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private Thieves guild


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Cryptical Code waited for a second, unsure of how to perform any actions. But he decided that maybe scouting the store would be best, and seems like another pony has that same idea as well. Standing up quietly without making a second, he spoke, his voice blank and bland, betraying not even a single strand of emotions, "I must leave, to scout the weapons store if you will, I should be back within this day." Then he moved quickly out, then he looked around. Cryptical Code immediately went to the nearest known alleyway. He had passed by that weapons store before, but never really entered it, but now, it might be best.  Taking the alleyways, he quickly made pace. 


Dead Eye saw the other member of the guild approaching the store as well. "I'm assuming that you're checking out the store as well?" He asked while still observing the front of the store.

"I'm going to scout the top. You can take a look at the inside if you want, It's not like I can tell you what to do." He then went inside the building to the immediate left to find a way on to the roof.

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Lightning flicker had had enough. He stood up in front of what was left of the guild and said " This is getting a tad ridiculous. If we're meant to be doing this as a group, why did we just let 3 members leave?" Everypony stared at him blankly for a second.  "I actually know the shop inside and out and I could've just told them about it... If ANNNYPONNY ASKED ME!" he said sarcastically. "The store doesn't have the best security ever. I'd give it a 7 out of 10, so I personally think that the guards have been watching the place all the time. If that's true, we should probably go get those guild members before the get caught!"

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Lightning flicker had had enough. He stood up in front of what was left of the guild and said " This is getting a tad ridiculous. If we're meant to be doing this as a group, why did we just let 3 members leave?" Everypony stared at him blankly for a second.  "I actually know the shop inside and out and I could've just told them about it... If ANNNYPONNY ASKED ME!" he said sarcastically. "The store doesn't have the best security ever. I'd give it a 7 out of 10, so I personally think that the guards have been watching the place all the time. If that's true, we should probably go get those guild members before the get caught!"

(Point of Order: That's not how my character would have acted to your statement. Please allow people to write their own reactions, rather than writing their reactions for them, which is known as 'god-moding' or 'godmodding'. This has been your daily out of character PSA)


Golden saw somepony tinkering with a detonator of sorts. She trotted up to him and curiously watched him tinker. "Hi! You like explosives huh? I'm somewhat a pyromaniac myself." Golden said. That was all he should know for now. She sat down next to him and watchdd him fiddle with the detonator while she waited for an answer.

End Game smiles, "Yes, End Game, explosives and safe-cracking expert, at your service miss. Unfortunately this guild doesn't seem to have much in the way of resources, so I'm going to have to save the flashy stuff for a future event, but if you would like I can teach you how to make a fuel-air bomb out of baking material."

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Golden reasoned that if he didn't respond soon, then she'll have to poke him until he did. He finally responded by asking a question. "You can teach me how to make a fuel-air bomb out of baking material? Really? That would be great!" Golden felt strength return as a couple of ponies left. Most likely to scout out the place.

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Golden reasoned that if he didn't respond soon, then she'll have to poke him until he did. He finally responded by asking a question. "You can teach me how to make a fuel-air bomb out of baking material? Really? That would be great!" Golden felt strength return as a couple of ponies left. Most likely to scout out the place.

End Game shrugs and smiles, "Honestly you're the first person to get to know me, and I'd be happy to teach you a thing or two. So what are you good at? You look like the more shy type, but I'm not going to make a judgment till I know a bit more about you. Follow me." He gets up and starts walking toward the kitchen.
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'Shy? What does he mean by that?' Golden Flames thought to herself. She followed End Game into the kitchen. "What am I good at? I can tell we're going to be fast friends because I know practically everhthing there is to know about fire. For example, I'm conjuring an invisible fireproof shield around you which I should probably take off now. Heh heh." After saying that, she deactivated the spell and she could feel her stregth return to her in full.

