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Fire let out a laugh "I can tell" he said.


"I always have troule deviating from standard explosions. Since thats my power's default setting. It takes a lot of mental strength to change how these things work." *She said.*
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"Interesting, Well you can always get things if you keep on trying." he said enthusiastically Edited by ShadowCloud
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"Interesting, Well you can always get things if you keep on trying." he said enthusiastically


"Yeah, but im not that great at focusing on things. My big sis is alwaus telling me I should fix that, but its in my nature." *She hugged Fire.* "Thanks for the encouragement."
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"Well, In ways i'm basically Shadow's opposite." he said. "He is a downer most of the time after that day." Edited by ShadowCloud
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a group of yakuza goons were attacking a man in a tux


"what do you want?!?"


"you never paid the boss for renting the hotel!"


"dont hurt me!"


one of the yakuza wacked him with a num-chuck

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"Well, In ways i'm basically Shadow's opposite." he said. "He is a downer most of the time after that day."


"Im assuming that that day[/] is not a topic that is discussed?"
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Power Ten regarded the situation before him with emotionless eyes. A well dressed man was being assaulted by what seemed to be two ninjas of some sort. Intrigued, Ten turned invisible and quietly approached the scene, now only a few meters away from one of the Yakuza.

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Fire shrugged. "Shadow gets all worked up about it, And sometimes even violent..." he said his whole tone changing to a slightly sad one.

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Fire shrugged. "Shadow gets all worked up about it, And sometimes even violent..." he said his whole tone changing to a slightly sad one.


"So it wouldnt be a good idea to try and get big sis to ask him about it." *She said.* "N-not that I was going to or anything."
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"She still doesn't know were super villains......" he thought. "this may turn out ugly in the future...."


" So.... Where exactly are we?"
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Scipio finished healing Orestes with special medical kits he had received from S.H.I.E.L.D.

"How ya holding up?" he asked him.



"Wait what? Are you serious?! Let me go!"



"#Ah, shut your mouth and show some appreciation kid. We just saved you two from Liu Kang over there... If not, then you'd be sitting at the bottom of some Aspen sheddings as a pile of bones..."



"~Geez, chill out 'dad'..."

"Eh, they have a point... Thanks..."



Scipio helped him off the cot he had placed him in and lead him out of his lair.



"So where to now?"



"How should I know? From what I remember before I came to help you, Anarchy and the rest were attacked by some freaky tentacle guy... non-symbiotic..."



"Then we should just start tracking them down..."



"I suppose so..."


Scipio and Orestes became their alter egos and headed out into the city, searching.

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"Well you betrayed us, and you broke our club." he said pointing first to Corrosion and then Plague. Edited by ShadowCloud
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"I didn't betray you, I only wrecked your club..."



Corrosion stood silently until he finally spoke up.

"Well, what is it that you want? What happened to everyone after the fight with Terigowa?"

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