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private Vampires in Equestria


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(ah well, i'll keep being the cyborg then.. just acting normal btw.. no worries, first time roleplaing in this "form")


"lightwing? that's a nice name too! and do you know who are the other guest? so far i have seen, you, madam Bliss here, a dark pony and i know there is somepony else but i have still to meet him.. anyway.. nice to meet you all"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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*I slowly awake and wake down stairs holding my neck from last night* Good morning everypony and or wolf. *I walk over to the fireplace and relight it* So how is everyone today? *I walk back to my room and grab some pain pills* Crap my neck hurts. *I walk back to the living room and sit down* (BTW doing this on my phone)

Edited by Wolf Smith

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@ Doc. Volt Lightwing2


Oh yes um *shivers from the cold breeze as the door creaks loudly before shutting behind her* Yes I was... heh escorted here by some lovely gryphons. Nothing fancy, was.. um I hired them! *she lied rubbing her head a bit, careful to keep her alicorn attributes hidden* I just had some business outward at the East part of Equestria when we got caught in this cold snow storm. They've gone to stay at another lodging and arrangements were made here for me to stay at.


I guess my gryphon comrades didn't think a little mare pony would be comfortable with a big flock of male gryphons *giggles as she approaches the stairs* Are our rooms up there? *she asked Lightwing with a smile* I'm just eagered to get my saddle bags up, but I'll be right down I promise! *She exposed her wings without thinking and fluttered up the stairs hastly then landed on the top and trotted down the hallway searching for her room.*


*She came to a stop at one door, to her surprise already had her name listed on it "Princess Lightning Bliss"*


Oh no...*she lowered her head a bit* Darn it Empress Nortica... I told you I didn't want to be called Princess in the public eye...what if others see?? *She quickly took some mud off from underneath one of her hooves and smudged the "Princess" title as best she could, then entered her room quickly. She was blown away by the warm lodge feeling as she closed the door behind her. A large queen size bed with red sheets and drapes, with white and black silk pillows to match. There was a marble white colored bathroom with a large tub, the towls and shower curtain were also red to her surprise. The floor was of old oak wood, slightly covered with soft cotten taperstry rugs, there was even a small kettle fire place, already up and flaming, keeping her room nice and cozy*


Well... I gotta say the Empress knows her lodges... :blink::blush:  *She placed her saddle bags down on the bed, touched it for a moment with her hooves gently, admiring how soft it was and couldn't wait to leap into it when it was time, then headed back down stairs to mingle with the others*


So, *she asked as normally as possible* Whats for dinner? Anypony know? *her stomach growled loudly* *squee* Sorry I must be hungry then I thought! :yay:

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss, @@Wolf Smith,


"for all the transistors and vacuum tubes of Equestria! is that an alicorn? did you see him? that black pony!... uhm.. hello friend... how in hell. i get to sleep in the same palce of an alicorn... well for Gauss sake.. nice to meet yuo.. and Bliss.. uh.. you are a pegasus too eh? nice, nice.. anyway.  dinner? uhm i just don't know... i think we will have to prepare it by ourselves.. and.. griphon guards? are you some sort of politicain? oh hell.. my stupid cpu.. sorry to being so rude... not my buisness at all... well.. i am not good behind a kitchen.. i can only prepare basic Pasta dishes... i am sorry.. i should upload more information about food"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,@Lightning Bliss

"Is there any pot around?I know how to cook"


"Here!I found it!"

Starting to move the water of the pot

"Any ideas here?






Well...then i'll cook some spaguettis"

"While the water gets hot,let's know ourselves a bit more...

Doc. Volt,where do you work?

And Bliss(It doesn't matter if i call you Bliss,right?),what do you do for a living?"

