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open The Days after Equestria Died: A Time of Oppression


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  On 2014-01-25 at 5:33 PM, Thepumpkinking said:
His ears flicked and a small snap and a pop of energy came out. A little more then he could hold.....or a lot more then he could hold. But it felt good, but also felt like a pee that was unbearable to hold. Weird it was, but he felt he could hold it for a little bit. He was a bit unstable "ya it feels great...I'm just frightful for the poor sucker that gets hit first by me" he said getting a little antsy. "Man I can't wait to release this" he said excitingly short sparks of energy jumping from him.


Nuclear grinned, her yellow eyes full of intense curiosity over their magic compatibility. "It's amazing. Finding another pony that I use my magic on that actually helps rather than hinders them." She sighed, looking back at Carlos.

'I'm surprised we haven't gotten ambushed yet...'

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"I present you the resistance HQ" Carlos pointed at a old looking building that was surrounded by a big fence. Some ponies opened the gate and let them pass through. He entered a passcode at the door and it unlocked. "You two wait here for a moment. I'll be right back, gonna talk to the doc." he turned around and went downstairs.

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  On 2014-01-26 at 3:44 PM, Nuclear Neurotic said:

Nuclear grinned, her yellow eyes full of intense curiosity over their magic compatibility. "It's amazing. Finding another pony that I use my magic on that actually helps rather than hinders them." She sighed, looking back at Carlos.

'I'm surprised we haven't gotten ambushed yet...'

Short circuit nodded his head "yeah it most certainly is good" he said looking at his hoofs as the sparked.


As they walked into the base, circuit just looked around keeping his guard up. They looked at him funny, nervous that he was around "what's their problem..." Wondered the pegasus

Edited by Thepumpkinking
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Snake sat in a mobile advanced control base or MACB for short he grunted as he jogged his shoulder going to grab his radio as a call was coming threw he grabbed it and answered "commander snake of celestia's right hoof here what is it" a gruff voice replied from the radio "this is delta two-five we have located the targets they have entered a resistance base awaiting orders commander" snake grinned evilly and spoke into the radio "send me your location and await my arrival with the five-oh-first okay delta" "roger commander awaiting your arrival" replied the voice from the radio snake got up and went to round up his battalion.

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Long story short.

Atlas and his group escaped with some losses and district four was thrown into chaos for a short time with all the fighting. Celestia is now the definition of pissed and plans to crush everything under her iron hoof. The rebels are celebrating their victory over the army and is prepping the ambush for the next day.

Atlas finished up the planning just in time to catch the Doctor come in.

"I see your still in one peace doc. Good. We really gave Celestia some pain today. Before I give the the plans for the ambush tomorrow were you followed?"@,

Hey I feel like adding an even cause I can do that kind of thing so yeah...


A lone soldier walks the streets with nails, a hammer, and posters. The few who see him think it's just more propaganda but it isn't. He stops and nails the poster to a wall.


Attention Citizens!

The griffon menace has attacked our people and soldiers on the border! This is unacceptable!

Her royal highness Celestia has put out a decree. A draft has been put in affect. Anypony above the age of sixteen and below the age of thirty may be put into service for her greatness! Evasion of the draft will be punished with death!

Praise Celestia!


Posters such as this were put everywhere and they weren't kidding. Draft letters were being sent out as soon as the decree was signed. This didn't mean the streets would be lightly guarded. The city still had just as tight security as ever. Ponies sent to the front were as good as dead. Griffon soldier's were better feed, equipped, and had more hope in their leaders. The only thing Celestia had was numbers. Lots of numbers. And a secret weapon. One nopony or griffon would have expected. One only the rebels could stop. But not even they know of it's existence. Yet.

I have become death, destroyer of worlds.

Brownie points to whoever knows who said that.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Kenzie froze in shock. Princess Twilight? What was she doing in the woods? Wait a minute... PRINCESS TWILIGHT! Maybe she can spare Kenzie from her horrible life in the factory.



"W-what are you doing in t-the woods? Shouldn't you be in a factory whipping other ponies?" Kenzie asked.


Twilight looked away, "My friends are long gone." Twilight's head snapped towards her, "Wait did you say WHIP?"


Kenzie slowly nodded showing her the wounds. Twilight's eyes widened in horror, "S-she did that to you?"



