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private Thieves guild


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Enjoy Game shrugs, "I can whip up some more smoke grenades if you need them, but other than that I do have a bit more information. The employee room has a medium sized safe that was installed last year. Get me in and I'll crack it for you. As for vents, they're a way in but not a way out. You're going to have to carry all the weapons out, and we'd weigh too much to use those vents at that point."

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"Okay, so the plan so far. Me and vision will fly down through the air vent. We will then throw smoke grenades made by End game into the store, giving us a chance to fly behind the security cameras and cut the wires. we will then flap as hard as we can to get rid of the smoke out of the open air vent. after that we'll open the backdoor letting everpony else in. From then on I'd guess we have max, 10 minuets to get everything we need. We don't want the fuzz catching on. End game, do you think you could crack a safe in 10 minuets?"

Edited by Lightning-flickr
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"How far is the store from here?" Might have some trouble carrying the stuff from there to here. I Suggest you take 2 thing that you want and 1 thing for the guild.




"Yeah that's pretty much the plan, unless there's something else we're missing".

Everyone has a clever signature... NOT ME   :(

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@, @@Lightning-flickr, @@madpenguin44, @, @, @@Demirari

"We could do that, or, one of us could get a job as a security guard and probably take the night shift. Then it could be an inside job!" Golden was pleased with her contributions. Thinking back on what she saw in the store, Golden took her camera back and rapidly flicked through the photos. 'Come on, where is it ....' Golden thought. "AHA! Look at that! I managed to snap a photo of the guards schedule!" She kept the photo on screen and showed it to everypony.



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Vision nodded as she heard every ones input "Alrighty, from what I hear, sounds like this is gunna be a quick theft. End Game, I agree that you should create some more smoke grenades to add to our one already just in case something bad goes down and we need a diversion.




Vision looked over to shadow "Store isn't too far, maybe 4-5 blocks but i think your right to not take an excessive amount of items, especially if this is going to go quick"





 "I will agree to your plan, sounds like it has a legit one, but things will be allot easier if we could do something along the lines of Golden's idea" She said turning to Golden and glancing at her camera screen.




"Though I do see one issue with your idea Golden and that is time, If one of us were to get a job there as security, it would probably takes days or weeks before that one pony would have gained enough trust of the shop owner to guard the place at night alone, there would probably be more than one guard if a rookie took the night shift. At least thats how I figure" She said as she looked at the picture of the guard schedule once more. "If we want more items to bring back then ya I'd go with your plan"


"So Shadow, being the head of this guild here, I will leave it up to you to choose the best plan" Vision said taking a seat "I think we have a bunch of good plans here, which one will be act upon though?" Tired of talking, she took a drink of some water she had on a table.

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Yes, I am head of the guild, but that doesn't mean I know the best. And since this is the first robbery, I'm letting you guys do most as the work if you didn't notice. Because after this stealing from the weapon store you'll be mostly free. Anyways let's not get off topic, i'm letting you guys decide what plan we use. We'll take a vote, not counting me, unless it's a tie. So I think there are only 2 plans right? Correct me if i'm wrong. Anyways here the the 2 plans.

1 End game makes some smoke grenades. Lightning Flicker and Night Vision throw them in from the air vent and then fly in to disable the cameras. After that they let the rest of us in. Finally we rob the place.

2. One of us becomes a security guard and takes night shift. Once alone they let us in. Finally we rob the place.

( So what I mean by 'mostly free'. I mean after this you can set up your own robberies, with my permission. You can do them alone, with some of us, or all of us. Of course there will be some limits. As you may have noticed this     robbery is going slow because it's the first one. After this though the raid and robberies and other stealing stuff will go by much quicker. That's it, oh and just in case you ignore this.)



Edited by madpenguin44

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"I'm obviously for my own plan. Not to be a one sided arse, but my plan will be much quicker. Time is of the essences in any mission. We can't waste a second. Not to mention that if one of us get's a job there, then there's a robbery and that pony never shows up again, there would be search parties. Then the whole guild would go down once that pony is found. Unless we fake a death but that is so much more effort. I stick by my plan. Sorry to upset you but that's how I feel. My vote's for plan 1." Lightning flicker sat back and watched the other ponies cast their votes. 

Edited by Lightning-flickr
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"I'm up for the first plan. Just thought it would be something good if we had more time, that's all." Golden leaned her head on the table and looked over at the map. "So, we've got gas masks. Possible smoke grenades, photos of what we can steal in the public spaces but not too many in the closed off areas for obvious reasons. Hey! If somepony who is an expert in stealth, then they can take the camera and somehow get into the closed off areas to snap some pictures! But maybe that's thinking too much into things.



What else am I meant to put here?


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"I think that's a good idea, but we should really rob this place tonight. Unless somepony can go to the store before tonight and go to the closed off area then we can't do it. I would do it, but as I keep saying this one is all on you guys".


( I got confused when you changed you name because I've never seen anyone actually change their username.)

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"Why do you think I suggested someone who is an expert in stealth magic or something go and do it? Anyway, it's on for tonight. How are we going to do it? Have we settled on an idea yet?" Golden asked the room.