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"uhm energic pony eh?.. well.... i have done many jobs in my life, some should be deleted from the memory, but i am the lead engineer at the Ponyville electric dam, but being the only worker here converts into me being a worker too.. basically i manage myself and i do the standard repair work of a crew.. after the.. incident.. my new... form.. helps me dealing with it even better.. efficency encreased roughly by... 17%.. at least i don't have to curse all the ponies in Equestria while trying to remove a pipe. May i ask the same exact question to you? If it is not a problem of course, meanwhile i will watch you operating the pot, in case you will need help"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@ Doc. Volt Lightwing2


*She turns to volt while she sits down on a stool to watch Lightwing cook* You work at an electric dam Mr. Volt? That sounds interesting! Though I admit I don't know much about machinery or electronics, oh and don't worry about the gryphon escort... they are just... friends? *tries to keep her profile low as she turns to Lightwing*


Oh as for me well um...ahem well I am a happily married pegasi mare *pulls her hood down hiding her horn* to my stallion husband. He teaches young ones about dragon lore. As for me I tend to do a bit of traveling um...*tries to think of the best means of a cover story* well as for me, I guess I'm a political pony, I go from empire to empire, or kingdom to kingdom, even tribe to tribe, to help with negotiations or peace treaties. Nothing big, I'm mostly just there to be an eye witness.


*Sniffs the freshly cooked pasta* Pasta sounds and smells amazing right now... I love any kind except the tomato sauce... *squee* dunno I'm just picky I guess. I love cheese sauces or lemon sauces though, you think you know how to make that Lightwing? *She grins and smiles at Volt happily*

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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@@Lightning Bliss,


"meh my work is pretty boring after a while.. and damn.. i will pay to have a travelling work like yours! THAT seems inteserist and funny! seeing all Equestria... beautifull... since i've lost my natural wings i don't feel the need for flying like before *opens mechanics wings* but still it would be fun.. anyway miss Bliss... you look still cold! you keep getting under that coat! uhm.. are you sure you don't have any warmer clothes? i can bring you a blanket if you want, uhm i wonder what kind of heat system they have there... maybe a wood stove looking at the place... uhm must find it.. anyway, still happy to met you! *offers a hoof to shake* ehm.. sorry.. somepony may thinks it is scary and dangerous but it's just... uh.. a metal piece.. that acts like an hoof.... gross but usefull at least"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Lightning Bliss,@Doc. Volt

"An engineer and a polician,huh?...

Well...i work on a veery diferent thing than you both...

I'm an explorer,not like Daring Do *chuckles*,let's say more a pure explorer for the Royal Equestrian Cartography Society.

I want to complete"

She suddenly pick ups a big paper


Volt,Bliss,this is my life's work:

A world map.My dream is to show to all of Equestria how big the world can be...

I've got luck that the relationships between ponies,griphons and dragons are going well,because if it weren't for that,i'll only had covered the southern part of the planet..."

Then,the pot started to boil.

"Oh wait a second,the spaguettis will be ready very soon"

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"ow hell.. looks like everypony travels and have an epic job except me *sighs* pony.. this map is certainly awesome and a big piece of culture and information! do you mind if i save it? it could be very usefull and, sincerely, it is the first time i see an almost complete map of Equestria! those are damn rare... you should keep it in a safe place.. and.. good for the spaghetti!.. i wonder were are the other guests.."


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Icarus entered the cabin. He was late again. He was always late. Things always popped up, and he was always late it seemed. But this time he was here for good. He entered the cabin with his saddle bags and looked around. Nice and warm as he walked into the building.


((Sorry for crappy post, been at school :( )

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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*I get up and walk to the other ponies* *I whisper to Bliss* Ponies will find out about you, I know you're an alicorn, but I won't tell


*I look over to Volt* I don't mean to brag but I'm a prince, son of Nightmare and Discord.


*I look over to the other pony and smile* New here?

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@@Commander Tangent, @@Wolf Smith,


"Icarus? is that you? what the hay are you doing here? i don't see you since years! ... please don't freak out for my new.. aspect.. i am sure you have seen worst... and.. mister 'prince'.. i have seen calculators more frienndly than you.. are you sure you are a .. prince? anyway.. nice to met you.. an alicorn isn't certainly a thing you can see every day, sorry for my rudeness... "


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Lightning Bliss,@Doc. Volt,@Wolf Smith,@Commander Tangent

"Dinner is ready!!!!"