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Well it seemed like everypony had found themselves something to do. There were still some quiet pony in the lounge just sitting around though. 'Probably bored or have nothing to do' Shadow muttered to herself. Shadow Dust went to the planning room, they would probably rob the store tomorrow. Maybe in 2 days. Based on the info Shadow already has she drew all possible routes. Still need more routes and information. There seems like there is a week spot, but where? It feels like the weak spot can be easily taken down, but she still can't find out what it is. No matter how she looks at it. Lightning Flicker said he knows that store inside. He must know something about this "weak spot".

Edited by madpenguin44
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'Shy? What does he mean by that?' Golden Flames thought to herself. She followed End Game into the kitchen. "What am I good at? I can tell we're going to be fast friends because I know practically everhthing there is to know about fire. For example, I'm conjuring an invisible fireproof shield around you which I should probably take off now. Heh heh." After saying that, she deactivated the spell and she could feel her stregth return to her in full.

End Game nods, "Good to know... What's the limit instantaneous delta-t that shield of yours can resist? And does it block kinetic force as well, or just thermal energy? As interesting as fire is, explosives are a different beast entirely. They can and will hurt you badly if you're not prepared. "
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"Okay. It depends how many ponies I've got the shield around. The strength of the shield is greater if it's around a group of ponies. If it's around individuals spread out around a room, like back in there," Golden pointed back into the room they just came through, "it weakens me a great deal, magically and mentally. If a bomb had gone off then it would have only protected us from the initial blast. As for kinetic force ..... eeh not so much. It is called a fireproof shield after all."

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Feeling confident in her idea, Vision trotted down the street only to find, in the corner of her eye, two other ponies she had recognized from the guild before in an alleyway. She noticed them conversing and splitting up as Vision arrived at the entrance of the store. Assuming that they both had the same idea as Vision, she walked into the store and instantly noticed there were 2 guards facing each other. Vision nodded to the guards as she passed hoping that having her royal guard equipment would set a safe environment for them. She looked onto the walls and display cases thinking 'not bad...not bad at all' as she got intrigued with a particular case with a variety of long swords. She was hoping some pony who worked at the store would ask her if she needed any help finding something.

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Dead Eye made his way to the roof of the building beside the weapons shop. "Flat roof, very useful." he said as he jumped over the, not so long, gap and onto the roof of the shop. "Oh, a ventilation system, interesting" he then made his way over to the access panel and inspected it. "We could just gas the place. These vents would make it so easy" He put that plan aside and inspected the roof further and noticed a hatch on the ground. When he opened it, he saw a ladder and heard noises from the inside of the store. "Possible escape route, very nice." He then closed the hatch, and made his way off the roof and back to the alley. 

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Cryptical Code watched from afar. He didn't go in nor inspect the ground level, deeming it far too dangerous. However, he did but a small cheap telescope from a nearby vendor and watched from his angle. He looked through the windows of the shop, taking notes and such. It seemed simple, yet simplicity can be dangerous.

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Taking a stroll to the back part of the store, Night Vision seen two doors. One labeled employees only which caused her to raise an eyebrow but walked on by the doors continuing to look at the different items/weapons.


After zigzagging through the isles, Vision got the info she needed. Exiting the store, she trotted down the street and once around the corner she began to gallop slowly making her armor cling together until she was close to the guild.


Easing inside without a sound, she sat herself down in a corner table and began to take off all of her weapons and armor. 

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Lightning flicker sat around and mopped after his little outbreak. He still didn't understand everyone's reasoning for walking off so he took a moment to think about things. He made a list in his head:

He wanted the enchanted knifes in the store.

He knew the weak points of the store.

He couldn't get into the store by himself.

The weak point was the front door. The hard part was not being caught whilst getting in. There were also 3 cameras in the store. One by the door and 2 near the back. Lastly, there was his theory on the guards staking out the place. He'd wait till everyone got back to the guild to announce all of this. 

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"Okay. It depends how many ponies I've got the shield around. The strength of the shield is greater if it's around a group of ponies. If it's around individuals spread out around a room, like back in there," Golden pointed back into the room they just came through, "it weakens me a great deal, magically and mentally. If a bomb had gone off then it would have only protected us from the initial blast. As for kinetic force ..... eeh not so much. It is called a fireproof shield after all."

