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open Survival of The Fittest

OG Blaze

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@@Waterfall,@@Aurora Lights,


Rush sighed. "Well, now what? Should we go and look for the doctor now? Or do we deal with the girl? Or do we just stay here and mourn Rye for a while? I don't think he'd really want that, though. He was more the type to go out and get things done, from what I saw of him."

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"I saw that we talk to the little girl first and than we go find the doctor, Rush. She may have important information for us. And Stryker I thought you always wanted a kid. This is your chance at fatherhood that was stolen long ago. So if you still don't want her after this is over with than I will take her and raise her.

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@@Waterfall,@@Alex Kennedy,


(Your the filly,right Waterfall?)

Stryker looked surprised as his head whipped to the fourteen year old,he blinked a few times,then looked down at his hooves,he took a few stepped back to give her some air,though he still hadn't made his mind up yet,she was right...this little filly was the perfect candidate for his child...she was alone,scared,and defenseless...like he was,so many years ago...

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Rush nodded. "If that's what you want, then very well, I'll support you. I'll always go along with whatever you want to do, and provide whatever help I can. I don't know if I'll really be able to help much with the girl, though. It's not really my thing, trying to talk to little kids like that."

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"I will be talking to the girl, while you guys go get us something to eat."Lost Flame said. She picked up the girl and put her on the couch beside her. While she waited for the guys to go in the kitchen, she looked closely at the girl. She noticed she some of Stryker's features. Lost Flame smiled and thought maybe he didn't lose his baby after all.

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Stryker blinked once and slowly nodded,he then turned with Rush and went ot get something to eat,he blinked again as he saw his eyes in the filly,his bright,lovely eyes...and his lover's features...he shook his head,"Impossible...that baby died in her stomach...didn't it?"he asked himself,could that filly be his?

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@@Aurora Lights,@@Waterfall,


Rush nodded. "Right, food. I can do that. The stuff in the kitchen is only going to last us so long, though, so I'm going to go out and gather some more stuff from the area. It should be safe given how thoroughly we beat those raiders earlier, so now is a good time for it." He turned and headed out the door, assuming Stryker would follow him. 

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@@Alex Kennedy,


Stryker nodded and grunted his agreement before walking out with him,he looked around and sighed,he had so much on his mind...the little filly,Lost Flame,Rye,Short,everything else going to shit in this world...but the one thing,the ONE THING he could not let go of...is how much he hated being alive...to be the ruler of the things that he wanted to destroy so badly... 

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"Sweetheart what is your name?" Lost Flame said. "My name is Emily," the little girl said. "Well Emily can you tell me about yourself?" I asked. "Yes, I have a twin brother. The raiders kidnapped my mother when she was pregnant with us and they staged her dearh making it look like she was dead, but they really took her and waited until we were five to kill her. She raised us untilthan. She always said that daddy would save us from the bad guys that we just have to be brave and patiant. When I saw him I almost screamed daddy but that would have gotten us all killed. So I kept my mouth shut, when they see a pregnant mare they kidnappe them and wait but all the others miss carried except momma. When I saw you I had hope, that I would get out of there and I was right" she said. After we were done, I knew I had to talk to the guys and fast. I needed them home. So I started summoning them, with my power.

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Stryker felt a power tugging at his body,he looked around and wiped off his shirt,he slowly turned around and grabbed Rush by the collar,he pulled him with him and walked into the house to look at the two,the filly and Lost Flame,he swallowed softly and tilted his head,"Yes,Lost?"he asked softly,he kept glancing at the little filly.

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"Boy's I need you both to sit down. I have some news that I got from the little girl. And something I have not told you, that I think it is time to tell" Lost Flame said. Than she turned to the little girl and said "There are some apples in there. Go grabb a snack sweetheart. " she said to emily.

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Rush would have resisted Stryker pulling at his collar if he hadn't felt something else urging him back to the house as well. When he arrived and heard what Lost Flame said, he shrugged and sat down. "Alright, so what is it? What more could there be that we don't know by now?"

