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private Dead Space New Beginnings

OG Blaze

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@repsol rave

@Sad Larry


It's 2050, war has ravaged the one great Mother Earth, now she rests in the milky way in shambles. The aliens sent rocks what we now call Teranite, Teranite has the power to revive the dead and even control energy. Yes we underestimated the aliens, but when has there been a time when we thought we wouldn't be able to handle a little war. It's been 10 years now and our once great army has nearly been wiped out, only few squads remain, but there is light at the end of this very dark tunnel, 3 pony's stand up against the odds and plan to return Mother Gaea to her former glory. The adventure begins here in Sydneigh,


Blaze looked up at the electronic signs, advertising movies, shoes, and other propaganda. Blaze snorted and continued walking through the dead streets, bodies littered the ground and the stench of burned flesh flared into Blaze's nostrils, he wondered how things got this bad in the first place.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Night Comb shifted the pistol he had scavenged. He walked trough the burning rubble. 'Damn. Wonder of anyone is even still alive here.' He mumbled as he walked over the remains of a medium sized building. A pony wandered in front of him. Instinctively, he pulled out his weapon. The ammo counter was low. He watched the pony move, hoping he could just sneak by.

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

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Roarke trotted around a back alley, savely clad in his advanced engineering suit.




The light emitting from the slots in his helmet's faceplate lit the dark path up like a flashlight, making for him to be able to see easily.

After about ten minutes of walking and scavenging anything usefull he could find, he came upon a specifically damaged building. 

Turning out, it was pretty much entirely collapsed. I hope the thrusters are gonna be fine when i climb over this... Roarke thought as he cautiously climbed upon the rubble. Carefull to not damage the little nozzles attatched to his hooves and back.

His attention was snapped to a moving form in the corner of his eye, and he instinctively dropped flat to the ground, emitting a way louder noise then he hoped for. As he turned to see what the form was, he found himself looking at somepony pointing a weapon at another pony.  ((<--that's you! @,))

Silently, he crawled over to the weaponised pony, thinking he had a better chance of surviving if the weaponised pony didnt have range as an advantage.


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Night Comb looked at the pony that wandered off. He debated fight or flight. He didn't trust anyone he had met, which totaled 4 raiders. He caituously lowered the weapon, but kept it open an in his hand. He crouched low. He slowly walke forward, concrete crumbling under his feet.

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As in plate tectonics.

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Blaze heard the distinctive sound of an energy pistol charging up, someone was alive near these parts, he moved to the humming noise and watched as two Stallions were standing face to face, one wearing what looked like man-made armor suit, he could try his diplomatic skills but he didn't know how much that would work in a barren waste land like this, instead he took out a small sniper rifle from his backpack and planted himself on some dusty rubble, turning his laser sight right on the pony with the pistols Chest.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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@, Roarke's intentions switched to cold blooded calculations for survival. He crawled foreward to the pony ever so silently, before dropping flat down again as the pony began to move foreward, seemingly stillo oblivious to him. He dicided the pony not a direct threat as he saw how he spared the life of the other pony, and stood up straight again. 

Weighing out his options, having a companion with a weapon did seem like a good oppurtunity, and he called him over. "Hey, you! With the gun!"


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Night Comb whipped around as he brought up the pistol to where the voice came from. He quickly sized up the pony. Clad in armor. Blue lights. No visible weapons. He kept the gun pointed. A part of his rain nagged at him to fire or run. Night Comb held the weapon at him, but he looked civilized. He might listen to reason.



I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

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@, Roarke winced a bit as the pony swung around and kept him under shot, but he kind of expected this and decided to push on with the original plan. "You seem like you are alone. Do you have a group you travel with?" He took a cautios step closer to the weaponised pony, wary to make no sudden movements. 


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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'Im alone.' Night Comb said flatly. He liked down to grab a map when he noticed a small red dot on his chest. 'Oh shit...' He mumble. He looked to where he thought the dot came from. He made an unpleased face and dropped his gun. He sighed and lay down, waiting for the shot. It was useless attempting to run. The armored pot was probably armed anyway.

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Roarke cocked his head in confusion as he witnessed the pony in front of him drop his gun, and lay down on the rubble that once was a building below. Once he spotted why, he took a shocked step backwards. Frantically turnng his head to see where the lazer came from, he couldn't see anypony in sight. "Where are you!" He bellowed, hoping that if the sniper shot him, his armor could take the blow. "Show yourself!"


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Blaze kept his eye on the scope, he tried to hear what they were saying but it seemed this place had just recently burned, he could hear the embers lifting from the ground and flying into the sky. He saw one out his gun down, he turned off his laser sight and put his sniper away in his rig. Blaze got up slowly and walked towards the two stallions with caution as his number one priority, there were so many thieves, rapists, and raiders around these parts he had to be careful where he made his friends.