Kenzie nodded sadly. Twilight was about to say something when the sound of hoofsteps was heard from a distance. Twilight and Kenzie quickly ran to a clump of bushes and hid there. A herd of ponies passed. After a few minutes Twilight spoke up,


"Come, I don't want you to suffer any further."


Kenzie looked at her confused, "Where are you going to take me?"


Twilight smiled, "To my friend Zecora."


Please click on the egg to help hatch it otherwise it will die!

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Short circuit had to think for a second, now that he had confirmed it. Celestia wanted him and nuclear dead, they had caused one heck of a disturbance in the districts. And had definetly got the attention of the resistance. Making him and nuclear one of the popular folks now a days...but not in a good way....

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  On 2014-01-27 at 4:53 AM, Airbornepony said:
I have become death, destroyer of worlds. Brownie points to whoever knows who said that.
  Oppenheimer quoting the Bhagavad Gita after the Trinity test )


Nuclear was relieved to finally be safe for the time being. But the increase in soldiers and now the announcement of a draft made her even more antsy than she was beforehand.

She was aware that things were turning sour quickly.

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Short circuit just caught a drift of the draft situation, well that was something he was expecting sooner or later. It was just so she could have more fools to do what she wants. Only this time, the group is going to be bigger.





  On 2014-01-26 at 4:37 PM, Dr. Daniel Dash said:

"I present you the resistance HQ" Carlos pointed at a old looking building that was surrounded by a big fence. Some ponies opened the gate and let them pass through. He entered a passcode at the door and it unlocked. "You two wait here for a moment. I'll be right back, gonna talk to the doc." he turned around and went downstairs.

Short circuit looked around "where in the hay did that stallion go" he said referring to Carlos. He wanted information on their current situation.

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OOC:Well i messed up a little... The Doc is not here. Whatever

"Hey! Just because we kicked the amry's flank today doesn't mean you can drink as much as you please!" Scolded Atlas to some new members who were drinking carelessly. He turned to see a new pony in the room.

"Are you one of the ponies the doc found? Here" He threw him an armband and a rifle. "We're going to need those. Even if you don't want to join us take them. You're a target of Celestia now. When you're hunted by the devil herself you'll need a gun. If you for some reason need me I'll be in the radio room. We're amushing a VIP soon"


Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Nuclear stayed close to Short Circuit. Unfamiliar with where she was, she felt it was best to stay near somepony she could trust.

"C-Celestia herself?" she thought, lowering her ears in fear. "Um, I came with Short Circuit and Carlos too..." said the mare before looking at Atlas. "It was sort of my fault for attracting all those soldiers....I'm sorry..."

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  On 2014-01-28 at 1:47 AM, Airbornepony said:

OOC:Well i messed up a little... The Doc is not here. Whatever

"Hey! Just because we kicked the amry's flank today doesn't mean you can drink as much as you please!" Scolded Atlas to some new members who were drinking carelessly. He turned to see a new pony in the room.

"Are you one of the ponies the doc found? Here" He threw him an armband and a rifle. "We're going to need those. Even if you don't want to join us take them. You're a target of Celestia now. When you're hunted by the devil herself you'll need a gun. If you for some reason need me I'll be in the radio room. We're amushing a VIP soon"


"NONONO-" BLAM, the gun exploded as soon as it touched short circuit. Electricity hitting the gun, gave quite a shock to the members in the group, he got up from the ground and stood there face covered in ash and soot. He wiped his face from the junk from his face. He looked down at the gun as it zizzled with energy, making short popping sounds as static electricity hit the floor. He was quiet, and embarrassed "um......" He didn't say anything for a second "well hi" he said trying to act like nothing happened.

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  On 2014-01-28 at 1:57 AM, Thepumpkinking said:

"NONONO-" BLAM, the gun exploded as soon as it touched short circuit. Electricity hitting the gun, gave quite a shock to the members in the group, he got up from the ground and stood there face covered in ash and soot. He wiped his face from the junk from his face. He looked down at the gun as it zizzled with energy, making short popping sounds as static electricity hit the floor. He was quiet, and embarrassed "um......" He didn't say anything for a second "well hi" he said trying to act like nothing happened.


  On 2014-01-28 at 1:53 AM, Nuclear Neurotic said:


Nuclear stayed close to Short Circuit. Unfamiliar with where she was, she felt it was best to stay near somepony she could trust.

