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open War on PACE: The Begining


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JT wiped his hands with a sigh of relief, but looked down, "shit blake! We are in out uniforms!" He yelled, "hank, do you think you can strengthen the force field working again, we have to fortify canterlot." He says, feeling uneasy about things.


Rocket smiled "I'm glad canterlot it still standing"

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Hank nods "sure. I can. But. It will end up with me dying. Lets go to the throne room. The tardis and the shielding is there " he said as he heads to the castle "lets go everypony and human" he said with a smile as he heads to the throne room where the tardis, a small device, and celestia and luna are at



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The overlord sighs due to the fact none of the defectors spotted him


"Ugh so much for a grand entrance"


He turned to face the troopers


"Listen up marines I want to be able to walk into that city with president shade and fleet admiral hawthorne and you men are gonna make sure I can now blow that gate"


The men mobilise and start to head for the gate the tanks start firing at the gate

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Blake looks to JT with a tilted head "and the probably with are uniforms is?" He was questioning the whole problem that he was having.


Short circuit looked around "agh for Luna's sake, why are we in canterlot. Stupid snobbish place" he mumbled to himself.

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JT wiped his hands with a sigh of relief, but looked down, "shit blake! We are in out uniforms!" He yelled, "hank, do you think you can strengthen the force field working again, we have to fortify canterlot." He says, feeling uneasy about things.


Rocket smiled "I'm glad canterlot it still standing"

"Um... sir?" Ben said, looking at JT with a worried look. "The JFK seems to be charging up some... 'disabler' to weaken the shield... I don't know if Hank will be able to fortify it enough. I'm getting some... odd frequencies from the ship. I think this is some sort of secret specialized weapon, and right now, it's not looking good..." Ben said, holding a small reading device, coated in rubber.

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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Luna looked at short circuit as she somewhat heard him "loyal subject.. what's wrong? Why did you say luna's sake? Its hardly anypony says that.. tell em why you said that?"


Hank sighs "look. If I go in the tardis. There is this electrical room. I can go in it and a conductor so the shield is at its strongest.. but.. I might not make it out"



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Just then two guards surround JT "your under arrest! Drop your weapons!" They shout


JT looks at Blake "they think were part of pace!"


Rocket rushes up "easy! Their with us!" He shouts.


The guards look uneasy, "I don't know.... All humans have been force out of canterlot for safety.... Why can we trust these ones?"


SIgnature by Reverie


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Short circuit shrugged as Luna asked him the question. "Eh just be- WHOA WHOA WHOA WAIT?!?!" He said freezing "LUNA? Your talking to me?" He said feeling all the sudden popular. He then calmed down "sorry...ehhem... It's only because I see you to be Miss treated for your actions before hoof. And no one ever uses your name, only celestia's. but your both equal. So I use your name instead of her's since your miss understood, and no pony gets it. I guess except for me....your highness" he said bowing his head.


"Um... sir?" Ben said, looking at JT with a worried look. "The JFK seems to be charging up some... 'disabler' to weaken the shield... I don't know if Hank will be able to fortify it enough. I'm getting some... odd frequencies from the ship. I think this is some sort of secret specialized weapon, and right now, it's not looking good..." Ben said, holding a small reading device, coated in rubber.

Blake watched the conversation with short circuit and Luna he then whispered to Ben "it's like their the ponies god or something...." He whispered so only Ben could hear.


Just then two guards surround JT "your under arrest! Drop your weapons!" They shout


JT looks at Blake "they think were part of pace!"


Rocket rushes up "easy! Their with us!" He shouts.


The guards look uneasy, "I don't know.... All humans have been force out of canterlot for safety.... Why can we trust these ones?"

"If it makes it any easier for them. We can you know, spray paint. Or paint our suits to show difference" he half joked. But the idea of the customization seemed provoking. Edited by Thepumpkinking
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Hank looks at the guards "because I said so! As being a guard and also going to marry celestia! These humans are allowed to join us in canterlot." He said with a smile "let them through. I need them anyways." He said as he looked past the guards "celestia is just through those doors."


Luna smiles and nods "well. Remember when I was nightmare moon? I was selfish. Now I'm not. Hank here.. told me stories of the past and his life. I stsrted to understand." She hugs him and looks at the guards "let the humans through"

Edited by kappa214



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Short circuit shrugged as Luna asked him the question. "Eh just be- WHOA WHOA WHOA WAIT?!?!" He said freezing "LUNA? Your talking to me?" He said feeling all the sudden popular. He then calmed down "sorry...ehhem... It's only because I see you to be Miss treated for your actions before hoof. And no one ever uses your name, only celestia's. but your both equal. So I use your name instead of her's since your miss understood, and no pony gets it. I guess except for me....your highness" he said bowing his head.


