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private An Imperfect Situation: The RP


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"Honey Jars, I believe? The name, the looks, the cutie mark... I'd say that you have a small obsession with bees? Tell me, have you ever flown before? Like a bee I mean. Did you know that some of our early ancestors were closely related to the bee? All fat and fluffy like. But alas, evolution has told us to be like this, so we are... Would you like to fly, ma'am?"

Comet asked, opening his wings and letting them flutter very fast, creating a light gust around him.

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"Honey Jars, I believe? The name, the looks, the cutie mark... I'd say that you have a small obsession with bees? Tell me, have you ever flown before? Like a bee I mean. Did you know that some of our early ancestors were closely related to the bee? All fat and fluffy like. But alas, evolution has told us to be like this, so we are... Would you like to fly, ma'am?"

Comet asked, opening his wings and letting them flutter very fast, creating a light gust around him.

an obsession?! Honey Jars wasn't obsessed with bees! She just really like them! A lot... But an obsession? That wasn't true! If this was what most ponies thought of her then she probably should stay with her bees!

"Um, n-no... I-I mean no, I haven't really thought about it..." Honey Jars wasn't one to argue, especially against a changeling!

"Plus, I-I haven't really been high up... S-So I don't know...

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"Very well, but you're missing out here..." Comet flee up and circled round, swooping down and grabbing Honey Jars, lifting her up into the air. Holding on tightly, he said "It's not that bad up here is it? I mean, it's not the ocean or anything, but it is beautiful in it's own way."

Honey Jars, for a moment, believed that Comet was flying off, and leaving. That would have scared her even more. But he then grabbed her, and sent her into the air.

Honey Jars had no idea what was going on. She didn't even want to open her eyes! She just held to Comet as tight as she could, and hoped he didn't let go of her. That would just kill her, probably litteraly if he didn't grab her again. So she just held on tight and tried her best not to scream too loudly.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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@, @@Comet Starflash


Back home, Cherry was known to all who knew her to be quite a positive pony, eccentric was common definitely but very rarely was she considered bad tempered, which is precisely how she felt as she staggered along the sandy beach, swearing under her breath.


Having spent a considerable amount of time simply lying in the surf to be rescued, Cherry eventually got bored and fed up with waiting, becoming very peeved at her own predicament, she made a mental note if she did meet anybody close by she would give them such a talking down to for ignoring her, she was not a mare to be taken lying down...figuratively speaking.


On the flip side, having laid for so long had at least rested her enough to move on her own, albeit rather slowly.

She was tired, and a little thirsty, she had a small graze on her head and her wings were a right mess,soaking wet and badly in need of preening before Cherry could even think about flying with them,,when she found some place safe to rest that would at least be the first thing to do for her.


The red mares ear's perked up as she heard something close by, immediately a chill ran down her spine, was it a predator..or a native?...or an angry native?...it certainly sounded angry at least.

If Cherry was going to survive here she did feel that this might be her one and only chance to find others on this Isl-...*Whoosh*

Cherry gasped as she saw a pair of ponies, one carrying the other, flying up and possibly off somewhere else, this was her chance!

She took a deep breath and shouted out, putting her forehooves up close near her mouth as a very makeshift loudspeaker.


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@, @@Golbez,

Comet stopped in place midair, his ears flickering in the direction of the cry.

"By Celestia's beard what was that? Wait a minute, I didn't see that pony back at camp, maybe she lives here, or is a castaway too, or even better, part of a search and rescue party!"

Comet quickly flew down to the beach where the pony was standing, placing Honey Jars down and landing beside her.

"Who are you? What's your name? Where did you come from? Do you live on the island? Where you born here? Were you on the ship? Are you here to rescue us? Are there more of you?" Comet couldn't fit enough questions into one breath, saying everything extremely fast with no pauses in between.

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@@Comet Starflash,@@Golbez,

Everything was so scary up here! Or at least, it felt like it did. Honey Jars was unable to tell. She was just clinging on desperately. But then things kind of... slowed down. Comet was slowing down! Honey Jars was already relieved, she was actually able to look around and see where she was, but Comet was going down, so she wasn't able to see much. It was still rather beautiful though.

Honey Jars was eventually on the ground. A mix of relief and disappointment came to mind. It was so amazing! But it was so scary! But it was so much better up there! But what if she let go?! There was something going on involving another Pegasus that came out of nowhere. Honey Jars was jealous, she was just an earth pony, and there were two other Pegasi there!

(OOC: I think this is the obligatory nonsense post)

Edited by Adventure Sphere

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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@@Comet Starflash, @


As Cherry watched the two ponies come back, she smiled genuinely for the first time since she arrived on this island, she was saved.

That smile however quickly disappeared as she finally managed to get a better look at her "saviors".


it wasn't the mare she was concerned about, whom looked very much like a bee, the red mare actually thought she looked rather adorable in truth, what she was concerned about however was the changeling standing before her, or whatever at lest she thought it was, in truth Cherry had never actually ever heard of a changleing before, let alone met one, as far as she was concerned she was looking at a pony who was either very disfigured, or badly injured.


Nonetheless, as Comet assaulted Cherry with a barrage of questions in quick-time succession, in the spur of the moment she saw fit to answer back in suit, when the balck, pot-holed pony ceased with his questions Cherry merely blinked at him before drawing a very large breath.


"HI! My name is Cherry Bomb I'm a professional clown form Los Pegasus but I was born in Manehatten and I took a part time job working as an entertainer on a cruise ship but it sank from a thunderstorm while I was still asleep and I have lost ALL of my stuff I have a really bad headache my wings are ruined I'm thirsty and tired I have no idea where I am or what I'm going to do and I'm all by myseeelf."


As Cherry spoke her voice began to slowly but surely choke up, visibly upset as she finished talking, now on the verge of tears as she looked at the the other two, whimpering quietly as he bottom lip quivered.

she didn't even know why she was crying now, she managed to find others on this island so she was confused, perhaps the situation finally managed to sink in.


She spoke again, her voice trembling only a little, "Um...uh...are...are you alright...sir?"

Edited by Golbez
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Comet tilted his head slightly and raised an eyebrow. He had no idea what she was talking about.

"Erm... Excuse me ma'am? I am fine yes... Has my body sustained an injury without my knowledge? I have a small mark on my head, that was my own doing. I have a black eye, that was somepony else, but again, brought on by me. Other than that, structural integrity is intact and healthy... Are you alright Miss Cherry? You seem to be... Emotionally wounded. And physically. I would be willing to carry you back to base camp for treatment, unless you have other plans?"

Edited by Comet Starflash
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  • 2 weeks later...

@@Comet Starflash


Was he joking? He must have been surely, his body was "livid" with gaping holes and all he says is he's fine?! Cherry wasn't convinced but decided right there and then it would be better to leave it now, she found this proved hard to her as her curiosity on this strange looking Pony tempted her non-stop.


"That...tah's sweet of youi but I think I can fly...is there a camp nearby? It's not too far is it?"

Edited by Golbez
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"Okay ma'am, if you think you can fly with those wings."

Comet turns and begins to walk back to camp, but stops after a few steps.

"I see you looking back there, it's rude to stare. Go ahead, keep looking. Everypony else does."

Comet continues to walk whilst speaking in his native language.

"Nakta vorqir llewarin, si tir ti doege..."

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