(That's fine. The first time I saw someone change their username was when I went to go click on one of my friends. I then clicked on the person's profile and the looked at their username history to see who they were. Yeah it's definitely confusing for the first time.)



What else am I meant to put here?


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"I'm actually pretty stealthy. Wouldn't call myself an expert, but I'm better than the next bloke. I do think we should rob the store tonight but we'll have to wait for everpony to agree on one plan. "cough" ONE plan"cough"  So until that time we're kinda stuck here."

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Vision shrugged and got stood up from her seat "The more info we have the better our chances will be at making this a successful robbery so I say either Shadow or Flicker or both go and see if you can get a peek inside those off limit areas, every pony else will prepare themselves back here at the guild" She said putting a hoof on the table with the map. "Once you are back, lets get this started" Vision said shivering her whole body "I aching to do something"

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"You're right actually. We'd need to know if there's anything we missed to do with the security system. Not to mention that if one of us manages to get in the employs section we can see what's behind there." Flicker looked over to shadow. "So what d'ya say? Wana go on a little mission?" 

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"Well if I must! Vision I'm putting you in charge of keeping the guild together. No fights, no problem. Got it?" Shadow got ready for the little mission. " 3 of you guys already voted we just need 1 more vote to start the plan" She looked to Lightning. " You ready to go?"

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"Yep, absolutely. Let's get going. It's about to get dark and it'd be good if we could go under the cover of darkness." Let me just get a couple things. lightning flicker trotted down the stairs and picked up his knifes. Then trotted back up the stairs and said "lets go" then they left out the door. 

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Cryptical Code mostly kept quiet as he listened in. Stealth, that was what his ears picked up upon. Stealth was something he was an expert on. Being previously in events that required him to be stealthily, he had picked up on a knack of judging the shadows and the best area to hide.


From the photos, he formulated the best places to hide from guards, if there were more than two or not. But probably more than one. Then he spoke, "Stealth magic? I can pitch in on that part. Plan 1 from my perspective would be good and won't take a lot of time."


(Did you guys leave yet? Sorry if I hadn't posted. Was busy with another RP and drawing.)


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Vision nodded to Shadow as she left the planning room and sat down at the table she had left her armor, leaning back she crossed her legs and put her front hoofs behind her head and looked at her reflection in her armor in the light "Ah you've come a far way" she mumbled to herself as she tipped in her chair waiting to converse or until the other two ponies made it back.

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As lightning flicker walked out of the guild the cold nights air reminded him of trottingham. The cold nights. The cold days. How everypony was always rude for no reason... But that was done now. He was in a completely different place with ponies he thought were starting to like him. They liked his plan at least. Lightning flicker looked to shadow. "So how do you think we should carry out our little mini mission?" 

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Vision got up from her slouch in her seat and took her sword form her holder and made her way into one of the testing rooms that were mentioned "Got to do something to pass the time" She said as she entered a room and looked at the empty space "I guess it shall do" 


She took a stance on her hind legs with the sword across her chest. Taking a deep breath and closing her eyes. Her eyes opened and she shot her sword if different directions as if fighting in a battle and kept her motions swift yet sharp.

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"I'm going to have a look around the warehouse, at least, until the pair get back." Golden walked out the door and began to wander around the warehouse, looking at all the rooms. There were a few extra kitchens, a whole lot of testing rooms, and a controlled explosions lab. Intrigued, Golden walked in, trying to see if she could get something to blow up.



What else am I meant to put here?


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"Well first things first. If the doors are locked do you know how to unlock it? I can't do any kind of that stuff. However if we can ask them what's inside the rooms and they are stupid enough to tell us what's inside then we won't have to pick the lock. If we do have to pick it though i'd like to use my special talent if that's fine with you. Not only can I only blend in with shadows, but I can make other ponies to. So if there are shadows near the doors, I got ya.  Although we need a backup plan if I can't use it.

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"Bloody hell, that's some talent you have! Well yes, I do know how to pick locks, if this one isn't too complicated. And if you have a hair pin. I can do the rest with one of my knives but I'm a tad rusty so I may take a while. As for a back up plan... Well I guess just hoof it on outta there if things go bad. Not the most genius plan I admit but looking back, we probably should've made one back at the guild..." 

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"Thanks! Yeah we should have made a plan at the guild. To bad!" Shadow entered the weapon store without warning. She heard one of those bells you put to tell the workers that someone"s here. She went to look at some weapons to look like a regular customer. Then after a while Lightning and her would ask the someone about the locked rooms.

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Lightning went to look at a place on the other side of the store. He didn't want to seem suspicious. He was thinking about maybe getting into the room but then realized that there were 2 employees currently working, the 3 cameras and he didn't know how many ponies were actually in the employees room. Instead he decided to talk to one of the store clerks at the counter for as long as possible, so when the other clerk changed he could see into the backroom. He peered into the room and saw boxes. Nothing but boxes. He walked back over to shadow. "There's nothing but boxes down there. I'm not sure if it's worth our time. But there might be some good stuff in there? We should go back to the guild and see if anypony wants to take the time to rip open all the boxes. They're most likely just magazines and other small things, but if there's a box with some sort of distinctive sticker on it, saying that it's magic or something, then it's worth our time. What do you think?" 

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