Blake watched the conversation with short circuit and Luna he then whispered to Ben "it's like their the ponies god or something...." He whispered so only Ben could hear.


"If it makes it any easier for them. We can you know, spray paint. Or paint our suits to show difference" he half joked. But the idea of the customization seemed provoking.

"Yeah..." Ben whispered to Blake. "I've heard that two 'gods' live in this city... which makes it so odd why they're suffering so much in this war..." Ben observed Luna. "Is her hair... flowing with the sky?" Ben whispered to Blake. "It's like science just completely dies in this world..."

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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"Yeah..." Ben whispered to Blake. "I've heard that two 'gods' live in this city... which makes it so odd why they're suffering so much in this war..." Ben observed Luna. "Is her hair... flowing with the sky?" Ben whispered to Blake. "It's like science just completely dies in this world..."

"Yeah tell me about it....their anatomy is off versus what ponies are back home... Makes it hard to figure out their medical problems." He whispered. "I bet there's some scientifical answer for all this, but we just don't know yet"


Short circuit had electricity buzzing through his wings after Luna hugged him. Star struck he was, dream come true. He smiled and backed away.

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"Yeah tell me about it....their anatomy is off versus what ponies are back home... Makes it hard to figure out their medical problems." He whispered. "I bet there's some scientifical answer for all this, but we just don't know yet"


Short circuit had electricity buzzing through his wings after Luna hugged him. Star struck he was, dream come true. He smiled and backed away.

"You know, when this is all over, I'd like to figure out why her hair does that. You know, the elements in this world are like the ones on Earth on steroids." Ben then stepped forward to Luna. "So, are you Princess Luna?" Ben asked, giving a slight respectful bow. "I've heard you're one of the rulers of Equestria, yes? And may I ask, do you actually have any capable military forces?"

Edited by Ducksquack

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JT smiles "I like the idea Blake."


The guards nod and comply "sorry, sir... We thought you were compromised." One said, embarrassed.


JT looks over "so Luna and celestia... Sun and moon...." He thinks to himself. He begins to walk over to the guards "could ou get these guys food and water? They've been through a lot"


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Blake looked at Luna, and bowed with his arms apart to show respect before walking over to JT.

"Maybe if I could find some, I could change the visor of my ODST helmet into a red skull" he said jokingly "if anything ill paint my armor white with gray and black splotches. And possible add a cloth piece that is colored dark gray. Just so it could act like a gilly suit if I need to give long range support."

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Luna smiles at short circuit "if you ever want to be friends just ask me." She smiles warmly and looks at ben "hello. Well. I do have forces. They are out at nght while celestias guards rest. And especially hank. He is the one who is making canterlot still stand with his shield."


The guards look at each other "we can't leave our poet."


Celestia walks out to the group and smiles "you all made it. I got A large meal set up for all of you ponies.. but.. I'm sorry. There Is no meat for you humans.." she sighs "lets all go and est and talk about a plan."



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The overlord was sitting at a table near the gate to canterlot eating a bowl of KHORNE FLAKES (still had his helmet on as well) when he stood up and walked over to one of the marines that was setting a bomb up to blow up the gate


"Marine how long till were in?


The marine looks up to the overlord


"A couple more minutes and this gate won't be here anymore admiral"


The overlord nodded


"Good soon this city will be ours"

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Luna smiles at short circuit "if you ever want to be friends just ask me." She smiles warmly and looks at ben "hello. Well. I do have forces. They are out at nght while celestias guards rest. And especially hank. He is the one who is making canterlot still stand with his shield."


The guards look at each other "we can't leave our poet."


Celestia walks out to the group and smiles "you all made it. I got A large meal set up for all of you ponies.. but.. I'm sorry. There Is no meat for you humans.." she sighs "lets all go and est and talk about a plan."

"PACE is trying to blow up the gate. I suggest you gather all your soldiers and defend. But then again, I'm not the commander here." Ben thought for a moment. "More importantly... do you have any chemicals or anything in the city? I could make something useful out of them..." Ben said.

Blake looked at Luna, and bowed with his arms apart to show respect before walking over to JT.

"Maybe if I could find some, I could change the visor of my ODST helmet into a red skull" he said jokingly "if anything ill paint my armor white with gray and black splotches. And possible add a cloth piece that is colored dark gray. Just so it could act like a gilly suit if I need to give long range support."

Ben thought about the design. "You know, that would look absolutely horrible. Please, don't do that." Ben laughed a bit. "No, really. That's gonna give me nightmares." Ben shuddered, and then turned back to Luna."How many guards can you assemble in five minutes?"

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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Just then two guards surround JT "your under arrest! Drop your weapons!" They shout


JT looks at Blake "they think were part of pace!"

Rocket rushes up "easy! Their with us!" He shouts.