"C-Celestia herself?" she thought, lowering her ears in fear. "Um, I came with Short Circuit and Carlos too..." said the mare before looking at Atlas. "It was sort of my fault for attracting all those soldiers....I'm sorry..."

"... Maybe you should stay out of the armory..." He then gave a rifle to Nuclear. "You on the other hoof will need one. And yes Celestia herself might as well be hunting you. And me for that matter but she doesn't know who I am. I should really be thanking you for thw hole explosion stuff. It roused the guard and let us have a huge victory over them. Follow me" The group went to the radio room.

"Wait! Can you come in here? I don't want any of my radio's fried! These are hard to come by"

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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  On 2014-01-28 at 2:39 AM, Airbornepony said:

"... Maybe you should stay out of the armory..." He then gave a rifle to Nuclear. "You on the other hoof will need one. And yes Celestia herself might as well be hunting you. And me for that matter but she doesn't know who I am. I should really be thanking you for thw hole explosion stuff. It roused the guard and let us have a huge victory over them. Follow me" The group went to the radio room.

"Wait! Can you come in here? I don't want any of my radio's fried! These are hard to come by"

"Yes....yes I can...it's only guns that do that for some reason..." He said in a sort've joking matter. He still couldn't understand why guns explode on him like that...maybe it was because the slightest spark could set off the gun powder. It was a good theory by any means. "So now that celestia is hunting us....does that mean we're going to get protection here?" He questioned.

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@, @@Thepumpkinking,


Nuclear slung the rifle across her back, the weight feeling foreign to her. "I don't think so...." she answered, following Atlas.

"We're a part of the resistance now. And just because we got abilities the others don't have doesn't mean we'll get special treatment...."


The mare sighed sadly, thinking of what her friends would've thought about her in this situation.


'Pallete would be scared out of her mind for me....and Ice Breaker....she wouldn't show it but she'd be very concerned for my safety....' she thought, entering the radio room.

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  On 2014-01-28 at 2:50 AM, Thepumpkinking said:

"Yes....yes I can...it's only guns that do that for some reason..." He said in a sort've joking matter. He still couldn't understand why guns explode on him like that...maybe it was because the slightest spark could set off the gun powder. It was a good theory by any means. "So now that celestia is hunting us....does that mean we're going to get protection here?" He questioned.



  On 2014-01-28 at 2:56 AM, Nuclear Neurotic said:

@, @@Thepumpkinking,


Nuclear slung the rifle across her back, the weight feeling foreign to her. "I don't think so...." she answered, following Atlas.

"We're a part of the resistance now. And just because we got abilities the others don't have doesn't mean we'll get special treatment...."


The mare sighed sadly, thinking of what her friends would've thought about her in this situation.


'Pallete would be scared out of her mind for me....and Ice Breaker....she wouldn't show it but she'd be very concerned for my safety....' she thought, entering the radio room.


"Yes. We will defently protect you. If you don't want to fight here we can ship you over to the Griffon Kingdom along with Shining Armor when we get him tommorrw" He tapped the shoulder of one of the radio ponies.

"Anything from rhe Griffon Kingdom?"

"Yes sir. Because of the war they can't send us weopons anymore. Your friend over there wanted me to tell you if fro some reason Celestia says they shot first it was all lies. A division from Equestria pushed foward and took a small town and then the resulting skirmish turned into this war"

"Can we ship ponies over there?"

"Yes but with risk"

"Tell them that if the soldiers they fight surrender take them in. The draft is putting untrain ponies out there to die"

"Yes sir" Atlas turned back around.

"Well make your choice. If you stay you'll be treated like any other trooper. Or you can leave for the Griffon Kingdom and to protection"

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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  On 2014-01-28 at 2:56 AM, Nuclear Neurotic said:

@, @@Thepumpkinking,


Nuclear slung the rifle across her back, the weight feeling foreign to her. "I don't think so...." she answered, following Atlas.

"We're a part of the resistance now. And just because we got abilities the others don't have doesn't mean we'll get special treatment...."


The mare sighed sadly, thinking of what her friends would've thought about her in this situation.


'Pallete would be scared out of her mind for me....and Ice Breaker....she wouldn't show it but she'd be very concerned for my safety....' she thought, entering the radio room.

"Well they at least better give us some appreciation..." He murmured to himself. He wasn't so sure about the idea of war.




