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Shadow fell to the floor spewing blood, giving up gurgles, but then it began to turn to a laugh "You seem to have proven my point!" he said.

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Shadow fell to the floor spewing blood, giving up gurgles, but then it began to turn to a laugh "You seem to have proven my point!" he said.


*Bloodeye continued to stab Shadow with a crazed bloody smile on her face.*
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Rocketeer sighed "don't worry, if she ever comes here, we can handle it, now how about I tell you what I've been through"


"Sure. Im interested to hear about haw you came back to life."
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David slowly came to, his blurry vision slowly becoming clearer. He soon realized he was lying in his bed in his Dad's apartment, tucked in like every other day.


He hoped that the last 12 hours or so was simply a dream. A strange, lifelike dream. It was simply impossible. Getting kidnapped, held hostage, his father was an assassin...


It just seemed so unreal... yet, so real at the same time...


The door opened to reveal his father, looking inside worried. "You ok?" He asked.


David looked down at his covers. "Y-yeah. I'm ok."


His father then walked up and sat on his bed. "Are you sure?"


David nodded, but was still uncertain. "D-dad? Was it..."


"Yes." He replied, almost like he anticipated the question. "It was real."




A familar dragon began flying into the city, carrying a familar passenger. Rider looked out upon the city, and mumbled, "At least the city's still standing..."


Toothless stopped at the tower, relieved to have finally caught a break after the long trip. Rider patted the dragon's neck. "Good job boy. Take a break." The dragon willingly did so, laying on his belly and rolling over on his back. Rider chuckled, and walked over to the railing where he spent most of his time in the city at.

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"well you see, when we die we go to an alternet dimension run by a race of aliens known as the moderators, and every once in a while, those who exhibited exceptionally good quilities while alive can perticipate in a series of challenges to become the guardian of earth, and I won, if you ever have any questions about the realm or the challenges let me know, I'll be happy to answer them"

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Shadow continued to laugh. "If you were not stupid you would know that you cannot simply kill me!" he said in between laughs


"I know." *She said with one fibal stab.* "I just like the feeling of my blade cutting flesh." *She pulled the sword out slowly.* "Weiss truly loves you you know. Nothing could ever change that.


"well you see, when we die we go to an alternet dimension run by a race of aliens known as the moderators, and every once in a while, those who exhibited exceptionally good quilities while alive can perticipate in a series of challenges to become the guardian of earth, and I won, if you ever have any questions about the realm or the challenges let me know, I'll be happy to answer them"


"Heh, if I ever end up taking that test, Id rather do it fairly, without any outside knowledge. It just isnt honest to go into a challenge like that already knowing what I would have to do. To me, it would feel like cheating."
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Shadow began to walk towards a forest. He set up a tent using black magic and laid in it. "This reminds me of the legion in ways" he said with a slight smile.

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Shadow began to walk towards a forest. He set up a tent using black magic and laid in it. "This reminds me of the legion in ways" he said with a slight smile.


*There was a glitch in Shadow's magic, a portal opened up and out of the portal fell a huminized Riza, with two metal wings.* "C-check please......" *She said dizzily.*
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Shadow stared at Riza "You have to be f**king kidding me..." was all he said.


*Riza moaned.* "That voice.... Shadow?" *She sat up and looked at him.*
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"My day is just getting more and more shitty, First i kill myself to bring back Rain and Six then i'm brung back to life, then most people do not like me anymore, and now Riza is at my feet." he said "My luck is of a black sheeps..."

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"My day is just getting more and more shitty, First i kill myself to bring back Rain and Six then i'm brung back to life, then most people do not like me anymore, and now Riza is at my feet." he said "My luck is of a black sheeps..."


"That condecending and somewhat whiny tone? Yup, thats Shadow all right. How have you been?"
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Shadow was about to say something insulting. "Shitty...." he said instead.


*Riza sighed.* "Why do you always respond to that question like that?"


rocketeer hugged weiss again


"well, i should go find shadow, and give him my forgivness, would you like to come?"


"Id love to, but I have to be at work in an hour."
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"Well because i usually am feeling shitty. I'm out here in a tent, when i could be in there talking to Rain or Ten." he said pointing to the city "there has to have been some type of shit that would of went down for me to be out here."

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"Well because i usually am feeling shitty. I'm out here in a tent, when i could be in there talking to Rain or Ten." he said pointing to the city "there has to have been some type of shit that would of went down for me to be out here."


"What happened?"
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Shadow face palmed "Well i died reviving Rain, that's a start i guess. Ten got the pleasure to stab me while doing so too" he said.

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Shadow face palmed "Well i died reviving Rain, that's a start i guess. Ten got the pleasure to stab me while doing so too" he said.


"Wait..... Rain and Ten? Ten dissapeared an Rain's grave caved in."
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