The guards look uneasy, "I don't know.... All humans have been force out of canterlot for safety.... Why can we trust these ones?"

"Um... sir?" Ben said, looking at JT with a worried look. "The JFK seems to be charging up some... 'disabler' to weaken the shield... I don't know if Hank will be able to fortify it enough. I'm getting some... odd frequencies from the ship. I think this is some sort of secret specialized weapon, and right now, it's not looking good..." Ben said, holding a small reading device, coated in rubber.

Lydia shakes her head, "It's not specialized, it's a magnetic accelerator cannon. Speaking of which, I have an idea to remove their orbital support. I'm going to need two large metal poles and another, much larger, piece of metal to use as ammunition. I think it's time for PACE to get what's coming to them."
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Luna smiles "well. Once the gate is destroyed they have to get through hanks shield. Which reminds me.. hank.. did you find anything that can act like a conductor." Hank frowns "no.. so.. I guess imma have to go do it. For now until you or celestia finds one."


Luna smiles "well. The only lab is in the tardis since.. it has everything in there."



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Lydia shakes her head, "It's not specialized, it's a magnetic accelerator cannon. Speaking of which, I have an idea to remove their orbital support. I'm going to need two large metal poles and another, much larger, piece of metal to use as ammunition. I think it's time for PACE to get what's coming to them."

"Really? It's just a normal MAC?" Ben asked. "It looks much stronger..." Ben said, pointing to his device. "MACs don't usually give off frequencies as strong as this, or as large as this..." He looked over to the ship, noticing small vibrations shaking the sides. "I really don't think this is a MAC..."

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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(i honestly have no clue what to post because i feel like equestria is all and all fucked right now hahah)


JT nods to Lydia, "ill help..BLake well come of with our new uniforms later, right now we have a massive army to deal with." he says, feeling a pang of hopelessness.


Hawthorne watches, "they dont stand a chance againts this" he says with a twisted smile.


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Luna smiles "well. Once the gate is destroyed they have to get through hanks shield. Which reminds me.. hank.. did you find anything that can act like a conductor." Hank frowns "no.. so.. I guess imma have to go do it. For now until you or celestia finds one."


Luna smiles "well. The only lab is in the tardis since.. it has everything in there."

"Could I get into this TARDIS? I mean, I was never such a big fan of Doctor Who back home, so I don't know how this whole thing works, but it's kinda urgent!" Ben said, pointing to the army and the massive ship overhead. "I might be able to make something that can help us drive some of these guys off!"

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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Hank nods "of course. Lets go." He said as he walked to the end of the room as the tardis appears "follow me." He said as he walks in the tardis and waits for him to enter. As he sees him enter. He heads through a door "hey. Ben.. you see that room right there.' He points to the room where electricity is everywhere "that room is powering the shield.. but.. it needs a conductor to pass it from one side to the other.. if I can't find one soon.. imma have to go in there.." he said as he walks to a room that is a lab "this room good enough?"



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(i honestly have no clue what to post because i feel like equestria is all and all fucked right now hahah)


JT nods to Lydia, "ill help..BLake well come of with our new uniforms later, right now we have a massive army to deal with." he says, feeling a pang of hopelessness.


Hawthorne watches, "they dont stand a chance againts this" he says with a twisted smile.

"Alright....THIS IS GOING TO BE A BLAST..." He said sarcastically. "Wait, we need to build a barrier of some kind, we need all the fire power we can get, and we need to get some sniper support to. If anyone is willing to give me a sniper...or snipe by themselves. But we need to be quick about it" he spoke trying to raise the ponies spirits. "Come on guys grab whatever you can and build a barrier we can use to slow them down once they pass through the gate" he said watching as ponies grabbed anything they could find to make a sturdy barrier.

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Hank nods "of course. Lets go." He said as he walked to the end of the room as the tardis appears "follow me." He said as he walks in the tardis and waits for him to enter. As he sees him enter. He heads through a door "hey. Ben.. you see that room right there.' He points to the room where electricity is everywhere "that room is powering the shield.. but.. it needs a conductor to pass it from one side to the other.. if I can't find one soon.. imma have to go in there.." he said as he walks to a room that is a lab "this room good enough?"

Ben looked around the room. "Ah, just like home! This is perfect..." Ben said, marveling at the lab. "You need a conductor?" Ben asked. "Here." Ben pulled out yet another device, on which he typed something. A metal rod, used for detecting electrical charges, appeared to his right. "Lydia doesn't actually have access to my equipment. It's all controlled with this." Ben said, pointing to the remote. "Now, this rod is worth $500,000. Please, don't break it." Ben said. He walked over to a counter, made a Bunsen burner and some safety goggles appear, and began to work, humming a dramatic song.

Edited by Ducksquack

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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