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The punch connected into a building next to the lamp post. The building was decimated into a large explosion knocking everyone back.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Plague caught himself with a tendril and leaped off a building onto Shadow's back. He viciously bit his shoulder, injecting the deadliest venoms he had. He then jumped off him and onto the side of another building.

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Shadow kept ignoring the pain, and used his new energy to keep going.


He kept wildly swinging at Plague.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Toothless nudged Rider's face with his nose. No movement. He nudged him again, harder this time. Nothing. He then nudged him, then nudged him again, and again, and again. But he never moved. Toothless then noticed a warm liquid that soaked his wings.




It was everywhere. On his wings, on his feet and legs, on his nose and face, and all over his stomach. But it wasn't the sight of blood that unnerved the dragon. No. It was simply the fact...


That it was Hiccup's blood.


Rage filled the dragon like the blood that covered his body. He wanted revenge. He wanted Shadow's life...

And stuff.

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Night Hawk ran up to shadow and gut punched him, blood came out of shadows mouth, while he was bent over Night Hawk elbow slammed shadows back sending him to the ground


Night Hawk then looked at plague


"WHAT THE F*** DID YOU DO?" he screamed and charged him

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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"A LITTLE HELP HERE?!" Plague roared as he zipped to another lamp post. He formed an axe from his suit and threw it into Shadow's shoulder.


Plague knocked Night Hawk backwards. "I can explain!" he shouted as he rapidly scaled a building.

Edited by Kreinbahthur
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Shadow got back up and grabbed the axe and threw it at Plague, He teleported to Night and went to punch him.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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The dragon soared in the air, flying almost 90 degrees upward. He then curved downward, and closed his wings, diving toward Shadow. His target.


A loud whistle could be heard through the town as Toothless dive-bombed Shadow, firing two explosive fireballs toward him, and curving back upward in the sky for another attack.

And stuff.

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Shadow was taking alot of damage, it was beginning to wear on him. He tried to kick Night again.


before he could connect he was blown back by fire balls sending him into a wall he got back up limping and tried to hit Night again

Edited by ShadowCloud

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Plague absorbed the axe into his symbiotic suit. He then formed a bow and arrow and and shot it at Shadow, impaling his knee with a venomous arrow. "ARROW TO THE KNEE A**HOLE!"

Edited by Kreinbahthur
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Shadow fell back he sat there on the ground before getting up and attacking them more



(after toothless attacks again ill end this battle, no he will not die)

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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As Toothless was in the air, he saw something quite... helpful. A gas truck wasn't too far away from where the heroes were battling. Just half a block away. Figuring an idea, the dragon lowered to the street level and latched on to the truck with his legs and arms.


It was very heavy, but Toothless managed to lift it upward in the sky a good distance. All he had to do now... was find Shadow.

Edited by Toothless the Night Fury

And stuff.

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Plague pulled Shadow away from Night Hawk and slammed him onto the pavement head first. He leapt on top of him and lacerated his stomach with his poisoned claws. He jumped off and stuck to a nearby lampost, careful to not stick around to long to let Shadow hit.

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(Do something more destructive and blunt like a fire ball or explosion, but if you want you can still do the electrocution)


Shadow teleported to the lamp post and threw a wild kick at him.

Edited by ShadowCloud

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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(Okay! Explosion it is!)


After seeing Shadow teleport to a light post, he decided to deal the final blow. He released the truck, sending it spiralling down toward the lamp post. He let it fall a good distance, then dive-bombed after it. After the truck was closing in on the post, he fired, sending three fireballs toward the truck.


They say Night Furies never miss. This is not an exception.


The fireballs connected, and a massive explosion followed.

And stuff.

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Shadow was now hurt, limping and beaten. But he still attacked, He teleported to Plague and tried to punch him.


He was cut off by the explosion. and sent flying back. he got up and started to limp to Plague, but fell to his knees. he said there for a minute looking at the ground he finally said "I failed.....her" and then fell to the ground face first in a pile of his own blood.


A few seconds later his body burst into a pile of ashes. dead



Shadow appeared at his fortress. with a load of serious wounds "That will teach her to try to fake-die on me!" he laughed as he sat down and called a personal medic over to heal him. "get a taste of there own medicine......"


(Btw shadow seems to have died.)

Edited by ShadowCloud

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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