...friend...I just wanted to meet you,he said he would,but I didn't wanna wait,besides...I'm kinda lonely.."he said,a blush forming on his cheeks as he rubbed the back of his head,he truly did feel lonely,he had four-five friends...he lived next to no one,and he didn't know anyone from his past,so he was all alone,"Oh,and Flash,I don't hit mares,I just block them from hitting me,with highly advanced super armor."he said with a grin. 

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Dash looked a little put out that Drone didn't know who she was. She let go of Flash and dropped her hooves to the floor pouting. Flash rolled his eyes and smiled at his friend. His cutie mark sent a tingle through his body confirming Drone's words. He was momentarily surprised at how quickly he was beginning to pick up more and more from his friend. "Okay, okay. But I'm leaving it up to Dash whether or not you hang with us today." He smirked and looked at the blue mare. She looked up with an indifferent expression and shrugged."Sure why not. I don't care. As long as he doesn't get on my nerves." she said in mock seriousness as she threw a glance at Sentinel. "I gotta get ready though. I'll meet you guys downstairs." she said. She put her hoof under Flash's chin and pulled his face around to look at her. "I'm gonna go take a shower." she said through half lidded eyes. She planted a long slow kiss on his lips and broke away just as slowly. She walked away with a smirk leaving Flash slightly stunned. He shook his head and looked at Drone. "What?" he asked defensively.

Edited by WhiteGuardian

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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@@Doc. Volt,


"HEY DOC, WATCH THIS"  Icarus yells as he hits the button. His plane immediately shoots off, and within a few seconds, reaches MACH 5 speeds, holding them for nearly 10 seconds before returning to normal.


"Did you see that!" Icarus yells in a rare bout of excitement.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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i just saw the ice-pony of the sky, the cold and calculating icarus

going completely show off" volt laughted hard at the radio "nice

trick...now show me the cobra manuvre! i dare you! after all you have a

russian plane..." keep rollin east buddy, we gotta met with that carrier


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Drone blushed slightly as he a smirk on his face,"Oooh nothing,just you and you know,your marefriend...how haven't you two had a foal  yet?"he asked,a look in his eye that screamed mischief,he looked at the bathroom as she walked into it and watched her close it behind her,he thought a moment and looked back at Flash,"Hey...Flash..."he waited till the water ran to talk again,"I need your help..."he said in a soft tone,he looked down at the ground with now completely different eyes,ones that now wailed pain and sorrow,"...I need you to help me find out where I came from...who my parents are,why I'm so smart...and...why...why I feel so...so...lost...like I'm not supposed to be here...like I'm not supposed to be me..."he says,his head dropping lower.

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Flash had been about to make a snappy retort, but then a wave of need and pain blast through his body from his cutie mark. That was the strongest one he had ever experienced. He gasped and doubled over breathing heavily. A sweat broke out on his forehead. "Okay! Okay I'll help you!" he gasped frantically, waiting for the sense of relief to come from his friend.

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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Sentinel blinked and sighed softly,he still felt so incomplete,so empty inside...he didn't know who he was...he didn't even notice that his friend had doubled over,he slowly laid down and shook his head,hiding his face,he never thought about this before,he never felt this depressed,the only time he felt this sad was when he first woke up,knowing nothing,he started to cry,he never cried,ever!...especially not in front of anypony... 

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Seeing no reply from his little idea of a prank, Seth pulled out and headed for the airfield. Once arriving there, he landed the large behemoth on the tarmac and sat in the cockpit, waiting for the others to return. As he sat in the chair, thinking about getting a quick nap it, a bit of static came over the comm line.


"Atlantic to continental, come in."


"What's up Atlantic."


"Seth we have a few rough aircraft approaching the carrier at intercept speeds, permission to hail them?"


"Granted, tell me what they say."




@@Doc. Volt,@@Commander Tangent,  



"This is the W.E.S. Atlantic to approaching aircraft. You are approaching Equestrian military territory. Turn away from your current heading immediately."

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Flash had expected to feel relief coming from his friend when he agreed to help. Instead he felt intense sadness and depression. Through the roaring in his ears he could faintly hear his friend crying. He collapsed on the ground and groaned in pain. Normally when he felt things like this it was just a sense that the pony needed help with something. So he would help them. But Sentinel's need was o acute it pierced every part of his mind, driving him to help the pony just to end the pain. But he couldn't get up. He was too close.

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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heard the radio "yo buddy... still alive? check your iff...it's me and

icarus! one is a berkut, the other is... well... i don't have the specs

either" laughted volt " i request permission to landing and refueling

over the carrier buddy! i am almost bingo fuel " ended volt


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt

The carrier called out again.


"This is carrier Atlantic to approaching aircraft. I say again, you are approaching Equestrian military airspace. Ether identify yourself, or turn away immediately. This is your last warning. If you don't comply, we are authorized to use deadly force to suppress you. Identify yourself."

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"Heh, nice try Seth, we know your voice, but yeah I also need to land. On bingo fuel as well" Icarus said as his plane rapidly decelerated to normal speeds after nearly going as fast as a bullet. He took in a deep breath as everything went back to normal again. 

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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Drone sniffled a couple times before he heard Dash's water cut off,he wiped his face off,suppressing the sadness only enough to stop crying,he had a damn good poker face,so he slapped on a wide smile at his friend and his marefriend,he looked at her and smiled,he whistled at her as she shook her flank when she walked past them,he held his hoof up when she walked by and swung his hoof down,almost making contact with her flank,but he stopped inches away from it and he started laughing softly,though Dash couldn't see it in his eyes or hear it in his voice,but there was still a large sad tone in it,he was just barley holding onto his poker face,but he held it with ALL of his might...

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