Edited by Burning Endurance


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Roarke let out a breath he didn't realise he was holding as the red laser dissapeared. He took a few moments to regain his composture and get his head back together. He noticed some movement in the corner of his sight and turned to see another pony trotting towards him. He looked him dead in the eyes as a few clicks erupted from his armor. Suddenly, his helmet collapsed into his RIG and collar, making for him to talk easier without the muffler effects of his helmet. "Are you the sniper? I don't see any weapons on you, where did you leave it?" He asked, hoping to prevent any painfull situations, and to see if the pony was more heavily armed then he appeared.


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Night opened his clenched eyes and sighed. No death just yet. He saw the armored pony's face clearly now. He grabbed his pistol and turned to where the third pony that had entered. He brought his gun up but kept it at waits length. 'Who are you?' He asked, motioning to both ponies.

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

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Roarke turned to see the other pony standing back on his hooves, and pointing the gun at him. Out of pure instinct, he made his helmet rise over his head again, and took a defensive stance. "Why are you pointing that at me? I am unarmed, i mean you no harm. Call me Roarke." 


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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'I was ambushed by raiders about three hours ago. I don't trust either of you.' Night Comb said coldly. He kept it at his waist. 'But he didn't shoot. So I know you aren't raiders, at least.' He said as he put the gun away. His hand hovered above it. 'Im Night Comb. Don't attack me and don't die.'

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

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Roarke took up a more relaxed stance once the pony put his gun away. He wasn't too pleased to see that he was still ready to take it from it's holster at any moment, but it was to be expected. "Well then, Night Comb. It's nice to meet somepony without plain murderous intentions." Roarke said as he nodded at the pony in question. His voice sounding metallic through the muffling effects of his helmet. "That leaves the question, who are you?" Roarke turned towards the other stallion.


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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"it's a collapsible sniper, it sits on the back of my Rig, it's bolt action, nice to see some faces around here" He looked at the stallions armor, it looked nice, must've taken a while to make that, as for Blaze he just raided it from some high tech scientists from the Ion Corporation, Ion Corportation was in charge of making high tech Rigs and weapons, but now there aren't too any of them left. He was lucky to find this suit in such a good condition. "Call me Blaze"



(((Here's a sketch of my Rig)))


Edited by Burning Endurance
  • Brohoof 1


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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'Well. Blaze, Roarke. It's certainly...interesting to meet you.' Night Comb said with uncertainty. 'Raiders would have heard us shouting and talking. We had better move.' He suggested as he surveyed the area, looking for signs of other living things. Nothing out of the ordinary.


((Night doesn't have a rig.))

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Roarke nodded a greeting at Blaze and looked around the area. The place looked like it got hit pretty hard. There where many options for cover might something go wrong tough. As he looked ot the horizon, he saw that the sun was close to dipping behind some buildings. "We don't have many hours of daylight left. I suggest we find a place and set up camp." 


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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'Thats a good idea...' Might said as he finished looking over the area. 'We could take cover in one of the buildings. Some seem stable enough.' He suggested as he noticed a two story building that was largely intact. 'We'd also fine supplies in it.' He added. He pointed towards the building. 'Thats good.'

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"Woah, wait a second, I'm not even sure I can trust you pony's" Blaze looked around at his scenery, crawlers would probably be around here soon. He didn't like just trusting anypony but what choice did he really have at the moment? Fine he would settle down with these stallions for a little bit but after that he might just go on his own once more. Blaze didn't know how long he would last by himself but he'd rather take his chances alone .


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Night have him a blank state. 'Ok then. I guess I can just leave you here, where raiders are coming. Alone.' He sarcastically said. 'I still don't trust either of you, but having friends you don't trust is better than meeting people who will shoot on sight.' He said with some anger.


'Ill be in that building. Follow or not, I don't care.'

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

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Roarke looked at the two stallions. He wasn't quite sure if going with two possible hostile parties was going to be a good idea, but he didn't know the surroundings very good and he needed all the help he could get. After a few seconds of pondering he trotted after Night to the mostly intact building, keeping to himself. 


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Blaze followed after them but kept his helmet on, he didn't wanna be caught off guard in a place like this. He looked around the building and saw bodies hanging from the ceiling, fried, it was disgusting, good thing he couldn't smell it or he would probably be throwing up what left of his lunch he had. He followed the one called Night Comb through the building opening a few chests along the way for some small pieces to a weapon.

Edited by Burning Endurance


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Night comb came to the small building. He entered into a largely broken hallway. He moved up the stairs to two small room. He pointed at one and then the other. 'Mine, Roarke's.' He said before pointing to the living room connected to the hallway with his and Roarkes rooms. 'Blaze.' He said as he looked back. 'Got it?'

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