  On 2014-01-28 at 3:00 AM, Airbornepony said:

"Yes. We will defently protect you. If you don't want to fight here we can ship you over to the Griffon Kingdom along with Shining Armor when we get him tommorrw" He tapped the shoulder of one of the radio ponies.

"Anything from rhe Griffon Kingdom?"

"Yes sir. Because of the war they can't send us weopons anymore. Your friend over there wanted me to tell you if fro some reason Celestia says they shot first it was all lies. A division from Equestria pushed foward and took a small town and then the resulting skirmish turned into this war"

"Can we ship ponies over there?"

"Yes but with risk"

"Tell them that if the soldiers they fight surrender take them in. The draft is putting untrain ponies out there to die"

"Yes sir" Atlas turned back around.

"Well make your choice. If you stay you'll be treated like any other trooper. Or you can leave for the Griffon Kingdom and to protection"

Short circuit looked over to nuclear. He didn't know what to choose. He could kick so flank....or kick back and relax....difficult decisions here. But his help could turn the tide for the resistance. Or get himself killed.


He had no real purpose in life, so why not give it one. "I'll stay....but their better be some generators that I could steal from time to time" he said demandingly, but in a humorous manner.

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  On 2014-01-28 at 3:00 AM, Airbornepony said:
"Well make your choice. If you stay you'll be treated like any other trooper. Or you can leave for the Griffon Kingdom and to protection"


Nuclear attempted to stand tall, but her shoulder shook with the weight of her decision.

'You don't want to be a coward do you? Ice Breaker and Pallete Puddle would've died for nothing....' She bit her lip. Her friends were just innocent bystanders in a military attack gone bad.

'You can do something to help these ponies....you have a lot of power...'


Nuclear sucked in a deep breath, opening her eyes.


"I am not a coward....so I will stay...." she stated, her yellow eyes steeled with determination.

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  On 2014-01-28 at 3:18 AM, Nuclear Neurotic said:

Nuclear attempted to stand tall, but her shoulder shook with the weight of her decision.

'You don't want to be a coward do you? Ice Breaker and Pallete Puddle would've died for nothing....' She bit her lip. Her friends were just innocent bystanders in a military attack gone bad.

'You can do something to help these ponies....you have a lot of power...'


Nuclear sucked in a deep breath, opening her eyes.


"I am not a coward....so I will stay...." she stated, her yellow eyes steeled with determination.



  On 2014-01-28 at 3:10 AM, Thepumpkinking said:

"Well they at least better give us some appreciation..." He murmured to himself. He wasn't so sure about the idea of war.





Short circuit looked over to nuclear. He didn't know what to choose. He could kick so flank....or kick back and relax....difficult decisions here. But his help could turn the tide for the resistance. Or get himself killed.


He had no real purpose in life, so why not give it one. "I'll stay....but their better be some generators that I could steal from time to time" he said demandingly, but in a humorous manner.


"Welcome aboard" He hoofed the pony a armband. "Where that proudly"

"Sir!" A worryed looking soldier ran up.


"Lookouts report a army group amassing near here"

"That can't be good... What is there armament?"

"That's what's worrying. They've got riot troops and heavly armed commandos with gas of someform"

"Sir!" A radio pony took of his headset.

"Princess's Shield just told us that an attack is amassing on our position"

"shit! Get gasmasks on and trucks loaded! We're bugging out! I want no casualties!" The radio pony ran off to alert the base.

"You two! follow me! We're getting out of here!"

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Nuclear paled underneath her gray coat before shaking her head to dismiss any negative thoughts.

'What did you just promise to Pallete and Ice Breaker, Nuclear? You promised to fight.'

She slipped on the Resistance arm band before galloping after Atlas.



"Come on Short! We gotta get going!" she yelled behind her at the yellow pegasus.

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  On 2014-01-28 at 3:27 AM, Airbornepony said:

"Welcome aboard" He hoofed the pony a armband. "Where that proudly"

"Sir!" A worryed looking soldier ran up.


"Lookouts report a army group amassing near here"

"That can't be good... What is there armament?"

"That's what's worrying. They've got riot troops and heavly armed commandos with gas of someform"

"Sir!" A radio pony took of his headset.