She suddely sees another pony at the door

"Come on,whatever you are,don't be shy and join the dinner"

And then everypony/wolf came to dinner

"And now,to enjoy my world wide famous...cheese Spaguettis!!"

But before starting to eat,she saw something curious

"Bliss,why don't you remove your cloak?"

But another thing was rounding Lightwing's head...

"I've met her today,but i swear i saw her face before,but,where?..."

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*I turn back to Volt* Well look at the name plates on our doors. *The smell of dinner hits my nose* Hmmm, I'm just glad I get a break from my father, Discord he can be pain sometimes. Others say he's pure evil but I don't see it.


*I go and grab the paper again and show Volt a title. It reads "Son of Discord gone on break" I also show him the picture which is me.*

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@@Lightwing2, @@Wolf Smith,


"those spaghetti looks delicius! thank you friend... and.. ok Night.. i got that... .. "

"for the beard of Farady. .this pony is crazy.. and if the things he is tellingare really true i must watch him out.. damn... i hate to have to take care even when i am in vacation"

*looks at his right mechanic hoof*

"at least i am armed in case... Celestia make sure i don't have tu turn this vacation in another nightmare.."

"yes yes.. fine... say hello to Discord from me.. he is a nice.. creature.. i should met him before growing old... now i say that we shoul eat this golden food!"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@ Doc. Volt,Wolf Smith,Commander Tangent @Lightwing2


*She looked at Lightwing with a friendly but shy smile* I know it would be easier to eat but *sniffs* oh that smells good! *flies up on her chair and dives into the pasta eagerly* MMMMMMMMMMM SO WARM *slurps* scuse me *squee* anyways, I just prefer to keep my hood and cape on...you know, cold and all like Mr. Volt said.


*She looked to the new comer wearing his sharp looking metal mask* Good evening Sir Icarus, long time no see? I remember hearing about you before but don't think I had the honor of meeting you, have a seat next to me!


*She patted down a stool for him then eyed Night Wolf firmly with frustration before whispering back at him*


I do not care if you know who I am...nor do I care who you are...nor do I wish for trouble, but my profile and identity is MY business... I don't wish to be exposed to the public because I don't like the attention...ok? Please respect that...*then turned back to Volt*


It's ok Mr. Volt I do have clothes, but this hood and cape and I have been through alot together, its enchanted to help keep me warm. Its a nice one I got back when I visited Vanhoover with my friends. A local earth pony mare sold it to me, her friend a unicorn who also lived in the city enchants them for her. It was a good bargain, about 100 bits.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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@@Lightning Bliss,


"ah.. love for the same clothes eh? well me too.. i had a nice black leather work jacket.. it was gifted to me by my step father.. i used it everyday at work. it was so warm, soft, and handly... it was the only memory of him.. but. it got destroied with half of me in the incident.. also i don't think i can wear something like it anymore.. with.. this.. metal.. anyway... i can understand you, and indeed, those spaghetti are  awesome"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Lightning Bliss,@@Doc. Volt,  *I hop up on a chair and look down a the food* Looks good, fit for a prince. *I dig in* So tell me Doc, you enjoy that life of yours.


*i get done and go back into the living room and put some more wood in the fireplace*


Can somepony/wolf look to see if we have marshmallows, I think it would go great with some soda.


*I look down at my necklace* I will stay strong, for Nightmare *I whispered*  

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@@Lightning Bliss,@Wolf Smith

"Same clothes huh?...well,i can't with other ponies' minds...

About me...i don't wear clothes commonly,only on special ocassions,because my father taught me that everypony has to live free,amd without bindings(and because he was nudist)..."

And then she came near Night with a bag

"I always carry marshmellows,they're my favourite food *winks*

Do you want one?"

