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"Remember when you used to rattle your tail at me?" Plague taunted as he slithered away from the fireball.

"I had to constanly clean out your cage cause you were a mess!"



(I'm basing this off my pet snake xD.... She actually does rattle her tail at me though O.o)

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(don't forget terigowa is floating in the air)


He roared he slapped plague with his tail, sending him flying


The yakuza dashed at anarchy and attempted to slash her


*Anarchy smacked the sword out of the yakuzas hand sending it flying away, where it promptly exploded. She then went up to the yakuza and slapped him across the face, hard. While the yakuza was dazed, she walked back a few feet. She then pointed a finger at the yakuza amd snapped.* "Boom." *The yakuza's head exploded in a bloody mess.* "Headshot."
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Plague grabbed the dead Yakuza's body and held it up as a shield.

"#Geez lass, remind us to call you for marksman training!"

Plague looked up at Terigowa.

"What's the matter? Can't take us on without being an oversized version of a salamander?!"

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At that comment terigowa snickered, then started laughing, shooting out fire as he laughed


"oh I see what your tring to do!" he continued laughing "your tring to taunt me?"

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Plague grabbed the dead Yakuza's body and held it up as a shield.

"#Geez lass, remind us to call you for marksman training!"

Plague looked up at Terigowa.

"What's the matter? Can't take us on without being an oversized version of a salamander?!"


"Its not really a marksman thing, its just that I can turn things I touch into bombs. Thy detonate when I snap my fingers. My staff conducts this power, but things it hits explode on a 2 second timer." *She explained.*
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Plague slithered down the dragons throat, but lodged himself in it.

"CHOKE ON US!" he snarled as he began to claw the inside of his throat.

He formed a large blade and repeadetly stabbed him from inside.

Edited by Kreinbahthur
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Shadow began to stumble around, Laughing as he did so. He was still bleeding from his mouth.


*Anarchy walked up to him.* "Hey, are you feeling alright?"
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Plague slit a large opening in the dragon's throat and jumped out.

"Enjoy the poison!" he snarled as he landed on he ground.


He saw Anarchy approach Shadow and yanked her away from him.

"Did you not hear us? That might not even be Shadow anymore!"

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Shadow sat up and cracked his head to the side "See, that wasent so bad eh Plague?" he said with a laugh.

Edited by ShadowCloud
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Plague slit a large opening in the dragon's throat and jumped out.

"Enjoy the poison!" he snarled as he landed on he ground.


He saw Anarchy approach Shadow and yanked her away from him.

"Did you not hear us? That might not even be Shadow anymore!"


"Hey! But I need to make sure hes okay! He is big sister Weiss' boyfriend after all, so if he gets hurt, she will be sad."
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Shadow looked at him and began to laugh "You, you look funny!" he said looking closer at him "This one is weird! i can sense something on him! its from that killowatt guy that you fought with!" Famine said.

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24 heard of the name Weiss & walked over to Anarchy & looked down on him.

"Where is this...Weiss?" He said in a demonic sounding voice.


(Anarchy is a girl.)

"Huh? Why should I tell you, you creeper? Go die you creepy old man!"

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24 paid no attention to anarchy`s silly jokes & grabbed her throat choking her. His eyes got more demonic looking & brung her close.

"I`ll ask again...where`s is this Weiss?"

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24 paid no attention to anarchy`s silly jokes & grabbed her throat choking her. His eyes got more demonic looking & brung her close.

"I`ll ask again...where`s is this Weiss?"


*Anarchy smiled.* "Like Id tell you!" *Anarchy snapped her fingers and 24's hand exploded and she was set free.* "Boom, b!tch!"
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Shadow looked at him more intensely, Fire walked up to him "Hey, bro. Let the girl go before i wreak you shit up." he said to him "Or that works too." he said as his hand exploded

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