End Game nods, "alright, keep that on us and stay back then, I have a feeling this is going to be a bit bigger than you're used to." He pulls out a large bag of flour from a nearby cupboard and cuts it open, "Now we want to disperse it through the air." he gives a wild smile as he throws the entire bag in the air, turning the entire kitchen into a white cloud.

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Golden immediately conjured a fireproof shield around both End Game and herself. It was much stronger then the one she conjured up before mainly because it was centered around two ponies instead of a whole roomful. "So, you disperse flour into the air? I've conjured up the shield in case you were wondering." Golden informed End Game.

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Golden immediately conjured a fireproof shield around both End Game and herself. It was much stronger then the one she conjured up before mainly because it was centered around two ponies instead of a whole roomful. "So, you disperse flour into the air? I've conjured up the shield in case you were wondering." Golden informed End Game.

End Game nods, "Fun fact, almost everything becomes highly explosive when dispersed in air. Case in point, cover... Ignition!" He lights a match and winces as the entire kitchen explodes into a massive fireball. He coughs loudly from the smoke and turns to Golden, "Pretty cool huh?"
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"Gah!" Golden managed to incase the doorway in a magical barrier as well just before the bomb exploded. After recovering from the shock of the bomb actually working, she released her magical hold on the barriers, letting them 'disappear'. "Yes. That is pretty cool, End Game."

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Visions ears and eyes shot up towards the kitchens direction "The hell was that..." She said removing the last of her armor leaving her bare with her purple and green mane and tail. She slowly made her way across the room to the kitchen door and knocked "uh...everything okay in there?" she said with a sleight stern tone.

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'Well, that was helpful' Dead Eye thought to himself as he walked back to the base of operations. 'That air vent could be exploited in multiple ways. Maybe a subtle sleeping gas...'

His thoughts were interrupted by an explosion emanating from the kitchen as he waled through the entrance. "Seems a little early for us to be killing ourselves" He said to himself. He had no way to pass the time till Cryptical Code got back with his findings, so he made his way toward the source of the Explosion, finding End Game and Golden. "You may want to try not killing everybody" He said to them, "You'll make more money that way"

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@, @, @
Golden opened her eyes and coughed on the smoke, luckily the only things that were harmed was practically the entire kitchen area. There were two clean spots sitting underneath Golden and End Game. "Sorry everypony. End Game here wanted to show me how an air-fuel bomb works. Just be glad that only the kitchen was harmed." She nervously smiled at the two ponies.

Edited by Roxas XIII
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@, @, @

End Game shrugs, "I have no idea what you're talking about. There was no chance of anyone dying at all. What do you think I am, an amateur? I was simply demonstrating a concept of chemistry to Golden here. What do you have to report about the story? It would be useful to know what kind of safes they have so I can pack accordingly."

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Cryptical Code took more notes as he rounded around the building, making sure not be spotted. After nodding his head from the information he had written down, he disappeared into the alleyways. Taking shortcuts as he rounded to the warehouse. Slowing down, he entered the warehouse. Link up with that other stallion that scouted the roof tops and get some more information on the building. 

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Lightning flicker stumbled into the kitchen "WOW! That's a bloody fantastic idea! Let's blow up the store! That'll never attract guards or anything! I've actually got a thing we could try. Golden, rather then protecting each of us in a weird bubble, focus all your energy into one small bubble that goes round one of  End game's explosions. If it does what I think it'll do it should contain the blast and the sound. Wana try it?"

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@@Lightning-flickr, @

"Wait a minute. You know something pally? You're right! Why don't we try it End Game?" Golden reckons it could work, that way, she doesn't have to over-exert herself in protecting everypony else. If she can weave a muffling spell, a kinetic absorbing spell and a flameproof all into one shield, then it could work. "Alright. Let's try it!"

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