And again to the inner thoughs of Lightwing:

"I swear that i saw that face before,there on Damarescus..wait a second...she talked about 2 gryphon who were with er ..I think i know who is she,but i can't jumo to that conclusion directly..."

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"meh i just carried my jacket at work, because tools were handy in there and it was warm.. i guess i won't need any clothes with this steel on me.. it can hold what i need.. i still need to find a way to not get frozen out there by the way.. my wings almost got stuck with ice.. i should replace them with a jetpack.. but my honor of being a pegasus would kill me.. and marshmellows? oh cool! i'll take one!"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Lightwing2, Sweet, Where I came from aka different universe, everypony is nude which is normal when you think about it.


*I spawn some small twigs  and I put one on*


Come on, lets talk about us while we eat some snacks


*I sit in the furthers chair after toasting my snack*

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@ Doc. Volt,Wolf Smith, Lightwing2


*She noticed Lightwing staring at her suspiciously and immediatly tried to make herself as small as possible* :blush:


Well I don't know much about "nudity" I just happen to like this hood and cape *secretly says to herself: and it helps to keep a low profile on me.*


Marshmallows sound great! My mom and step father, they live in Appleloosa you see *she explained as she pulled a pillow off the couch to sit next to Volt* We would have bonfires and make smores with marshmallows. Is it so weird I like mine black and burnt? *she stuck a marshmallow on a stick and held it with hooves over the fire awkwardly* Ya my mother is a pegasus, I was born in Cloudsdale, my father was also a pegasi, sadly he passed away a few years ago. But my mom had divorced him before that and remarried, my step father is an earth pony, from Mustangia, they raised me in Appleloosa before I moved to Ponyville where I met my husband. But enough about me,


*Looks over at Mr. Volt* Sorry for asking and...forgive me if I'm rude, but um... *her curiousty surged* How is it that a nice stallion like you ended up with mechanical limbs? Did it hurt to get those? Or did you have a horrible accident and had to replace your orginal limbs... :(

Edited by Lightning Bliss

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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*I eat my marshmallow and look over to Volt* Yea, it must hurt doesn't it? 


​When I said that we talk about us, I didn't mean like this I really meant cutie marks.


​*I look over to Bliss and whisper in her ear* Point in hiding? That one pony is going to find out, better do it now.


*I look back up* Soda anypony/wolf?

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@@Wolf Smith,@Lightning Bliss,@Doc. Volt

She saw another suspicious thing while eating another marshmallow,which was Night Wolfe whispering something to Bliss,but she decided to ignore it

"Hey night,can you give me a soda,this is going to be a loong night...

Well...about my parents...well...is very painful to me..."

But she saw evetypony/wolf with a look of "Tell it now!!!",so she didn't have another option

"Well,my mother died a year after give me birth,due for an exotic and unhealable illness,so the task of teach me fell on my father,Star Dust.

During 7 years,he taught me everything i needed to survive on hostile enviroment,and he teached me the true courage and how to love everything around me.

But...one day,he has been attacked by a mysterious pony,who killed him,but,before dying, he gave me his bag.

At the beggining,i flew as fast as i could for days,without accepting the truth,but,the next thing I knew was that i was lost.

I didn't wanted to see his bag because it remembered me to him,but,if i wanted to survive,i had to see what was inside the bag.

And there it was,a letter for me,written for him,a map and a bag of coins.

On the letter he said that if i was reading that,he was dead,and he wrote that he believed on me,to complete his dream of a world map.

The first minutes i thinked:How can he ask me that?

But then,i remembered everything he taught me...everything he taught me was for survival and terrain reconnaissance.

When i understood his words,i flew over the skies,with his bag,and my quest started,and in that moment,this appeared"

Suddenly she showed her cutie mark,who was a map with a cross on its middle

"If you don't mind,i don't wanna talk more about it"


Lightwing's thoughs:

"I think i know who are you,Princess,but i'm not going to say anything for now, just in case i'm confused about it"

Edited by Lightwing2
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