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searching [OOC]Protector Force! (Private RP)

Toon Richard

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Me and @Toon Beth, will use this thread as the OOC. We will RP in the thread located Here:

When we open up applications:

Please just type the character you want to RP as.



Beth Dey: Toon Beth
Ricky Eakman: Toon Richard
The Anniahlator: Toon Beth
Dark Ricky: Toon Richard
Taking applications for:

Pony Oc's/Humans

Slot 1:

Slot 2:

Slot 3: 

Slot 4:

Slot 5:

Edited by Toon Richard

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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Okay Applications are OPEN! now there are some ground rules so pay attention please


The Awesome Rp gospel.


1. thou shall not curse but instead make substitutions of fowl words. thou shall also not swear repeatedly for there are more words to use then the fowl words. (no swearing please, and no repeatedly swearing, we know you have a bigger vocab than just swear words.


2. thou shall not be like an Arse, unless thou wishes to be banned! (don't be a jerk  if they bother you, you know where the report is. or ask them to stop.)


3. Thou shall not participate before making a sheet of reference for thy oc (introduce your charcter via character sheet :) but put it in the OOC forum please so it does not interfere with the rp then pm me or Toon Rich :) don't be shy we don't bite, I promise.


4.  Thou shall have fun and be cheerful like Pinkie pie. (in other words have fun! :D:)


whelp thats all for now, see you all later, and remember you are not an ugly person, you are a beautiful monkey. :D

Edited by Toon Beth

I shall conquer the world!! With PONEHS!!!!





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