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private Vampires in Equestria


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@@Doc. Volt,@@Skylar, @@Lightning Bliss, No we are going to run. We should not stay and try to fight. One alicorn that's almost passed out, one that is weak. A cyborg who is bleeding and another pony who's fixing to get frost bite.


The dam where is the damm dam! *Think Night think.* *!* Bliss put on that necklace I should you, just trust me. We can do it.

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@@Lightning Bliss


*Frowns and puts a hoof under her chin, turning her head firmly but gently so their noses touched, he furrowed his brow and looked right into her eyes while speaking through his chattering teeth*  I am NOT going to leave you out here alone Bliss!! *Swishes his tail and nuzzles her, he holds his hooves on hers and tries to smile*  Do you think after all this time... after all we have been through I would let you die out here alone?  *Nips her nose and grins a little*  And I thought you knew me well, what kind of brother would I be if I did that?  *Sighs and a tear streams down his cheek as he continues to hold her hooves*  I care about you too damn much to let that happen.... *Nuzzles under her chin* We will fight the best we can... and if this is the end we can say we gave it our best shot and we can embrace whatever fate lies before us together as brother and sister :)   *Wraps his hooves around her and closes his eyes* 



Character Backstory: http://mlpforums.com/blog/1210/entry-7077-a-life-without-limits/












You are stardust that’s beaten the odds and combined perfectly.



You are both the moon you walk under and the ground you walk on.






                                                                                        You are a part of it all, neither big nor small.


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@@Wolf Smith,


(i am no more a cyborg... if you read the posts....)


@@Lightning Bliss, @@Skylar,


"i.. i am not letting you either... i never let anypony behind.. one time is enough for me.. if we have to die.. then i want to die too... Seth will not stop with Bliss... you should go away... run as fast as you can.. maybe he will stop with us.. or maybe we can.. slow him down... soomehow.."


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,@@Lightning Bliss, @@Skylar, @@Wolf Smith,  


Seth watched as the four of them began to falter. They were tired, cold, injured, and unable to continue. It was almost to easy. As he approached the camp, he began to chuckle, throwing his voice so they didn't know his exact location.


"Finally, I got you all in one location. You are all pathetic. The lot of you. I almost don't want to take you. But a wolf's got to eat."


Lunging out from his snowy camouflage, Seth landed in front of the group, fangs extended. "Now, who is first to fall?"

  • Brohoof 1
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@@arkman575, @@Doc. Volt, @@Skylar, @@Lightning Bliss,  Bliss put the necklace on now *I said through closed teeth* So you found us. We're  not going to fall right guys!


(BTW sorry Doc.)


*I light my horn getting ready for the fight of my life* Luna, Celestia, and Discord helps please! *I put up a shield* Stay behind this, no one can enter.

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@@Skylar, @@Lightning Bliss,


Volt saw the wolf


"it is time... " he sighed while tryying to get up


"take me first.. but please.. leave them.. leave them alive.. please.. kill me.. eat me, play with my flesh and bones.. do waht you want.. just leave them..."

he said while trying to get in the most dignited and fiery postion possible


"i'll show you how a pegasus die"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@arkman575, @@Doc. Volt, @@Skylar, @@Wolf Smith,


*She grabbed Wolfe's necklace and through it on her neck...it instantly gave her enough strength to stand with a hint of wobbling* Gah...I can...I can move! *she turned as Seth approached them, fangs snarling...dripping with hunger* Oh Celestia... *she cowered back, ears down, horn down in defense.


Then she looked at Skylar, helplessly laying on the ground*


No... I..you rright Skylar! *she shivered* I don't...want to die alone...and I don't want to...dddie like this! *She levitated what magic she had left, Skylar on to her back, and flexed her wings ready to fly. Suddenly pain screeched through her wings...they were frozen solid next to her sides* OH NO!!! *she trotted in panic, whild Skylar laid on her back* HOLD ON SKYLAR!!!


RUN FOR IT! *She screamed to Volt and Night Wolfe and leapt over Seth thanks to the strength of the necklace* If I'm gonna die...MONSTER... *she sobbed* I WILL DIE ON MY FEET! *she secured Skylar a double time...then fled deeper into the forest, full gallop*

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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@@Lightning Bliss, I'm not running! *I take Seth in my magic* You fucking mut! Why would you hurt a pony who can barely do magic!


I should have fully killed you when I could! *I push you against a tree* *My necklace starts to glow*


I will not fall to some evil I don't even know, you will die here and now!