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"Well appearently the raiders like to kidnappe pregnant women. Once they have them, they fake their death's and keep the women until the child is five. Than they kill them. I hate to say this but they may just have your son and that maybe your daughter Stryker. That means you are a father. One we have to get your son and put a end to this madness"

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Stryker visibly recoiled at her words to him,tears welled in his eyes as he lashed out,anger and confusion apparent in his voice,"Th-That's impossible!!!...th-there is n-no way in hell that girl is mine..."he yelled at her,he was shaking violently,making it very apparent he was furious at her assumption,but the identicalities in the little girl and him were so obvious,not even he denied them...but...really?...faking her death?...impossible...impossible...right?

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"Stryker it is not impossible, I was nine years old when both my dad and me had to fake our deaths. Our family's couldn't know we were alive because it would have gotton us and our whole family would have been dead. So it is not impossible. If you knew she was alive you would have gotton your kids, her and yourself killed. She was protecting her kids and you." I said.

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@@Waterfall,@@Aurora Lights,


Rush shook his head. "That's all well and good, but there's three of us against who knows how many of them, and even if we somehow make it out alive, we still don't have someone who knows how to patch us up afterwards. That said, wherever you're going, Lost Flame, I'll be there to support you. If you want to go search for his son or try to stop the bandits or whatever, I'm with you every step of the way."

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Well we need a doctor first. So lets find him and before we go on a resuce mission we need a plan. But for now I have this very strange urge with you sitting in front of me so I will be upstairs taking care of it" I told him. I had this very strange urge to jump his ass, and I

needed to go take care of it now. I went upstairs and stripped down. I got on the bed and started thinking about Rush in a position over me. And I moaned real load before I could stop myself.

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Rush nodded as she left, and pretended not to hear her when she moaned. Some things were best left alone. While he was waiting for her to finish... whatever it was she had to take care of, he got himself something to eat and started cleaning and sharpening his axe for when they headed back out.

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Well we need a doctor first. So lets find him and before we go on a resuce mission we need a plan. But for now I have this very strange urge with you sitting in front of me so I will be upstairs taking care of it" I told him. I had this very strange urge to jump his ass, and I

needed to go take care of it now. I went upstairs and stripped down. I got on the bed and started thinking about Rush in a position over me. And I moaned real load before I could stop myself.

((One of the main reasons why I left. But seriously is this appropriate for rp on this site? Everyone was right this thing is out of control. From demonic slaughtering, pentagons 'I'm not against any religion. But to avoid trouble don't bring religion to the rp, or the site in general' and your all oblivious to a lot of stuff like only focusing on you three, and not the others. That's why my oc is dead and same for the others, not trying to be rude just trying to help))

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After a while Lost Flame walked downstairs after taking a long shower. She was starving, so she went down to the kitchen and got herself something to eat. She noticed Rush sharpening his ax, and Emily coloring and eating. She hoped to god that Stryker got his girl and son back. He would be so happy about getting his family back. All of a sudden there was this huge pain in her stomach. She dropped to her knees and screamed out in pain.

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((Pumpkin King does have a point in that you should make sure not to be too graphic or anything. Not that that post was really going too far or anything. Just keep that in mind in the future.))


Rush ran over when he saw her dropping to her knees. "What's wrong?!"

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"I don't know. If I were to miscarrie there would be blood, but there is no blood. So how long have we been here, Rush?" Lost Flame asked.

(I will try and work on it. I am trying what everyone tells me. But I do slip every once in a while. I will be careful)

Just as she asked him it happend again. It was like she was being kicked from the inside.

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Rush shook his head. "What do you mean? We just got here yesterday, didn't we? Anyway, what's more important is that now we really need to find a doctor, and I don't think you're in any shape to come looking with me. But knowing you, you're probably going to insist on coming anyway, aren't you?"

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"Yes I am coming. What i'm saying is I think the baby kicked me. I think I am now three months pregnant if thats so than the end of last month was last week" I told Rush, feeling the baby kick once more. I put my hand on my stomach while reaching for Rush., to put his hand on my stomach.

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Rush placed a hand on her stomach, for the first time feeling a connection to her unborn child. As he felt a kick, he realized that he would likely have a big part in raising this child, and that was something that both scared and excited him. "Wow. I guess this is what being a parent must feel like. I mean, you do want me to help raise the baby with you, right?"

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