"Princess's Shield just told us that an attack is amassing on our position"

"shit! Get gasmasks on and trucks loaded! We're bugging out! I want no casualties!" The radio pony ran off to alert the base.

"You two! follow me! We're getting out of here!"

"Oh great...one second here then we're leaving...." He put on the armband on his right foreleg. He watched as the ponies got ready for something that was coming. Things got really intense.


  On 2014-01-28 at 3:39 AM, Nuclear Neurotic said:



Nuclear paled underneath her gray coat before shaking her head to dismiss any negative thoughts.

'What did you just promise to Pallete and Ice Breaker, Nuclear? You promised to fight.'

She slipped on the Resistance arm band before galloping after Atlas.



"Come on Short! We gotta get going!" she yelled behind her at the yellow pegasus.

"Alright alright, I'm coming" he said turning around to follow behind the unicorn and atlas.

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(sorry for being late)

Slava gets up and walks to work while on the way he sees guards and that and he sighs and says"man this is a bad place to live but i got to look at the bright side, i can still work as a doctor just in a really bad place"> Then Slava sees guards beating other ponys.


Signature done by @Lunia

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(OOC I'm back. Had many things to do... Also as Nuclear said, yes it's "Oppenheimer" who was quoting some Hindu stuff)


A pony was running towards Atlas, Nuclear and Circuit
"So, you're the ponies with the 'special abilities'? Nice to meet you, I'm Dr. Daniel Dash but you can call me Dr. Loyalty or Loyalty as everyone does so. To bad we have to meet while an attack is likely to happen every second"
Loyalty said looking at Nuclear and Short Circuit. He turned around and started talking to Atlas. "Take this." he gave him a launcher like weapon. "It's the Anaesthetic Launcher MK I or MLMK one for short. I got some ponies to bring me the stuff I needed for it. Take this ammo as well. If you need it I also made a warhead for it that can make a whole apartment block sleep for some hours" Loyalty was laughing. "So can I borrow these two for some questions and testing of their abilitys after we left this base?" he was pointing at Nuclear and Circuit. "With their help I could make some extremely strong weapons." he had to smile, just thinking of what some weapons could do with their help. "Atlas I have to get some documents, blueprints and prototypes from my lab... I understand that we have no time left but 1. The army should not get any plans what so ever so I want to activate the self destruct with you permission and it's in my lab 2. Some of these plans and stuff could change the outcome of this war..."

Edited by Dr. Daniel Dash
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Snake was standing not far from the resistance base looking over to the side of the building where a couple of men were setting up a bomb to blow a big ass hole in the wall to give them a point of entry snake turned to his men "Men the enemy are here they started this war on our streets I think it time we finished it for CELESTIA!!!" His men cheered snake turned to face the enemy base the bomb was set now all he had to do was detonate it.

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  On 2014-01-28 at 1:47 PM, Dr. Daniel Dash said:

(OOC I'm back. Had many things to do... Also as Nuclear said, yes it's "Oppenheimer" who was quoting some Hindu stuff)


A pony was running towards Atlas, Nuclear and Circuit

"So, you're the ponies with the 'special abilities'? Nice to meet you, I'm Dr. Daniel Dash but you can call me Dr. Loyalty or Loyalty as everyone does so. To bad we have to meet while an attack is likely to happen every second"

Loyalty said looking at Nuclear and Short Circuit. He turned around and started talking to Atlas. "Take this." he gave him a launcher like weapon. "It's the Anaesthetic Launcher MK I or MLMK one for short. I got some ponies to bring me the stuff I needed for it. Take this ammo as well. If you need it I also made a warhead for it that can make a whole apartment block sleep for some hours" Loyalty was laughing. "So can I borrow these two for some questions and testing of their abilitys after we left this base?" he was pointing at Nuclear and Circuit. "With their help I could make some extremely strong weapons." he had to smile, just thinking of what some weapons could do with their help. "Atlas I have to get some documents, blueprints and prototypes from my lab... I understand that we have no time left but 1. The army should not get any plans what so ever so I want to activate the self destruct with you permission and it's in my lab 2. Some of these plans and stuff could change the outcome of this war..."


"Maybe you can make me a weapon that utilizes my abilities, like I dunno something that can give me energy so I don't have to juice myself up all the time from other power outlets" he said becoming a little greedy.


Once he heard what snake had screamed he soon became aware of what was happening "ok...bad problems"

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