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@@Lightning Bliss,@@arkman575,


"run Bliss! run! go Skilar! i keep him!" "or i'll pretend"


Volt turned his head toward Seth, getting in position and opening his wings with the little drip of force left in his body


"just don't be fast ok? enojy everysingle moment of it... " "this way they can escape"

"you want to carve my flesh with your fangs, don't you? come on do it! DO IT!!!"

Edited by Doc. Volt


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Lightning Bliss


*His body bobs up and down as she gallops with him slung over he back, he turns back to look at the wolf fading into the distance and covers his face as the snow stings his eyes, he gives a small sneeze and turns his head back around, nuzzling into her mane as she galloped.  Speaks loud over the wind rushing past them*  Where are we going to go b-bliss...  *He shivers and holds on for dear life, he could feel her chest rising up and down heavily as she galloped on, he looked concerned seeing her begin to sweat*  Don't push yourself too hard...  *Looks around for any sign of a hiding place*  There must be somewhere we can hide.... if not a building some sort of animal den or.... *Sighs* I don't know... *Shivers and nuzzles into the back of her neck, he looks back and feels slightly guilty about leaving the others, but he knew there was nothing they could do, he looked down at his medallion again and began to sob silently, his tears dripping onto her back*  :( 



Character Backstory: http://mlpforums.com/blog/1210/entry-7077-a-life-without-limits/












You are stardust that’s beaten the odds and combined perfectly.



You are both the moon you walk under and the ground you walk on.






                                                                                        You are a part of it all, neither big nor small.


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@@Wolf Smith,@@Doc. Volt,  


Seth let out a "Ohf" as he hit the tree. His vision clouded for a second as he tried to regain his situation. He looked up to see Volt offering himself as a sacrifice.


"Nobel pony" he said, looking to Volt. Seth then looked at Night. "If you have the chance to kill your enemy, you should take it!" the wolf yelled, trying to push himself from his hold on the tree.

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"it's not nobility, it is honor and i will die with it.. it is the last thing i have, and now that i am a complete pegasus again, i can die like one. You just want revenge and blood.. i had both in my life.. and none of them made me a better pony, maybe this will.. now.. STOP BUCKING AROUND AND DO IT STUPID WOLF!"

Volt shouted with the least bit of breath trying to hide the tears on his eyes while he was standing


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@arkman575, Volt don't! *I push you hard* I've never really have a real enemy. *My necklace glows brighter and Bliss's starts to glow as well*


*That's it, right? The necklaces are reacting to Seth's evil, but why did it happen to me?*


Seth I know you're in there, somewhere deep down!

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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I... don't know *pants* where to... *pants pants* but I remember *leaps over a log, nearly losing her footing* There's...there's a gryphon pub...not far from *pants* here... where my escort...is staying *pants* if we can...make it there...maybe we can...


*Just then she noticed her necklace was glowing much like how Night's was... the light was briliant but dark and illuminating a black light* What in the name of holy... *distracted by the event she didn't notice a small ravine where a creek used to be was upon her* Huh?? AHHH *she tripped over a tree root, falling hoof over head into the cold icy bend, tossing Skylar off her back in the process.* GAH OOPMH *crashes sliding down on rocks and more tree root* AHHHH OUCH... *she cut her front knees, ripped open her throat cut again...and shattered her wings free of the ice, but were useless due to being so numb. She laid there for a second, not sure of what just happened, then slowly lifted her head up.* Sk-skylar? Where...are you? *She darted her head till she spotted the battered white stallion just a few yards from her, moaning from the crash of his own pains*


SKYLAR!!! *she attempted to gallop to him but her body gave out instantly* What? No that necklace was supposed to- *she looked down, the necklace was no longer on her neck...* Oh Celestia... the necklace! I've lost it...! I must have *coughs and shivers as her body comes back down from the engery shot* Must...have been tossed off during our fall... *coughs* Oh gods...*she could feel the blood oozying out of her legs, her neck was stinging with pain*


Skylar... *she attempted to crawl to him* Forgive me...

  • Brohoof 1

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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@@Lightning Bliss, *The necklace glow dies* What the-


The necklace reacted when Bliss put it on, she's the one! That necklace has never glowed before till now.


*Bliss if you can hear me then you need to get that necklace, it's the only way to get Seth back!*


Seth, where are you where is the real Seth. 


*Bliss you magic isn't light or dark it's healing! You have a magic most alicorn can barely use, I can do some of it, but not all of it, but you can!*

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@@Lightning Bliss


*Lays flat on his back groaning, the world above him spinning slightly as he whimpers in pain. His right wing lays twisted awkwardly underneath him pinned between his body and a rock, he gave a shriek of pain as he tried to move it before lying back and sobbing, he whispered to himself hysterically*  It's just a b-bad dream....just a dream.... going to wake up ...... *Shivers and cries out again in pain as he rolls over onto his stomach, catching a glimpse of the injured mare he grits his teeth in an attempt to fight through the pain to get to her* 


*Very weakly trots over to her and lays next to her, tears stream down his face at both his own pain and seeing her injuries, he led next to her wrapping his good wing gently around  her body while the other one flapped and dangled in the cold breeze, he whispers*  Sssshhh.... t-there is nothing to be sorry for sis... w-we managed to get away.... you did good  *Shivers and nuzzles her, sobbing a little* We need to keep going..... *Nuzzles under her tummy and whimpers as she groans and lays still* Please don't give up.... please.... you have to keep going... *Begins trying to lift her onto his back, sobbing and shuddering at the pain and cold, his own legs trembling barely able to support the wait* I wont let you die :( 

  • Brohoof 1



Character Backstory: http://mlpforums.com/blog/1210/entry-7077-a-life-without-limits/












You are stardust that’s beaten the odds and combined perfectly.



You are both the moon you walk under and the ground you walk on.






                                                                                        You are a part of it all, neither big nor small.


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@@Wolf Smith


Seth hadn't had fresh blood for a while now, only increasing Lust's influence over him. His intelligence was being neglected for pure desires at this point, his drive for life's liquid was too strong. Seeing his chance, Seth pushes against the field and lunges for @Doc. Volt. He delivers a hard blow to the head, then turned to Night.


"Ok, my turn." Taking a charge at the alicorn, he attempts to pin him down.

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@@arkman575, You fuc-  *The necklace glows bright again and pushes Seth off*


*Bliss, these necklaces respond to pure evil! That's why it didn't with me! Try to get the necklace pick up with your magic if you have to*


Thanks Luna. So Seth what do you think now? You can't touch me or Bliss.

Edited by Wolf Smith

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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Volt didn't even had the time to react, the only thing he saw was a furred paw hitting him in the head, he was trown away for a few  meters, leaving a stripe in the snow, he stopped under a tree


".. ever.. everything.. is.. getting.. "


he then drop his head over the snow, his eyes turning white


"... i .. i am here again... alone this time.. luckily.. sigh.. i wasn't even able to hold him for a second... my life.. my life is completely worthless.. he didn't even kill me... "


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Wolf Smith


"The hell..." Seth said, reacting to the blast. He stood back up and glared at Night. He then looked at the unconscious @Doc. Volt. He then smiled and waled over to the body. He then began to laugh maniacally. 


"So, Night. You want to save your friends? Well, how about we make a deal. I just want blood. You want ponies to live. Technically, we both can win here." He then made a gash in Volt's chest with his claw. It wasn't fatal, but it flowing with blood at a moist rate. He then lapped it up, sighing in relief as his lust died down. 


"See, not fatal. Now, I can make him dead if you don't tell me where the others are. You can't touch me, and I can't touch you. Either you tell me, or I can just drink all of Volt's blood." As Seth said this, he made another gash into Volt, since the other was slowly healing. 

  • Brohoof 1
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@@arkman575,  I........I don't know where they are.


*Bliss get ready*


I really do not know where they went, all I know is that I don't want anyone to die....again. Seth please you have to gain control, this isn't the wolf I knew, even if it was for what, 3 days?


*i look over to Volt*  Why Luna, must it be me?!

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@@Wolf Smith


"Wrong answer!" Seth yelled, jabbing his claws deeper into @Doc. Volt. Even is he was out, nopony could resist the pain. 


"You have been able to manipulate thoughts and have been talking to her. That's how you were able to get into my head. You have been talking to her and telling her information. Now if you want to see Volt stay alive, you will contact her and ask for her location. Otherwise," Dips head into the blood puddle of Volt and feasts on the red liquid. "I can just finish of Volt here. And for the rest of your immortal life, you know that you were responsible for the death of him."


@@Lightning Bliss@@Skylar,

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Volt heard an immense pain inside him, he llooked at himself in his coscience


"what is happening?? what is he doing?"

thena naother hit, more and more pain




everythingstarted to turn around him.. he then opened his eyes, only to see the horrible view of his state




Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,@@arkman575,


*Bliss, tell me where you are at or we are going to lose Volt* 


*No wait* Seth you are so dumb, you know that. *I walk closer to Volt, the necklace pushing Seth*


You will not hurt my friends! What little I have.


*Bliss never mind, just run! Run to Ponyville or somewhere safe!*

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@@arkman575, @@Wolf Smith,


Volt turned to the alicorn





Volt shouted while screaming




Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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